Title: Measuring Self Diffusion Coefficients in Concentrated Polymer Solutions
1Measuring Self Diffusion Coefficients in
Concentrated Polymer Solutions
- Joe Lott
- EMAC 474
- April 12, 2007
21. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
31. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
Experimental Setup1
41. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
Experimental Setup1
- Observes a very small sample area. - Intensity
of the fluorescent signal is recorded as a
function of time.
Fluctuations in intensity are due to
Brownian motion of molecules into and out of the
area under observation
51. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
Data Analysis3 Autocorrelation Function N
average number of particles in the observation
volume w1 radius of focused beam w2 focal
depth along optical axis tD characteristic
decay time for diffusion Calculation of Dself
Experimental Setup1
61. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
Experimental Results3
Experimental Setup1
Normalized FCS correlation functions of labeled
PS in toluene solutions having different
polymer concentrations (g/mL)
71. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy -
Introduced in the early 70's. - First
commercial instrument released in 1996 by
Zeiss. - Requires some type of fluorescent
chromophore in the system. - Polymers are
generally fluorescently labeled by attaching a
very small (lt1) amount of chromophores to the
Experimental Results3
Experimental Setup1
Normalized FCS correlation functions of labeled
PS in toluene solutions having different
polymer concentrations (g/mL)
Diffusion coefficients of labeled PS in toluene
solutions as a function of polymer concentration,
showing predictions according to reptation theory
82. Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo NMR4 - Most
common method of measuring Dself - Convenient
92. Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo NMR4 - Most
common method of measuring Dself - Convenient
Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo
Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo -The two gradient
pulses are identical in amplitude, G, and width,
. The two gradient pulses are separated by a
time D and are placed symmetrically about the 180
degree pulse. -The function of the gradient
pulses is to dephase magnetization from spins
which have diffused to a new location in the
period D. These pulses have no effect on
stationary spins.
102. Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo NMR5
112. Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo NMR5,6
S/So exp-(Gigd )2 Di (D - d /3) S Signal Gi
diffusion coefficient in the i direction g
gyromagnetic ratio d width of gradient pulse D
time between gradient pulses
122. Pulsed Gradient Spin-Echo NMR5,6
S/So exp-(Gigd )2 Di (D - d /3) S Signal Gi
diffusion coefficient in the i direction g
gyromagnetic ratio d width of gradient pulse D
time between gradient pulses
13References 1. Schwille, Peters, Haustein.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.
Max-Plank-Institute for Biophysical
Chemistry. 2. Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy http//imd-www.es.hokudai.ac.jp/gni
shi/fcs/fcs.html 3. Liu, R. Gao, X. Adams, J.
Oppermann, W. Macromolecules. 2005, 38, 8845. 4.
Basics of NMR http//www.cis.rit.edu/htbooks/nmr/
5. Price, W. Concepts Magn. Reson. 1997, 9,
299. 6. Arcos-Casarrubias, J. Olayo, R. J. Poly.
Sci. B. 2003, 41, 1605.