Title: Control for Situational Awareness in 3D, Dynamic Environments
1Control for Situational Awareness in 3-D, Dynamic
Environments Dr. Vijay Kumar University Of
Pennsylvania October 15th, 2008
Ron Arkin (GT) Henrik Christensen (GT) Frank
Dellaert (GT) MaryAnne Fields (ARL) Ali Jadbabaie
(Penn) Vijay Kumar (Penn) Daniela Rus
(MIT) Claire Tomlin (Berkeley)
Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD
Contractors Only Critical Technology (March
2007). Other requests for this document Shall be
referred to Director, US Army Research
Laboratory, ATTN AMSRD-ARL-DP-P, Adelphi, MD
2MAST Vision
To develop autonomous, multifunctional,
collaborative ensembles of agile, mobile
microsystems to enhance tactical situational
awareness in urban and complex terrain for small
unit operations.
Group Behaviors
Exploration, Coverage, Mapping
3Examples of MAST tasks
- Achieve eyes on target in an urban environment
without commanding individual assets with poor
GPS and lossy communications - Enter into a building, organize into subteams and
clear the building, and then secure the building
- Provide an integrated picture for situational
awareness to war ?ghters
- Track hostile targets and dynamic threats in 3-D
environments - Find victims and IEDs in damaged buildings with
crawling, climbing, ?ying, or hovering vehicles - Maintain persistent surveillance of a rural or
urban environment - Provide situational awareness of poorly lit,
uneven, gusty, unstructured environments (caves,
subterranean pipes) - Surround perimeters of buildings or compounds for
perimeter defense
Multi-Vehicle Situational Awareness
Maps State estimates Mutual info
Tasks Plans Controllers
Maps State estimates Mutual info
Tasks Plans Controllers
models of platforms, environment,
resources, algorithms
Group Navigation, Control, Communication
Distributed Sensing and Perception
Fading Shadowing Interference SNR Link State
Fading Shadowing Interference SNR Link State
MAST Environments
4Decentralized Control for MAST
Environment degree of difficulty
Number of vehicles
complexity of coordinated control task
State of the art
1. Coordinated Control in unstructured
2. Coordinated control in 2.5D indoor/outdoor
3. Coordinated control in 3D, feature-rich
environments (rubble, caves)
4. Perimeter surveillance and coverage in outdoor
5Four Projects
- A.5.1 Active Simultaneous Localization and
Mapping - Christensen (GT), Dellaert (GT), Jadbabaie
(Penn), Kumar (Penn) - A.5.2 Decentralized coverage verification and
cooperative surveillance - Jadbabaie (Penn), Pappas (Penn), Tomlin
(Berkeley) - A.5.3 Autonomous adaptive mobility of
heterogeneous teams - Kumar (Penn), Rus (MIT)
- A.5.4 Composition of group behaviors for
scouting, reconnaissance, and surveillance - Kumar (Penn), Pappas (Penn)
6Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Control for mapping
- Localization for control
- Mapping for localization
- Localization for mapping
Potential Project Fields (ARL/VTD)
7Control for Search, Detection, Identification,
Localization of Features
UGV identification and localization of potential
Grocholsky et al, ISER 2004, Singapore
8Proposed Work
- Formulate Active SLAM as a multi-objective
optimization problem - Explore unexplored areas
- Minimize uncertainty (maximize information gain)
- Minimize effort (path)
9Decentralized coverage verification and
cooperative surveillance
- Verify coverage in a robot network with no
location information - Localize coverage holes
- Find the minimal number of sensors necessary to
cover the region.
Minimalist approach without localization (no GPS,
In a distributed manner
10Coverage Verification Proposed Work
1. Coverage represented by a simplicial complex
de Silva and Ghrist 2006
3. Control platforms to ensure coverage in
dynamic setting
11Autonomous adaptive mobility of heterogeneous
Cortes et al 2004, Mohlis et al 2007
13Adaptive Coverage Proposed Work
- MIT/Penn Collaboration
- Potential collaboration with ARL (Sadler) on
14Composition of group behaviors for scouting,
reconnaissance, and surveillance
5 helicopters and 25 ground vehicles navigate to
a designated building and surround the site
15Proposed Work
- Assumptions
- Minimal communication for control
- Local information
- Link to base station not modeled
- Approach
- Toolbox of behaviors
- model-predictive control for group navigation,
adaptive coverage controllers, perimeter
surrounding behaviors, - Create abstract models of behaviors
- Enable composition of behaviors
- Allow human operator to command and control at
the group level
16MAST Integrated Simulation Environment
Wiki site, repository
17Model-Based Design, Integration and Validation of
MAST Software
Mission specification
Controller synthesis
U Md
Model-based code generation
End-to-end verification/validation
Testing and validation with simulation
and experimental platforms
Berkeley, GT, Penn
18Concluding Remarks
- Close coordination with other thrusts
- Small size, unstructured environment and
heterogeneity require unique approaches - Real-world constraints introduce new challenges
- Complex environments
- Communications
- Stochastic processes
- Noisy sensors