Title: Model-Relative Control of Autonomous Vehicles
1Model-Relative Control of Autonomous Vehicles
- A project of DARPAs Software-Enabled Control
program - John Bay, Program Manager
- Principal Investigator Richard Kieburtz
- Co-PIs Eric Wan, Antonio Baptista
- OGI School of Science Engineering,
- Oregon Health Science University
- Contracting Agency AFRL
- Contract No. F33615-98-C-3516
2Collaborators and Subcontractors
- Collaborators
- Boeing Phantom Works, UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech,
Honeywell - Operational requirements of the OCP
- University of Washington/Cornell University, MIT
- State and parameter estimation
- Subcontractor MIT
- will furnish an instrumented, flight-ready model
helicopter, enabling OGI to conduct experimental
flight tests of SDRE and MPNC control
3Project Objectives
- Develop environmentally-informed (EI) control
algorithms suitable for automated aircraft
avionics and flight control under all-weather
conditions - Host control algorithms on OCP middleware to
achieve platform independence and portability
4Project Status (Update) -Technical
- Environmental Scenario Atmospheric Microburst
- Incorporating realistic simulated wind fields
- Effects of wind approximations on MPNC
- Environmental Scenario Urban flight example
- High-resolution modeling
- Landing on a moving platform
- Simulated motion and trajectory optimization
- Landings on a simulated ships flight deck
- FlightLab version upgrade and ship modeling.
- Progress towards flight experiments with a small
helicopter (X-Cell60) - Configuration and assembly
5Environmental Scenarios Atmospheric microburst
- Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) Model
- Designed for the study of small-scale atmospheric
flows (e.g. cumulus convection, entrainment,
turbulence) - Calculates wind velocity fields from physical
model and boundary conditions, non-hydrostatic,
fully 3-dimensional, quasi-compressible - Microburst Simulation
- Grid resolution 20 m
- Subgrid-Scale Turbulence
- Finer resolution down to 1 cm.
6Environmental Scenarios Atmospheric microburst
Gust front horizontal velocity (vertical
7Environmental Scenarios Atmospheric microburst
Flight Trajectory (75 ft/s)
Horizontal wind Velocity (ft/s)
Simulated Flight through Gust Front with MPNC
8Environmental Scenarios Atmospheric microburst
- Test of approximations for incorporating wind
information for MPNC training
MPNC Cost comparisons
Training scenario Vehicle speed Vehicle speed
Training scenario 60 ft/s 80 ft/s
1 (no-wind info) 49.46 178.02
2 (constant wind) 28.32 57.16
3 (resolved) 26.51 38.61
4 (actual) 24.23 48.75
SDRE 111.49 162.69
(straight flight through the gust front, wind
speed 25-65 ft/s)
9Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
- Large-Eddy Simulation
- Use of compressible formulation allows for
inclusion of flow obstructions - Grid resolution 2 m
- Applied wind accelerated to approximately 6 m/s
in free air - Maximum reversal velocity of approx 6 m/s
between buildings - Maximum absolute velocity of approx 12 m/s
10Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
Horizontal (E-W) velocity (horizontal
cross-section at z30m)
11Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
Horizontal (E-W) velocity (vertical cross-section
at y160m)
12Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
13Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
14Landing on a moving platform
- Platform motion (lift and roll)
- Desired Trajectory
- Linear superposition of standard landing
trajectory with position and attitude of platform - Aerodynamic modeling
- Current model assumes ground forces associated
with a horizontal (moving) platform - MPNC training for soft landing
- Added NN inputs associated with vertical force in
landing gear and its deviation from desired
curve. - Quadratic cost associated with the force
deviation from the desired curve is minimized
15Landing on a moving platform
- SDRE landing, cost 3858.1
16Landing on a moving platform
- Vertical forces in landing gear and suspension
17Landing on a moving platform
- MPNC landing, cost 1645.3
18Landing on a moving platform
- Vertical forces in landing gear and suspension
19Ship landing simulation in Flightlab
- Recent Flightlab enhancements
Rotor induced flow
Ship airwake
Ground vortex
- Rotorcraft/ship interaction
- ship dynamics modeling
- excludes complex wave forcing
- ship airwake model
- empirical or panel method
- Aerodynamic interaction
- wing enhanced horseshoe model
- fuselage/wing panel model
- ground panel model
20Ship landing simulation in Flightlab
- Approaches to helicopter-ship airwake
- A. Closely coupled model
- the ship airwake is modeled with panel method
- allows proper boundary conditions on the ship
deck and helicopter - does not allow flow separation ? limits
accuracy near the ship superstructure - approach is computationally expensive for real
time simulation
- B. Loosely coupled model
- ship airwake is computed from an accurate
numerical model (e.g., LES model) - ship airwake data is then applied for
rotor/fuselage airloads calculation (e.g., via
table look-up or our own customized turbulence
module) - the effect of rotor on the ship airwake is
neglected (a one-way aerodynamic interaction) - approach is computationally efficient for real
time simulation
21Flight Experiment with X-Cell60 Platform
- MIT Subcontract to assemble and test
- Assembly currently in progress
- May 3 delivered simulator to OGI.
- July 15 expected completion and delivery to OGI
22Project Status - Next Milestones
- Evaluate robustness of SDRE and MPNC algorithms
by simulated flights through microburst wind
fields (31 Mar 2002) - Simulate landing of a helicopter under autonomous
control on a moving deck - Without atmospheric disturbances (30 Apr 2002)
- With modeled, turbulent wind field (15 Jun 2002)
- Assembly of X-Cell helicopter and avionics
package - Subcontract to MIT (31 May 2002 -gt 15 July 2002)
- Hardware-in-the-loop tests of autonomous SDRE
control system (30 Jun 2002 -gt 15 Aug 2002) - Flight test model helicopter to gather data for
off-line parameter estimation (31 Jul 2002 -gt 1
Sept 2002) - Flight simulation with X-Cell .60 flight dynamics
model (31 Jul 2002 lt- 1 June 2002) - Initial Flight test maneuvers with SDRE control
(31 Aug 2002 -gt 31 Sept 2002) - Flight test aggressive maneuvers with SDRE
control (30 Sep 2002 -gt 1 Nov 2002)
23Project Plans
- Next 6 Months
- FlightLab/Ship Simulation Evaluation of closely
and loosely coupled models - Determine impact on control algorithms
- External specification of ship motion under
complex wave forcing - Empirical data for ship motion anticipated
- Simulations of Helicopter landing on Ship
- Determination of optimal trajectories and control
archtecture. - Modification of Control Algorithms to work with
MIT X-Cell Helicopter Model - X-CELL Preparation
- Assemply, Flight-Test, Paramater ID, HWIL Sim,
24Project Plans
- Mid-Term flight experiments with onboard SDRE
control of an X-Cell .60 helicopter will
demonstrate - Automatic control of maneuvers
- Hover in fixed position
- Recover from instability to hover.
- Takeoff, translation and landing
- Sharp 90 and 180 turns at various airspeeds
- Elliptic turn in straight line flight
- Tracking a commanded flight path
25Project Plans (contd)
- (Contract Option)
- Final Exam demonstration
- Demonstrate model-predictive, SDRE Control of
complex maneuvers on GaTech flight platform
(Yamaha R-Max helicopter) - Import R-Max flight dynamics model for use with
OGI control design suite - Design SDRE controller with R-Max sensors and
actuators - Host SDRE control software on OCP
- Simulate specified maneuvers (takeoff, path
following, landing) - Flight tests with the R-Max will duplicate basic
maneuvers demonstrated in the X-Cell 60 flight
tests - Host MPNC control software on OCP
26Project Plans (contd)
- Additional experiments with the X-Cell flight
platform - SDRE Landing on a 15 inclined ramp
- SDRE 360 roll in horizontal flight
- MPNC control of pre-planned maneuvers (offline
training) - Additional simulation experiments
- Robustness of control
- Introduce errors in airframe mass and other model
parameters - Continued evaluation of wind approximations on
control optmization - Integrating atmospheric modeling with a FlightLab
helicopter model - If necessary consider a closely coupled LES
model for environment, ship, and helicopter - Robustness of maneuvers in turbulent wind fields
- Landing on a ships deck in rough sea and weather
27Project Schedule
May 1
28Technology Transition
- Validating the control technology
- Flight tests to evaluate SDRE and MPNC control
technology on a high-performance rotorcraft - Portability of the software technology
- Phased transition to a middleware base on
OCP/Build 2 - ONR FNC UAV Autonomy program
- Contract Sigma Point Kalman Filter Based Sensor
Integration, Estimation and System Identification
for Enhanced UAV Situational Awareness
Control, PIWan - Uses SPKF (UKF) for state and model estimation.
- OGIs helicopter simulator (FlightLab) and
control system to be used for testing prior to
transitioning to ONRs VTAUV vehicle. - Final Exam demonstration (Contract Option)
- Demonstrate model-relative, SDRE Control of
complex maneuvers on GaTech flight platform
(Yamaha R-Max helicopter)
29Program Issues
- Probable 6-week delay of Mid-term experiment
results until October 31, 2002 caused by late
arrival of FY2002 funding increment and delay in
MIT subcontract.
32Wind Approximations in MPNC Training
- Approximations for incorporating wind information
for MPNC training - MPNC trained with no information available about
the wind. - MPNC trained using constant wind fields as
measured from the start of each horizon. - MPNC trained using resolved wind field
(turbulence is assumed unknown and neglected for
training purposes). - MPNC trained using knowledge of both resolved and
actual turbulent wind flow (ideal case).
33Landing on a moving platform
- Desired trajectory generation (landing phase)
- Smooth desired approach generated as for landing
on a fixed flat surface, - Desired descent curve is generated
taking into account platform vertical motion
(assuming Z pointing downwards) -
- where ? and ? are annealed from 0 to 1. This
allows gradual smooth transition to the landing
phase and approach to the moving platform. - To provide leveled landing by matching the
platform attitude, desired pitch and roll are
generated as functions of the platforms pitch
and roll and the aircraft attitude. Given
coordinates of the normal vector to the platform - To eliminate discontinuity in desired roll and
pitch, they are annealed using ?
34MPNC training
- Direct signal flow diagram
35MPNC training
36Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
37Environmental Scenarios Urban Flight
Horizontal (E-W) velocity (horizontal
cross-section at z30m)