Title: Atmospheric Neutrinos and the Quest for Neutrino Oscillations
1Other Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments (past)
present and future
Hugh Gallagher Tufts University June 15,
2004 Neutrino 2004 College de France
- In less than two decades, atmospheric neutrinos
have gone from being anomalous to being one of
our main tools for exploration of the lepton
sector. - 1980s 1990s Skepticism was rampant!
- Neutrino experiments are hard!
- Cosmic ray experiments are hard!
- Oscillation experiments are hard!
Since 1998 the experimental evidence from
SuperK, MACRO and Soudan 2 for atmospheric
neutrino oscillations has been overwhelming.
Now that neutrino oscillations are established,
is there still a role for atmospheric neutrinos
to play in the experimental study of neutrino
3Experimental Goals - Present
- One set of experimental questions around the
goal of confirming or refuting the standard
picture of neutrino oscillations. - Mixing between 3 active flavors of neutrinos
through neutrino oscillations. - No sterile mixing.
- No CPT violation.
- Majorana masses, small via see-saw mechanism.
- Experimental goals
- Confirmation with multiple independent
measurements - Observing oscillations
- Confirming nm? nt through nt appearance
- Ruling out mixing to sterile neutrinos
- Ruling out various alternative hypotheses
decoherence, neutrino decay, CPT violation in the
neutrino sector, violation of Lorentz invariance
NC detection np ? np J. Beacom and S.
Palomares-Ruiz PRD 67 (2003)
4Current Experiments
- These goals, as well as the measurement of Dm223
and sin2(2q23), have been the focus of the
current generation of experiments.
Final or nearly final analyses
Preliminary analyses
5Soudan 2 The Detector
224 1m x 1m x 2.7 m modules 963 ton total
mass 5.90 fiducial kton-yr exposure
The detector is surrounded by a 1700 m2 veto
shield which provides nearly 4p coverage for the
identification of charged particles entering /
exiting the detector cavern.
6Soudan 2
Partially contained events ltEngt 6 GeV
Contained events ltEngt 1 GeV
nm multiprong
Up-stopping muons lt Engt 6.2 GeV
In-down muons ltEngt 2.4 GeV
- 3 flavor categories (ne CC, nm CC, NC)
- 2 bins of resolution (hi and low resolution)
- Data corrected for neutral backgrounds (6
- in hi-resolution samples)
ne quasi-elastic
7Soudan 2
Flavor tag
True flavor
Corrected for mis-id
note scale
8Soudan 2
Perform a Feldman-Cousins analysis using unbinned
maximum likelihood assuming nm ? nt. Flux
normalization and background amounts (7
parameters) allowed to float at each point in
(Dm2, sin2(2q)) plane. Nuisance
Parameters e-energy calibration 7 m-energy
calibration 3 Flux shape (1 b
En) sb 0.005 GeV-1 e/m ratio
5 Qel/inelastic s
D ln L
M. Sanchez et al, PRD 68, 113004 (2003)
9Soudan 2 Results
Best Fit ?m2 0.0052 eV2 sin22?
0.97 fn(data/mc) 0.90 MC ? Bartol '96
Inclusion of systematic errors and application of
Feldman- Cousins technique substantially increases
the size of the 90 CL region.
10Soudan 2 Upgoing Muons
A sample of 45 events entering or exiting the
bottom of the detector have been isolated.
Work is underway to incorporate them into the
oscillation fits.
- 5.3 kton detector located in the
- Gran Sasso laboratory
- 40 CR m ? 1989 2000
- 3 atmos n samples
- Up-throughgoing m
- In-up going
- In-down Up-stop
Scintillator layers for timing (0.5 ns) Streamer
tubes for tracking (1 cm)
12MACRO Up-going m
Produced by neutrino interactions in rock below
detector. Shape of distribution known to
5 Normalization uncertain to 25 2 independent
analyses yield consistent results.
Estimate E and
MC predictions assume oscillations with the MACRO
parameters sin2(2q) 1 , Dm2 0.0023 eV2
13MACRO m Energy Calibration
Energy estimated from muon multiple Coulomb
scattering. Use drift time in streamers to get
sx 3 mm.
Calibrated in test beam runs at the CERN PS and
SPS. Muon energy estimated using a neural
network with 7 inputs, 1 hidden layer and a
single output. Global En resolution is 150.
2 low energy samples
InUp Identified by topological criteria and
time-of-flight. Expect to be fully oscillated.
UpStop InDown Identified by topology UpStop ?
fully oscillated InDown ? unoscillated
Ratio InUp/ (UpStopInDown) Known to 6
FLUKA MC Prediction (no oscillation) Oscillation
s with MACRO parameters
- Monte Carlo studies are carried out to find
- the flux normalization independent statistics
- most senstive to oscillations.
- Vertical (cosqlt-0.7) / Horizontal (cosqgt-0.4)
- Upward Throughgoing muons
- Nlow (Enlt30 GeV) / Nhigh (Engt130 GeV)
- InUp / (InDown UpStop)
Ambrosio et al, Measurements of Atmospheric
Muon Neutrino Oscillations, submitted to
EPJ. Ambrosio et al, Phys Lett. B 566, (2003)
35. Ambrosio et al, NIM A 492, (2002) 376.
10 bin angular distribution of up-through events
Use Feldman-Cousins procedure to account for
physical boundary. Best fit sin2(2q)1 --
Dm20.0023 eV2
(Nlow, Nhigh)
(InDownUpStop, InUp)
a parameters normalize the data to the
prediction in each category. Absolute rate of
the UpThrough events is not used because of the
uncertainty in the flux at high energy.
Suggest increase in flux normalization of 25
at high energy 12 at low energy
Vertical / horizontal rate sensitive to matter
effects nm ? ns excluded at 99.8 CL
17MINOS Far Detector
5.4 kton long baseline detector 2 2.7 kton
supermodules Fermilab beam on schedule for
late 2004.
- Alternating 8m octagonal planes
- 1 inch thick steel
- 192 4.1 cm x 1cm plastic
- scintillator strips with embedded
- WLS fiber
Scintillator panel veto shield
Average 1.5 T magnetic field 8-fold optical
multiplexing at face of 16 channel Hammamatsu
PMTs. Scintillator layers rotated by 45o for
3d tracking.
2-ended readout
18MINOS Cosmic Ray Data
First detector capable of separating n from n
interactions Contained events, up-going
stopping muons, and neutrino-induced throughgoing
muons. Muon energy determined by range or
curvature, track direction from timing or
19MINOS Atmospheric Neutrinos
- Thursdays MINOS talk will include results from 2
preliminary analyses on - data taken September 2002 April 2004.
- throughgoing muons
- contained events (1.85 fiducial-kiloton years)
Neutrino Sky Map Muon direction for
neutrino-induced throughgoing muons.
20Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
SNO Not just a solar neutrino detector CR m,
atmospheric neutrinos, spallation products
Large overburden means that one can look for
throughgoing muons from neutrino interactions
from above the horizon.
Analysis of 730 live-days data is proceeding.
Data above the horizon is unoscillated, Determines
the flux normalization ? Powerful lever arm for
an oscillation fit.
Normalization region
22Experimental Goals - Future
The Future Precision Measurements of the PMNS
- Experimental Questions include
- Better precision on masses and mixing angles
- Is sin2(2q23) different from unity?
- Determination of sin(q23 )
- Measurement of non-zero q13
- Measurement of dCP
- Normal or Inverted mass hierarchy
- Neutrino mass scales Dirac or Majorana
23 Atmospheric Neutrinos -- Future
- Atmospheric neutrino experiments have sensitivity
to all of the above experimental questions except
those related directly to the neutrino mass. - Measurements will be of subtle effects,
particularly those brought about by matter
effects. - Future experiments will require reduction of
experimental uncertainties through improved
models of atmospheric neutrino fluxes and
neutrino interaction cross sections on nuclear
targets. - Future detectors will be large (100kton Mton)
and - explore multiple physics topics
- Proton decay
- Long-baseline detectors
- Atmospheric neutrinos
24INO India-based Neutrino Observatory
A possible design
1965 first detection of atmospheric neutrinos
in the Kolar Gold Fields Phase I Atmospheric
neutrinos Phase II Very long baseline n
- 30-50 kton magnetized steel
- 140 layers of 6 cm thick Fe plates
- 2.5 cm air gap containing RPCs
- ns timing for direction resolution
- 1-1.3 T magnetic field for good momentum
- resolution and charge determination
- 2 sites under consideration
- Explore mass hierarchy through n / n
25UNO Undergound Nucleon Decay and Neutrino
Scales up a proven technology 650 kton (440 fid)
water Cerenkov detector. 3 60 x 60 x 60 m3
optically isolated cubes. 10-40-10 PMT
coverage. Considering various underground
sites Henderson mine is leading candidate.
- Proton decay at 1035 yr sensitivity
- Atmospheric neutrinos
- Astrophysical neutrino observatory
- Supernova relic neutrino detection
- Long baseline neutrino detector
- Possible centerpiece for a
- US National Underground Lab
26Future Icarus
- An observation of atmospheric neutrino events
with very high quality - An unbiased, mostly systematic free, observation
of atmospheric neutrino events - CC/NC separation, clean e/µ discrimination, all
final states accessible, excellent e/p0
separation, particle identification (p/K/p) for
slow particles - An excellent reconstruction of incoming neutrino
properties (energy and direction)
27Future Icarus
28Frejus Laboratory
Considering options including 1 Mton water
Cerenkov 100 kt liquid Ar
- Site considerations
- good depth (at least 4800 mwe)
- good rock quality
- horizontal access
- good baseline for n superbeam, b beam
- centrally located
1 Mton water Cerenkov detector follow-up to JHF
? SuperK with 4 MW superbeam
90 CL intervals
Good consistency between results from SuperK,
Soudan 2, and MACRO. Non-SuperK atmospheric
neutrinos now in the hands of MINOS and
SNO. Future experiments will have sensitivity to
more of the PMNS matrix an independent check
of results from future long baseline beams with
completely different systematics.
Soudan 2