Title: Nutritional Management of Todays Sow Herds
1Nutritional Management of Todays Sow Herds
2- Breeding Herd Trends -
- Industry Analysis
3Sow Performance
4Sow Performance
5Sow Performance Diagnostics
6- Herd performance levels trends
- Wean to estrus interval
- Percent bred by day 7
- Farrow rate
- Replacement rate
- Litter size (total live) born
- Pig birth weight
- Litter wean weight
7- Productivity trend across parity (increasing or
decreasing?) - Cull rate mortality rate?
- Gilt development/feeding adequacy?
- Weight age of gilts at mating?
- Health challenge -chronic challenge vs.
excellent health? - Boar nutrition?
8- Existing body condition status of herd?
(depleted vs. excellent) - Farrowing body condition weaned body condition?
- Litter demand/milking potential?
- Consumption (appetite) levels in lactation
- Feeding strategy in farrowing
- Feeding rate -that maintains optimum condition
in gestation? (3.75 lb/day vs. 5.5 lb/day) - Feed usage per sow? Feed cost per pig?
9Farrowing Rate
- Lactation length
- Sows too thin
- Gestation crated
- Culling multiple repeaters and multiple
discharges - Multiple mates
- Estrus detection
- AI technique
- AI processing/hygiene
- Insemination timing
- Parity management
- Discharges? Antibiotic therapy?
10Wean-To-Estrus Interval
- Lactation length
- Parity
- Sow condition excessive lactation weight loss?
- Nutrition/diet
- WTEI feeding rate and intakes
- Boar exposure
- Parity management
- Genetic influence fertility level
- Split-wean ??
11Effect of Lactation Length On
Farrowing Efficiency
Probability of a sow farrowing,
Koketsu et al., 1998
12Feeding Nutritional Management
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14Nutritional Management Challenge
- Genotypic Change
- Reduced carcass fat lower fat deposition rate
- High lean mass increased maintenance reqt
- Later maturing delayed puberty?
- Increased Production Intensity
- Shortened lactation less opportunity for
recovery, replenishment? - Large facility stresses
- Increased need for husbandry skills
- Heightened demand for immune competency
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17Effect of P1 Sow Weight at Weaning On Wean to
Mating Interval
R2 0.76
Williams Mullan, 1989
18Effect of Body Weight and Condition of Gilts at
First Mating on Long-term Productivity
- LW X Landrace gilts
- Crated gestation
- Five to seven parities
- Total born per litter of 11.3 (P1) to 13.3 (P4)
Gilts mated between 286 to 330 lb body weight and
between 18 to 22 mm of P2 fat depth produced 7.2
more pigs over five parities than gilts mated at
less than 265 lb body weight with 14 to 16 mm of
fat depth.
Challinor, 1997
19Effect of Early Gilt Body Condition on Sow
Sows attaining four parities ()
Backfat thickness at 220 lb (mm)
Gueblez, 1987
20Correlations Between Reproductive Traits of
Primiparous Sows
43 primiparous sows, 21 d lactation, 345 lb
weaning wt. with 17.5 mm fat depth
Whitley et al., 1998
21Implication of Fat Depth LossOver Successive
25 20 15 10
P2 backfat depth (mm)
-7.4 mm
Pregnancy 1
Pregnancy 2
22Body Condition Management
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30Response to Gestation Diet Protein and Feeding
CFI Control Feed Intake HFI Higher Feed Intake
Mahan, 1998
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34Influence of Sow Weight Loss
in Lactation Upon Re-Breeding
Weaning-to-conception interval, (d)
Adapted from Whittemore
35Relation Between Fat Depth at Farrowing and
Weaning with Reproduction in Sows
Subsequent litter size
P2 fat depth, mm Wean to estrus, d Total born
Live Lactation, d 1 lt 12 8.5
9.1 8.5 12 to 16 6.6 11.8
10.8 gt 16 6.1 12.0 10.3 Wean, d
27 lt 10 8.1 9.9 8.9 10
to 13 6.7 11.1 9.9 gt 13
5.8 12.7 11.4
76 LW x LR sows (parity 2-6) with 9.5 pigs weaned.
Hughes, 1993
36Litter Gain, Milk YieldEnergy and Feed Intake
21-day litter wt. (lb) 148 128 108 88
17.2 14.9 12.7 10.4
37Sow Lactation Performance and Energy Needs
Performance level
Average Superior Pig wean wt. (lb)
11-12 13.5 Birth weight (lb) 3
3 Pig gain (lb) 9 10.5 Number weaned
9 10 Milk yield (lb/day) 15.5
20 Energy requirement (ME/d) Sow maintenance
(Mcal) 5.0 5.0 Milk (Mcal) 13.0 17.0 Total
(Mcal) 18.0 22.0 Feed needed (lb./day) 12.5 15
.2 Based on corn-soybean meal diet (1.45 Mcal
38Metabolic Responses in Sows
Fed Ad Lib vs. Stair Step
Stair-step (d 1-7) Ad lib No.
sows 31 29 ADFI (lb) wk 1
7.4 11.2 wk 2 12.8 14.2
wk 3 13.6 14.0 Total ADFI
(lb) 198.2 234.2
23 day avg. lactation Significant difference
Richert et al., 1998
39Metabolic Responses in Sows
Fed Ad Lib vs. Stair Step
Stair-step (d 1-7) Ad lib Fat depth
loss (in), 21 d 0.12 0.13 Weight loss
(lb) 13.0 24.2 Wean to estrus (d)
5.4 5.1 NEFA (umol/l)a, d 21 404
256 Creatinine (mg/dl), d 21 1.97
1.84 Litter gain (lb) 87.2 100.9
23 day avg. lactation Significant
difference aNon-esterified fatty acids in blood
Richert et al., 1998
40Protein Status In Sows
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42Relationship of Protein Intake In Lactation and
Wean-To-Estrus Interval
Summary Mullan Williams (1989) Yang
et al. (1989) King Dunkin (1986) King Dunkin
(1986) Koketsu et al. (1996) Tritton et al. (1996)
R2 0.76
Wean-to-estrus interval (d)
Daily protein intake (g/d)
43Relationship of Body Protein Loss In Lactation
and Wean-To-Estrus Interval
Summary Mullan Williams (1989) Yang
et al. (1989) King Dunkin (1986) King Dunkin
(1986) Koketsu et al. (1996) Tritton et al. (1996)
Wean-to-estrus interval (d)
Protein loss ()
44Effect of Dietary Lysine Intake During First
Lactation on Second Litter Total Born
Tritton et al., 1996
45Estimation of Total Lysine
Requirement For Lactating Sows
R2 0.77
Pettigrew, 1993
46Relationship Between Maternal Protein Loss and
Ovarian Function in Lactating First-Litter
- Twenty-five sows were fed during lactation to
achieve three different body weight losses by
feeding one of three different daily protein
levels. - Three different weight loss groups resulted which
corresponded to Low, Medium and High protein
loss. - Results
- High protein loss (HPL) sows had the smallest
follicular fluid volume, fewest large follicles
and lowest IGF-1 concentrations in fluid. - Follicular fluid estrogen levels were higher in
the low protein loss sows which corresponded to
higher uterine weight at weaning. - Follicles of sows that lost the most weight (and
body protein) in lactation were the least mature.
Clowes et al., Univ. of Alberta (1999)
47Relationship Between Maternal Protein Loss and
Ovarian Function in Lactating First-Litter Sows
- The degree of maternal body protein loss appear
related to ovarian function and a threshold level
of protein (muscle) loss in lactation will result
in reduced fertility. - Dietary protein (lysine) adequacy and lactation
feeding management to minimize muscle tissue
losses are critical for achieving high breeding
efficiency and large litter size.
48Pig Birthweight
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51Relationship Between Sow Fat Depth At Farrowing
and Birth Weight
Fat depth (mm)
18.8 12.9 Pig birth weight
(lb) 3.41 3.10
Significant difference
Hulton et al., 1993
52Effect of Daily Gestation
Energy Intake on Birth Weight
Energy level (Mcal DE/day) 5.3 7.0
8.7 Parity Pounds
1 3.08 3.08 3.30 2 3.08 3.52 3.52
3 3.08 3.52 3.52 4 2.86 3.30 3.30
Significant difference
Young et al., 1990
53Gilt Development
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57Effect of Protein Restriction During Gilt Rearing
on Reproduction
Lysine, g/d 25 16.5
8.3 At puberty induction (160 days) Liveweight
(lb) 213
209 176 Backfat (mm)
9.2 10.1 10.8 Percentage responding to
PG600 in 5 days 94 88
67 Ovulation rate, no. 21.5
17.3 12.5
Daily energy provided was 6.6 Mcal DE (approx..
4.5 lb. feed per head/day).
Cia et al., 1998
58Relationships Between Age at Puberty and
Wean-To-Estrus Interval
Heritability Age at puberty, d
.40 Wean to
estrus, d .24 Estrus lt 10 d postwean,
Correlation Age at
puberty Wean to estrus, d
.45 Estrus lt 10 d postwean,
Sterning et al., 1998
59Sow Feeding Guideline
ad lib
flush wean- to- service
Daily Feed, lb
vary according to condition
Phase of Reproductive Cycle
60Continuance to do today, what you did yesterday,
and expecting different results INSANITY