Title: Risk Management Program
1Lecture Slides/Handout
The Handout for the slide set can be retrieved
by pulling up (or printing) the note page in
Power Point program .
2How to Monitor Your Herds Culling Program
Ron Erskine, Phil Sears, Kathy Lee, Dann
Bolinger, Roxanne Pillars
3Monitoring Removal
Monitoring cows leaving the farm is important in
order to set goals and change management
practices that effect the removal (culling) rate.
4Monitoring Removal
Monitoring cows leaving the farm is important in
order to set goals and change management
practices that effect the removal (culling) rate.
Records are essential Written records
Computerized records
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6Utilizing DHIA Records for Monitoring Turnover
7DHI-202 goes here
Raw Numbers (not percentages)
8DHI-202 goes here
Raw Numbers (not percentages)
912345678 EXAMPLE FARM
103 Animal Left Herd
1012345678 EXAMPLE FARM
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16Monitoring Removal
Records must be accurate must be uniform
(same terms) set goals (use benchmarks)
- Helps you evaluate your herds performance and
set realistic goals for improvement - Based on information from other herds
- Herds with similar management (e.g. environment,
number of cows, production level) - Herds with characteristics that you specify (e.g.
based on management changes being considered on
your farm--2x vs 3x, more cows, etc.)
18DHI-202 goes here
Raw Numbers (not percentages)
19Distribution of Cows Leaving Herd
Michigan DHIA Herds - 2002
20Cows Left HerdBy Lactation
Cows left for each reason expressed as percentage
of total cows in herd. DRMS - MI DHIA herds
21Cows Left HerdBy Lactation
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23Cows Left HerdBy Herd Production Level
Expressed as of total cows in the herd
24Cows Left Herd
By Herd Production Level
25Cows Left Herd By Herd Size
Expressed as of total cows in herd
26Cows Left Herd
By Herd Size
27Dairy Metrics
- Benchmarking tool available through Dairy Records
Management Systems (DRMS) - DHIA members - 5 per month during months
accessed - Consultants - access based on fee that allows
specified number of accesses - More information www.drms.org
28Monitoring Culling
- Definitions and Concepts
- What should be recorded?
- Handy Information - Cows
- Handy Information - Heifers
29Definitions and Concepts
- Case Definition
- What do we mean when we say mean (average)?
- Pitfalls of calculating rates
30Case Definition
- Most important part
- Everyone agrees
- Must be accurate not based on a guess
- I dont know is a category, too!
- Should have a box to place all possible events
31 What do we mean when we say average?
- Average Sum divided by the total number of
animals - If 9 cows culled last year
- 3 x 1st lact 3
- 3 x 2nd lact 6
- 3 x 3rd lact 9
- Average 18/92
32Culling average (lactation)
Average 2
3 cows
3 cows
3 cows
33 What do we mean when we say average?
- Average Sum divided by the total number of
animals - If 9 cows culled last year
- 3 x 1st lact 3 4 x 1st lact 4
- 3 x 2nd lact 6 1 x 2nd lact 2
- 3 x 3rd lact 9 4 x 3rd lact 12
Sum 18 Average 18/9 2
Sum 18 Average 18/9 2
34Culling average (lactation)
Average 2
1 cows
4 cows
35 What do we mean when we say average?
- Weighted average
- Bulk Tank SCC
- 100 lb cow has more impact than 40 lb cow
- Distribution
- Median The middle cow
- 50 above, 50 below
36What do we mean when we say average?
Average month of lactation 7.6 months
Number of cows culled
Months of lactation
37What do we mean when we say average?
Average month of lactation 7.6 months
Median 6 months
Number of cows culled
Months of lactation
38What do we mean when we say average?
Average month of lactation 7.6 months
Number of cows culled
Months of lactation
39What do we mean when we say average?
Average month of lactation 7.6 months
Median 3 months
Number of cows culled
Months of lactation
40Pitfalls of Calculating Rates
- Incidence (Rate)
- Number of cases/ animals at risk/ time
- Cases/ 100 cows/ year
- Who is at risk?
41Pitfalls of Calculating Rates
- Who is at risk?
- 200 cow dairy lost 2 cows to milk fever/down cow
last year - 2 cases / 200 cows/ year
- 1 case/ 100 cows/ year
42Who is at risk? Milk Fever
43Who is at risk? Milk Fever
Recently calved, older cows
44Pitfalls of Calculating Rates
- Who is at risk?
- 200 cow dairy lost 2 cows to milk fever/down cow
last year - 2 cases / 200 cows / year
- 1 case / 100 cows / year 1
- BUT, what if ..
- Only had 140 cows calve last year and only 50
were 3rd lactation or greater? - 2 cases / 50 cows at risk / year
- 4 cases / 100 cows at risk / year 4
45Monitoring Culling
- Definitions and Concepts
- What should be recorded?
- Handy Information - Cows
46What should be recorded?Cows
- Number of calvings/ month
- Number of cows milking/ month
- For each lost cow
- ID
- Date
- Cause
- Died, Culled
- Lactation
- Health/ diagnostic history
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48Monitoring Culling
- Definitions and Concepts
- What should be recorded?
- Handy Information - Cows
- Handy Information - Heifers
49What should be recorded?Heifers
- Number of births/ month
- For each lost heifer
- ID
- Date
- Dam
- Age
- Cause
- Died, Culled
- Health/ diagnostic history
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53Case Study
54Case Study
- Goal of herd maximize use of current facilities
(125 cows) - Was last at capacity in May 1999
- Since then averaging 80-110 cows in the milking
herd. - Is there a culling problem?
55Is there a Culling Problem and what is causing it?
- Number of cows entering herd vs. number of cows
leaving herd - Which cows are leaving (1st Lactation vs 2nd and
greater Lactation)? - When are cows leaving?
- Why are they leaving?
56Cows entering herd vs Cows leaving herd
57When are Cows Leaving?
58Why are Cows Leaving?
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63What is causing the culling problem in this herd?
- ???
- What is the next step?
- Where do you concentrate your efforts?
- What additional information do you need?
- In most herds, culling is a symptom, or result,
of some management problem - The challenge is to determine what that problem
is - That means monitoring
- Remember--if you dont monitor it, you cant
manage it!
65Baseline info needed to monitor culling
- Number of cows entering herd
- Are they purchased or raised?
- Number of cows leaving the herd
- When the cows are leaving
- DIM as well as month left
- Why the cows are leaving
- the more specific the better