Title: Darjai Jackson
1Darjai Jackson
2My favorite foods
My favorite foods are chicken, chips, and
grilled cheese. My favorite bread is Texas toast.
3My favorite subjects in school
My favorite subjects are math, science, and
4My goals for the future
In the future I want to be a doctor. Then I want
to be a teacher for kindergarten.
5my pets
My pets names are Princess, and Chico. Princess
is my moms favorite because she lives in the
house. But she bites on the tail of our other
dog Chico.
6my family
My sisters name is Darian and my other sisters
name is Keshiana. My brothers names are Darin,
Darrius, and Darion. I have a lot of family, some
live in Tucson and some live in Long Beach. You
might be wondering what Long Beach is. It is in
California. And my moms side of the family lives
in Georgia.
7my hobbies
My hobbies are playing on the computer on Zwinky
and Meez. My other hobby is playing with my dog