Title: Multi Media CATS The Complete Interactive Guide to Cats
1Multi MediaCATSThe Complete Interactive Guide
to Cats
2Inroads Interactive1050 Walnut St.Suite
301Boulder, CO 80302(800)-722-6527inroads_at_brod
er.comKing County Library SystemCDROM 559.75
MUL Windows/Mac
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4PC (Windows) Installation
- When you install this program, it will create an
Inroads Interactive program in Program Manager - An icon for Multimedia Cats is put in place
- Open Windows Program Manager
- Select Run from the file menu
- In the Run dialog box, enter D\INSTALL (where
D is the letter of your CD-Rom drive) - Follow the on-screen instructions
- Macintosh installation instructions are included
- Wildcats
- Domestics
- Cat-Scan
- World
- Fun
- Reference
- Help
6Reference Table of Contents
- Evolution
- Anatomy coat color
- Getting a new cat
- Health
- Feeding
- Grooming
- Training
- Breeding
- Glossary/interactive with list of terms and
7Videos on Cat Care
- Bathing
- Brushing/combing
- Ear cleaning
- Nail clipping
8The material is current It covers aspects of
domestic and wild cats clearly, using still
pictures and video shortsIt is very
informative, but basic and is meant for a young
9The pictures are beautiful and are in two sizes
Each cat that is shown in movementand
soundThe information is clear I liked this
CD-ROM format. While the information is geared to
a younger crowd, it is useful for all ages
10This CDROM would be very helpful for parents
considering getting their child a pet cat. It
would help the child understand the responsibly
of pet ownership.How to choose the cat breed
best suited for your family.
11And Now For A QuizName that Cat
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13Thats right, a Cheetah
- How fast can a Cheetah run?
- When do they hunt?
- Where did they descend from?
- Are there varieties of Cheetah?
14The Answers
- They can run nearly seventy miles per hour
- Cheetahs are active during the day
- Cheetahs probably descend from an ancient cross
between Lions Panthers - There are several varieties of Cheetahs, some
have already disappeared
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16Now how fast can you name these six domestic cats
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- Snowshoe
- Japanese Bobtail
- Russian Blue
- Scottish Fold
- Turkish Van
- Siamese/color point shorthair
24The CDROM also includes demos for other
petsInroads Interactive Multimedia Dogs, a
guide to domestic dog breedsandMultimedia
Exotic Pets, a guide to exotic pets
25Thank YouThe End