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All I Need is Time! The Modern Theory of Evolution – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


All I Need is Time! The Modern Theory of
Evolution"Time is the hero of the plot Given
so much time the 'impossible' becomes possible,
the possible probable and the probable virtually
certain. One has only to wait time itself
performs miracles." - George Wald
George Wald (1967 Nobel Prize winner in
Medicine), "The Origin of Life," Scientific
American, vol. 191 1954, p. 46 reprinted on p.
307-320, A Treasury of Science, Fourth Revised
Edition, Harlow Shapley et al., eds., Harper and
Brothers Publishers, 1958. p 309.
  • Sean D. Pitman M.D.
  • August 2003

  • Definition Common descent with modification
  • Mechanism Random mutation and natural selection

  • Random Mutations
  • Are real
  • Affect DNA
  • Must be inheritable
  • Natural selection
  • A real force of nature
  • A mindless process (no goal in mind)
  • Is capable of detecting phenotype changes
  • The phenotypic is the functional expression of
    the genotype
  • Cannot detect all genotypic changes
  • Many genotypic changes are neutral

  • Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • A chain made up of 4 chemical letters
  • Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine
  • Information is coded by the sequential order of
    these chemical letters
  • Similar to other code or language systems
  • Morse Code, English, computer code and other
    language systems

Transcription and Translation
  • Information in DNA is copied into a working
    copy called messenger RNA
  • The message is then translated into another
    language system known as proteins
  • DNA controls what, when, where and how much
    proteins are produced

Decoding DNA
  • Three DNA letters (a codon) translates into one
    type of amino acid letter in a protein chain
  • Twenty different letters in protein language
  • Sequential order of protein letters vital to
    function as with any other language system
  • Protein chains are folded into specific
    functional 3D shapes often with the aid of
    other pre-formed proteins

Transcription then Translation
  • Functional units of the cell
  • Very specific sequential order and 3D structures
    that are dependent upon the proper sequential
  • Some flexibility depending on location and class
    of amino acid letter change
  • Changes in DNA and/or the resulting protein
    sequence may be functionally beneficial, harmful,
    or neutral

Changes that Arent
Gregor Johann Mendel - born July 22, 1822
  • Father of genetics
  • Studied pea plant hybrids
  • Discovered basic principles of genetic
  • Darwin not aware of Mendels work

Genetic Recombination
Chromosome Loci
  • Gene is a functional stretch of DNA that often
    codes for a protein
  • Genes occupy specific positions on chromosomes
    called loci
  • For a given locus, different versions of the same
    gene (alleles) will fit or work in this position
    just like different types of wheels will work
    at the wheel location on a car
  • If genes arent in the right locus, they will not
    work right (like putting seats where the tires
    are supposed to go)

Two Loci Per Trait
  • Chromosomes come in pairs
  • One chromosome comes from the mother and one from
    the father
  • Each locus on one chromosome has a matching locus
    on its sister chromosome
  • During genetic recombination, these chromosomes
    must match up exactly and interchange DNA only
    between matching loci

Different Pea Traits and Potential Form
  • 1.        Flower color purple or white
  • 2.        Flower position axial or terminal
  • 3.        Stem length long or short
  • 4.        Seed shape round or wrinkled
  • 5.        Seen color yellow or green
  • 6.        Pod shape inflated or constricted
  • 7.        Pod color yellow or green

Dominance and Recessiveness
  • If maternal and paternal chromosomes have
    different forms at the same loci on the twin
    chromosomes, which form will be expressed?
  • Answer The dominant form
  • Sometimes there is co-dominance, incomplete
    dominance, or polygenetic governance of a
    particular trait

Mating a purely Dominant with a purely Recessive
Homozygotes and Heterozygotes
The Static Gene Pool
  • Fantastic potential for expressed variations
  • Made up of all the genes in a population
  • Many different options (alleles) per gene locus
    exist in a gene pool
  • Genetic recombination produces random allelic
    swapping at specific loci, but it does not
    produce new alleles or new loci
  • i.e., a red bike with knobby wheels or a yellow
    bike with thin wheels or a red bike with wide
    wheels etc., but the basic bike setup would not
    change nor would the variation potential change
    via part recombination

The Evolving Gene Pool
  • Must go beyond what genetic recombination can
  • Dependent upon random mutation to existing DNA
    sequences to create new alleles and genetic loci
    in the gene pool of options

The Potential Space Checkerboard of Sequence
OptionsA Comparison to the English Language
  • On our checkerboard each square represents a
    different potential sequence of a given length
  • For example, the total number of potential
    3-letter sequences is 17,576. Each one of these
    sequences is represented by a different square on
    our checkerboard.
  • Some squares represent sequences that are
    functionally beneficial, others are functionally
    detrimental, but most are functionally neutral

Evolving . . . Small Words
  • 3-letter checkerboard size 17,576 squares
  • 2-letter checkerboard size 677 squares
  • Defined 3-letter words 972 (ratio 118)
  • Defined 2-letter words 96 (ratio 17)
  • A random change in a 2- or 3-letter sequence will
    often produce a new meaningful word
  • cat hat bat bad bid did dig

Evolving . . . Bigger Words
  • 7-letter checkerboard size 8,031,810,176 squares
  • Meaningful 7-letter words 23,109
  • Meaningless 7-letter sequences 8 Billion
  • Each meaningful word is surrounded by 347,561
    meaningless sequences like an ocean of squares
    on our checkerboard
  • The likelihood that a random change to a given
    7-letter sequence will end up on a meaningful
    word is not nearly as good as it was for 2- and
    3-letter sequences
  • Much more time is required to find new 7-letter
    words on our checkerboard of sequence options

Moving Up to Short Phrases
  • Methinks it is like a weasel Shakespeare
  • This sentence is 28 characters in length
  • Checkerboard size 10e40 squares (27e28)
  • If each square were 2cm across this checkerboard
    would be 1,000 trillion km across (621 trillion
  • 93 million miles to the sun
  • 25 trillion miles to nearest star (Alpha
  • How many meaningful 28-character phrases are
    there in the English language?
  • Im not sure perhaps a trillion?
  • If there were a trillion, each meaningful phrase
    would be surrounded by a vast ocean of ten
    billion trillion trillion meaningless phrases
  • Changing one letter per second, with no repeats,
    it would take over 300 million trillion years to
    come across just one of the trillion meaningful
    phrases on our checkerboard
  • Math 10e40 / 10e12 / 60 / 60 / 24/ 365 3.79 x

Increasing the PopulationIt does help but how
  • Take the same scenario as before and increase the
    number of evolving phrases a trillion fold
  • This would search out the squares on our
    checkerboard a trillion times faster
  • Still works out to be over 300 million years to
    find just one of one trillion meaningful phrases
  • Note We arent even talking about beneficial
  • phrases here - just meaningful

Expanding Checkerboardvs.Expanding Population
  • If the average distance between any two
    meaningful sequences is two character changes
    (two steps on the checkerboard), the average
    random walk distance for one individual is more
    than 729 steps (27e2).
  • Note also that random genotypic walk cannot be
    guided by a phenotypic selection process
  • As one moves from one meaningless square on the
    checkerboard to another meaningless square, no
    change in meaning takes place, and therefore no
    change in phenotype - such changes are referred
    to as neutral mutations

  • For the same 2-mutation gap
  • If the population were increased to 1,000
    sequences, the random walk for this population as
    a whole would average less than 1 step
  • Again, increasing the population decreases the
    average time required for the evolution of new
    meaningful sequence codes
  • But, can the population expansion keep up as the
    average gaps between meaningful sequences expands?

Doubling the Gap
  • Lets expand the average gap from 2 to 4 character
    changes or steps on our checkerboard
  • Now, instead of 729, there are 531,441
    meaningless squares for every one meaningful
  • With each doubling of the neutral gap, the
    potential space increases by a factor of 2
  • In order to evolve at the same rate, our
    population would also have to increase in size by
    a factor of 2

Doubling a Few More Times
  • A gap of 8 282 billion meaningless squares on
    the checkerboard
  • A gap of 16 79 billion trillion . . .
  • A gap of 32 1 billion trillion trillion
    trillion . . .

Note The junk-squares on the checkerboard
quickly outpace the ability of a given
population to keep up with the
expanding neutral gaps found at higher
and higher levels of functional complexity.
Comparison to Real Life?
  • A gap of 32 Amino Acids 4.29 x 10e41 (100
    thousand trillion trillion trillion)
  • Total bacteria on Earth 5 x 10e30 (5 million
    trillion trillion)
  • A checkerboard with 10e41 meaningless AA squares
    divided among 5 million trillion trillion
    bacteria would require each individual bacterium
    and its offspring (just one in a steady state
    population) to undergo a random walk of around 85
    billion steps before success would be realized
  • Time per step 10 years
  • Based on a very high mutation rate of 10e-5 per
    sequence per generation (one mutation every
    100,000 generations) with a generation time of 1
  • Average time to success 850 billion years

Real Life Examples of Gene Pool Evolution?
  • Antibiotic Resistance - yes
  • Single Protein Enzymes - yes
  • Multiple Protein Systems - not yet
  • Alife Computer Software - sorta

De Novo Antibiotic Resistance
  • Is a real example of evolution in action
  • Is the result of mutation and natural selection
  • Is based on antibiotic-target specificity
  • Streptomycin 30S ribosomal subunit
  • Erythromycin 50S ribosomal subunit
  • Fluoroquinolones DNA gyrases and topoisomerases
  • Rifampin beta-subunit of RNA polymerase
  • Penicillins penicillin binding proteins (cell
    wall synthesis)
  • Vancomycin stem peptides involved with
  • Isoniazid inh enzyme involved with mycolic acid

Antibiotic-Target Interference
  • High ratio of interfering sequences in sequence
    space (like ratio in 2 and 3-letter words in
    sequence space)
  • Much easier to interfere with or break a previous
    interaction/function than to create a brand new
  • Remember Humpty Dumpty and all the kings men!

Antibiotic Evolution is Predictably Rapid
  • The higher the antibiotic-target specificity, the
    easier it is to interrupt this interaction
  • Odds are good that a random mutation will result
    in some degree of interference rapid antibiotic
  • In real life, this is exactly what happens
  • Antibiotic resistance evolves extremely rapidly
    in all types of bacteria when exposed to an
  • The same principle holds true for mechanisms of
    drug resistance in other life forms (malaria,
    rats, weeds, etc.)

Up a Level to Single Protein Enzymes
  • Have independent function not dependent upon the
    disruption of a pre-established
  • Specific AA sequence and 3D orientation vital to
    enzyme function
  • If sequence changed too much, all function will
    be lost

Invariant Amino Acids
  • Cytochrome C (100 AA)
  • Comparisons of 40 species 35 invariant AA
  • Humans and Bread Mold - 66 Identical
  • 40 more are restricted between 2 or 3 AA options
  • similar in chemical character hydrophilic,
    hydrophobic, basic acidic, or neutral with
    respect to water
  • Only a few positions can tolerate a wide range of
    AA substitutions

100aa Checkerboard
  • 10e130 squares on our 100aa checkerboard
  • One trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion
    miles wide
  • Note that there are only 10e80 atoms in the
    visible universe!
  • How many squares with cytochrome c function?
  • High estimates 10e60 (lower estimates 10e40)
  • Cytochrome C vs. Total At least 1 in 10e70
  • How many other functions requiring at least 100aa
    would be beneficial to a given life form in a
    given environment?
  • Human genome thought to have around 35,000
    protein coding genes
  • 35,000 times 10e60 is only 10e64
  • 10e64 nonfunctional sequences for every
    functional sequence

But Some Enzymes Have Evolved in Real Time!
  • Barry Hall and Lactase Evolution in E. coli
  • LacZ genes deleted in E. coli
  • Code for tetramer lactase enzyme of 1,000aa per
  • Mutant bacteria grown on lactose enriched media
  • In one or two generations, the lactase function
  • Completely different gene (ebg gene hexamer of
    1000aa per subunit) evolved the lactase function
    with a single point mutation
  • What are the odds?!

Double Mutant E. coli
  • Hall deleted both the LacZ and ebg genes from
    certain colonies of E. coli
  • Despite being grown on lactose enriched media for
    tens of thousands of generations, while
    undergoing high mutations rates, the lactase
    function was never evolved
  • Hall described these bacteria as having, limited
    evolutionary potential
  • Note These same bacteria would quickly evolve
    resistance to any antibiotic environment

Limited Evolutionary Potential
  • Many species of bacteria cannot evolve the
    lactase function despite hundreds of thousands of
    generations of records
  • Salmonella, Proteus, Pseudomonas etc.
  • Lactase function would be beneficial if it
  • What is the limiting factor?
  • A low ratio of beneficial functions vs. potential
    functions at this level of complexity (1,000aa
    level with around 10e1300 options)?

It Only Gets Worse
  • There are quite a few examples of single protein
    functions evolving (nylonase, lactase, antibody
    enzymes, enzyme cascades etc.)
  • However, there are NO examples of multi-protein
    functions evolving - period
  • Where multiple proteins are required to work
    together at the same time in a specific
    orientation with each other (i.e., bacterial
    motility systems such as the flagellar apparatus)

The Famous Flagellum
  • 50 or so different proteins working in concert
  • Each protein part averages a few hundred amino
  • Total sequence length Probably more than
  • Sequence space At least10e26,000 potential
  • So, what is the ratio of all beneficial sequences
    requiring at least 20,000aa compared with the
    total of 10e26,000 potential sequences at this
    level of complexity?

Flagellar Subsystems
  • Parts of the flagellum used in other systems of
  • Similar proteins in type III secretory systems
  • TTSS coded for by ten genes each homologous to
    genes in the bacterial flagellum code (The
    flagellum requires an additional 30 or 40 unique
  • Nguyen et al. 2000 suggest that TTSS evolved from
    the flagellum and not vice versa
  • TTSS only found in animal and plant pathogens
  • Argument is that TTSS could only have existed
    since the evolution of animal and plants so it
    evolved from the flagellum
  • TTSS genes can be carried on plasmids and
    transferred horizontally flagellar genes are
    not carried on plasmids

ALL the Right Parts
  • What if all the needed parts to make a flagellum
    already existed as parts of other systems of
  • Whenever a flagellum was needed, these parts
    would just self-assemble to make a flagellum
    since all the parts are there right?
  • Would a watch self-assemble if I put all the
    necessary watch parts in a bag and shook the bag
    for a billion years?

Part Assembly
  • Remember, the information in DNA controls not
    only part production, but the timing and location
    of part production.
  • DNA is like a biochemist who synthesizes complex
    compounds. In order for the synthesis to be
    successful, the sequential order and amount of
    chemicals added to and removed from solution is
    vital to the formation of the final product.
  • The parts, by themselves, without this higher
    informational input, will not self-assemble to
    produce much of anything.
  • Example All the necessary amino acids are always
    there to produce any protein that would be
    beneficial to the cell. But, left to themselves,
    the AAs do not self-assemble in a functional way
    that is greater than the sum of their parts.

Wishful Speculations
  • All of this current hypothesizing about how
    evolution must have happened is highly
    speculative, and accounts for cell biologist
    Franklin Harold's frank admission
  • "There are presently no detailed Darwinian
    accounts of the evolution of any biochemical or
    cellular system, only a variety of wishful

Harold, F. 2001. The Way of the Cell Molecules,
Organisms and the Order of Life. New York
Oxford University Press.
- William Dembski
Computer Evolution
  • Lenski et. al., The Evolutionary Origin of
    Complex Features, Nature, May 2003
  • Goal - the evolution of logic functions
  • Population - 3600 individuals divided among 50
    different genomes
  • Each individual had 50 lines of meaningful
    computer code
  • 15 lines of code required for the
    self-replication function
  • 35 lines were repeated copies of a no operation
    code (no logic function)
  • Random translocation mutations of lines and
    portions of lines of code
  • The evolution of specific logic functions
    rewarded with increased reproductive fitness
  • Generations 15,873
  • Result 23 of 50 genomes evolved the highest
    logic function (EQU)

A Few More Details
  • The size of the checkerboard 5.6 x 10e70 number
    of options
  • Based on ancestral genome length of 50 with 26
    possible instructions at each site
  • Size of gap between starting code and EQU
    function 16 steps/mutations
  • Other beneficial intermediate functions NAND,
  • Average gap between all functions 2.5 steps
    (search space 3,400 options between each step
    every option quickly covered with a population of
    3,600 individuals)
  • Average number of steps required to achieve EQU
    function in the 23 successful genomes 103
  • 45 beneficial, 18 detrimental, 48 neutral

Removing Intermediate Steps
  • Lenski also experimented with an evolutionary
    scenario where only the EQU function was defined
    as beneficial
  • Result NONE of the 50 populations evolved the
    EQU function
  • As expected, these populations tested more of the
    potential sequence space than those in the
    reward-all environment (2.15 x 10e7 vs. 1.22 x
    10e7 Plt0.0001, Mann-Witney test)
  • Still, this was a minute 1 x 10e-60 of the total
    space on the checkerboard
  • This is like searching out a grain of sand when
    the entire universe remains unexplored
  • The EQU function could be on any grain of sand
    anywhere in the universe
  • Without the intermediate functions arbitrarily
    defined as beneficial, the resulting neutral gap
    of 16 steps was simply impossible for Lenskis
    population of computer creatures to get across
  • Even in trillions upon trillions upon trillions
    of years.

All Evolution Needs is TimeYeah!A WHOLE
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