Title: VOCALSUK Regional Modelling Using WRFCHEM
1VOCALS-UKRegional ModellingUsing WRF-CHEM
- Michael Bane, Douglas Lowe,Gordon McFiggans
- Centre for Atmospheric Science
- University of Manchester
2Regional Modelling
- WP 2.4 prediction of aerosol composition
properties over the SEP region - WP 5.2 evaluation/comparison of aerosol
thermodynamic schemes in WRF-CHEM in predicting
activation - WP 5.3 case studies of aerosol transformation
cloud interaction - WRF-CHEM
- Fast, Gustafson et al _at_ PNNL Grell, Peckham _at_
NOAA NCAR many others
- WRF doesn't capture explicit cloud-aerosol-chemis
try interactions - WRF-CHEM does
- cloud droplet number source as function of
aerosol activation (moving into cloud) - prognostic droplet nucleationscheme gives max
supersaturation,S_max, in updrafts - aerosol particles with critical S lt S_max are
activated - phase transitions activation/evaporation
4WRF-CHEM aerosol
- Physics nucleation, coagulation, dry dep
- Thermodynamics
- MTEM (mixing rules,activity coeffs), MESA (TD
equilibriumsolver for diff/mixed phases), ASTEM
(dynamic integration of coupled gas-aerosol
partitioning ODEs) Zaveri et al (2005ab, 2007) - PD-FiTE (Topping, UoM) to be included later
- Species modelled
- SO42-, NO3-, NH4, Cl-, Na, other inorgs,
organic matter, black carbon, liquid water, num
(optional calcium, carbonate, methanesulfonate)
5WRF-CHEM aerosol representation
- modal Modal AerosolDynamics model forEurope
(Ackermann 1998) - includes SOA by SORGAM Secondary Organic Aerosol
Model (Schell at al, 2001) - MOSAIC
- Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and
Chemistry - sectional (currently 4 or 8) mass-size rep,
inter-bin mass transfer 2-moment or moving
centre - no SOA
- UoM will be providing SOA module
6WRF-CHEM aerosol-cloud interactions
- direct aerosol feedbacks
- absorption/scattering by aerosol fed back into
met - FAST-J (spherical Mie code)
- for given num, RI wet radius
- provides AOD, SSA, asymmetry factor extinction
- coupled to Goddard shortwave radiation code
- indirect cloud-aerosol feedbacks (work in
progress) - using Lin et al microphysics schemes
- aqueous phase chemistry
- increased cloud-borne sulphate, nitrate, ammonium
- wet deposition (in-cloud below-cloud)
7WRF-CHEM computational burden
- much more expensive than just WRF
- additional computations
- chemistry/aerosol
- yet to implementdynamic aerosolschemes
- higher computationalcosts
- Fast, Grell Gustafson
- slides from various presentations
9Optional extras...
10- WRF-CHEM built upon WRF ARW dynamic core
- Aerosol species transported using same as WRF for
hori/vert coords (no interpolation in x,y,z) and
same physics parameterisation (no interpolation
in time)
11WRF-CHEM chemistry
- radm2
- (Zaveri Peters, 1999)
- extended CBM-IV to include long-lived species,
their intermediates, isoprene chem, DMS chem
lumped structure for organics (similar C bonds) - Use of KPP to generate (new?) chemical mechanisms
adjoints - FAST-J photolysis (based on Wild et al, 2000)
alternatively, TUV scheme
12RATIONALE why WRF-CHEM Aerosol-Cloud
Interactions may have a significant impact on
climate on global and regional scales. HOWEVER
The detailed processes are poorly known and the
bases for their representation in global models
is at present limited ie need coupled model (not
just WRF) to capture all cloud-aerosol-chemistry
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17Emissions (to be written)
- MEGAN (global biogenic emis model)
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19the end
- http//www.cas.manchester.ac.uk