Title: Advancd Regional Prediction System (ARPS)
1Advancd Regional Prediction System (ARPS)
Ming Xue mxue_at_ou.eduSchool of Meteorology
and Center for Analysis and Prediction of
StormsUniversity of Oklahoma
2Model Dynamics, Equations and Numerical
FormualtionsSee PDF file
3Initial Condition
4ARPS Components
5Ways to Initialize ARPS
- Idealized, single sounding
- Interpolation from GFS, Eta, RUC, etc
6ARPS Data Analysis System (ADAS)
- Manages the real time ingest, QC, objective
analysis of observations - Doppler radar data (NIDS, base Level II from n
systems, VAD) - MDCRS commercial aircraft wind and temperature
reports - Wind profilers
- RAOBS (conventional, CLASS, dropsondes)
- Mobile and fixed mesonets
- SAO and METAR observations
- GOES satellite visible and IR data for cloud
analysis - NCEP gridded model output
- Based on Bratseth successive correction method
- Handles retrieved radar data (from SDVR et al)
- Had its root in FSL LAPS. Data format is about
the only one left though.
7Braseth Analysis Scheme
- ADAS use the Bratseth analysis scheme which is a
successive correction scheme - The scheme theoretically converges to optimal
interpolation (O/I), but without explicit
inversion of large matrices - Multi-pass strategy used where more detailed data
can be introduced after a few iterations using
broad-scale data. -
- Like OI, the Bratseth method accounts for the
relative error between the background and each
observation source, and is relatively insensitive
to large variations in data density. - Vertical correction in terms of z or q
8Formulation of Bratseth Scheme
9Formulation (Continued )
10ARPS Data Analysis System (ADAS)
- User specifies background error covariances and
structure functions. Codes to calculate
background error statistics being developed. - Performed on ARPS native (terrain-following) grid
- 3-D cloud analysis and diabatic initialization
package using GOES, Doppler radar and surface
data. - Water vapor, cloud, rain, ice and temperature
fields are affected by the cloud analysis - Used to initialize realtime high-res (kms)
forecasts at CAPS since 1996 - Linked closely with ARPS data assimilation system
(via, e.g., intermittent assimilation,
incremental analysis update method)
11Incremental Analysis Update Cycles
(from Brewster 2003)
12(No Transcript)
13ADAS analysis Total u
73x73x43 grid, dx12km
14ADAS Analysis Total q
15Example of Initial Condition with cloud analysis
on a 3km Grid
16Application to fine-scale analysis at Kennedy
Space Center (Case et al 2002 Wea. Forecasting)
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Boundary Conditions
- Lateral Boundary Conditions
- Rigid, zero-gradient, periodic
- Open/radiative LBC (only applied to normal
velocity) - Externally (can be from the same model) forced
- Davies-type relaxation zone, arbitrary width
- w not forced
- variables (e.g., water) not found in exbc are
excluded from relaxation zero gradient is
usually applied - Ensure same terrain at nesting boundaries
- Carpenter (1982) radiation BC with external
forcing(?) - Carpenter, K. M., 1982 Note on radiation
conditions for the lateral boundaries of
limited-area numerical models. Quart. J. Roy.
Meteor. Soc., 108, 717-719.
20Vertical Boundary Condition
- Radiation top BC based on cosine Fourier
transform (Klemp and Durran 1983) - periodicity requirement at the top relaxed
- Still based on linearized equations difficult
to apply to large domain - Upper boundary sponge/absorbing layer
- relaxation to coarse grid/external model solution
in the layer - or relaxation to the mean state
- Rigid, zero-gradient and periodic top-bottom BC
- Semi-slip lower BC
21Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation
- Microphysics parameterization for grid-scale
precipitation - Can be used together with cumulus
parameterization schemes - Option to allow condensation at subsatuation
(lt100 RH) - helps retaining clouds in IC for large grid
spacing - improves surface temperature forecast at
low-resolution by introducing clouds earlier - Sedimentation term treated implicitly or using
time splitting
22Model Physics
- SGS Turbulence
- Smagorinsky-Lilly, 1.5-order TKE, Germano dynamic
closure - Fully three dimensional formulation, including
map factor - Simplified 1-D option available for efficiency
purpose - Cumulus Parameterization
- Kuo scheme
- Old and New versions of Kain-Fritsch cumulus
parameterizations - Eta Betts-Miller-Jancic scheme
- Microphysics
- Kessler warm rain
- Lin-Tao ice microphysics
- Schultz NEM grid-scale microphysics
23Model Physics (continued)
- PBL scheme
- Convective PBL mixing parameterization based on
1.5-order TKE formulation (Xue et al 1996) - Surface Physics (fluxes)
- Stability-dependent bulk aerodynamic drag for
surface heat, momentum, and moisture fluxes - Soil Model
- 2-layer soil model (multiple soil types in 1 grid
cell API initialization) - A new multi-layer soil model
- High-resolution surface characteristics data base
(consistency among surface fields important) - Radiation
- Full long- and short-wave radiation (NASA code)
including cloud interactions, cloud shadowing,
and terrain gradient effects
24ARPS Physical Processes
25Subgrid Scale Fluxes(Land surface, surface
layer, PBL and SGS turbulence)
27Radiation Parameterization
- ARPS radiation package came from NASA GSFC.
- Shortwave is based on Chou (1990 1992)
- Longwave based on Chou and Suarez (1994)
- Cloud-radiation interaction described in Tao et
al (1996) - Allows checkboard-type staggered calculations to
save computation - Recently implemented terrain shading effect
- Terrain slope accounted for
- Cloud fraction diagnosed from RH and qs
- Verifications against OK Mesonet radiation
measurements show good agreement, in clear sky
conditions at least
28Shortwave Radiation
- Solar spectrum is divided into the ultraviolet
and visible region (lt0.69mm), and the
near-infrared (IR) region (gt0.69mm), - UV and visible region includes ozone absorption,
Rayleigh and cloud scattering. It is further
divided into 4 bands, with effective ozone
absorption and scattering coefficients given to
each band - The IR region includes absorption due to water
vapor, cloud, CO2, O3 and scattering due to
clouds. - Further division into 7 water vapor absorption
bands, with k-distribution method used to
calculate the absorption. - Liou et al (1988) 4-stream discrete ordinate
scattering algorithm used for multiscattering in
cloud layer - Single scattering albedo from King et al (1990)
29Longwave Radiation
- IR spectrum divided into 8 bands
- Water vapor transmission function computed used
k-distribution method - CO2 and O3 transmission functions computed using
lookup tables - Includes aerosol effects
- Absorption due to cloud hydrometeors also
included. Clouds assumed to be gray and
nonscattering - Cloud optical properties
- Scheme 1 Broadband emissivity method of Stevens
(1978, 1984) - Scheme 2 follows Fu and Liou (1993), Sui et al
30Radiation Fluxes Verification
31Microphysics Schemes
- Kessler warm rain microphysics (qc and qr)
- Lin et al (1983) ice microphysics
- includes rain, cloud water, cloud ice, snow,
graupel/hail, - lookup tables for power and exponential functions
- ice-water saturation adjustment procedure of Tao
et al (1989) - modifications to hydrometeo fall speeds (Ferrier
1994 and updated coefficients) - Shultz (1995) simplified ice scheme (also include
3 ice categories)
32ARPS Ice Microphysics Processes 30 processes
33Accumulated Precipitation from 1977 Del City
Supercell Storms with warmrain and ice
34Simulation of 1977 Del City Supercell Storms with
warmrain and ice microphysics
35Convective Parameterization
36Convective Clouds and Precipitation
- At high resolutions (lt 3km), use explicit
microphysics, hopefully the model can resolve the
convection well - Cumulus parameterization schemes
- Kuo scheme
- Old and new Kain-Fritch schemes
- Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme
- New K-F scheme used most
37Use of Cumulus Scheme
- K-F scheme used most
- New K-F scheme using at 27 and 9km during IHOP
realtime forecast - BMJ scheme tends to produce much smoother
precipitation field - Cold pool important for propagation of convective
systems over the plains - Triggering of spurious propagating precipitation
pattern observed during IHOP
38CAPS Real Time Forecast Domain during IHOP_2002
39June 15, 2002, 9km Grid
NCEP Hourly Precip
9 km Forecast Precip Hourly Rate.
24 hour forecast
40June 15, 2002 3km grid
3 km Forecast Hourly Precip Rate
NCEP Hourly Precip Analysis
11 hour forecast
4100-12UTC, June 13, 2002, Hourly Precip