Title: Modelling forest ground vegetation on landscape scale
1Modelling forest ground vegetation on landscape
Larisa Khanina1, Maxim Bobrovsky2, Alexander
Komarov2, Alex Mikhajlov2
1Institute of Mathematical Biology, Russian
Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russia 2Institute
of Soil Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Russian
Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russia
DynamicDATA EU25 Regional Workshop I
3At the first step
an approach an algorithm a
special software to calculate dynamics of ground
vegetation diversity at a level of forest stand
on a base of
Forest Inventory Data forest simulated
4Our approach
plant species functional groups in ground
vegetation modelling ecological-coenotic species
introduced in Nitsenko (1969)
Ellenbergs ecological indicator species values
Species ordination scores (by ordination of
phytosociological relevés)
Multivariate analysis
5Results of multivariate analysis
ca. 1000 forest vascular species were split into
the functional groups
Boreal Vaccinium myrtillus, Maianthemum bifolium, Pyrola rotundifolia, Linnaea borealis
Nemoral Asarum europaeum, Aegopodium podagraria, Galeobdolon luteum, Milium effusum
Piny Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Pteridium aquilinum, Antennaria dioica, Calluna vulgaris
Nitrophilous Aconitum septentrionale, Stellaria nemorum, Urtica dioica
Meadow Fragaria vesca, Alchemilla sp., Dactylis glomerata
Water/Olg Caltha palustris, Typha angustifolia, Carex globularis
6To use the groups for modelling dynamics of
ground vegetation
to define the dominant group at the initial
step of simulation to define rules of the group
switching according to dynamics of the
simulated parameters
tree species composition, light supply,
deadwood volume, litter, soil fertility and
7Definition of dominant species groups at the
initial step
Forest Inventory Data
Dominant species in ground vegetation
Database on ecological-coenotic groups of plant
Dominant group(s) in ground vegetation
8Definition of dominant species groups at the
initial step
9Forest type biodiversity assessment
Forest Type Tree dominant Dominant group in
ground vegetation
Vegetation Sample Plots Data
- Forest type biodiversity indices
- Average number of plant species per square unit
- Functional structure of ground vegetation
10Modeling of forest groundvegetation
11BioCalc - a software for dynamic analysis of
forest ground vegetation diversity
12BioCalc input data
tables of probabilistic distribution of the
groups in ground vegetation according to the tree
dominant and the forest site index a
correspondence table between a forest type and
species diversity rank a time series table of
forest stand ecosystem parameters (EFIMOD runs)
13Rules of functional groups switching
User of the BioCalc software selects from the
time series tables in an interactive mode
thresholds for a number of ecosystem parameters.
Reaching these thresholds causes a change of
the dominant ecological-coenotic group. The
user can observe all values of any ecosystem
parameter displayed graphically
14Rules of functional groups switching
If the values are digital, a graphic is built
where the values go in ascending order, which
allows for easy detection of the thresholds
15BioCalck outputs
Dynamics of ground vegetation functional
groups, forest types, and species
diversity ranks
A link with Common-GIS (Andrienko, Andrienko,
1999) for visual exploration of ground vegetation
dynamics at the landscape level
16A case study experimental forestryRusskii Les
273-hectare forest lot with 104 stands
Four strategies of silvicultural regimes for 200
years time span natural development leg
al clear cutting selective
cutting illegal clear cutting
17Case study rules of functional group switching
- (i) meadow group switched to boreal group when
spruce began to dominate in overstorey - (ii) any group switched to nemoral when oak began
to dominate in overstorey - (iii) piny group switched to boreal group when
deadwood overpassed the 1st threshold value - (iv) any group switched to nitrophilous group
when deadwood overpassed the second threshold
value, and - (v) nitrophilous group switched to nemoral group
when deadwood fell below the 2nd threshold value
18Case study rules of functional group switching
- In the scenarios with clear cuttings
- after the clear cutting, a dominant group was
taken from a specially designed probabilistic
table of the group distribution in ground
vegetation designed for the after-clear-cutting
19Tree dominant dynamics
Selective cuttings
Natural development
Illegal clear cuttings
Legal clear cuttings
20Tree dominant dynamics
200-year dynamics
Legal selective cutting
Natural development
The beginning
Legal clear cutting
Illegal clear cutting
21Deadwood dynamics
22Functional group dynamics
Natural development
Legal selective cuttings
Legal clear cutting
Illegal clear cutting
23Functional group dynamics
200-year dynamics
Legal selective cutting
Natural development
The beginning
Legal clear cutting
Illegal clear cutting
24Species diversity dynamics
25Species diversity dynamics
200-year dynamics
Legal selective cutting
Natural development
The beginning
Legal clear cutting
Illegal clear cutting
26Tree dominant dynamics regional level
50-year dynamics
1 Pine, 2 Spruce, 3 Birch, 4 Aspen I initial
state, II legal clear-cutting, III natural
27Functional group dynamics regional level
50-year dynamics
I initial state, II legal clear-cutting, III
natural development
28Species diversity dynamics regional level
50-year dynamics
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ranks of species diversity I
initial state, II legal clear-cutting, III
natural development
29EFIMOD parameters for ground vegetation dynamics
used tree composition deadwood in progress
humus amount nitrogen amount in plan light
soil moisture
30Thank you for your attention!