Modelling the Cosmos and the Human being - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Modelling the Cosmos and the Human being


A model of the Cosmos & Human being – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Modelling the Cosmos and the Human being

Modelling the Cosmos and its reflection, the
Human being
  • This presentation contains a complete scientific
    model of the Cosmos as per Sant-Mat, well beyond
    traditional descriptions that are limited to the
    5-fold koshas of the grand region of Brahmand (or
    Brahm) at best. Beyond Brahmand, it also includes
    Paar Brahm and Sach Khand.
  • The true nature of the Supreme Divine - both in
    manifest and unmanifest forms, is presented
    herein. These stations are well beyond those of
    the traditional deities that we are accustomed to
    worshipping, without realizing that it is a trap
    to keep us away from the true knowledge of both
    our soul and the Oversoul. The result is an
    unsuspecting bondage in the pernicious Chaurasi -
    the Cycle of 8.4 mill. Life-forms in accordance
    with the Law of Karma, resulting in constant
  • It is only during the human birth that the
    Supreme Divine can be found through the grace of
    a Perfect Master, who alone can take us to the
    true states of self-knowledge and God-realization
    that constitute the true goal and the golden
    opportunity of human birth.
  • The Perfect Master gives us a first-hand contact
    with Naam or Name or Word, the creative power of
    the Cosmos, that can then be experienced during
    meditation within the Human body-temple as Light
    and Sound, which enables spiritual ascent into
    the beyond, all the way to the Abode of the Lord.
    He also removes the burden of the Storehouse
    karmas of pervious lives, without which
    Liberation is not possible.

Science definitions (from Internet)
A Black Hole is a place in space where gravity
pulls so much that even light cannot get out,
such as at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy.
A White Hole is a hypothetical region of
space-time and singularity that cannot be entered
from the outside, although energy-matter, light
and information can escape from it. In this
sense, it is the reverse of a Black Hole, which
can be entered only from the outside and from
which energy-matter, light and information cannot
Science definitions (from Internet)
A Wormhole (or EinsteinRosen Wormhole) is a
speculative structure linking disparate points in
space-time, and is based on a special solution of
the Einstein field equations. A Wormhole can be
visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate
points in space-time (i.e., different locations,
or different points in time, or both).
Science definitions (from Internet)
If Black Holes deal with an amazing amount of
mass, White Holes deal with none at all.
Theoretical models say that that a White Hole
cannot be entered from the outside. This is, of
course, the complete opposite of what we know
Black Holes. to be. (super-massive objects that
cannot be exited).
According to the theory of loop quantum gravity,
space-time is made of tiny, invisible loops. As a
Black Hole collapses, the pressure of these loops
could cause it to rebound explosively, forming a
White Hole that spews out matter.
It may be surmised that this graphic describes
dissolution. The process is reversed during
  • The purpose of this article is to not only
    propose a model of the Creation, but also to
    reveal its architecture (My Father's house has
    many rooms. Bible, John 142), as well as the
    modus operandi of its creation/dissolution.
  • It is also the intention here to bring together
    the outer and the inner cosmologies, as per Apara
    vidya (exoteric knowledge) and Para vidya
    (esoteric knowledge), on a common platform. The
    latter vidya is already perfect, while the former
    has its innate limitations, and keeps groping
    along from one level of truth, to a greater level
    of truth, and can therefore find some further
    insight from the latter.
  • The structure of the Cosmic Creation is akin to
    that of an organization. It also has a pyramidal
    hierarchy with several levels, at the bottommost
    of which, we jivas exist. It is therefore very
    easy for one to assume Divinity or God at any
    lower level one rises to. Hence, it is essential
    to understand the true nature of the Supreme
  • The model employs the creations best
    representative the human being itself. In the
    process, the nature and the mutual relationship
    of the Cosmos, considered to be Gods own body,
    and of the body of the human being, is explored.
    In this manner, the nature of self-knowledge and
    God-realization can be perceived at a virtual
  • We live in an age of the intellect. Those who
    are in need an intellectual understanding of
    Spirituality before accepting to move onto its
    practice, could be the ones to most benefit from
    the model of Cosmology presented here.

  • Spirituality requires perfect knowledge of the
    two aspects of
  • 1. Ishta (deity of seeking) i.e., the chosen
    deity of destination of the impending spiritual
    journey, and
  • 2. Sadhan (means of seeking), i.e., how might one
    travel to the abode of the chosen ishta.
  • The former requires understanding of complete
    inner Cosmology (as per Sant-Mat) as is provided
    in this presentation, while the latter can only
    be perfected if a Sant-Satguru or Perfect Master
    is found and spiritual initiation received from
    Him, and thereafter, His precepts are in toto.
    The former is the theoretical aspect, and the
    latter the experimental aspect that takes place
    within the laboratory of the human body itself
    through the practice of Surat-Shabd yoga
  • Para vidya or the Science of Spirituality
    (SoS) best combines the best of the Eastern
    Spirituality with the Western attitude of the
    Scientific Method. However, in order to be
    properly classified as a Science (even though in
    practice, detailed theory is not an essential
    requirement), SoS needs a proper theoretical
    base. This modelling is an attempt towards
    developing the same.

Microcosm and the Macrocosm represent one-another
  • The creation is hologrammic a copy of copies
    in multiple stages. The same simple creative
    paradigm repeats itself at various levels
    macrocosmic to microcosmic. Jo Brahmande, soi
    Pinde, i.e., microcosm is but a reflection of
    the macrocosm. Thus, the microcosm also presents
    itself as a model of the macrocosm.
  • The Bible tells us that the human being was
    created in the image of God, or rather, the
    image of Gods bodily creation, i.e., the Cosmos.
    Also, the shape and structure of the human body,
    being in the image of creation, relates to and
    provides the clue to the very structure of the
    Cosmos! Hence, it is no surprise that the Cosmos
    can be best comprehended by means of the study of
    the human body itself, which contains the entire
    Cosmos, along with its Creator-God.
  • The human being is designated as the Crown and
    Roof of the creation. It is deemed, in all
    creation, to be only second to the Supreme Lord
    Himself in stature. The Holy Quran says that when
    Adam, the prototype of the human being was
    created, all the angels were asked to bow down
    before him (even though they, themselves, had
    fabricated him!). The reason for this was that
    Adam was a unique being the only being in the
    entire Cosmos, who could know the attributes of
    God and possessed the wherewithal for ascending
    to Godhood.

Microcosm - The Human being The Human Soul-String
  • The human body is strung vertically in a
    Sutratma or soul-string, resembling a string
    containing the beads of the various chakras.
    The Sutratma lies alongside the spinal cord, and
    extends well beyond it all the way to the
    Supreme Divine. It is known as the Jacobs
    Ladder in Judaism.
  • The human body, during the present Kali-yuga,
    has been called Nara-Narayani deh
    (macroprosopus in Judaism), i.e., body
    comprising the Physical Nara (microprosopus)
    plus the Subtle or Astral Narayana aspect.
    Narayana is Kaal-Niranjan, the Negative Power,
    the Lord of the Subtle region, who is worshipped,
    out of ignorance, by most human beings as God.
  • Kaal-Niranjan (Time) has a body identical to
    that of the humans, except subtler. It is he, who
    beguiles the souls and keeps them in custody in
    Chaurasi, the Cycle of 8.4 million Life-forms
    of births-rebirths, under the Law of Karma.
  • The Nara aspect comprises the lower six chakras
    ranging from excretory to Ajna or Third Eye
    chakra located between and behind the eyebrows.
    The Narayana aspect comprises the region of the
    forehead and brain, encased within the crown,
    which includes the so-called 7th chakra of
    the yogis.

The Human Soul-String
  • The so-called 7th chakra of the yogis or the
    false Sahasrara chakra is often displayed by a
    serpent-diadem upon the forehead or as the
    snake-like tuft of hair behind the head. This is
    the region of death and of birth of physical
    entities. It is from this Astral region that the
    Ajna chakra is first conceived of physically
    within the foetus the lower five chakras follow,
    top downwards.
  • The Nara or the Physical aspect of the human
    body comprises the twin koshas or bodies
    Annamayi kosha (comprising the lower 3 chakras)
    and Pranamayi kosha (comprising the upper 3
    chakras). The Narayana aspect comprises the lower
    half of the Manomayi kosha. Thus, altogether
    2.1/2 koshas comprise the present human body.
  • However, during the Chatur-yuga or the cycle
    comprising all four yugas, the composition and
    location of the Sutratma varies being the
    highest during Satya-yuga and lowest during
  • Exhibit 1 attempts to describe the Sutratma in
    relation to the five koshas of Brahmand.

Exhibit 1.
The Human Body during Kali-yuga
  • The 3-D shape of the present human body can be
    modelled by 2.1/2 Damroos or monkey drums (or
    hour-glasses), each Damroo representing a Cosmic
    Continent or a human kosha or body. Please see
    Exhhibit 2.
  • Why the Damroo shape? Consider the lower human
    torso comprising the lower3 chakras it has a
    neck where one ties a belt. Likewise, if we
    consider the upper torso and the face up to the
    eyebrows, comprising the upper 3 chakras, it has
    a neck, where a necklace is worn.
  • The same model of the set of six chakras applies
    to the Subtle-Supra Subtle and the Causal-Supra
    Causal planes as well. However, the Spiritual
    plane contains only the upper Damroo, i.e., only
    the upper 3 chakras.
  • The lower limbs, i.e., the legs are an extension
    of the lower (Physical) false Sahasrara chakra,
    located in the Kunda , where the Kundalini shakti
    resides in 3.1/2 coils, between the lower first
    two chakras excretory and urinary. Likewise,
    the upper limbs, i.e., the arms are an extension
    of the upper (Physical) Sahasrara chakra, located
    between the heart and throat chakras.
  • The lowest Damroo represents the visible Gross
    Physical body (Annamayi kosha), and the middle
    Damroo represents the Supra-Physical body
    (Pranamayi kosha). The final 1/2 Damroo pertains
    to the lowest quarter of the Subtle body, with
    the unmanifest Ashta-dal-chakra atop it, and
    relates the forehead and the brain/crown.

Exhibit 2.
The Creation Dissolution of Earth
  • As described above, the region of the Subtle
    plane below Ashta-dal-kanwal, forming its lowest
    quarter, corresponds to the human head (the crown
    containing the brain and forehead), i.e., the
    region above the Third Eye or the sixth, Ajna
    chakra, located between and behind the eyebrows,
    atop the Physical region.
  • The 8 petalled Ashta-dal-kanwal in the Astral
    region is the Milky Way galaxy of the
    celebrated epic Samudra Manthan or the churning
    of the Ksheer Sagar or Milky Ocean, during which,
    Earth, yet in its Astral form, is created
    (among several other things such as poison and
    nectar) by Big Bang. The Islamic Hajj also
    appears to portray the same, with white-clad
    pilgrims (Milky Way) circumambulating the Kaaba
    (Black Hole) counter-clockwise (Milky Way, as
    seen from below). This is also represented in the
    negative counter-clockwise Swastika symbol the
    positive or clockwise Swastika, used especially
    by the Buddhists, represents the Milky Way, as
    seen from above.
  • The creation of the Physical world and the
    Earth, called Maithun Srishti, is by the sexual
    method. Falsely termed Shiva netra
    (corresponding to the Thalamus and the Third
    Ventricle in the human head), the 2nd Person of
    the lowest Subtle Trinity here, is also known as
    the 7th chakra, or the false Sahasrara chakra,
    the 1000 petalled lotus of the yogis. It is the
    seat of the generative organs of nirguna
    Shiva-Shakti, the Linga-Yoni. The 1st and 3rd
    Persons correspond to the Pineal and Pituitary
    glands, respectively. Human males-females are in
    the image of nirguna Shiva and Shakti.

The Creation Dissolution of Earth
  • Likewise, at dissolution after the duration of
    a kalpa, the entire lower creation recedes
    through the same pathway into Shaktis womb at
    Ashta-dal-kanwal, called the Big Crunch, only
    to be re-created after period of rest of an equal
  • The lowest Subtle Trinity can be seen as the
    seat of the following deities 1st Person Indra
    or Kartikeya, 2nd Person Yama, and 3rd Person
    Vrittra or Ganesh. Also, the 6 petalled 1st
    Person chakra, known as Mrityu kanwal contains
    the 6 powers of creation/ destruction Janma
    combines the male-female (sperm-egg) elements,
    Asti makes the various sensory organs, Parinam
    makes a thin film around the embryo, Vriddhi
    enhances the embryo by wind or energy, Ksheen
    divides the body into its various parts Mrityu
    ejects the infant from the womb at the time of
    birth. The 4 petalled 3rd Person chakra
    contains the 4 mental powers, known as
    Antah-karan Manas cognition, Chitta feelings,
    Buddhi intellect Ahankar ego.
  • The Christian Trinity of Father-Son-Holy Ghost
    (the 3rd Person, the creative Mother, really,
    being at the root chakra) is the same as the one
    below the equator. In it, the 2nd Person is
    Christ, the son (Christ, thus becomes an
    allegory for the process of Physical creation
    itself interestingly, made pagan thereby!),
    but also the son of Mary at Ashta-dal-kanwal.
    Note that the 3rd person, the Mother, is not
    called as such, but as the Holy Ghost, since
    Christ is already the son of Mary! It is no
    wonder that the Christians have never ceased
    questioning as to why the 1st Person, Father is
    not superior to the Son, Christ!

Entities of the Cosmic Manomayi Kosha
  • Of special interest is Ashta-dal-kanwal chakra
    or the 8 petalled lotus, or Mahar Lok, forming
    the equator of the Mannomayi kosha in the Subtle
    plane it also forms the equator of the Grand
    Region of the triple worlded Brahmand comprising
    Pind (Physical region), And (Subtle region)
    Brahmand (Causal region) Akshar Purush in the
    Paar Brahm being their Turiya or Fourth.
  • During Kali-yuga, the Ashta-dal-kanwal chakra
    or Mahar Lok forms the upper limit of the human
    Sutratma or soul-string. It also forms the womb
    of Shakti, the Lordess of the Subtle region (as
    it forms the womb in the 8 petalled lotus the
    womb in a human female in the Physical region).
    The half moon(Sa)-6 oclock sun(Ha) deity,
    Savituh at this plane is also celebrated in the
    well-known Gayatri Mantra of the Hindus. This
    is the cave in which Christ is born. This is
    also from where the Big Bang creation begins,
    and ends in a Big Crunch.
  • The presiding female deity at Ashta-dal-kanwal
    is the much worshipped, dual Kali/Durga (also
    known as Mary, mother of Christ in Christianity),
    who appears in all the various ancient and modern
    religions of the world under a variety of names,
    and to whom live sacrifice was made in order to
    propitiate it. The deitys male cognate is an
    artificial creator of the lower triple Lokas or
    regions Bhu Lok earth, Bhuvah Lok space
    (both Physical) Suvah Lok region of the
    lowermost Astral Trinity, called
    Brahma-Prajapati, 4-faced (same as YHWH, whose
    consort is the fertility mother goddess Asherah)
    The true creator, 5-faced Brahma is at the 10
    petalled lotus..

Entities of the Cosmic Manomayi Kosha
  • The Ashta-dal-kanwal equator contains the knot
    between the lower, Jada (inert, night, moon,
    astral light) regions of Pitriyana Path, the
    pathway of the manes its deities being the
    likes of Indra (rain, lightning), Vayu (air),
    Surya (sun), and the upper, relatively chetan
    (conscious, day, sun, sunlight) regions of
    Devayana Path, the pathway of the gods (where
    Tridevas or the Subtle Gunas reside).
  • Above the equator is the upper Trinity of Hindu
    Tridevas 10 petalled Vishnu (Satoguna), Brahma
    (Rajoguna) Shankar (Tamoguna) all tied
    together with a common umbilical cord. Below the
    equator is the lower Trinity (in order above to
    below) of the Hindu gods Indra or Kartikeya 6,
    Yama false 1000 and Vrittra or Ganesh 4
  • The Ashta-dal-kanwal constitutes the Turiya to
    the lower Trinity. The Turiya to the upper
    Trinity is below the 12 petalled Shakti, mother
    to the Tridevas (though not mother to the souls,
    as is often erroneously assumed, but mere
    surrogate, as she brought them into this world
    within her being their true mother being
  • The inner pathway called Brahma-randhra, located
    atop the human head, is the gateway (Wormhole)
    across Ashta-dal-kanwal (Milky Way) for
    crossing to the upper Trinity from the lower one.
    It connects the Black Hole of the lower Trinity
    with the White Hole of the upper Trinity.

Trinities Damroos
  • A Trinity comprises 3 Persons. The middle 2nd
    Person is a union of 1st Person and 3rd
    Person. For example, Shiva Shakti unite to
    form Shiva-Shakti, an Ardha-narishwara or a
    creative hermaphrodite, that gives birth to the
    Tridevas. Likewise, the Shiva-linga Shakti-yoni
    combine at the false Sahasrara to create the
    Maithun Srishti, the sexual creation of the
    Physical world and earth. The human beings are
    but a reflection of Shiva Shakti at 16 12
    petalled Subtle lotuses respectively.
  • The 2nd Person of the Trinity always
    represents Unity. The 1st Person and the 3rd
    Person represent Duality, either arising during
    creation from the 2nd Person (fission) as in
    the upper Trinity of the Damroo, or joining
    together to form the 2nd Person (fusion) as in
    the lower Trinity. During dissolution, the
    process is reversed.
  • Each of the 7 Damroos comprising the creation
    contains two Trinities upper, above the
    equator, and lower, below it. Thus, in the
    Physical-Supra Physical plane set of 2 Damroos,
    there are altogether 4 Trinities. The upper half
    reflects into the lower half at the equator of
    each Damroo. The lower half is, thus, a grosser
    shadow of the upper half, as is a reflection in a
    pool of water.
  • For its 2nd Person, the upper half of a Damroo
    has a White Hole, and the lower one, a Black
    Hole. They are connected through an Internal
    Wormhole with an internal central node at its
    equator. The Black Hole of a Damroo connects
    with the White Hole of the next Damroo via an
    External Wormhole, containing a midway, central
    node denoting the border between the two Damroos.

Chakras Sub-Chakras
  • There are 6 chakras in each set. With the
    further addition of 6 sub-chakras in each set,
    these are expanded from 6 to 12, making 12/3 4
    Trinities, which form the 4 quarters of each set.
    In fact, the chakra ladder, being a time ladder,
    these now 12 also represent the zodiac itself.
    The 4 quarters form Char Dham, the four sacred
    destinations in Hinduism.
  • The same structure of 4 quarters applies to each
    of Pind, And and Brahmand-Paar Brahm. However,
    the Spiritual plane, Sach Khand has only 2
    quarters. There are thus, a total of 14 quarters
    or Trinities in the entire Creation.
  • The uppermost quarter (upto the eyebrows) is
    literally, the Headquarter, which is
    unmanifest, as it contains the Seat of the
    Soul. The remaining, lower three quarters are
    manifest, comprising a total of 5 Tattwas or
    Elements of the Ancients.
  • Macrocosm - The Cosmos
  • The Cosmic creation comprises the three manifest
    Grand Regions Sach Khand (Poorna Brahm or ve
    Power), Paar Brahm (Nirguna Brahm or Neutral
    Power) Brahmand (Saguna Brahm or Brahman or
    just Brahm or ve Power). Like the entire
    creation, the atom is also constituted of the
    same set of triplicity (Protons , Neutrons N
    Electrons -), together with a Turiya or the
    fourth (.), their source, the Black Hole. This
    (3 1) principle of creation appears to be
    fundamental in creation. This can also be
    represented as a Damroo (Exhibit 4).

The Trinities, Black White Holes, Inner Outer
Wormholes (definitions in Appendix) are shown in
Exhibit 3.
Exhibit 4.
Koshas as Damroos (Monkey drums)
  •  While the Physical plane (Pind) comprises the
    first two Damroos, the entire Subtle-Supra Subtle
    plane (And) also contains two more of these. Even
    beyond, the Causal-Supra Causal (Brahmand-Paar
    Brahm), contains yet two more, that are originals
    of even these. The seventh Damroo is the very
    unique one, known as Sach Khand, the prototype of
    the remaining creation of duality.
  • Sach Khand is the Abode of the Supreme Lord and
    Creator in His manifest form, Sat Purush or Akaal
    Purush. Its original design was copied (cloned)
    first by Maha-Kaal into Paar Brahm. Thereafter,
    Kaal copied it to create the five-fold Brahmand
    Triloki, comprising the Ananadamayi, Vigyanamayi,
    Manomayi, Pranamayi and Annamayi koshas.
  • The entire Cosmos and the human apparatus can be
    conceptualized as a system of seven Damroos
    (Monkey drums), connected seriatim by alternate
    Silver and Golden Cords (Exhibit 5).
  • The Cosmic Continents/Koshas or bodies 1, 3 5
    are the lower Saguna ones (i.e., with Gunas or
    triple qualities that exist in varying proportion
    in everything), 2, 4, 6 7 being the upper
    Nirguna (without Gunas).
  • The 10 petalled lotus is specifically the
    location of the Gunas in the Causal, Subtle and
    Physical planes, the last being the Nabhi or
    navel chakra.

Exhibit 5.
  •  The model presented is nothing but an extension
    of the well-known 7 chakra microcosmic model of
    the yogis, into the macrocosm, as described in
  • The creation begins with the creation of the
    Grand Region of Sach Khand (Akaal or non-Time) by
    the Supreme Unmanifest Lord, only known as the
    Ocean of Love. He first creates the residence
    of the Supreme Manifest Lord, Sat Purush or God,
    the Father. This is the prototype of the creation
    of duality to follow. Sach Khand is cloned onto
    Paar Brahm (by Maha-Kaal or Great/Seed Time).
    Thereafter, Brahmand, comprising the 5-fold
    continents or koshas, is created (by Kaal or
    time). Of these 5, the lower 3 are Saguna (with
    triple Gunas or qualities) and the upper 2 are
    Nirguna (devoid of Gunas) as can be seen in
    Exhibit 6.
  • The pathway to the Divine appears to involve a
    continuous White Hole Black Hole White
    Hole chain-like linkage. Clearly, this is the
    middle pathway of Sushumna naadi vein, embraced
    by Sant-Mat. Thus, by mutually connecting only
    with the 2nd Person of the Trinities, it stays
    clear of the dualities of the 1st Person and
    the 3rd Person.
  • In Sant-Mat, the Guru is considered akin to a
    railway pointsman, who provides, by aligning the
    tracks along the middle track, direction to the
    Express train, which stops only at the main
    stations, while bypassing the rest. Thus, it
    becomes a direct and the shortest path, dubbed
    the Grand Trunk Road to Spirituality, which
    goes all the way to the Supreme Divine.

Exhibit 6.
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