Title: RESPA Reform Update
1RESPA Reform Update
Presented to Mortgage Bankers Association
Legal Issues and Regulatory Compliance
Conference Donald H. Blanchard Executive Vice
President Deputy General Counsel Countrywide
Financial Corporation May 1, 2006
2RESPA Reform Update
- HUD Roundtables began in June, 2005
- 7 total
- 4 in Washington
- 3 in Chicago, Fort Worth and Los Angeles with
Small Business Administration SBA - MBA or its members attended most roundtables
- At each roundtable HUD revealed the 2004
withdrawn rule which included - A tightened GFE with tolerances
- In GFE YSP disclosed as a credit to the borrower
- A MPO or packaging exemption that permitted a
Section 8 exemption for a Guaranteed Mortgage
package - A Settlement Services Package or SSP at the
option of the packager
3RESPA Reform Update
- At the roundtables
- Little support for a broad Section 8 exemption
- Third party providers, title representatives,
mortgage brokers and some lenders strongly
opposed it - But there was support for a tighter GFE
- With tolerances
- Possibly accompanied by some regulatory relief
(average cost pricing and volume discounts) that
under current law may violate RESPA - Make GFE form more comparable to the HUD-1
- Some groups produced proposed forms
4RESPA Reform Update
- MBA Efforts
- Established RESPA at Ready group in early 2005 to
prepare for the roundtables - There were still many concerns from the prior
reform effort about any sweeping changes or
packaging reforms - The group focused on a more narrow set of changes
and developed an enhanced GFE approach - It includes some of the ideas from the
roundtables - GFE with tolerances
- Would be accompanied by some regulatory relief
(average cost pricing and volume discounts) - Will make GFE form more comparable to the HUD-1
- Just recently completed the forms, which are
available in the program materials.
5RESPA Reform Update
- MBA GFE Would
- Include Rate and Points
- Advise borrower that offer is subject to final
underwriting and would change if the borrower
requested a different product - Costs are grouped into seven categories with less
itemization of each cost - Lender Origination Costs Broker Origination
Costs Third Party Charges and Title, disclosed
as lump sums for each category without sub-item
prices disclosed - With tolerances
- Reserves, Escrows, Recording and other charges
with sub-items disclosed when known - Good faith estimates, no tolerances
6RESPA Reform Update
- MBA GFE Would (continued)
- Categories of fees, rather than itemizing each
sub-charge, will make the GFE more useful to
consumers. It will help to eliminate junk fees
and should force market competitors to present
their best price in each category, thereby
facilitating competition and lower costs. - To be accompanied by some regulatory relief,
including average cost pricing and volume
discounts. In order to comply with any new
tolerances, lenders will need better pricing
certainty. Average pricing and volume discounts
would allow such certainty. - Revise the HUD-1 form to rearrange some figures,
include subtotals and match the GFE form.
7RESPA Reform Update
- These proposals would require
- A reasonable implementation period of one year
for these changes to go into effect - Revision of the HUD Special Information Booklet
to explain the new forms, the revised rules and
the mortgage loan settlement process in light of
these changes. - Consultation with the Federal Reserve to assure
that the Boards guidance concerning the Truth in
Lending Act is complementary to HUDs actions
and - Necessary preemption of state laws to assure that
RESPA reform will offer consumers the superior
benefits intended. - Note Elimination of full packaging would reduce
the impact upon title providers, leaving state
law to control their operations.
8RESPA Reform Update
- Other Regulatory Relief Possible
- In addition to the provisions above including a
Limited Section 8 Exemption for Average Cost
Pricing, HUDs rules could - Establish a new overall 10 tolerance for third
party and title costs. - Offer a limited Section 8 Exemption for volume
discounts to obtain services that are subject to
the tolerances that would provide - As long as the prices in such cost categories of
a GFE are the same at settlement and reflect a
settlement service providers negotiated marginal
cost for its service, no discount and thus no
thing of value would be found, even if the cost
represented a discount from standard prices, and
even if the reason for the discount was to induce
the delivery of more business.
9RESPA Reform Update
- Conclusion
- Sweeping RESPA reforms have been too
controversial and difficult to even predict the
final outcome or real impacts. - The industry seems to be unwilling to simply
take a chance on major changes at this time. - Limited GFE and HUD-1 disclosure changes will
allow HUD to improve the initial loan disclosure
process. More accurate GFE disclosures have been
the 1 consumer complaint for years. - Hopefully, more targeted reform will allow a
consensus of the various participants in the
mortgage, real estate and settlement industries. - Comments about these MBA proposals should be
relayed to Ken Markison, Esq., the MBAs Senior
Director and Regulatory Counsel for Government