Title: Student Experiences of School Reform
1Student Experiences of School Reform Social
- Progressive era reformers (such as John Dewey and
others, 1890s-1930s) called for bold changes in
teaching and learning. - How did various groups of students and teachers
actually experience Progressive era school
reform? - Did educational policy influence classroom
practice -- or not?
2Larry Cuban, How Teachers Taught Constancy and
Change in American Classrooms, 1890-1990
Research Question Did Progressive-era policy
talk influence classroom instructional practice?
3Larry Cuban, How Teachers Taught
- Source materials to address the research
question - Photographs of Progressive-era classrooms
- Textbooks used in classrooms
- Student recollections from this period, in
diaries or memoirs - Teacher self-reports written during this period
- Reports written by classroom visitors
- Descriptions of classroom architecture (building
plans and classroom layouts, placement of desks,
4Larry Cuban, How Teachers Taught
- Definitions for analyzing photographs
- Teacher-centered instruction
- Teacher talk dominates student talk
- Frequent use of whole-group instruction
- Use of class time determined by teacher
- Classroom organization usually rows facing board
- Student-centered instruction
- Student talk on learning tasks equal to teacher
talk - Individual or small/med group instruction, rather
than whole - Students help to choose and organize content
- Teacher permits student to partly choose rules of
behavior - Varied instructional materials (centers)
available in classroom
5Using Cubans question and definitions, analyze
this photo
Source Library of Congress
6Using Cubans question and definitions, analyze
this photo
7Cubans thesis
- Some student-centered instructional practice
appeared in elementary schools between 1920-40,
but only in one-fourth of the school districts
that systematically tried to implement it
unevenly throughout the day. - These small changes were enough to allow policy
rhetoric to flourish, though its real impact was
quite limited.
8In Cubans other book, Teachers and Machines, he
argues that technological innovation (radio,
television, computers) has not altered traditions
of teacher-centered classroom instructional
1927 Los Angeles
9Students Views from Classrooms
- How did American Indian students experience
Progressive-era schools?
10From Carlisle Indian Industrial School (PA),
11Student body assembled on the Carlisle Indian
School Grounds, 1892.
Source Detective Q Is this website a credible
source? http//home.epix.net/landis/index.html
12Students Views from Classrooms
- How did Italian immigrant students experience
Progressive era US schooling? Source Leonard
Covello autobiography
Source Detective Q How to find a book review of
Lassonde, Learning to Forget?
13Students Views from Classrooms
- How did Puerto Rican migrants experience mainland
US schooling in the post-1945 era? - Source
- Esmeralda Santiago autobiography
14Students Views from Classrooms
- What words would you use to characterize American
Indian, Italian American, and Puerto Rican
childrens experiences of schooling? - Assimilation?
- Integration?
- Annihilation?
- Segregation?
- Americanization?