Title: Solve: November updates Not Showing on Windows PC
1Solve November updates Not Showing on Windows
- Introduction
- Causes for the November Windows update not
showing - Solution to fix the issue
- Solution 1
- Solution 2
- Solution 3
- Conclusion
- The End
November update is the latest and this is later
referred as (Threshold 2 or Fall update) released
for Windows 10. It is very huge and installs the
latest Windows 10 build 10586 in the Windows 10
that increases the OS version number to 1511. It
is having numerous new features, fixes and
improvements to Windows 10. But it also happen
that some of the user are unable to get this
November update in their Windows 10 PC. And at
the time of checking for new update it shows that
Your device is up to date" and there is no new
updates available to download and install the
update. Though there are various causes behind
not supporting the Windows update and to solve it
follow the below given tutorial to install the
4Causes for the Windows 10 November Update Not
Showing on the PC
- Firstly as this is very recent update released
by Microsoft so it takes some time in appearing
in all regions. - The second reason is that as Microsoft has
stated that the update will not appear in the
Windows 10 it is less than 31 days since upgraded
to Windows 10. So if you have upgraded your
Windows 7/8/8.1 PC to Windows 10 RTM and less
than 31 days than you are not able to get
November updates from Windows Update. - Thirdly when the user have allows Defer
Upgrades option in Windows Updates settings,
then it will avoid November updates from
appearing on the PC. So you need to disable the
option in Windows Updates advanced option page.
5Solutions to fix the issues
The best solution is that user need to wait for
some time and the November update will
automatically obtained on the PC. But if you had
updates and or dont want to wait and want to
download and install November update in Windows
10 PC then follow the given solutions Â
6Solution 1
If you have allowed the Defer upgrades" option
in Windows Updates settings, then disable it
first. 1. In the Start Menu and
open Settings app then go to "Update security
gtWindows Update". 2. Click on "Advanced options"
link. 3. After that verify "Defer upgrades"
option and new updates once more and November
Updates will now show up in your PC.
7Solution 2
If you have recently upgraded to Windows 10 and
it is not exceeding 31 days and also you
instantaneously want to install the new November
update, then do it by using the Disk Cleanup tool
and eliminate the Previous Windows Installation
files  After eliminating the files, run Windows
Update again and you are able to see that
November updates start downloading in the system.
8Solution 3
You are suggested to make use of the professional
Reimage Repair tool. It also works as a Disk
Cleanup tool. And designed with advanced
algorithm to fix any types of Windows , Registry,
DLL, Application error and many others. It also
helps to increase the PC performance. It is easy
to use, only user need to download and install it
on the PC, it automatically scan the PC and fix
all the issues presented in the Windows OS.
 Hope that with the above given solution the
latest November update that is not showing in the
PC can support now. It is a very difficult issue
because there are many factors that generate this
issue. So by following the manual solution you
can fix the issue and also you can make use of
the Disk Cleanup tool or Reimage Repair tool.
This will definitely help you to solve the
10The End