Title: Eurocentrism
- A False Understanding of Universality?
2Samuel Huntington The Clash of Civilizations.
3Samuel Huntington A Clash of Civilizations?
- A drastic examples of an actual eurocentric
worldview. - Citation Western concepts differ fundamentally
from those prevalent in other civilizations.
Western ideas of individualism, liberalism,
constitutionalism, human rights, equality,
liberty, the rule of law, democracy, free
markets, the separation of church and state,
often have little resonance in Islamic,
Confucian, Japanese, Hindu, Buddhist or Orthodox
cultures. (Huntington 1993, 40) - Huntington, Samuel. The Clash of Civilizations?.
In Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993 22-49.
4Makes the term Western values any sense?
- individualism, liberalism, constitutionalism,
human rights, equality, liberty, the rule of law,
democracy, free markets, the separation of church
and state - Whatever these values may be, they obviously are
not stable. - And they are full of contradictions.
5Western values
- have developed considerably over time, and have
kept changing - E.g. three generations of Human Rights
- Declaration 1948
- Social Pact 1966
- Resolution on the right of development 1986
6History teaches us that
- Western thinking at an earlier stage was
basically driven by religious and mystical
narrow-mindedness, by superstition in its
Christian or non-Christian versions, by all the
things that the West today believes are specific
for Muslim or Hindu societies.
7The following examples are taken from
- Hippler, Jochen Anstatt einer notwendigen
Satire Eine kleine Polemik zum Clash of
Civilizations nebst einigen Anmerkungen zum
Islamismus. In - http//www.jochen-hippler.de/Aufsaetze/Clash_of_Ci
vilizations _-_Polem/clash_of_civilizations_-_pole
m.html (07.08.06)
8Stable European Family Structures?
9Family Structures
- While stable family structures have been very
important until into the twentieth century, today
family cohesion has lost most of its meaning and
importance. - Even being married does not matter very much any
longer, at least in big cities of Europe. - In many of them, some one third of the household
are single persons and one third of all marriages
end in divorce. - Just a few decades ago this would have been
10Family Structures
- But what does it imply for Western values?
- Are family values not any longer part of them,
after they were for centuries?
11Strong pro-human rights tradition in Europe
versus Fascism and Stalinism
12Western values have entailed both freedom and
- both human rights and the holocaust, and both
streaks of traditions have fought with each
other. - To define Western values only as the positive
side of this double faced history is an arbitrary
attempt to purge European history of its
destructive and depressing aspects.
13Economic Moderinzation
- Many of the values mentioned may have less to
do with western culture, - but with economic modernization.
14Results of Capitalism, of Mechanization, of the
Market Mechanism
- The weakening of religion in Europe, the growth
of individualism, or, again, the decline of the
family, all not necessarily are Western values
at all, but results of capitalism, of
mechanization, of the market mechanism. - In this case they would just appear Western,
because these phenomena have first happened on a
large scale in Europe, but they would in fact be
above cultural specifics.
15Western values is not anything stable or
- These trends would then not constitute European
values, but shape them. - Only the societies affected would obviously
perceive them as something forming part of their
original identity.
16The Charge of Eurocentrism
- In the 1960s a reaction against the priority
given to a canon of Dead White European Males
provided a slogan which neatly sums up the charge
of Eurocentrism (alongside other important
17Anti-Western Idea in the 1960s
- The fall of Universal History and the rise of
Multicultural World History - An anti-Western attitude stating, that the single
most important phenomenon of modern world history
is the imperialist expansion of Europe against
the development of societies situated in the
181st Definition of Eurocentrism
- is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of
placing emphasis on European (and, generally,
Western) concerns, culture and values at the
expense of those of other cultures. - Eurocentrism is an instance of ethnocentrism,
perhaps especially relevant because of its
alignment with current and past real power
structures in the world. Eurocentrism often
involved claiming cultures that were not white or
European as being such, or denying their
existence at all.
192nd Definition of Eurocentrism
- A set of scientifically proved criterias and
categories for dealing with the others,
constituting their particular inferiority - e.g. Friedrich Willhelm Hegels Hirarchy for the
comparision of world regions - America is inferior to Africa due to the
comparative short sature of the american flora
and fauna - Asia is inferior to Europe, because it is old
aged and exhausted - Africa is inferior to Europe due to its lack of
civilization -
- Gerbi, Antonello. Dispute of the New World The
History of a Polemic, 1750-1900. 1955. Trans.
Jeremy Moyle. Pittsburgh U of Pittsburgh P, 1973.
203rd Definition of Eurocentrism
- Emerges in the slipstream of universality the
mayor myth of The West - Raimon Panikkar (1995) Religion, Philosophy and
Culture. In polylog. Forum for Intercultural
Philosophy http//them.polylog.org/1/fpr-en.htm
(2006-09-12) - demanding MULTI- and
21Every Culture Creates Its Own Myths
22Western Culture ...
- ... states that there was no myth in its culture
but a basis sciences
23 There are no Cultural Universals
- Each culture possesses a cosmovision and reveals
the world in which we live (). - Each culture is a galaxy
- which secretes its self-understanding,
- and with it,
- the criteria of truth, goodness, and beauty of
all human actions. - Panikkar 1995
24There are no Cultural Universals
- i.e. concrete meaningful contents valid for all
the cultures, for mankind throughout all times. - What one calls human nature is an abstraction.
- And every abstraction is an operation of the mind
which removes (abstracts) from a greater reality
(as seen by this mind) something (less universal)
which it considers as important. There cannot be
cultural universals, for it is culture itself
which makes possible (and plausible) its own
universals. - Panikkar 1995
25Culture is a Subject
- By saying that there are no cultural universals,
we are using a way of thinking which is foreign
to the modern "scientific" mentality, in which
predominates (when not dominates) simple
objectivity (and objectibility) of the real. - Culture is not simply an object, since we are
constitutively immersed in it as subjects () ,
i.e. subjectivity, essentially belongs to the
human being. - Panikkar 1995
26 The Conquering Myth
- It is very revealing to inquire whence and why a
"mythology" was born (not the narrative,
mythos-legein) as a rational science about
others' myths (legends). All those who do not
come from the South or the Center of England
speak English with an accent only the "natives",
of course, speak without an accent ... Everything
which did not fit into the mental framework of
what is called the Enlightenment, which
flourished precisely when the West had
politically "conquered" more than three quarters
of the planet, has been called primitive myth,
and still nowadays, "on the way to development".
Panikkar 1995
27Examples of such a critique
- Tzvetan Todorov
- Carlos Castaneda
28Pluralism and Interculturality
- Cultural respect requires that we respect those
ways of life that we disapprove, or even those
that we consider as pernicious. We may be obliged
to go as far as to combat these cultures, but we
cannot elevate our own to the rank of universal
paradigm in order to judge the other ones. - () one of the cements of interculturality.
- Panikkar 1995
29Against Eurocentric History
- Andre Gunder FRANK ReOrient. Global Economy in
the Asian Age. University of California Press
1998. obligatory reading Chapter 1, p. 1-51.
30Against Eurocentrism
- Frank 1998,7
- 19. Jh. leadership not hegemony shifted to the
west - 21. Jh. leadership not hegemony shifted again to
the east
31Thesis of Eurocentrism in Western historiography
- National histories formed nation states in Europe
and America serving the ideological,
political, and economic interests of their ruling
classes. (XIX)
32If any regions were predominant in the world
economy before 1800, they were in Asia. (Frank
1998, 5)
- Adam SMITH (1776) An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations. - was the last major (Western) social theorist to
appreciate that Europe was a Johnny-come-lately
in the development of the wealth of nations.
(Frank 1998, 13)
33Frank against Eurocentrism
- We need more than global terminology. We also
need global analysis and theory (Frank 1998,
38). - history makes people more than people make
history (Frank 1998, 41). - globological perspective (Frank 1998, XV).
- We must analyze the whole, which is more than
the sum of its parts (Frank 1998, XV).
34Prominant References in Frank 1998
- Classics
- Fernand Braudel
- Karl Polanyi
- Werner Sombart
- Coevals
- Edward Said
- Samir Amin
- Sidney Mintz
- Eric Wolf
- Janet Abu-Lughod
- John K. Fairbank
- Martin Bernal