Title: Exercise Psychology 2006
1 Exercise Psychology 2006
2Impression Management Social Physique Anxiety
3 I joined a health club last year and spent
about 400. I have not lost a single pound yet!
Apparently you have to show up.
4Lack of Exercise
- Need to assess factors influencing exercise
abstinence / withdrawal
5Variations in Exercise Investment
- Barriers
- Lack of Interest
- Work Commitments
- Other Interests
- Discomfort
- Lack of Social Support
- Boredom
6Variations inExercise Investment
- Impression management
- also known as
- Self-presentation
- Involves processes by which people monitor and
control how they are perceived by others
(Schlenker, 1980)
7Self-Presentation Components
- Goals
- Value of goals
- Discrepancy between
- desired and present
- image
- Self-concept
- Current image
- Potential image
(Leary Kowalski, 1990)
8Self-Presentation Styles
- Acquisitive
- Getting ahead
- Protective
- Getting along (interpersonal evaluation
- Stage Fright
- Embarrassment
- Speech impediments
- Blushing
- Shyness
- Forgetfulness
- Procrastination
- Anxiety
10Social Physique Anxiety(SPA)
- A subtype of social anxiety that occurs as a
result of the prospect or presence of
interpersonal evaluation involving ones
physique - (Hart, Leary, Rejeski, 1989, p.96)
11Social Physique Anxiety
Exercise Competence
Exercise Investment
Self-Presentation Confidence
Exercise Enjoyment
Social Physique Anxiety
Trait Anxiety
Exercise Location
Eating Disorders
Body Composition
Body Concerns
Behavioural Inhibition
12Conceptual Understanding of Social Physique
- SPA due to interaction of
- appraisal of demands of situation
- personal resources to cope with demands
- potential impact of failure to meet demands
- personal meaning assigned to that outcome
- (Lazarus, 1999)
13Conceptual Understanding ofSocial Physique
Secondary Appraisal
Primary Appraisal
Cognitive Appraisal
15Burns (1980)Definition of Perfectionism
The compulsive and unremitting pursuit of
impossible goals where self-worth is defined by
productivity and accomplishment
16Normal Perfectionism
- striving for high standards and challenges
- persistence in the face of difficulty
- highly committed
- deriving pleasure from doing well
17Neurotic Perfectionism
- driven by intense need to avoid failure
- accomplishments never adequate
- dichotomous thinking
- failure equates to lack of self-worth
- Excessive self-criticism
- Feelings of failure
- Guilt
- Shame
- Low self-esteem
- Irrational thinking
- Trait and state anxiety
- Social anxiety
- Job stress
- Distorted body image
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Suicide
- Intense rumination
19- Perfectionism is one
- individual difference factor that influences the
- appraisal process
20(No Transcript)
21Perfectionism, Social Physique Anxiety, and