460 ~ 6 April 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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460 ~ 6 April 2006


460 ~ 6 April 2006 Module VII Integrative Approaches re Common Health Issues: ~ chronic fatigue ~ oncology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 460 ~ 6 April 2006

460 6 April 2006
  • Module VII Integrative Approaches re Common
    Health Issues
  • chronic fatigue

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Can you have Good without Evil ?
Is this an Optical Illusion ?
Learn is always reflected in Teach
How much difference is there between You Me ?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • This illness is to fatigue what a nuclear bomb
    is to a match. Its an absurd mischaracterization.
    " Laura Hillenbrand, battling CFS,
    bestselling author of book, Seabiscuit

Chronic FATIGUE Syndrome
  • the name chronic fatigue syndrome itself has
    caused many of the misconceptions and
    trivialization of it
  • Fatigue is a symptom, not the illness
  • Now often prefer Chronic Fatigue Immune
    Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)
  • No known cause, no definitive cure

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • CFS disproportionately affects women, has long
    been under-recognized under-diagnosed
  • now one of the most common chronic illnesses of
    our time
  • also one of the most misunderstood
  • research is shattering many misconceptions,
    showing CFS to be major public health problem

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome what is it ?
  • 1988 US Ctre for Disease Control (CDC) formulated
    working defn that supported notion of CFS as
    single entity with single cause
  • Thus, term used for any unexplained, persistent
    fatigue from sleep disorders, nutritional
    deficiencies, stress etc
  • CDC defn no longer supported though it still
    taints perception of CFS

Prevalence ?
  • US prevalence rate for women with CFS is higher
    than it is for AIDS (12 women per 100,000),
    breast cancer (26 women per 100,000) and lung
    cancer (33 women per 100,000)
  • CFS not specific to any race, age, or SES group

Canadian Other Stats
  • According to Statistics Canada, 341,126 Canadians
    have had a doctor diagnose them with Chronic
    Fatigue Syndrome 2003 study, released 2006
    called 10 phenomenon
  • Perspective re US stats almost twice as common
    as multiple sclerosis five times more common
    than AIDS
  • Estimate that 100 billion lost annually in N
    America due to CFS-related issues complications
    side effects

  • Problem what is fatigue, prolonged fatigue,
    chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome ?
  • the Canadian Expert Consensus Panel has published
    a medical milestone, the first clinical case
    definition for the disease known as myalgic
    encephalomyelitis /chronic fatigue syndrome
  • ME more widely known as fibromyalgia

ME vs cfs
  • Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a more specific
    and appropriate diagnosis than CFS, as it
    describes a specific condition with muscle and
    neurological symptoms, not only the ubiquitous
    symptom of fatigue
  • More specifically, the fatigue in ME is exertion
    related (vs. "tired all the time"), with a
    significantly prolonged recovery time, and all
    symptoms can be magnified by levels of physical,
    cognitive, sensory or emotional stress that would
    have been of no consequence prior to the illness
  • Currently both names/descriptions may be used, or
    sometimes may be used interchangeably, which has
    led to a great deal of confusion
  • CFS is used more frequently in the US, while ME
    is still preferred by most of Europe, Canada, and
  • Possible that all patients with ME have CFS but
    not everyone with CFS has ME

More on ME
  • Systemic disease but primarily central nervous
    system dysfunction
  • Often dysautonomia or abnormal functioning of the
    autonomic nervous system
  • Also associated with emotional, cognitive,
    proprioceptive dysfuntion

Myalgic encephalomyelitis CFS Chronic Fatigue
  • the new clinical case definition makes it
    compulsory that in order to be diagnosed with
    ME/CFS, a patient must become symptomatically ill
    after exercise and,
  • must also have neurological, neurocognitive,
    neuroendocrine, dysautonomic, and immune
    manifestations symptoms other than fatigue must
    be present for a patient to meet the criteria  
  • This case definition, which incorporates some of
    the current research on dysautonomia, cardiac,
    and immune problems, was published in the Journal
    of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11 (1) 2003.

Key symptoms of CFS/ME include
  • profound exhaustion
  • extreme joint/muscle pain and headaches
  • severe thinking and memory dysfunctions
  • a depressed immune system

Its all in their minds!
  • there is substantial objective, well-documented
    evidence of central nervous system, (CNS),
    immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, and autonomic
    nervous system abnormalities which indicate that
    CFS is biologically, not psychologically,

Its all in their minds!
  • The leading model of CFS pathogenesis is rooted
    in scientifically identified abnormalities in the
    brain (central nervous system) and the immune
    system, both of which affect and alter the
    function of the other

At least 4 of these key symptoms are concurrently
present for 6 months or longer
  • substantial impairment in short-term memory or
    concentration (attention deficit, memory lapses,
    frequently using the wrong word, spatial
  • sore throat
  • extreme joint and muscle pain without swelling or
  • headaches of a new type, pattern or severity
  • Un-refreshing sleep (hypersomnia or insomnia,
  • painful lymph nodes
  • post-exertional malaise lasting more than 24

CFS Research
  • In broadly-defined CFS, the research is equivocal
    and confusing
  • there is some evidence for a persistent viral
    infection in a subgroup of patients, while in
    others, there are clear signs of immune system
    activation, muscle damage and other changes
    suggesting ongoing disease
  • presence of certain pathogens (bacteria,
    parasites) in the gut play a significant role in
    some CFS

Is there a psychological factor identified by
research ?
  • research suggests that among broadly-defined
    populations, there is a subgroup whose ongoing
    fatigue may be the direct result of excessive
    inactivity and maladaptive (irrational,
    unrealistic) beliefs
  • Majority of CFS sufferers do not have
    psychological predisposition to CFS

  • Depends on the subgroup
  • patients with signs of ongoing infection have
    responded to the appropriate anti-viral or
    immunity-boosting drugs
  • where there is a lack of certain vitamins (D,
    B12) or food sensitivities, supplementation and
    dietary modification have had impressive results

  • In the UK, researchers have found that lifestyle
    advice e.g. about expenditure of energy, diet
    etc. plus stress management and counseling, can
    significantly reduce disability and distress

Text re Treatment-Conventional
  • Conventional or allopathic includes medical,
    social, psychological support
  • Conventional drug therapies anti-depressants
    work for some symptom relief just as often, they
    produce other symptoms or reactions ex NSAIDs
    create GI problems
  • Role of exercise is controversial and equivocal
    in effect

Text re Treatment-Integrative
  • Limited research or practice here that comes down
    to decision-making, experience, individual
  • Issue seems to be making sure there are options
    and being open
  • What forms? Massage, osteopathy, chiropractic are
    all prelim studies

Text re Treatment-Integrative
  • Mind-body interventions such as relaxation,
    meditation note the RCTs in this area goal in
    these is to help patient live functionally, not
    cure CFS
  • One good RT study on tive effect of homeopathic
  • Others in text dietary, herbal, acupuncture,
  • See the case study page 427 re text conclusions
    on CFS treatments

What about exercise ?
  • those who do not engage in 'excessive rest' or
    who tend to operate at their own activity
    ceilings should learn to pace themselves through
    the day
  • for people whose fatigue appears to be maintained
    by unhelpful beliefs and behaviours,
    cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) plus graded
    activity is the treatment of choice
  • Issue is not whether to exercise, but how much
    and when

New advice for CFS patients Pace Switch
  • Pace in everday activities
  • Switch mental and/or physical activities before
  • Commitment to rest
  • Relatively new coping mechanism thats kind of an
    CFS interval training approach

What is needed ?
  • we need better criteria to separate the different
    fatigue syndromes otherwise, inconsistent
    confusing findings
  • doctors must begin to trust people with CFS it
    has had some very bad press and is tarnished by
    prejudice public needs greater awareness too

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The name "Co-Cure" stands for "Cooperate and
Communicate for a Cure." Our Focus Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(ME/CFS) Fibromyalgia
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O n c o l o g y
  • Rogue cells that form lump or mass that is either
    benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous)
  • Named for body area of origin, ex. colon cancer
    if it moves or metastasizes to liver, then colon
    cancer with liver metastases

Cancer complexity
  • Complexity of CFS is one type of complexity
  • Complexity of cancer as health issue is whole
    different matter
  • Consider real case decision on maternal cancer
    genetics . . .

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Cdn Cancer Statistics
  • In 2005, 149,000 new cases of and 69,500 deaths
    from cancers
  • Lung cancer is leading cause of death from
    cancer, more than breast prostate combined
  • 2nd leading is colorectal new TV ads with bums
    with asterisk over rectal area dont die of

Cdn Cancer Statistics
  • Incidence and mortality from all cancers lung
    cancer hier in eastern, lower in western provs
  • Increased number of new cases due to aging
  • 44 of new cases and 60 of deaths occur in 70
    age group
  • Cancer rates hier for females during reproductive
    years males hier rates at all other stages of

Probability Stats
  • 38 of Cdn women, 44 Cdn men will develop cancer
  • 1 out of every 4 Cdns will die from cancer
  • Lung cancer by far the leading cause of premature
    death (life years lost)
  • Some 1300 cases of cancer in kids only 20
    likely to die

Cancer Prevention Modifiable Risk Factors ?
  • Tobacco use
  • Unhealthy eating
  • Excess body weight
  • Physical inactivity
  • Over-exposure to suns ultraviolet rays

Treatments Conventional
  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Biological therapy plus managing pain,
    managing side effects like
    destruction of healthy cells , managing

Treatment Canadian Cancer Society
  • Seems to be very progressive, albeit cautiously
    in its inclusiveness of both allopathic and
    alternative treatment approaches
  • Directive and user-friendly, public approach to
    understanding clinical trials

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Treatment Canadian Cancer Society re
  • Conventional treatment for cancer, which usually
    consists of surgery, radiation therapy and/or
    chemotherapy aims to attack or remove the cancer
  • These methods have been scientifically tested,
    and are constantly being improved, in
    well-designed clinical trials

Treatment Canadian Cancer Society re
  • Advocate that this is personal decision and
    should consider/know diffs betw
    conventional CAM therapies all the info
    you can get on CAM forms consulting with
    healthcare team re use and interaction of CAM
    forms with conventional

Treatment Canadian Cancer Society re
  • Distinguish betw complementary re using, say
    meditation with conventional therapies to relieve
    pain etc
  • Vs alternative, meaning instead of with such
    forms as massage, meditation, therapeutic touch,
    herbal remedies, special diets, new un-tested
    treatment discoveries

Text Integrative medicine
  • Focuses mainly on CAM modalities in cancer
    treatment re
  • Minimal evidence for nutrient or micronutrient
    (ex. Vitamins) products having any real impact
  • Palliation (alleviation) of symptoms show some
    support re use of acupuncture in reducing
    nausea/vomiting with chemo

Text Integrative medicine
  • Underscores importance of quality survival
  • Goes thru good discussion of CAM approaches like
    dietary, micronutrients and nutraceuticals,
    botanicals, mind-body, acupuncture and some
    others for you, note the evidence for each
  • Note and study the extensive case study author
    uses and conclusions re this integrative approach

Conclusions re CFS and Cancer re Integrative
  • Both stunning, complex health issues
  • Both have greater potential for integrative
    medicine approach
  • Keys personal professional responsibility
    informed, evidence-based decision-making

Next Day
  • Last Class Synthesis and Wrap-up
  • Exam info
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