Title: I2 Regional Aspects of ACC through regional models
1I2 Regional Aspects of ACC through regional models
2To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- What are the factors that make a region to be
poorly (or adequately) represented?
- Teleconnection mechanisms?
- (O-A-L)
- Regional processes?
- (O-A, L-A, O-A-L)
3To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
Regional Features in Claris-LPB and AMMA case
studies (Prepared by Daniela Jacob, for the
CLARIS-LPB meeting at the Lund RCM Wshop) But
applicable to NARCCAP, Asian Monsoon, Somali Jet)
- (Some) dynamical flow features in the regions
- Subtropical highs
- Trades/monsoons (WAM)
- Jet streams (AEJ, LLJ)
- Mesoscale convective systems (MCS)
- Regional/local characteristics
- Land sea/lake breezes, orography (eg. Ethiopian
highlands, Andes) - Studies of interactions of large scale flows with
convective systems using high resolution models
are part of both AMMA and Claris-LPB (RCM) -
- High resolutions for oceans and along the coast
also needed (coupled AORCM)
4To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- Improvement of regional scenarios
- Need to understand why a region is poorly
represented, but as important, why other regions
are properly represented -both through process
studies (e.g., role of land cover changes) - Identify a useful set of metrics to assess
vulnerability (time or temperature approach?
Ref Ongoing discussion in Claris LPB) - Such questions require the involvement of
regional projects with an understanding of the
regional climate. - - TFRCD - WGCM
- - CORDEX (COordinated Regional climate
Downscaling Experiment) - - NARCCAP
- - AMMA
5To explore regional aspects of ACC through CLIVAR
regional studies, including use of regional
- Timeline depends on TFRCD and CORDEX progress,
but links should be established within one year. - Identify common subjects of interest (e.g., at
the recent RCM meeting in Lund it became evident
that groups like NARCCAP, Claris LPB and AMMA
have many issues in common) - (List the needs from national/regional programs)
- CLIVAR regional groups need to begin
interactions with the modeling community,
particularly the TFRCD. Joint workshop? - List the needs from CLIVAR (workshops, working
group etc.)