Title: Ambiant Assisted Living Joint Programme AAL Vision, Structure, Strategy
1Ambiant Assisted LivingJoint Programme
AALVision, Structure, Strategy
- Reinhard.Goebl_at_bmvit.gv.at
- Fed.Min. Transport, Innovation and Technology, AT
- Vice Pres. Exec. Board, AAL
- November 30, 2008, Vienna
2AAL Vision, Basic ideas
- To be distinguished
- Joint Programme new scheme of cooperation
between European States (not only EU Member
States) with nat. funding based on national
guidelines with an Assoc. as legal carrier body.
This is a political vision - EC is cofunding AAL (based on Art. 169
Codecision), not directly integrated in the JP. - The actual working theme ICT for elderly people
living at home(Ambiant Assisted Living)Position
between FP7 and CIP 2-3 years to market - Synergies on European level via direct
cooperation of nat. programmes
3AAL EC funding based on Art. 169
- AAL has one of the strongest Europ. Mandates
possible Codecision (Parliament Council) - AAL169 allowing the Community (EC) to participate
in (and cofinance) a cooperation of European
States - This NOT a contradiction to an important role of
end users, markets, industry, science etc. etc. - ?in the long run one of the most important parts
of AAL community building is the initialisation
of the - concrete dialogue between MS on a high
level(First step WG content defining the Calls)
4AAL Target Groups
- Target groups of a Joint Programme AAL
- Nat. Programmes
- Political and administrative bodies Member
states, Regions, nat. agencies,
ParliamentCouncilpolicy, budget, decision
makers relevant for AALEU AND national level (
international ) - Projects end users, care leisure time
organisations, regional/central authorities,
assurancies, companies, research insts.,
5AAL tools for realisation
- Means to realise AAL Community Building
activities - Call for Poposals (going on) projects strong
carrier of AAL (1. Call 120 proposals) - Working Groups on AAL level (specialising in
topics of common interest e.g. WG content
another for communication, identification of
further cooperation fields with MS incl. Regions,
partial budget by AAL possible) - Development of a common strategy/themes
- Policy Dialogue (ministries, Industry,
Parliaments, EC, ) - Accompanying Activities (concrete tasks tb
applied in AAL) - Workshops to specific topics (like new calls,
strategies, ) - PR activities (media work, prospects, Web
platform, - Lobbying (Parliament, Ministries, Council,
decision makers, ) - Budget nat. budget (34 mio ), EC 25 mio in
total ca. 700 mio (ca.200 nat funding, 150
EC-funding, rest by proposers) - Specific, maybe prominent roleAAL Forum, a
1-(2?)yearly European Conferencestarting in
Vienna, 28Sept. 2. Oct. 2009, Hofburg
6AAL Status of JP
- Established
- AAL Association as a legal carrier body (members
European States) 23 Members - All the bodies (GenAssembly, ExecBoard,
WGcontent, CMU..) - Internal Rules of Procedures
- In status of being finished General Ageement
AALass, EC, Bilateral Agreements AALass
members - 1. Call ca 120 projects (selection going on)
- 2. Call preparation being finished, waiting for
publication - Programme Forum in prep. (28.9-2.10.2008, Vienna)
7AAL AAL Forum
- Goal
- European Platform of the AAL Programme
- Format
- AAL activities to be shown (projects, WGs, )
- Policy platform (Member States)
- End users, care organisations, market tb involved
- Content discussion, trends, new themes
- Exhibition, projects, matchmaking
- Tutorials (involvement end users, ethics,..)
- 2 (3) days, plenum, parallel tracks, social
events - Budget AAL, local organiser, sponsors
(1000-1200 attendants exp.)
8AAL Community Building (4)
- Thank you for your attention
- Questions
- i5_at_bmvit.gv.at
- (Reinhard Goebl)
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10AAL thematic areas
11Opportunities Intelligent mass products Customized
services Intelligent processes Missing Business
models Value chains Standardization
Integration of user needs into the development
Public-private partnership, living labs, evidence
creation, best practices
Needs Maintaining health functional
capability Preserving independence
dignity Participation into society social
networks Feeling secure Expectations Personalised
products and services Citizen empowerment
Challenges Ageing population Increasing costs of
social and health care Reducing workforce Improve
quality of life for all Societal needs New
concepts with evidence on effectiveness and
economical sustainability
Customer centric, effective, accessible and
economically sustainable service system
12AAL as solution driven programme
Solutions to societal challenges
Thematic area e.g. Social Interaction
- Project drivers
- Business opportunities
- User needs
- Technology
- Impact to the society
Solutions for the elderly
Call definition
Business to technology companies
User needs, societal challenges, business
Business to service companies
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16AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (1)
- AAL JP needs a central, permanent Forum, a
visible platform. Community building,
identification, promotion, stakeholders, markets,
tendencies, new themes, teaching, - Optimal format for that ?Forum, open,
interdisiplinary, promotion vs. Closed event - 10 years vision The most important EU Forum for
AAL (or even Ageing ?? Global ?) - We are starting a process accompanying the AAL
JP, not just a single event
17AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (2)some categories
- Mission, target groups output (disc. !!!)?AAL
vs. health - Basic format forum, plenary and parallel tracks,
exhibition, Tutorials/Seminars (before ? SS),
satellite sessions ?, , all you can eat - 2(3?) days
- Date (blocked week 28.9.-2.10.2009)
- Location Hofburg Vienna
- of attendies 1000-1500
18AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (3)
- Visible Platform for AAL JPstatus of JP (report
by the President)What AAL JP is doing
? projects, results, activitiesNat. Programmes
(EC FP7, CIP ?) - Strategic dialogue rationale and
backgroundOverview AAL theme seen by JP - reinhard.goebl_at_bmvit.gv.at
19AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (4)
- End users, user organisations- practical
aspects, presentations, demos- fundamental info,
discussion, change of behaviour- sessions with
end users - Policy levelEur. Parliament (mandate), EU
aspects, Member States, ministries, regions (!) - Lobbying, strategy
20AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (5)
- Markets, SMEs, industrybusiness models
exemples standardisation ? users needs,
services AALiance, Future marketsMIT
typologymoney spending by seniors - Technology, Tendencies, new themesglobal USA,
Japan, , EU spects, new Calls - Scientific tracksocial science, psychology and
technology, background, rationale AAL tb checked
and analyzed
21AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (6)
- Teaching Seminars, Summer Schools (1 day before
?)- user aspects- practical ethics (guide for
industry ?)- technology AAL for YOU (what is
AAL ? for industry, for politicians, )- EU
aspects what is a European market/project ? - Legislation, legal reqirements
- European cultures Scandinavia, NOR CH ISR
22AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (7)
- Budget- AAL JP contribution- Nat. local AT
contribution- MS contributions cash, in kind
for specific activities run by them- sponsors-
Fees (3/400 per person ??)- via WG/Acc.Activity
(?) mandate for 1 (3-5) years ?
23AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (8)Prov. Agenda
- Basic idea (Forum ?)
- Date, location
- Prov. Forum Committee, subgroups
- Prov. Concept and Budget (before 17. Oct.)
- EB Decision to start
- GA decision in principle
- Contributions by MS
- Concept (end of 2008 ?) Final Budget
- HR, subcontracting
24AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (9)target groups
- Elderly people in the Conference incl. future
elderly (lt70 ?) phys. Access ? Of which age ? - AAL JP community (individuals) projects, users,
researchers, stakeholders - Public opinion, media,
- Industry, market
- Science, research
- Policy (Eu Parl., MS, EC, )
- Users
- Prof. Organisations users
- SWE elderly conference (!!)
25- Prep. Group
- CH
- NL
- UK Jackie
- Draft concept
- Strg. Community
- budget
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- Thu, Sep 11
- 9.00 Welcome by UMIC overview of Portuguese
activities - 10.00 Agenda and objectives of the workshop,
introduction of the delegates - 10.15 Status of AAL Joint Programme, outcome and
timetable of call 1 - 11.00 Call text finalization plenary
- 13.00 Lunch
- 15.00 Call text finalization plenary cont.
- 18.00 Closing
- Informal get-together
- Fri, Sep 12
- 9.00 Timetable of call text finalization,
national commitments and approval - 9.30 Other AAL JP activities - Group work
- 11.00 Outcomes of group work - plenary
- 12.30 Lunch
- 14.00 AAL congress in Vienna 2009
- 16.30 Closing
29WG content, 12.9.2008, 2pm-4.30pm Informal
brainstorming next years and Vienna AAL Forum
- Presence until when ?
- 2-2.30pm Overview next years
- 1. Call appropriate response ?
- Next actual themes (the musts ?)
- Other Agenda of importance (Acc. Activities)
- Next Calls (1 or 2 in 2009 themes, , repeating
themes, ) - Role of MS in AAL169, mandate by codecision
- 2.30-4pm Vienna AAL Forum 2009
- 4-4.30pm AOB
30AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (1)
- AAL JP needs a central, permanent Forum, a
visible platform. Community building,
identification, promotion, stakeholders, markets,
tendencies, new themes, teaching, - Optimal format for that ?Forum, open,
interdisiplinary, promotion vs. Closed event - 10 years vision The most important EU Forum for
AAL (or even Ageing ?? Global ?) - We are starting a process accompanying the AAL
JP, not just a single event
31AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (2)some categories
- Mission, target groups output (disc. !!!)?AAL
vs. health - Basic format forum, plenary and parallel tracks,
exhibition, Seminars (before ? SS), satellite
sessions ?, , all you can eat - 2(3?) days
- Date (blocked week 28.9.-2.10.2009)
- Location Hofburg Vienna
- of attendies 1000-1500
32AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (3)
- Visible Platform for AAL JPstatus of JP (report
by the President)What AAL JP is doing
? projects, results, activitiesNat. Programmes
(EC FP7, CIP ?) - Strategic dialogue rationale and
backgroundOverview AAL theme seen by JP - reinhard.goebl_at_bmvit.gv.at
33AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (4)
- End users, user organisations- practical
aspects, presentations, demos- fundamental info,
discussion, change of behaviour- sessions with
end users - Policy levelEur. Parliament (mandate), EU
aspects, Member States, ministriesLobbying,
34AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (5)
- Markets, SMEs, industrybusiness models
exemples standardisation ? users needs,
services AALiance, Future marketsMIT
typologymoney spending by seniors - Technology, Tendencies, new themesglobal USA,
Japan, , EU spects, new Calls - Scientific tracksocial science, technology,
background, rationale AAL tb checked and analyzed
35AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (6)
- Teaching Seminars, Summer Schools (1 day before
?)- user aspects- practical ethics (guide for
industry ?)- technology AAL for YOU (what is
AAL ? for industry, for politicians, )- EU
aspects what is a European market/project ? - Legislation, legal reqirements
- European cultures NOR, CH
36AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (7)
- Budget- AAL JP contribution- Nat. local AT
contribution- MS contributions cash, in kind
for specific activities run by them- sponsors-
Fees (3/400 per person ??)- via Acc.Activity
(?) mandate for 1 (3-5) years ?
37AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (8)Prov. Agenda
- Basic idea (Forum ?)
- Date, location
- Prov. Forum Committee, subgroups
- Prov. Concept and Budget (before 17. Oct.)
- EB Decision to start
- GA decision in principle
- Contributions by MS
- Concept (end of 2008 ?) Final Budget
- HR, subcontracting
38AAL Forum Vienna 2009 (9)target groups
- Elderly people in the Conference incl. future
elderly (lt70 ?) phys. Access ? - Of which age ?
- AAL JP community (individuals) projects, users,
researchers, stakeholders - Public opinion, media,
- Industry, market
- Science, research
- Policy (Eu Parl., MS, EC, )
- Users
- Prof. Organisations users
- SWE elderly conference (!!)
39- Prep. Group
- CH
- NL
- UK Jackie
- Draft concept
- Strg. Community
- budget
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41Organization of the WG
- The working group is set up to produce the call
text for the AAL call for proposals AAL-2009-2.
The working group operates from 1.5.2008 until
30.11.2008. - The call definition working title is ICT based
solutions for Improving Social Interaction of
Elderly People - The working group is chaired by Pekka Kahri /
Tekes and the vice chair is Gerda Geyer / FFG. - Each member of the AAL Association is invited to
appoint a delegate to attend the WG workshops and
editorial/working meetings.
42WG delegates
- Pekka Kahri (FI)
- Gerda Geyer (AT)
- Irene Martinsson (SE)
- Christian Roux (FR)
- Geja Langerveld (NL)
- Antonio Santos (PT)
- Joachim Russ (DE)
- Gerard Butler (IE)
- Frederik de Vusser (BE)
- Andreea Monnat (LU / FNR)
- Jean-Michel Ludwig (LU / LuxInnovation)
- Jose Luis Monteagudo (ES / ISCIII)
- core/editorial group member
- Miguel Sánchez Domínguez (ES / MITYC)
- Iria Loucaidou (CY)
- Jackie Marshall-Cyrus (UK)
- Maja Arnestad (NO)
- Constantinos Stephanidis (GR)
- Mariusz Duplaga (PL)
- Pietro Siciliano (IT)
- Urs Guggenbühl (CH)
- Robert Gustin (SL)
- David Grønbæk (DK)
- Hassan Charaf (HU)
- Monica Winge (SE)
- Hartmut Strese (DE)
43Deliverable of the WG
- The objective of the working group is to generate
a call document for the AAL call for proposals
AAL-2009-2 with following contents - Definition of the objectives of the call and the
thematic area - Necessary background information
- Proposal requirements for the call
- Implementation details of the call
- Evaluation criteria for the call
44WG activities
- Collection of background information
- Call definition workshop for all WG delegates on
June 4-5th in Stockholm - Forming the core group to support the preparation
and editorial work - First draft circulated to AAL Members and AAL
Executive Board, July 2008 - Call definition workshop for all WG delegates,
September 11-12th, in Lisbon - Hosted by UMIC
- Finalization of the AAL-2009-2 call text
- Final draft sent to AAL Members and AAL Executive
Board (Sept 19th) - AAL General Assembly (Oct 20-21, Bonn)
- National commitments to participation (Nov 14th)
- Launch of call AAL-2009-2 at the ICT 2008, Lyon,
France, Nov 25-27th , networking event
45Support and communication
- The working group communicates via the
contents_at_aal-europe.eu mailing list within the
AAL portal. - The Executive Board is in charge of the
consultations and discussions with stakeholders
(EC, AAL Advisory Board, other stakeholders)
concerning the AAL call - One person of the AAL Central Management Unit
shall support the activities of the working group
(organizational and editorial tasks)
46AAL thematic areas
47Opportunities Intelligent mass products Customized
services Intelligent processes Missing Business
models Value chains Standardization
Integration of user needs into the development
Public-private partnership, living labs, evidence
creation, best practices
Needs Maintaining health functional
capability Preserving independence
dignity Participation into society social
networks Feeling secure Expectations Personalised
products and services Citizen empowerment
Challenges Ageing population Increasing costs of
social and health care Reducing workforce Improve
quality of life for all Societal needs New
concepts with evidence on effectiveness and
economical sustainability
Customer centric, effective, accessible and
economically sustainable service system
48AAL as solution driven programme
Solutions to societal challenges
Thematic area e.g. Social Interaction
- Project drivers
- Business opportunities
- User needs
- Technology
- Impact to the society
Solutions for the elderly
Call definition
Business to technology companies
User needs, societal challenges, business
Business to service companies
- Thu, Sep 11
- 9.00 Welcome by UMIC overview of Portuguese
activities - 10.00 Agenda and objectives of the workshop,
introduction of the delegates - 10.15 Status of AAL Joint Programme, outcome and
timetable of call 1 - 11.00 Call text finalization plenary
- 13.00 Lunch
- 15.00 Call text finalization plenary cont.
- 18.00 Closing
- Informal get-together
- Fri, Sep 12
- 9.00 Timetable of call text finalization,
national commitments and approval - 9.30 Other AAL JP activities - Group work
- 11.00 Outcomes of group work - plenary
- 12.30 Lunch
- 14.00 AAL congress in Vienna 2009
- 16.30 Closing
50AAL-2008-1 outcome
- The first call for proposals was very well
accepted by the AAL community - 117 transnational project proposals
- Organisations from all AAL Partner States are
represented in AAL proposals - Project coordinators from 19 out of 23 AAL
Partner States. - Total 950 partners
- The formal eligibility checks are being
performed, the first impression is that the
participation rules were well understood. - Consortia
- On average 8 partners formed one project
consortium (Min 3, max 19) - Budgets
- Cumulative total costs of about 370 Mio
- About 230 Mio are requested as public funding.
(4 times oversubscription to the announced
budget) - Average requested contribution about 2 Mio per
project. - Contents
- Nearly all proposals seem to be built on the
scheme sensor-communication-action by caretaker
etc. - Length of proposals between 4 and 95 pages
51AAL-2008-1 did we get what we expected?
- The level of industry involvement?
- The involvement and proactive role of the
end-user organization(s)? - Where is the Centre of Gravity of the
proposals? - On the D (Development), or still on the R
(Research). - Does the short time to market requirement reflect
to the consortium composition? - Will there be at the end of the project realistic
trial set ups, to demonstrate not only the
scientific and organizational viability, but also
COMMERCIAL VIABILITY of the products/ services to
be developed by the project. - Circulation of FP proposals?
52AAL-2008-1 process
- Electronic proposal submission system worked well
- Eligibility checks are being performed
- Evaluators assigned by EB CMU -gt evaluation has
started Sept 8 - Rapporteurs meet in Brussels Sept 30 Oct 1 -gt
ranking list - Opening up of 2nd round for problematic AAL
projects (14 days offered for resubmission
deadline Oct 14) - Oct 15-17 Evaluation of resubmitted projects
- Oct 20-21 General Assembly of the AAL Association
- Project selection
- November- December 2008 funding decisions at the
national agencies
53Group work Sept 12
- Call text finalization Hartmut Strese, Antonio
Santos, Jackie Marshall-Cyrys - Rationale potential benefits
- Guidelines
- Other activities 2009 Gerda Geyer, Geja
Langerveld others - Call launch event, other partnering events
- Proposal pre-check procedure
- Collaboration of the NCP network
- Accompanying activities Reinhard Goebl, Pekka
Kahri others - Themes for accompanying activities
- AAL Joint Programme strategy (process dialogue)
- AAL conference in Vienna
- Coffee break at 11 oclock -gt plenary continues
54Accompanying activities
- Creation of knowledge and communication in the
AAL community to support the programme
implementation and understanding the problem
fields - Dialogue between different policy sectors /
professions / scientific areas and European
regions - Markets, SME and industry involvement
- Dissemination of results and communication
55Accompanying activities
- Strategy of the programme through dialogue
process with stakeholders - Future needs foresight activity behaviour of
the end-users elderly of today and tomorrow - SME toolkits Roadmaps market entry
business models funding sources IPR handling
best practices - How to involve end users, ethical and legal
issues - Definition of and communication of AAL platform
and concept, PR? - Trials and implementation in the
health/social/housing services best practices,
critical factors of take-up (training etc.) - Systemic analysis of payment - Financing the
future how a market is generated
56Accompanying activities
- How to start / fund Accompanying Activities?
- When a call for proposal with national funding
can be used for the activity? - Can AAL central management / operational funding
be used for the activity? - Can the AAL Association issue tenders to run
activities? - Can a small number (bi/multilateral) of AAL
Partners run activities in parallel to AAL? - Examples
- Vienna conference, AAL Showcase
- Summer School for dissemination of information
and creation of common language among students,
young researchers etc.
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