Title: Personal Development Planning at Staffordshire University
1Personal Development Planning at Staffordshire
- Helen Pownall
- PDP Project Manager
- Academic Development Institute
- 18 April 2005
- Background to PDP at Staffs
- Drivers and rationale
- Implementation timetable
- Pilots students and staff
- Staffordshire University PDP policy
- PDP E-learning resource My Portfolio
- Motivation factors
- Questions/discussion
3Background to PDP at Staffs
- Mark Stiles, specialist in learning technologies,
member of JISC group - Student Profiling Working Group
- Successful pilots in Law, Social Work Geography
- Internal drivers, e.g. employability and widening
participation - QAA Guidelines on HE Progress Files (2000)
- My Portfolio electronic system to help students
learn from work experience - Many elements of PDP already embedded in
curriculum and current academic practices - Appointment of Project Manager to co-ordinate
roll out of PDP across the University (October
4Specific Drivers and Rationale
- QAA national deadline of 2005/6 for
universities to introduce PDP element of Progress
Files for all HE students - The 3 Rs Recruitment, Retention and GRaduate
Employability - Widening participation - addressing individual
needs of increasingly diverse student body - Adding value to degree, e.g. through synoptic
work - Creating a cohesive student experience
5Implementation Timetable
- Pilot Phase 04/5
- PDP pilots in every Faculty, including
postgraduates, distance learners - Development of University PDP policy
- Programme of staff development
- PDP mini-site for staff
- New e-learning resource
- Structured evaluation to inform roll out
- Roll-Out Phase 05/6
- Implementation of PDP policy for all full-time,
on campus undergraduates at level one - The Future
- Timescales for implementation of PDP policy for
other groups to be confirmed
6PDP Pilots 04-5
- 16 PDP pilots with students from all four
Faculties, 2 SURF colleges, and with staff in
Information Services - Pilots diverse in terms of
- Subject discipline
- Types of student (e.g. full/part-time,
international, mature, ethnic minority, disabled) - Types and levels of award (e.g. level one
undergraduate, Masters, Foundation Degree) - Approaches to embedding PDP (e.g. embedded in
module, in personal tutorials, optional classes) - PDP Practitioners Group allows pilot leaders to
share good practice and discuss common issues - Evaluation of pilots by questionnaires focus
groups and interviews to be conducted by p/t
research associate from May 2005
7PDP Pilot with Staff - rationale
- Bring greater continuity and cohesiveness to
current appraisal system - Help staff to view their personal development
more holistically (not just job-related!) - Practise what we preach to students!
8PDP Pilot with Staff - outline
- Participants 10 members of staff in Information
Services - Support from line manager/independent mentor
- Training session for participants and mentors
- Evaluation questionnaires
- Skills analysis snapshots
- Goal setting and review
- Reflective diary (30 minutes/week)
- Mid-year review/social
9Key Challenges for Staff PDP
- Lack of time
- Lack of motivation (the WIIFM factor!)
- Potential conflict of interests
(personal/institutional) - Role of line manager/mentor
- Risk of raising unrealistic expectations (re
career progression)
10University PDP Policy overview
- PDP one of the 6 key commitments in the
University Employability Policy (January 2004) - PDP Policy approved by LTEC on 27 January 2005
- Based on QAA guidelines, adapted to Staffordshire
University context - Sets out the core elements of PDP (e.g.
continuous reflection, skills analysis and goal
setting) in which all students on all awards will
ultimately have the opportunity to engage - Identifies 3 means of access to PDP opportunities
- Policy applies to all level one, full-time, on
campus undergraduates from September 2005.
Timescales for implementation for other groups,
e.g. postgraduates tbc - Responsibility for implementation lies with
11PDP at Staffordshire University Key elements
- Introduction to ideas underpinning PDP
- Analysis of transferable and professional skills
- Identification of areas for self-development and
goal setting - Continuous reflection on learning and skills etc
- Career planning skills
- Introduction to other opportunities and resources
at the University - Appropriate referrals, e.g. to Careers,
Counselling - Opportunities to develop skills identified as
areas for development
12PDP Policy means of access (how PDP elements
are made available)
- Personal tutoring
- Elements embedded in the curriculum (in
modules/pathways) - Use of a PDP e-learning resource
13Means of Access1) One-to-one support
- Rationale
- Provides vital individually tailored support
- Meets diversity of needs, thus promoting
retention and widening participation - Enables students to reach their personal and
academic potential - Strengthens student-tutor relationship
14Means of Access 2) Core modules/pathway
- Rationale
- Many PDP elements already exist!
- Other elements can be embedded quite easily
- Cost-effective way of delivering PDP elements
that all students need (e.g. presentation skills) - Students see PDP as an important part of their
academic development (not an extra burden)
15Means of Access 3) Electronic system for PDP
- Rationale
- Students take responsibility for own personal
development - Relieves pressure on tutors
- Can add value to one-to-one meetings
- Students see personal development planning
broadly and holistically. (Highlights linkages
between academic study and other areas of life,
e.g. work, social) - Portable and manipulable
16PDP E-Learning Resource
- Interactive web-based system My Portfolio will
allow students to - Analyse their skills
- View their skills development over time
- Set and monitor goals
- Record a reflective journal
- Record their experiences, achievements, interests
and qualifications - Maintain all this information in their online
portfolio and use it to help prepare for job
applications - Beta version of system piloted in March/April and
a full version will be available for use in
modules/personal tutorials from September 05
17Motivation Factors
- Let them sell it to themselves
- Focus on the outcomes of PDP (in order to get
buy in to the process) - Link it with employability
- Use recent graduates and employers to sell it
- Encourage students to personalise/tailor it
- Embed PDP activity in delivery of subject matter
- Demonstrate your own enthusiasm
- Make it fun
- Be patient!
18Contact Details
- For further information on any aspect of PDP
implementation at Staffordshire University
contact - Helen PownallPDP Project ManagerAcademic
Development Institutec/o Careers Employability
ServiceCadman Building, College Road, StokeTel
01782 294926h.c.pownall_at_staffs.ac.uk