Title: Innovation and Defence R
1Innovation and Defence RDan Evolving
- Six Countries Programme
- Workshop
- Linking Defence and Security RD to Innovation
the challenge ahead - Brussels, 19 November 2004
- Jordi Molas-Gallart
- Senior Fellow
- SPRU, University of Sussex
2Foreword Defence Innovation Goes Beyond Changes
in Arms Systems
- Innovations in military doctrine/operations
- Innovations in military systems
- Innovations in military logistics and support
- Innovations in military acquisition and systems
design - Importance of process and organisational change
- The effects of defence RD investment the
relationship between defence and civilian
innovation - Policy challenges
- Procurement reform and defence RD
- The role and reform of Defence Government
Research Establishments
4The Effect of Defence RD Investment
- An optimistic view of the impact of defence RD
(EC communication towards an EU defence equipment
policy, march 2003) - Defence related research plays a major role in
innovation in the US It benefits the whole of
industry, including the civilian sector. This
interpenetration of defence and civilian research
has benefited both the American arms industry and
civilian users in terms of market access and
5Yet the Effect of Defence RD is Controversial
- Recall 70s and 80s literature on the detrimental
effects of defence research and production - In key technological fields defence follows
civilian innovation - Defence RD is mainly D (development)
- Effects of defence RD depends on conditions
(institutional structure, RD management, type of
RD ...)
6Main Challenge Need for Procurement
Reform/Institutional Change
- Traditional defence procurement established a
complex set of regulatory and managerial
practices and organisational structures - Defence research activities have tended to be
carried out separated from other RD activities
7Procurement Reform Some Goals
- Pursues cost savings (while increasing
performance)... - by using capabilities available elsewhere
- by exploiting elsewhere capabilities developed
in defence research and production - by improving managerial practices
- Attempts to change the way complex military
systems are defined, developed, produced and
8Procurement Reform the Policies
- Seeks to open military markets through
- The application of commercial best practice in
project management and contractual procedures - The development of integrated project teams and
partnering agreements - The substitution of defence standards and
military specifications for civilian standards - ...
9Procurement Reform the Practice
- Many reform tools appear as technical (ILS, CALS,
continuous acquisition, MILSPEC reform, IPTs..) - These building blocks are tackled (mainly) at
national level, and - in isolation from each other (functional silos)
10Procurement Reform the Building Blocks are
- Procurement reform is not only about new tools,
but about systemic change - Changes across all procurement processes and
stages must be implemented in a coordinated
manner - Priorities must change
- RD activities are also affected
- The generation and exploitation of
defence-related technological capabilities goes
beyond the funding of research activities
12The Case of Defence RD
- Specialised defence research facilities have a
history of isolation - Security considerations
- Special relationship with defence ministries and
the military - Technology transfer across military-civilian
contexts is likely to require - Organisational change
- Change in regulatory and contractual practices
- Cultural adjustment
- How will this management of dual-use work in
13The Example of Defence Government Research
RD strategies among many defence-related
research organisations are dual-track, seeking
- The application of commercial technologies to
gain savings in military production
- The application of military technologies to
commercial ventures
14The Reform of Defence GREs Some Challenges
- Defence research establishments are engaging in
civilian work, but. - What priority should be given to commercial work
against established defence tasks? - What will the implications of commercialisation
be in a defence environment? - How will the relationship with private firms
develop? - Is there scope for European collaboration?
15GDREs A Summary of Problems
- Conflict of interest
- Commercial use of data acquired when discharging
functions on behalf of defence ministries) - Support of private sector partners when providing
advice to defence ministries - New tasks (technology transfer,) require new
priorities and organisational culture - How to introduce international collaboration in
highly sensitive areas
16Collaboration in European Defence RD
- Only about 2 of European defence RD has been
carried out through joint research programmes
(WEAO,) (not counting joint arms development
programmes) - A long history of plans, initiatives, frameworks
- To establish joint research programmes
- To co-ordinate research priorities and
requirements - but defence research keeps being regarded as a
matter of national strategic importance
17The EU and Defence
- Article 223 Treaty of Rome (293 Treaty of
Amsterdam, III-342 Constitution Treaty) allows
any member state to take - Such measures as it considers necessary for the
protection of the essential interests of its
security which are connected with the production
of or trade in arms, munitions and war material
18EU is Trying to Develop Defence Industrial
- Communication on the challenges facing the
European defence industries (1996) - Communication on implementing a EU strategy on
defence-related industries (1997), including - Draft common position on framing a European
armaments policy - Action plan for the defence-related industry
- Communication towards and EU defence equipment
policy (2003) - Establishment of European defence agency (2004)
- Communication on security research - the next
steps (2004) - Communication towards a programme to advance
European security through research and technology
(2004) - Green paper on defence procurement (2004)
19(No Transcript)
20Yet Very Slow Progress
- European countries maintain diverse procurement
policies and organisational procedures - Market fragmentation along national lines
21Summary The Challenges (1)
Technology transfer across military-civilian
applications requires the adaptation of skills
and cultural adjustment . . .
. . . likely to require organisational change
22The Challenges (2)
Diversity of policy contexts and decision levels
Policy initiatives at different levels may pull
in different directions
Possibility of inconsistent policy outcomes
European integration is a fragile process
23The Challenges (3)
Defence research establishments are engaging in
civilian work
What priority should be given to commercial work
against established defence tasks? How does one
deal with conflicts of interests?