Title: Defence Technology
1Defence Technology Innovation CentreWeapons
Integrated Technology TeamCDE theme day
Countering Difficult Air Targets (C-DAT)
2Todays presenters
- Mr Robin Horne
- Maj Michelle Crawford
- Dr Philip Smith
- Mr Andrew Burles
- SO2 J3 Ops - Jt GBAD HQ
- Dstl
- Dstl
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
perspective - Coffee
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
perspective - Coffee
- Introduce Maritime perspective
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
perspective - Coffee
- Introduce Maritime perspective
- A glimpse into the future
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
perspective - Coffee
- Introduce Maritime perspective
- A glimpse into the future
- Wash-up
- Define objectives, scope, boundaries
- Introduce C-DAT
- Introduce current capability operational
perspective - Coffee
- Introduce Maritime perspective
- A glimpse into the future
- Wash-up
- How what to submit
- Reduce or eliminate threat caused by difficult
air targets
- We want to improve our ability to counter
- Rockets, artillery mortars (C-RAM)
- Tactical Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles
- We are concerned about
- Non-state actors
- Asymmetric/homemade threats
- The proliferation of sophisticated kit
13Whats not covered in this call
14Whats not covered in this call
15What is covered by this call
- Detection
- Recognition
- Identification
- Track
- Air Situational Awareness
- Command and control
- Dynamic Air Defence Resource Allocation
- Deny enemy capability through
- Interception (prior to firing)
- Effectors (once in flight)
16Definitions - RAM
- Rockets Artillery Mortars (RAM)
- Indirect Fire weapons (IDF)
18RAM flight profiles
19RAM flight profiles
20RAM flight profiles
21Definitions - TUAV
- Tactical Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (TUAV)
- Micro UAV
- Mini UAV
23Non-State Threat - RAM
24Non-State Threat TUAV
- Hezbollah UAVs over Lebanon/Israel
- Hezbollah UAV post flight
25Asymmetric TUAV
Model aircraft
26Asymmetric TUAV
Model aircraft GPS/Autopilot
27Asymmetric TUAV
Model aircraft GPS/Autopilot Payload Threat
28Asymmetric Light Aircraft
Tamil Tigers modified ZLIN 143
29Definitions threat credibility
- Threat credibility depends on
- Readiness to use
- Practical readiness of the target weapons system
- Political will
- Ability to use
- Detection capability
- Targeting
- Availability/capability/survivability of launch
- Probability of encounter
- May not be through direct confrontation with
country of origin
30Future Effectors
- Kinetic effectors
- Rapid integration onto platform
- Improved Lethality at range
- Ability to take out Difficult Air Targets
- Reduced collateral damage
- Low cost seeker trade-offs
- Rapid system upgrade
- Missile commonality
- Non-Kinetic effectors
- Directed Energy Weapons
- Soft-Kill
- ?
31Kill chain
- The kill chain is made up of a number of discrete
events. - Each event has a time penalty
- Time to detect (Td) Time to inform (Ti) Time
to launch (Tl) Time to cue (Tc) Time to kill
(Tk) - Anything that can reduce these time penalties
improves the chances of success - We need a networked whole kill chain approach to
optimise response time and - Integrate available ABAD, GBAD and MFAD assets
- Maximise enabler system effectiveness
- Ensure that we engage targets in effector
probability-of-kill priority. Within this we need
to improve, develop and integrate - Air target ID and tracking concepts and
technology - Air Situational Awareness
- Command and control
- Dynamic AD Resource Allocation
32Things to think about
- Defeat or disrupt
- Troops must want to use it
- Cost of use Vs cost of threat
- The target signature
- Your signature
- SWaP
- Manning levels
- Operational environment
35Things to think about
- Defeat or disrupt
- Troops must want to use it
- Cost of use Vs cost of threat
- The target signature
- Your signature
- SWaP
- Manning levels
- Operational environment
36Bid hints
Give tangible deliverables
Reasonable GFA demands
Implications to exploitation route
Identify subcontractor relationship
Identify the innovation
Clearly identify IPR ownership
One step at a time