Title: Innovation in Food
1- Innovation in Food Drink Providing value added
competitive advantage for Tayside companies - Wednesday 7th November 2007
2Jamie Henderson (The Innovation Portal)
3Jamie Henderson (The Innovation Portal)
- Funded by Scottish Executive ERDF
- University of Dundee, University of Abertay
Dundee and SCRI - Assist companies and academics to identify
appropriate projects - Small Grants Scheme
- Initial Technology Audit (ITA) - Identify
potential opportunities and clarify objectives - Technology Feasibility Study (TFS) more
detailed assessment of the markets, technical
feasibility, IP position, risk identification,
cost returns. Identification of funding
source. - Assistance with applications for Government
funded projects such as KTP, SCORE, SMART etc
4Dr Jonathan Snape Commercial DirectorMylnefield
Research Servicesj.snape_at_mrsltd.com
5Why is Food Drink innovation necessary?
6Opportunities and areas for development
7Andrew Allsebrook Food Technologist FoodInnovatio
n_at_Abertay a.allsebrook_at_abertay.ac.uk
8food innovation _at_ abertay
- Role of food innovation _at_ abertay
- Range of services available
- Case Studies
- Macphie of Glenbervie
- Scottish Federation of Meat Traders Association
9food innovation _at_ abertay
- Provide an innovation support service to East of
Scotland Food and Drink SMEs - ERDF financial support for eligible companies
- Based in Food and Consumer Science Department at
University of Abertay
10food innovation _at_ abertay
- Sensory Analysis
- Nutritional and Product Analysis
- Food Safety advice
- New Product Development
- Food Styling
- Website and database advice
11Case Studies
- Macphie of Glenbervie
- Sensory analysis
- Paula Cormack Strategic Marketing Manager
12Macphie - An Overview
- The UKs leading independent food ingredients
manufacturer, business-to-business - Turnover 40 million, two Scottish manufacturing
sites 300 staff - 2000 acre Glenbervie estate includes HQ, Home
Farm (500 pure Aberdeen Angus cattle) GAA Joint
Venture added value meat products - 700 years of Macphie ownership
- Dynamic global market place Bakery, Food
Service Food Manufacturing
13(No Transcript)
14Macphie - Aims and Values
- Land - Industry Community
- Independently inclusive
- Insight-led, customer driven
- Value-added business growth
- Great place to work - nurture and develop talent
- Learn from the best of the best aspire to our
15- Cake Confectionery
- Ferments
- Icings, fillings and toppings
- Dairy alternatives Custards
- Savoury snack ingredients
- Glazes
- Release Agents
- Soups
- Sweet Savoury Sauces
- Desserts
- Fruit Coulis
- Dips Dressings
- Gravies Jus
- Marinades Glazes
- Meal Components
- Butters
- Sauces
- Stuffings
17FIA and Macphie
- Reformulated muffin range at Macphie
- Plain
- Chocolate
- Required Sensory analysis to verify New Product
Development work
18Project Aims
- New formulations needed to at least match
existing recipes - Independent comparison of Macphie product versus
competitors - Discover independent consumer opinions of
attributes of the muffins
19Sensory Analysis
- Systematic method for food-tasting
- Objective measurement of product attributes
- Sensory panellists treated as Human Instruments
20Importance of Sensory
- Independent opinion of products
- Statistical analysis to show consumer trend
- Marketing of a product better targeted
- Misconceptions of a product eliminated
- Provides direction for NPD work
21Consumer Panels
- Consumer panel group of over 100 from staff and
students at Abertay - Can use whole range of consumers
- Focus on one group if required
- Young
- Female
- Food Preference (e.g. Vegetarian)
- Greater significance of results with larger
numbers - Wide range of consumers
- Age
- Gender
- Income
22Macphie Sensory work
- New formulation muffins assessed against
- Existing Recipe Product
- Competitor Product
- Six sensory attributes investigated
- Aroma
- Visual Appeal
- Texture
- Taste
- Aftertaste
- Overall Opinion
- Hedonic scale of 1 5
- 5. Liked Strongly
- 4. Liked
- 3. OK
- 2. Disliked
- 1. Disliked Strongly
25(No Transcript)
26Plain Muffin Results
- Slight though not statistically significant
differences - Statistically, new recipe matches existing and
competitors products
27Chocolate Muffin Results
- New recipe matches existing
- Statistically significant positive difference for
new recipe versus competitor
28Summary of results
- Primary aim met new recipes match the existing
products for all attributes - New chocolate recipe outperforms competitors
product - Large amount of data gathered from Consumer Panel
29Value of Results to Macphie
- Internal taste panels historically difficult
- Sensory Panel complemented field testing
- Field test proved new recipe works in application
- Sensory testing provides reassurance that product
will be well received by end consumers
30Macphie Feedback on Process
- Very satisfactory results excellent turnaround
- Clear, concise and actionable feedback
- Output highly valuable in communicating change
- New recipe now in market - very well received
31Douglas ScottChief Executive Scottish
Federation of Meat Traders Association (SFMTA)
32Case Studies
- Scottish Federation of Meat Traders Association
(SFMTA) - Fat and Salt analysis
- Douglas Scott Chief Executive
- With 30 years experience as a butcher
33Role of SFMTA
- Only trade organisation representing retail
butchers - 450 members
- Advice on Food Safety, Health and Safety,
Employment Law and Food Law
34SFMTA Project Aims
- Identify fat and salt content of meat products
from East of Scotland eligible butchers - Relate results to the Traffic Light food
labelling system - Compare results to others in region
- Recommendations to produce a healthier product
without affecting sensory quality
35(No Transcript)
36Pre packed Sausages
37Traffic Light System
- Designed by Food Standards Agency to aid
consumers and food producers - Recognised standardised system
- Adopted by several of major retailers
38Traffic Light System
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40Fat and Salt analysis
- Standard Beef sausages from 23 eligible
Butchers sampled - Repeatable methods of fat and salt analysis
developed - Percentage of water in sausages also measured
- Each Butcher received their own results and their
position within the league table - Not made aware of competitors ranking
- The positioning of the sausages within the
Traffic Light system also reported - Recommendations for further work made as
42(No Transcript)
- Sausages not expected to be in the Low or Green
light area - Keeping out of the High category is desirable
- Recommendations to reformulate, bringing the
product into the Medium region - Important to maintain or improve sensory
44Value of Work to SFMTA
- Evidence of the state of play
- Shows what is possible
- Shows what has to be done
- Generates industry interest
- Changes Recipes
- Healthier less damned Products
45Capabilities for Commercial Research at SCRI
Gordon McDougall Quality Health
Nutrition gordonmcdougall_at_scri.ac.uk
Innovation in Food and Drink - 7th November 2007
46We are here!
47SCRI Main Research Strengths
- Breeding of new berries (strawberries,
raspberries, blackcurrant), cereals and potato
varieties - In-depth knowledge of production, harvesting,
processing of plant-based foods - World class facilities for analysis of plant food
products (lipids, minerals, proteins, starch,
polysaccharides, fibres, vitamins,
antioxidants..) - Proven record in providing research-based
solutions for commercial problems
48Food and Drink Areas
- Maintenance of food product quality
- Shelf life/packaging
- Formulation/re-formulation issues
- Viscosity/polysaccharide chemistry
- Identification of processing by-products
- Identification/quantification of healthy
components - Improvement/maintenance of healthy components
- Through network of biomedical collaborators
49Healthy Food Areas
- Lipid analysis saturated/unsaturated, PUFAs,
omega-FAs, vitamin E, bio-actives etc. - Glycaemic index selection of material/starch
analysis - Antioxidants (polyphenols, vitamin C)
- Colourants (anthocyanins/carotenoids vitamin A)
- Low salt/replacement
- Soluble fibre cholesterol reduction
- Insoluble fibre satiety/gut health
- Plant poly/oligosaccharides for probiotics
50Sensory analysis
- Flavour, Taste Smell - Volatiles
51Shelf life enhancement
- Effect of modified atmospheric packaging on berry
shelf life - 40 days storage at 4oC
- Funded through Flexible Fund Scottish Government
52Sprout inhibition in potatoes
- The dormancy and sprouting of tubers from these
plants was monitored at 4oC - The tubers from treated plants maintained
dormancy for 16 weeks in marked contrast to
53Enhancing vitamin C yield in blackcurrant
- Development of physiological and agronomic tools
for enhancing vitamin C yield in blackcurrant - 1.2M funding over 5 years (2002-2007)
- Joint project between SCRI and EMR, Kent
- First ever systematic description of vitamin C
accumulation in fruit - Developed predictive genetic markers for fruit
vitamin C (will substantially enhance breeding of
new cultivars, currently up to 4 years for fruit) - Horticulture LINK supported by GSK, BBSRC, HDC,
54Shelf life in fresh cut produce
- Additive-free treatments for shelf-life extension
of minimally processed foods - 160K funding over 2 years (started October 2007)
- Exploit plants natural defences against abiotic
stress to enhance shelf life (up to double) - Main crops - potato, carrot, spinach, broccoli
- Develop markers for the rational extension of
treatments to other crops - Scottish Enterprise Proof of Concept
- Food and Drink Problem solving
- From farm door through industrial processing to
shelf and beyond
56Case Study 1- BarleyBread
- BarleyBread EU consortium project on the
possibility of producing healthier bread from
barley flour - Health benefits - Reduced cholesterol, increased
antioxidants, better gut health, reduced cancer
- SCRI involvement source and define high b-glucan
barley varieties suitable for bread-making - SME involvement Macphies development of low
salt recipes for bread-making - Other strands milling technologies, consumer
preferences and sensory profiling of acceptable
57Case Study 1- BarleyBread
- Advantage to SME
- IN with researchers early access to
technology and information - Able to define and position research
- IN on technological innovations
- Use own equipment research tailored to own
business - Access to EU money
58Case Study 2 - Pomegreat
Pomegreat makers approach SCRI after we ask them
for pomegranate juice
They ask for advice and research Agree short term
project to define biological activity and
phytochemical diversity in Pomegreat 100 brand
We confirm that their product contains components
associated with cardioprotective effects, prove
that these components are active and present a
report detailing available health research on
pomegranates which forms basis of publication
59Group Focus
- Yellow Tag Meeting room
- Blue Tag Conference Room
- Groups have 15 minutes to discuss and illustrate
findings - What are the main barriers to Innovation in the
Industry? - What are the 3 most important innovations to
your company? - Group to present findings to the workshop
60Jonathan Snape
- Feedback on group session findings
61Thank you for attending