Title: Regional Perspective London 2012
1Regional Perspective London 2012
- Anne ThompsonSector Leader - Sport
- Northwest Regional Development Agency
2Scale of the 2012 Games
- Olympic Games
- 10,500 athletes
- 7,000 coaches/officials
- 5,000 Olympic Family (IFs, NOCs, IOCs)
- 20,000 media
- 7,000 official sponsor representatives
- Over 9 million spectators
- Global TV audience of 5 billion
- 70,000 Volunteers
- Paralympic Games
- 4,000 athletes
- 2,500 coaches/officials
3Venue Types
- Olympic Park 246 hectares
- New permanent venues
- Stadium (Sir McAlpine)
- Aquatics Centre (Balfour Beatty)
- Media/Broadcast Centre (carillion)
- Canoe Slalom Course (Drivers Jones)
- Velodrome (ISG Interior/Exterior)
- Existing Centres
- Earls Court
- Wimbledon
- Weymouth Sailing Centre (Dean Dyball)
- Wembley other FCs around UK
- Temporary Venues
- Fencing
- Beach Volleyball
- Infrastructure energy centre ( Elyo Suez),
enabling works (ARUP, WS Atkins, Morrison
Construction, Edmund Nuttall) - Olympic Overlay
- LOCOG responsibility - applied to all venues
4Why should you be interested in London 2012?
- Government commitment to creating a UK-wide
5How is the Northwest legacy developing?
- Over 4,000 companies registered on CompeteFor
(85 SMEs) - 459 companies have been referred to Business Link
Northwest to receive support in preparing their
company - 391 NW companies have been shortlisted for
contracts through CompeteFor - Over 70 companies have won London 2012 work,
including - 34 companies won work to supply the ODA (3 of
contracts) - 6 companies registered on CompeteFor have won
work - Attracted 3 countries to set up Pre-Games
Training Camps - Launched regional cultural programme
6Why should you be interested in London 2012?
- Government commitment to creating a UK-wide
legacy - Commitment to opening up the supply chains
7ODA Supply Chain
Olympic Park
Aquatics Centre MC
Tier 1 contractors
Approximately 50,000 contracts
Tier 2 contractors
Swimming Pool MC
Tier 3 contractors
Bricklaying Subcontractor
Tier 4 contractors
Brick Merchant
Distribution Company
Tier 5 contractors
Brick Manufacturer
Tier 6 contractors
Tier 7 contractors
CompeteFor is targeting around 20 of the
contracts in the London 2012 supply chain Not to
mention those flowing from the five host Boroughs
and others
8Why should you be interested in London 2012?
- Government commitment to creating a UK-wide
legacy - Commitment to opening up the supply chains
- Decade of sport
9Decade of Sport
- Global Events
- Commonwealth Games 2010, New Delhi
- World Cup 2010, South Africa
- Vancouver 2010
- London 2012
- Sochi 2014
- Commonwealth Games 2014, Glasgow
- Summer Olympic Games bid, 2016
- World Cup (football) bid - 2018
10Regional Events
- LEN European Women's Water polo, Manchester (Jul
2009) - Ironman, Bolton (Aug 2009)
- European Tour Beach Volleyball Blackpool (Sept
2009) - Great North Swim, Windermere (Sept 2009)
- Tour of Britain Cycle Race (Sept 2009)
- Commonwealth Fell Running / Ultra Champs
Keswick (Sept 2009) - World Series Netball (Oct 2009)
- Rugby League Grand Final (Oct 2009)
- UCI World Track Cycling (Oct 2009)
- European Badminton, Manchester (Apr 2010)
Individual Championships - Manchester
11Why should you be interested in London 2012?
- Government commitment to creating a UK-wide
legacy - Commitment to opening up the supply chains
- Decade of sport
- Showcasing of industry best practice
- Championing of new approaches use of new
12Industry Best Practice
- Use of new technologies i.e. new media, digital
applications, mobile technology, interactive
communications - New approaches to communicating with partners,
stakeholders, spectators, athletes etc - Improving the consumer (spectator) experience at
major events - Maximising revenues for event organisers
- Developing more sustainable events
- Integrating sustainable transport solutions for
13Are there opportunities for your business?
- Event management services
- Web-based design/build and software (i.e. event
registration) - Licensing opportunities (e.g. stationary,
jewellery, ceramic glassware, souvenirs) - Design print services (e.g. banners for live
sites) - Marketing services
- Media PR services
14Case Study Lanterhouse
- Lanternhouse based in Ulverston, Cumbria is a
live arts company employing 9 people - Stephen Powell was appointed creative director of
the 2 handover ceremonies for the Beijing Olympic
Games and Paralympic Games 2008 - Creation and development of the idea behind the
ceremonies and the overseeing every aspect of
I was asked to include two elements to my tender
the idea and the delivery. My pitch and
delivery plan was accepted and the contract was
awarded in October 2007. The contract represented
an increase in turnover for Lanternhouse of about
10 per cent, which has helped safeguard jobs.
15Who is buying?
- London 2012 ODA, LOCOG
- Government most departments, GOE
- IOC/London 2012 sponsors
- Media BBC Sport
- Cultural/art organisations Arts Council
- Local Authorities
- Regional organisations RDAs
- Businesses
- And many others .
16How do you prepare?
- Is London 2012 right for your business?
- Understanding of the requirements of major sport
events - Reviewing your internal capabilities and capacity
- Research the opportunities and challenges
- Develop relationships with buyers
- Review how you are going to differentiate your
business from the competition
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Marketing and communications to Nation-wide SME
Buyer Engagement Team and contractual obligation
to participate
Buyer Registration
Supplier Registration
Input Opportunities
Build Profile
Dating agency
- Single registration for multiple
opportunities - Wide range of contracts of different sizes
- Business Link - Local guidance when needed
- Transparency on who is winning what
- Opportunity to extend and diversify supply chain
- Supports Corporate Social Responsibility
objectives - Enables procurement best practise
- Helps comply with Section 106 Agreements
19How can CompeteFor help you?
- A tool to support your marketing activities
- Official portal to access London 2012 contracting
opportunities - Procurement portal for accessing information on
tenders - Keeping up to date on London 2012, in particular
those companies supplying London 2012 - Signposting tool that helps your company prepare
for London 2012
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21Where to go for further information?
- London 2012 Business Centre - www.london2012.com/g
et-involved/business-centre/index.php - CompeteFor at www.competefor.com and via Helpdesk
on 0845 2177804 - Information on regional events programme
www.businesseventsfor2012.co.uk - Business Link Northwest
- Call 0845 00 66 888
- Email games_at_businesslinknw.co.uk
- Visit www.businesslink.gov.uk/northwest
- Visit Northwest Be Inspired website at-