Title: Le Temps prsent Les verbes reguliers
1Le Temps présentLes verbes reguliers
By Mme Tatala
2The groups of regular verbs
Click anywhere on the page to work through all 4
groups or choose a group for review and practice
by clicking the appropriate button.
- -er verbs
- -re verbs
- -ir verbs
- -ir/iss verbs
- simple -ir verbs
To review/ practice
To review/practice
To review/practice
To review/practice
3Drop the last 2 letters of the infinitive
parler. Add the following endings.
-er verbs
- e
- je parle
- es
- tu parles
- e
- il, elle, on parle
- ons
- nous parlons
- ez
- vous parlez
- ent
- ils, elles parlent
All verbs that end in -er are regular, with one
exception, aller.
4-er verb practice
(Left mouse click to begin practice and to move
to next verb.)
nous regardons
tu étudies
ils arrivent
je cherche
vous habitez
elle entre
Back to -er verb chart.
5Drop the last 2 letters of the infinitive
vendre. Add the following endings.
-re verbs
- s
- je vends
- s
- tu vends
- -
- il, elle, on vend
- If the stem ends in a letter other than -d or -t,
a -t is added. (rompre, interrompre)
- ons
- nous vendons
- ez
- vous vendez
- ent
- ils, elles vendent
There are many -re verbs that are irregular.
Some common examples are faire, etre, mettre,
6-re verb practice
(Left mouse click to begin practice and to move
to next verb.)
ils attendent
je perds
vous descendez
on répond
tu entends
nous interrompons
Back to -re verb chart.
7Drop the last 2 letters of the infinitive
finir. Add the following endings.
-ir/iss verbs
- is
- je finis
- is
- tu finis
- it
- il, elle, on finit
- issons
- nous finissons
- issez
- vous finissez
- issent
- ils, elles finissent
This groups includes many verbs based on
adjectives like rouge/rougir, gros/grossir, and
maigre/maigrir. There are also many irregular
-ir verbs avoir, vouloir, courir, etc.
8-ir/iss verb practice
(Left mouse click to begin practice and to move
to next verb.)
elles choisissent
nous finissons
tu obéis
je remplis
vous atterrissez
il maigrit
Back to -ir/iss verb chart.
9These verbs have 2 stems. Drop the last 3
letters for the singular forms drop the last 2
letters for the plural forms.
Simple -ir verbs
- dormir
- s
- je dors
- s
- tu dors
- t
- il, elle, on dort
- dormir
- ons
- nous dormons
- ez
- vous dormez
- ent
- ils, elles dorment
This group has only 4 common members dormir,
sortir, partir, and servir.
10Simple -ir verb practice
(Left mouse click to begin practice and to move
to next verb.)
vous dormez
tu sers
ils partent
elle sort
je dors
Back to simple -ir verb chart.
nous servons
11Practice the present tense!
Use the left mouse click to get a verb/subject
combination write the requested form and click
again to get the correct answer. (N.B. There
are 14 verbs to do.)
- (partir) elles
- elles partent
- (descendre) vous
- vous descendez
- (choisir) tu
- tu choisis
- (étudier) je
- jétudie
- (servir) il
- il sert
- (obéir) nous
- nous obéissons
- (attendre) elle
- elle attend
- (chercher) vous
- vous cherchez
- (dormir) je
- je dors
- (vendre) ils
- ils vendent
- (arriver) tu
- tu arrives
- (finir) on
- on finit
- (sortir) nous
- nous sortons
- (habiter) elle
- elle habite