Title: Neutrinos
2History (1900s - 1930s)
- Beta Decay Hints of Problems
- Pauli proposes new particle, Neutrino
- Initial experiments bound mass, lt500eV
- Bethe and Peierls anticipate extremely small
3History (1940s 1950s)
- WWII, atomic bomb, and nuclear reactors
- Discovery of anti-neutrino in 1956 by Cowen and
Reines, in cadmium-chloride water - anti-? p -gtn e photons
4History (Some Theory, 1950s)
- Theories proposed assuming neutrino mass is zero
- In 1957, B. Pontecorvo suggests Neutrino mass
mixing based on Kaon mixing - This concept of Neutrino oscillations largely
buried until the end of the century
5History (1950s)
- Solar Neutrino detector, Homestake
- ?solar 37Cl -gt 37Ar e-.
- 1500 meters below ground in gold mine, SD
- Saw a rate of 2.3 /- 0.3 SNU 8
- Expected rate was 7.9 /- 0.9 SNU 6
- SNU is a solar neutrino unit10-36 neutrino
interactions per target particle per second
6History (1960s 1970s)
- 1962, Muon Neutrino discovered (Brookhaven exp.)
- 1969, Gribov and Pontecorve wrote a paper
claiming that neutrinos had mass - MSW effect also developed in these decades
- Gallium exp. Proposed, ?e 71Ga -gte- 71Ge
7History (1980s)
- Measurements of Z-boson lifetime at LEP, CERN
- 10-23 s 11
- Theory said that the fewer particles it can decay
into, the longer the z-boson lifetime is that
is, the fewer neutrino families there should be.
- Their data supported only 3 families11
8History (1990s 2000s)
- Super-K saw flux of 2.35 /- 0.02(stat) /-
0.08(sys) x106/cm2/sec 13 - Ratio of the data to the standard model
expectation of the flux was 0.465 /- 0.005(stat)
/- 0.016, -0.015(sys). 13 - Still missing flux
9History (1990s 2000s)
- SNO saw value similar to Super-K in partial flux,
which was also slightly sensitive to muon and tau
neutrinos - But it measured total flux 5.44 /- 0.99x106
cm-2s-1 14 - This agreed with solar predictions
- A separate channel, with no sensitivity to
electron neutrinos saw 1.75 /- 0.07(stat) /-
0.12, -0.11(sys) /- 0.05(theor.) x106
cm-2sec-1 14 - This was 3.3 sigma different from the channel
comperable to the Super-K results, indicating a
non-electron flavor active neutrino component in
the solar flux 14
10History (2000s)
- Finally, results from KamLAND offered evidence
for non-solar oscillations - It studied Neutrinos from nuclear reactors
- If 100 neutrinos were expected assuming neutrinos
did not oscillate, it saw 61. 5 - However, if it were detecting from the sun, it
would expect 35. 5 - This evidence squelched other theories on the
matter and put neutrino oscillations to the front
11The Standard Model
- Higgs particle gives mass to all fermions, except
neutrinos. This makes the neutrino mass zero at
the tree level. - In perturbation theory, the only possible mass
terms allowed by Lorentz invariance violate total
lepton number by two units. - Since the Standard Model Lagrangian necessitates
exact lepton number symmetry after symmetry
breaking, all perturbative effects give a zero
value for the neutrino mass.
12The Standard Model (cont.)
- The only known source for nonperturbative effects
is the weak instanton effect. - Since nonperturbative effects cannot violate B-L
symmetry, they do not affect the neutrino mass. - Thus, the neutrino mass vanishes to all orders of
perturbation theory as well as non-perturbatively.
13Neutrinos Have Mass!
- Experiments have shown that neutrinos oscillate
between different flavor states. - This can only occur if neutrinos have mass AND
each neutrino flavor has a different mass. - These masses are very small mi lt 1 eV.
- Neutrinos having mass immediately implies physics
beyond the Standard Model.
14Flavor and Mass Eigenstates
- a and i run from 1 to 3 denoting the electron
(e), muon (µ), and tau (t) neutrinos. - In the case of antineutrinos, the same equations
hold, except the second Uai is conjugated instead
of the first. - Uai are the elements of the MNS matrix.
Neutrino with definite flavor
Neutrino with definite mass
15The Maki-Nakagawa-Sataka Matrix
- s12 sin ?12 c12 cos ?12
- If the MNS matrix were the identity matrix, there
would be no oscillation. - a1 and a2 are non-zero if neutrinos are Majorana
particles (more on that later.) - d is non-zero if neutrinos violate CP symmetry.
- It is assumed that neutrinos do violate CP, but
it has not yet been confirmed experimentally.
16Propagation and Interference
The propagation of mass eigenstates is given by
the plane wave equation (c h 1)
In the ultra-relativistic case pi pi
mi Thus we can make the following approximation
for energy
Since mi is small, we can approximate (c)t L
(where L is the distance traveled,) we get
Thus, different flavors propagate at different
speeds. The lighter neutrinos travel faster than
the heavier ones and this difference in speeds
causes interference which, in turn, is seen as
neutrino oscillation.
The probability of an a neutrino being seen as a
ß neutrino at time t is given by
172x2 MNS Matrix
- Keeping track of all the mixing angles is
cumbersome. - Instead, well assume the neutrinos are only
oscillating between two flavors. - Thus the MNS matrix and probability equation
18Theory, in Graphs
19Graphs - Initial State
Flavor 2, Mass 12
Flavor 1, Mass 12
20Graphs After Time t
Flavor 1
Flavor 2
21Graph - Oscillation
22Observed Values
- All neutrinos are left-handed.
- sin2(2?13) lt .19 at 90 confidence level
- tan2(?12) .45 (-.007,.009)
- sin2(2?23) 1 (-.1,0)
- ?(m21)2 8.0 (-.04, .06) 10-5 eV2
- ?(m31)2 ?(m32)2 2.4 (-.05, .06) 10-3 eV2
- d is unknown
23Majorana vs. Dirac Mass
- For electrically neutral particles, two mass
terms are allowed by the theory - ?TC-1? (Majorana)
- ?? (Dirac)
- The latter is invariant under a phase
transformation eia. - The first mass term dictates that neutrinos are
their own antiparticles. - If the Majorana mass term is not included, there
must be an extra symmetry to ensure it is not
generated in higher order terms. - We dont know!! (See KATRIN, Double Beta decay,
24Seesaw Mechanism
- Right handed Majorana neutrinos with large masses
are added to the Standard Model. - This causes the left handed neutrinos to be very
light, since Mlight a 1/Mheavy - The question now becomes, Why are the right
handed neutrinos so heavy?
25The Future
- Many theories are already on the table other than
the ones mentioned above. - Many experiments are currently in progress with
many more being devised and built.
26Neutrino Interactions
- Neutrinos interact only through the weak
interaction. - The mediators of this ineraction are the W and Z
bosons. - Interactions involving the W are called Charged
Current and interactions involving the Z are
called neutral current interactions.
27Conservation Laws
- The neutrino carries electron, muon, or tau
number of 1 depending on its generation. - These numbers are conserved throughtout all weak
interactions. - This effectively limits the types of leptons
which can be created through the weak
28Interactions With Quarks
- The interactions of neutrinos with leptons are
supressed in comparison to the interactions of
nuetrinos with nuclei. - The NC interactions effectively increase the
energy of the nuclei allowing radiation of mesons
and other particles. - The CC interactions change the charge of quarks
- (u to d), and expel leptons such that total
charge is conserved.
29Example Diagrams
30Neutrino Detector Design
- Neutrino interactions are rare, so in order to
get reasonable statistics you need - large detectors
- dense materials (high Z)
- long time intervals
- The Main Injector
- Neutrino
- Oscillation Search
- A multipurpose long
- baseline neutrino
- oscillation experiment.
- Near detector at Fermilab, far detector in
Northern Minesota. - Stacked planes of steel and solid scintillator.
Near detector 1kT, Far detector 5.4kT. - The use of 2 horns, which act as lenses focusing
the charged particle beams which produce the
nuetrinos. This design allows for much control
of neutrino energy and composition.
33Minos Results
- NuMI Off-Axis ?e Appearance experiment.
- This is a future experiment (2010s) very similar
to MINOS. - Much more focused in purpose, ?µ to ?e
- measurement. Also measuring mass hierarchy,
lepton cp violation as well as some astronomical
phenomena. - Uses the same neutrino source as MINOS.
35NOvA Design
- The far detector is also in Northern Minesota,
but is off-axis. This lowers beam intensity, but
gives a much narrower neutrino energy
distribution. - The NOvA design is
- practically all active
- increasing resolution.
- The NOvA far
- detector is 25kT of
- low Z material, using
- a liquid, mineral oil,
- scintillator.
- Primary source of background is p0s created in NC
interactions. - Decays of p0s appear identical to electrons, due
to electron-positron creation from high energy
photons, except for the gap between creation and
decay, and split showers. - You need a fine-grained detector to make this
37Liquid Argon Calorimeters
- Liquid Argon Detectors for use with high energy
neutrino experiments are planned for the next
generation of neutrino experiments. - Liquid argon detectors work through detection of
ionization through electric potentials, rather
than optical signals. - Detectors of this type are expected to be about
5x more sensitive.
- Most History information not explicitly citied
from 1 and 11. - 1 Bilenky, S. M., The History of Neutrino
Oscillations Phys.Scripta T121 (2005) 17-22,
pdf - 2 Bahcall, John N., The Evolution of Neutrino
Astronomy Publ.Astron.Soc.Pac. 112 (2000)
429-433, http//www.sns.ias.edu/jnb/Papers/Popula
r/Millennium/paper.pdf - 3 Bahcall, John N., Astrophysical Neutrinos
20th Century and Beyond Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 91
(2001) 9-17 Int.J.Mod.Phys. A16 (2000)
4955-4968, http//xxx.lanl.gov/PS_cache/hep-ph/pdf
/0009/0009044.pdf - 5 Wark, David. Now You See Them, Now You
Dont Nature 421, 485-486 (30 January 2003),
ll/421485a.html - 6 Bahcall, John N., Solar Neutrinos, in
Encyclopedia of Physics, 3rd edition, Vol. 2,
eds. G. Trigg and R. Lerner (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
2005), p. 2242. http//arxiv.org/PS_cache/physics
/pdf/0411/0411190.pdf - 8 Bahcall, John N., Solar Neutrinos
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and
Technology, 9th edition, 16 (2002),
39Sources (cont)
- 11 Verkindt, Didier, Neutrino History, 26
June 1999, http//wwwlapp.in2p3.fr/neutrinos/anhis
tory.html - 12 Zralek, M., From kaons to neutrinos
quantum mechanics of particle oscillations, Acta
Phys.Polon. B29 (1998) 3925-3956,
pdf - 13 Koshio, Y., The recent results of solar
neutrino measurements in Super-Kamiokande
pdf - 14 SNO Collaboration, Measurement of the rate
of nu_e d --gt p p e- interactions produced
by 8B solar neutrinos at the Sudbury Neutrino
Observatory Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 071301,
.pdf - 15 Motta, Leonardo, Atom, http//scienceworld.
wolfram.com/physics/Atom.html. 1996 - 16 Wirsing, Bernd. Did "Dark Matter" Create
the First Stars?. Press release for P.L.
Biermann A. Kusenko, Relic keV sterile
neutrinos and reionization, Physical Review
Letters, 10 March 2006. http//www.mpg.de/english
eases/2006/pressRelease200603142/index.html - 17 Whitehouse, David. Science finds particle
perfection, BBC News Online, 20 July, 2000,
40Sources (cont)
- 18 MINOS Collaboration, http//www-numi.fnal.gov
/PublicInfo/mintdr_3.pdf - 19 MINOS Collaboration, March 2006,
- 20 NOvA Collaboration, March 21, 2005,
arch21_2005.pdf - 21 Feldman, Gary, April 18, 2006,
-Apr06.pdf - 22 Griffiths, David, Introduction to Elementary
Particles, John Wiley Sons, Inc., Germany, 1987