Directions in High Energy Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Directions in High Energy Physics


Directions in High Energy Physics. UCSB Physics Department Retreat. September 20, 2000 ... Is there gravitational radiation in high-energy collisions? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Directions in High Energy Physics

Directions in High Energy Physics

  • UCSB Physics Department Retreat
  • September 20, 2000
  • Jeffrey D. Richman
  • for the Experimental HEP Group

  • Big questions/overview
  • perspective
  • big questions
  • UCSB HEP group
  • people
  • projects
  • Prospects and conclusions

Particle physics in perspective
  • We are entering a new era
  • Most objects so far studied have masses in the
  • 0 lt M lt 10 GeV
  • u, d, s, c, b (quarks) e, m, t (charged
    leptons) ne, nm, nt (neutrinos) g, gluons
    (gauge bosons)
  • Important exceptions!
  • M(W) 80.4 GeV M(Z) 91.2 GeV
    M(t) 174 GeV
  • These heavy particles are indicative of a new
    mass scale that we are just beginning to explore
  • 0.1 TeV - 2 TeV
  • Another mass frontier very light neutrinos. Tiny
    differences in Mn2 accessible via oscillations!
    Super-K has strong evidence for nm disappearance.

An experimental perspective
  • ee- storage rings (recirculating beams stored
    1-2 hours)
  • CESR (10 GeVgtbbar) -- PEP-II,
    KEKB (10 GeV, 2 rings, multibunch op)
  • LEP/LEP2 (91-gt208 GeV Z physics, WW-
  • ee- linear colliders (need to reduce
    synchrotron rad., single pass collisions, tiny
    beam cross sections, polarized beams)
  • SLC (91 GeVgt Z physics)
  • NLC, JLC, TESLA (all under consideration) (gt500
  • hadron colliders (discovery machines ?)
  • p pbar FNAL Tevatron facilities for pbar
    production and cooling (2 TeV start 4/01)
  • pp LHC at CERN (strong US participation)
    (14 TeV)
  • neutrino sources
  • p decay nm new US experiments MINOS (760
    km), MiniBooNE (short baseline)
  • atmospheric, solar (Super-K,SNO,)
  • muon storage ring (50 GeV m beam under
    consideration) get nm and ne
  • special underground labs-dark matter, proton decay

PEP-II highest luminosity storage ring in the
world. -asymmetric energies -multibunch operation
TeV Scale Physics CDF (Fermilab)
Big Questions
Big questions
  • What is the origin of electroweak symmetry
    breaking? What sets the values of particle
  • Are there supersymmetric partners to the
    particles? Are there SUSY partners with masses
    below the 1 TeV scale?
  • Can matter-antimatter asymmetries (CP violation)
    be explained within the framework of the SM? Is
    new physics required? What explains the
    matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe?
  • What is the pattern and origin of neutrino masses
    and mixings?
  • Are there sterile neutrinos?
  • Is there CP violation in neutrino interactions?
  • What makes up non-baryonic dark matter ( weakly
    interacting massive particles?)
  • Are quarks and leptons composite particles?

more big questions
  • Are there additional, very heavy gauge bosons?
  • Are there observable extra dimensions? Is there
    gravitational radiation in high-energy
  • Why is CP violation absent in the strong
  • What is the lifetime of the proton?

These questions, when translated into an actual
research program, typically expand by a factor of
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
  • What is the mechanism that gives weak gauge
    bosons (W, Z) masses of order 100 GeV, while
    leaving the photon massless?
  • EW interactions in the SM are based on SU(2)XU(1)
    gauge symmetry, which all mass terms violate.
    Masses can appear because new interactions cause
    this symmetry to be spontaneously broken.
  • What is the nature of the Higgs sector? Is SUSY
  • Minimal model single Higgs boson (scalar), but
    actual sector could well be much more complex.
  • How many Higgs bosons are there? Is the Higgs
  • Do Higgs bosons couple to fermions in the
    expected pattern?

  • Supersymmetry protects the masses of scalar
    particles (Higgs) from enormous loop corrections
    without the fine tuning of parameters (solving
    the hierarchy problem). Divergences are
    cancelled by presence of both fermions and bosons
    in loops.
  • SUSY doubles the number of particles and leads to
    a complex phenomenology
  • Spin 1/2 particles in the SM have spin 0
  • Spin 1 particles in the SM have spin1/2
  • SUSY must be broken (superpartners have not been
    observed). The Higgs mass scale becomes
    proportional to SUSY mass scale rather than
    Planck scale.

An experimental SUSY program
  • Is it really SUSY?
  • New particle quantum numbers, spin, statistics
  • identication of complete SU(2)XU(1) multiplets
  • SUSY relation of coupling constants
  • Major spectrum parameters
  • gaugino/Higgsino mixing
  • gaugino mass ratios m1 m2 m3
  • flavor universality of q, lR, lL masses?
  • QlRlL mass ratios
  • signatures of gauge- or anomaly-mediation
  • signatures of R-parity violation
  • Third generation and EWSB
  • determination of m, tanb
  • mixing of L/R partners for t, b, t
  • h0 mass
  • H0, A0, H masses and branching ratios
  • Precision effects...

(From M. Peskin, Physics Goals of a Linear
(No Transcript)
HEP group where are we now?
  • We already had to examine our future--one year
    ago! Strong and clear group consensus on what we
    needed to do.
  • Exploration of the TeV energy scale is the next
    major goal of HEP. Enormous potential for major
  • Successful senior-level hire Joseph Incandela
    from Fermilab. Joe is a leader on two major
    experiments at the energy frontier, CDF and CMS.
  • Our technological expertise in high-precision
    silicon tracking systems is highly relevant to
    LHC physics!
  • Large number of tracksgt need fine segmentation
  • b-quarks may be important in Higgs/SUSY processes

HEP group where are we now?
  • The group now has 4 faculty (Campagnari,
    Incandela, Nelson, and Richman)
  • The group includes about 27 people total,
    including students, postdocs, staff physicists,
    engineers, and technicians.
  • A junior-level search is approved for this fall
    we should have no problem attracting top-quality
    person. Priority is to strengthen the TeV physics
  • We had very good support from UCSB on the
    Incandela search.

HEP Group current program
Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
  • Can CP violation be explained within the
    framework of the standard model, or are these
    effects due to new physics?
  • Some CP asymmetries in the B-meson system are
    expected to be of order unity in the SM! (Compare
    to 10-3 in kaon system.)
  • This year race between BaBar and Belle (Japan)
    to obtain first sensitive CP asymmetry
    measurements in B system. In reality, these are
    long-term programs.

CP Violation in the B meson system
Amplitudes can carry weak (CP violating) phases
from the CKM matrix in the SM or from new
physics. Such phases change the sign of the
interference for particle and antiparticle decays.
BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker
BaBar/PEP-II Data Taking
BaBar Event Display (fisheye view)
Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS)
  • CDMS-I pilot experiment in Stanford Underground
  • CDMS-II now under construction to be installed
    in Soudan mine
  • Detectors from LBNL and Stanford UCSB is
    providing DAQ system, passive and active veto

Expectations from CDMS-II
TeV Scale Physics at the LHC
How do experiments happen?
  • Many particle experiments today are capable of a
    very broad range of physics studies.
  • In this sense they are like observatories, but
    the initial conditions are controlled.
  • However, HEP experiments are built by their
    users, who also calibrate, maintain, and operate
    the detectors.
  • The UCSB group is unusual in maintaining the
    ability to construct sophisticated detectors.
  • It takes 2-3 years to fully understand a new
    detector. Some physics results can be produced in
    the first year others require a much more
    refined understanding of the detector..
  • Although the collaborations are becoming very
    large, most physics results are produced by
    groups of 3-10 people.

  • The department must be strong in all of our
    research areas.
  • Many groups are near critical mass relatively
    small downward fluctuations can create major
  • Growth of the Physics Dept from 30 to about 40
    should have many benefits, including an even
    better departmental reputation.

  • The Incandela hire is almost optimally matched to
    our goals
  • the new experiments at TeV scale diversify our
    program and address the driving questions of HEP
  • the required hardware expertise is well matched
    to our group
  • we will establish very high profile efforts right
    from the start
  • The main area in which we have no effort is
    neutrino physics.
  • This is clearly an exciting and rapidly
    developing area.
  • However, we have just added two new experiments
    to our group, and we believe that our first
    priority should be to strengthen these new
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