Title: What are the three main objects that make up
1What are the three main objects that make up the
night sky?
- Stars A big ball of gas that fuses hydrogen to
helium and emits light as a result. - In a completely dark region, you might see as
many as 3000 stars. - Stars come in various sizes from about ½ the size
of the earth to 200 times - the size of our sun.
- Whats the closest star to Earth? The Sun.
Whats the closest star to the Sun?Proxima
Centauri It is 4 ½ light years away. - A light year is the distance it takes light to
travel in one year. Light can travel - around the earth 7 times in a second. 8 minutes
Earth-Sun and 1.2 Seconds - Earth-Moon
- e. AU Astronomical Unit, distance from the
earth to the sun (93,000,000 miles)
- Galaxies - A huge collection of billions of
stars. - Spiral
- Elliptical
- c. Irregular
3. Planets Ball of matter that orbits a star
and reflects star light.
Little Dipper a. Part of the Constellation
Ursa Minor (Little Bear) b. Ursa
means BEAR in latin, Arctic means BEAR in Greek
c. Polaris North Star
Big Dipper a. Part of the Constellation
Ursa Major (Big Bear) b. Show how to
find Polaris North Star
Polaris a. Earths Axis Points to
it b. Show daily motion of the sky
around Polaris c. Navigational Aid
Milky Way a. A band of so many stars that
it appears as a band of light b. Part
of our own Milky Way Galaxy c.
Oldest Star in Milky Way is 13.2 billion years
old d. 100,000 Light years across,
sun 26,000 Light years from the center.
e. 220,000,000 years for the sun to rotate
around the galactic center
Los Angeles a. 34 Degrees Latitude (Latitude
is the number of degrees above the horizon.)
b. Point out North, South, East, and
West c. Light pollution obscures most
of the night sky, but well pretend its 150
years ago. d. Show the daily motion
around Los Angeles.
Big Dipper a. Part of the Constellation
Ursa Major (Big Bear) b. Alcor and
Mizar Known as the horse and rider 1. Second
Star of Handle 2. Optical Binary 3. Test
of Eyesight if you can see one or two stars 4.
Mizar 78 Ly, Alcor 81 Ly 5. Part of the
closest star cluster to our sun
Pegasus a. The Great Square 1. Sirrah
(Upper Left) - 2. Markab (Lower Right) the
saddle 3. Scheat (Upper Right) the leg 4.
Algenib (Lower Left) the flank of the horse
b. Asterism A group of stars with a common
name that make up part of a constellation
Cassiopeia a. With Pegasus, one of the 48
constellations listed by the ancient Greek
astronomer Ptolemy. 1. Cassiopeia was the
Queen of Ethiopia 2. Constellations are used
to partition the sky. a. Currently 88
constellations b. Eta Cass 1. 19
Ly away from Earth 2. True Binary stars
revolve around each other 3. 71 AUs
apart 4. Period 480 years Algol (in Perseus,
down to the right from Cass) a. Triple star
system, eclipsing system b. Super Red giant
c. See color change and dimming every two days
d. Know as the demon star
Orion a. Betelgeuse 1. 600 Ly away from
Earth 2. Super Red Giant diameter greater
than the orbit of Mars 3. Supposed to go
SuperNova within 500 years a. Will outshine
the moon and be visible in daytime b.
Rigel 1. Brightest star in the local part of
the galaxy 2. Brightest star in the
constellation Orion 3. Optical Binary c.
Nebula Come to observatory Sirius - a. Use
Orions belt to find it b. Brightest star in
night sky c. See color changing
- Sun All the planets rotate around it
- a. 8 Planets
- My Very Excited Monkey Juggles Seven Ugly Newts
- Man Ventures Each Moment Just Staying Up
Nightly - 1. Planets follow the sun
- 2. Orbits are greater the further from
the sun they are - 3. Planets closer to the sun orbit it
faster - Quick Planetary Facts
- Earth is the only known planet that is inhabited
- There are less than two Mercucion days in
Mercurys year. - Venus is the brightest planet and rotates
backwards. - Mars has the largest Volcano in the Solar System.
Its base is the size - of Kansas and it is 16 miles high. (3x the
height of Mt. Everest)
- 5. Jupiter is the Largest Planet, 1300 Earths
can fit in it, 22 Earths can fit across the
diameter - Saturn has 200 moons.
- Uranus rotates around the Sun on its side.
- The winds of Neptune are Super Sonic, they travel
at 1200 miles an hour, almost - 2x the speed of sound.