Title: JEE Main 2019 (3)
2JEE Main 2019 All you need to Know
- JEE Main 2019
- JEE Main Exam Dates
- JEE Main Eligibility Criteria
- JEE Main Exam Pattern
- JEE Main Syllabus
- JEE Main Application Form
- JEE Main Preparation Tips
- JEE Main Result
- JEE Main Cut off
- JEE Main Admit Card
- JEE Main Counselling
3JEE Main 2019
- JEE main is the test of engineering at the
national level. It is organized to offer
admission to BE / B.Tech and B.Arch / B.Plan
courses. NITs, CFTIs, and other colleges and
institutions in India consider the main results
of JEE to receive admission. For admission to IIT
and ISM Dhanbad, students must qualify as two
exams, JEE Main and JEE Advanced. It is performed
only once a year. - JEE Main 2019 will be organized in April 2018.
4JEE Main Exam Dates
Events Dates (Tentative)
Notification release 4th week of November 2018
Application form available 1st week of December 2018
Correction in uploaded image starts 2nd week of December 2018
Mock test available 3rd week of December 2018
Last date for application submission 1st week of January 2019
Application correction period 2nd to 4th week of January 2019
Release of admit card 2nd week of March 2019
Exam date (offline mode) 2nd week of April 2019
Exam date (online mode) 3rd week of April 2019
Display of OMR sheet answer key Last week of April 2019
Result/AIR declaration (paper 1) Last week of April 2019
Declaration of AIR (paper 2) Last week of May 2019
Counselling registration 3rd week of June 2019
5JEE Main Eligibility Criteria
- Candidate date of birth should fall on or after
1st October 1994 (5 Year relaxation will be
provided). - Candidates can attempt it maximum 3 times.
- For JEE Advanced can attempt maximum 2 times.
- Must be passed the equivalent exam i.e. 102.
- No minimum marks required to qualify to apply for
JEE Main 2019. - For IITs candidates must secured 75 marks or be
in top 20 in their respective boards.
6JEE Main Exam Pattern
- JEE Main will be conducted via online mode only
(Paper 2 will be conducted via offline mode
only). - For paper 1 only objective type question will be
asked. - Paper 2 will be asked via subjective type as
well. - Question paper will be asked in 3 language i.e.
Hindi, English, Gujarati. - For each correct answer 4 marks will be given.
- For each incorrect answer 1 marks will be
deducted. - Three hour of time duration for the JEE Main Exam.
7JEE Main Syllabus
- Physics
- Physics and measurement, Thermodynamics,
Rotational motion, Laws of motion, Electronic
devices, Oscillations and waves, Current
electricity, Electromagnetic induction and
alternating currents, Optics, Electrostatics,
Kinematics, Work, energy and power, Gravitation,
Properties of solids and liquids, Kinetic theory
of gases, etc.
8JEE Main Application Form
- Those who want apply for JEE Main can apply for
JEE Main. - Three Simple steps to apply for JEE Main 2019
- Fill the basics details and register on the
application form. - Upload the scanned copy of your photographs.
- Pay the application fee.
- After that take a print out copy of
acknowledgement page for future reference
9JEE Main Preparation Tips
- Firstly, get details about the officially prescrib
ed syllabus and exam pattern and make a proper
study plan. - Try to solve previous year question papers to
train yourself in answering questions in pattern. - Study from reliable reference JEE Main
Preparation books and study materials available
in market and internet. - Make short notes on difficult topics and discuss
them with your tutor and classmates. - Practice mock test, it will help you to know the
exam pattern and also analyze your performance. - Dont ignore your health while preparing for
exams. Do meditation and yoga it will help you to
increase concentration.
10JEE Main Application Fee
Papers Offline Exam Offline Exam Online Exam Online Exam
Papers General/OBC SC/ST/PwD/All Girls General/OBC SC/ST/PwD/All Girls
For Exam Centres in India For Exam Centres in India For Exam Centres in India For Exam Centres in India For Exam Centres in India
Paper 1 or 2 1000 500 500 250
Paper 1 and 2 both 1800 900 1300 650
For Exam Centres in Foreign Country For Exam Centres in Foreign Country For Exam Centres in Foreign Country For Exam Centres in Foreign Country For Exam Centres in Foreign Country
Paper 1 or 2 2500 1250 2500 1250
Paper 1 and 2 both 3800 1900 3800 1900
11JEE Main Exam Pattern Height-lights
Paper 1
Paper 2
Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks
Chemistry 30 120
Physics 30 120
Mathematics 30 120
Total 90 360
Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks
Mathematics 30 120
Aptitude Test 50 200
Drawing Test 2 70
Total 82 390
- Physical chemistry Some basic notions in
chemistry, atomic structure, chemical
thermodynamics, equilibrium, chemical kinetics,
states of matter, chemical bonding and molecular
structure, etc. - Organic chemistry Purification and
characterization of organic compounds, Daily
chemistry, Organic compounds containing halogens,
Organic compounds containing nitrogen, Some basic
principles of organic chemistry, etc. - Inorganic chemistry Classification of elements
and periodicity of properties, Block elements
(alkali and alkaline-earth metals), elements D
and F, Environmental chemistry, Hydrogen,
Elements of block 13 to 18 elements, etc.
- Sets, relations and functions, Matrices and
determinants, Mathematical induction, Sequences
and series, Integral calculus, Binomial theorem
and its simple applications, Vector algebra,
Statistics and probability, Trigonometry, Complex
numbers and quadratic equations, Mathematical
reasoning, Permutations and combinations, etc.
14JEE Main Paper 2 Syllabus
- Part I Awareness of persons, places, Buildings,
Materials, Visualizing three dimensional objects
from two dimensional drawings, Visualizing,
Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual,
Numerical and Verbal), etc. - Part II Understanding and appreciation of scale
and proportion of objects, building forms and
elements, color texture, harmony and contrast,
Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union,
subtraction, rotation, Creating two dimensional
and three dimensional compositions using given
shapes and forms, etc.
15JEE Main Admit Card
- Successfully registered candidates will be able
to download the admit card via online mode. - The authority also provide JEE Main slot
booking facility along form filling. - The admit card will be provided in the second
week of March 2019. - For online mode exam, students can also book
their slot. - Candidates have to download it by entering their
Application Number, Date of Birth and Security
Code. - If any discrepancy found in the JEE Mains hall
ticket 2019, communicate to the JEE (Main)
Secretariat/CBSE immediately. - Candidates have to bring any one photo ID
proof along with the admit card.
16JEE Main Result
- JEE Main 2019 result will be provided in the last
week of April 2019 (for paper 1) and last week of
May 2019 (for paper 2). - Students will be able to check the result
only through online mode. - It will also comprise All India Rank and All
India Category Rank. - JEE Main score card will not be dispatched to
17JEE Main Cut Off
Category Cut-Off 2017 Cut-Off 2016 Cut-Off 2015
General 81 100 105
OBC (NCL) 49 70 70
Schedule Caste (SC) 32 52 50
Schedule Tribe (ST) 27 48 44
18JEE Main Counselling
- Counselling process will be organized from
the third week of June 2019. - JEE Main 2019 counselling will be
conducted through online mode. - A centralized counselling will be organized
by JoSAA and CSAB in different rounds. - To appear in the counselling, candidates will
have to register themselves. - After that candidates have to fill their
preferences of colleges and courses. - On the basis of filled choices, rank, category
and seats availability, a provisional seat
allotment will be announced. - After that, candidates will have to download
their provisional seat allotment letter and pay
the seat acceptance fee. - After paying the fee, candidates have to report
to the reporting centre to verify their
documents. - Once the seats get confirmed by the reporting
centre, candidates have to appear at the allotted
college for further admission process.
19For More Information
- Click Here http//jeemains.in/