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Objects and Classes --


Objects and Classes -- Now that some low-level programming concepts have been established, we can examine objects in more detail Chapter 4 focuses on: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Objects and Classes --

Objects and Classes --
  • Now that some low-level programming concepts have
    been established, we can examine objects in more
  • Chapter 4 focuses on
  • the concept of objects
  • the use of classes to create objects
  • using predefined classes
  • defining methods and passing parameters
  • defining classes
  • visibility modifiers
  • static variables and methods
  • method overloading

Anatomy of a Class Encapsulation Anatomy of a
Method Graphical Objects Graphical User
Interfaces Buttons and Text Fields
Writing Classes
  • The programs weve written in previous examples
    have used classes defined in the Java standard
    class library
  • Now we will begin to design programs that rely on
    classes that we write ourselves
  • The class that contains the main method is just
    the starting point of a program
  • True object-oriented programming is based on
    defining classes that represent objects with
    well-defined characteristics and functionality

  • An object has
  • behaviors - what it can do (or be done to it)
  • state - characteristics that describe its being
  • For example, a particular bank account
  • has an account number
  • has a current balance
  • can be deposited into
  • can be withdrawn from
  • Or, a circle could be stored as an object with
    variables describing its size, and a method that
    draws it on the screen or calculates its area.

  • An object has
  • state - descriptive characteristics
  • behaviors - what it can do (or be done to it)
  • For example, consider a coin that can be flipped
    so that it's face shows either "heads" or "tails
  • The state of the coin is its current face (heads
    or tails)
  • The behavior of the coin is that it can be
  • Note that the behavior of the coin might change
    its state

  • Objects often (but not always) model real world
    objects and contain variable and methods to
    describe it.
  • An Object must have a unique identity to
    distinguish it from all other objects.
  • Even if two objects have the same state and
    variables, they would have to have different
    names in the program.
  • An objects behavior often modifies its state.
    When a ball rolls, it changes location.

  • Two objects can have the same state. Two BMWs
    could have the same motors, leather, color etc.,
    but they would be completely different entities
    defined by their name. E.g.
  • My BMW, Jessies BMW, or Kyless BMW
    and Johns BMW2.
  • Objects do not have to be tangible objects. They
    can be integers or error messages or exceptions.
  • The methods that an object contains define its
    operations - what it can do and what can be done
    to it.
  • Everything an object can do, everything that
    describes it is defined by its class.

  • A class is a blueprint of an object
  • It is the model or pattern from which objects are
  • For example, the String class is used to define
    String objects
  • Each String object contains specific characters
    (its state)
  • Each String object can perform services
    (behaviors) such as .toUpperCase

  • The String class was provided for us by the Java
    standard class library.
  • But we can also write our own classes that define
    specific objects that we need.
  • For example, suppose we wanted to write a program
    that simulates the flipping of a coin.
  • We could write a Student class to represent a
    students in program that keeps track of student

  • A class contains data declarations and method

Data declarations- define its state
Method declarations - Define its behavior
  • A class defines the methods and types of data
    associated with an object.
  • Creating an object from a class is called
    instantiation an object is an instance of a
    particular class.
  • Once you have defined a class, you can define
    many different instances with different features

Instances of objects
  • An instance of an object is another word for an
    actual object, it is a concrete representation.
  • A class is a generic representation of an object.
  • The Customer class could describe many bank
    accounts, but toms_savings is a particular bank
    account with a particular balance

  • An instance and an object are the same thing,
    both are concrete representations of their class.
  • The new operator creates an object from a class
  • Customer toms_savings new Customer()
  • This declaration asserts that toms_savings is a
    variable that refers to an object created from
    the Customer class

Creating Objects - Instantiation
  • The new operator creates an instance of a class
    and reserves memory for it.
  • The newly created object is set up by a call to a
    constructor of the Customer class.
  • Whenever you use the new operator, a special
    method defined in the given class ( a
    constructor) is called.

Object References
  • The declaration of the object reference variable
    and the creation of the object can be separate
  • Customer toms_savings // declares the variable
  • // now has memory allocated for its data
  • toms_savings new Customer (125.89)

Instantiation and References
  • int num 115
  • num is variable of type int that is initialized
    to 115. When used in the program, it is
    evaluated to the value 115.
  • Chess_Piece pawn new Chess_Piece()
  • pawn, on the other hand, is a variable that
    refers to an object of the class Chess_Piece.
    The new operator calls the constructor of the
    Chess_Piece class.
  • Until the constructor is called with the new
    operator, no memory is set aside for the pawn
    object. Each object has its own memory space

  • If we declare
  • Boat carnival
  • carnival new Boat()
  • In the first line, carnival is a reference to an
    object of the class Boat.
  • No memory is yet allotted to it. It is not yet
  • References hold the address of the memory
    location where the object is stored.
  • Until the new operator is called and carnival is
    initialized, carnival does not refer to any data
    in memory.

  • A constructor is a special method used to
    initialize or create an object.
  • It initializes the new object and its variables,
    i.e., allocates memory for it.
  • It must have the same name as the class.
  • It can have parameters, which are often used to
    initialize some variables in the object.

  • For example, the constructor for the Customer
    class could take a parameter specifying its
    initial balance
  • Customer toms_savings new Customer (Tom,
  • The 125.89 is a value used to initialize a
    variable called balance defined in the Customer
    class. Tom will stored as the customers name.
  • In the Customer class, the Constructor method
    receives the 125.89 and Tom values sent to it
    from the statement in main

  • class Customer
  • private String name
  • private int balance // data that describes a
  • public Customer( String name1, double NewBalance)
  • name1 name // constructor
  • balance NewBalance
  • Customer toms_savings new Customer (Tom,
  • We call the constructor with the above code and
    it creates a new customer account with an initial
    balance of 125.89 and the name of Tom

  • class Customer
  • private double Balance // instance variables
  • private name
  • public Customer(String Name1,double NewBalance)
    NewBalance // constructor
  • name name1
  • .
  • ..
  • public double returnBalance () // method to
    return balance
  • return Balance
  • // close class

  • A constructor
  • Is a special method that is used to set up a
    newly created object.
  • Often sets the initial values of variables.
  • Always has the same name as the class.
  • Does not return a value.
  • Has no return type, not even void.
  • The programmer does not have to define a
    constructor for a class. Java will define a
    generic constructor.

Creating Classes
  • The syntax for defining a class is
  • class class-name
  • //class declaration
  • declarations of variables
  • constructors // class
  • methods
  • The class declaration declares the name of the
    class along with other attributes.
  • The variables, constructors, and methods of a
    class are generically called members of the

  • The values given to data in a class define the
    state of an object created from the class
  • Methods define the behaviors of the object
  • For our Die class, we might declare an integer
    that represents the current value showing on the
  • One of the methods would roll the die by
    setting that value to a random number between one
    and six

  • Well want to design the Die class with other
    data and methods to make it a versatile and
    reusable resource
  • Any given program will not necessarily use all
    aspects of a given class
  • See RollingDice.java (page 157)
  • See Die.java (page 158)

The Die Class
  • The Die class contains two data values
  • a constant MAX that represents the maximum face
  • an integer faceValue that represents the current
    face value
  • The roll method uses the random method of the
    Math class to determine a new face value
  • There are also methods to explicitly set and
    retrieve the current face value at any time

The toString Method
  • All classes that represent objects should define
    a toString method
  • The toString method returns a character string
    that represents the object in some way
  • It is called automatically when an object is
    concatenated to a string or when it is passed to
    the println method

Instance Data
  • The faceValue variable in the Die class is called
    instance data because each instance (object) that
    is created has its own version of it
  • A class declares the type of the data, but it
    does not reserve any memory space for it
  • Every time a Die object is created, a new
    faceValue variable is created as well
  • The objects of a class share the method
    definitions, but each object has its own data
  • That's the only way two objects can have
    different states

Instance Data
  • We can depict the two Die objects from the
    RollingDice program as follows

Each object maintains its own faceValue variable,
and thus its own state
class Rectangle
  • class Rectangle
  • int length, width // instance data
  • public Rectangle( )
  • // constructor
  • length 10
  • width 12
  • Java supports name overloading for constructors
    so that a class can have any number of
    constructors, all of which have the same name.

Overloaded Constructors
  • Another constructor that could be defined by
  • public Rectangle(int Newlength, int Newwidth)
  • length Newlength
  • width Newwidth
  • Both constructors share the same name, Rectangle,
    but they have different parameter lists.
  • The compiler determines which constructors to use
    based on the number and types of the parameters/

Overloading Constructors
  • An overloaded constructor provides multiple ways
    to set up a new object
  • See SnakeEyes.java (page 203)
  • See Die.java (page 204)

  • When creating an object, choose the constructor
    whose arguments best reflect how you want to set
    up the new object.
  • The compiler can determine which constructor to
    use. based on the number and type of the
    arguments that you pass into the constructor.
  • The instance variables in your class need to have
    data assigned to them. You should use the
    constructor to give them these values.

Anatomy of a Class Anatomy of a
Method Encapsulation Graphical Objects Graphical
User Interfaces Buttons and Text Fields
  • Once an object exists, its methods can be invoked
    using the dot operator
  • Customer toms_savings new Customer (125.89)
  • toms_savings.deposit (35.00)
  • This invokes the deposit method in the
    toms_savings object. Place the dot right after
    the object reference name toms_savings.
  • Variables could be accessed also using the dot

Classes and Objects
  • A class defines the data types for an object, but
    a class does not store data values.
  • Each object has its own unique data space.
  • The variables defined in a class are called
    instance variables because each instance of the
    class has its own variables.
  • All methods in a class have access to all
    instance variables of the class.
  • Methods are shared among all objects of a class.

  • An object reference holds the memory address of
    an object
  • Chess_Piece bishop1 new Chess_Piece()
  • All interaction with an object occurs through a
    reference variable.
  • A reference variable holds the address in memory
    where its instance variables and methods are

Reference Assignment
  • For object references, the value of the memory
    location is copied so that bishop1 points to same
    location bishop1 does
  • bishop2 bishop1

Object Variables
  • When you create an object with
  • Chesspiece bishop new Chesspiece()
  • You are creating a handle which you can use to
    obtain, or change the value of the object
    variable - bishop.
  • You can make bishop point to another location in

  • Primitive variables like num dont act this way.
    Two primitive variables can hold the same number
    but they refer to different locations in memory.
  • You cant change a and bs location in memory.
  • int a 32 a b

    int b
  • You can also have two or more handles to the
    object bishop by creating aliases for it.

  • The act of assignment takes a copy of a value and
    stores it in a variable
  • For primitive types
  • num2 num1

  • Two or more references that refer to the same
    object are called aliases of each other. There
    is only one copy of the object (and its data),
    but with multiple ways to access it.
  • Each alias object contains the same memory
  • Aliases can be useful, but should be managed
  • If you change the state of one object, you also
    the change the state of all its aliases, because
    they refer to the same object.

Garbage Collection
  • When an object is lost as in the previous example
    - it no longer has a object referring to it, it
    is cleaned up automatically by Java with garbage
  • Therefore, when an object no longer has any valid
    references to it, it can no longer be accessed by
    the program.
  • It is useless, and therefore called garbage
  • Java performs automatic garbage collection
    periodically, returning an object's memory to the
    system for future use.

Visibility Modifiers
  • In Java, we accomplish encapsulation through the
    appropriate use of visibility modifiers
  • A modifier is a Java reserved word that specifies
    particular characteristics of a method or data
  • We've used the modifier final to define a
  • Java has three visibility modifiers public,
    private, and protected
  • We will discuss the protected modifier more
    completely when we get to inheritance.

Visibility Modifiers
  • Members of a class that are declared with public
    visibility can be accessed from anywhere
  • Members of a class that are declared with private
    visibility can only be accessed from inside the
  • Members declared without a visibility modifier
    have default visibility and can be accessed by
    any class in the same package
  • Java modifiers are discussed in detail in
    Appendix F

Visibility Modifiers
  • As a general rule, no object's data should be
    declared with public visibility
  • Methods that provide the object's services are
    usually declared with public visibility so that
    they can be invoked by clients.
  • Public methods are also called service methods
  • A method created simply to assist a service
    method is called a support method.
  • Since a support method is not intended to be
    called by a client, it should not be declared
    with public visibility.

Visibility Modifiers
Enforce encapsulation
Violate encapsulation
Support other methods in the class
Provide services to clients
  • The next access level specifier is protected,
    which allows the class itself, subclasses and all
    classes in the same package to access the
  • Use the protected access level when it's
    appropriate for a class's subclasses to have
    access to the member classes.
  • This modifier is more important we study
  • The protected specifier affects access for
    classes in the same package?

Writing Methods
  • A method declaration specifies the code that will
    be executed when the method is invoked (or
  • When a method is invoked, the flow of control
    jumps to the method and executes its code
  • When complete, the flow returns to the place
    where the method was called and continues
  • The invocation may or may not return a value,
    depending on how the method was defined

Method Control Flow
  • The called method could be within the same class,
    in which case only the method name is needed

Method Control Flow
  • The called method could be part of another class
    or object

Driver class
Class used by driver class
  • We have been using the main method and other

Method Declaration
public int cube ( int number)

int cube cube number number number
return cube // method third_power
Method Body
The methods declaration defines all the methods
attributes, such as access level (public), return
type (int), name (cube) and arguments (number)
The return Statement
  • The return type of a method indicates the type of
    value that the method sends back to the calling
  • A method that does not return a value has a void
    return type.
  • The return statement specifies the value that
    will be returned.
  • Its expression must conform to the return type.

Method Declarations
  • A method declaration begins with a method header

char calc (int num1, int num2, String message)
method name
parameter list
The parameter list specifies the type and name of
each parameter The name of a parameter in the
method declaration is called a formal argument
return type
Method Declarations
  • The method header is followed by the method body

char calc (int num1, int num2, String message)
int sum num1 num2 char result
message.charAt (sum) return result
sum and result are local data They are created
each time the method is called, and are destroyed
when it finishes executing
The return expression must be consistent with the
return type
  • The method body is where all the action takes
    place. It contains the Java instructions that
    implement the method.
  • The methods declaration provides a lot of
    information about the method. All methods follow
    the same syntax
  • return-type method-name ( parameter-list )
  • statement-list
  • The return type may be any valid Java data
    type.(int, float..)

Calling Methods
  • When you call a class method, you must first
    create an object with which you will call it.
  • To call the method deposit in the Customer class,
    you would first create an object in your main
    method in the Bank class, e.g.
  • Customer TJ_Savings new Customer(Name,Balanc
  • Then to call the deposit method, you would use
  • TJ_Savings.deposit(500)
  • Which deposits 500 dollars into TJs account .

  • A method definition
  • class MathMethods
  • public int third_power (int number)
  • int cube
  • cube number number number
  • return cube
  • // method third_power
  • // close class
  • cube is a local variable. The action performed is
    to cube the parameter number. The value returned
    is the integer cube.

  • A method may contain local declarations as well
    as executable statements.
  • Variables declared locally can only be used
    locally. They have no value outside of the
  • The third_power method could be written without
    any local variables
  • int third_power (int number)
  • return number number number
  • // method third_power

Local Data
  • As weve seen, local variables can be declared
    inside a method
  • The formal parameters of a method create
    automatic local variables when the method is
  • When the method finishes, all local variables are
    destroyed (including the formal parameters)
  • Keep in mind that instance variables, declared at
    the class level, exists as long as the object

Overloading Methods
  • Method overloading is the process of using the
    same method name for multiple methods. The
    signature of each overloaded method must be
  • The signature is based on the number, type, and
    order of the parameters.
  • The compiler must be able to determine which
    version of the method is being invoked by
    analyzing the parameters. Thus, one method must
    differ from another by the number and type of
    parameters it uses.
  • The return type of the method is not part of the

Overloading Methods
Overloaded Methods
  • The println method is overloaded
  • println (String s)
  • println (int i)
  • println (double d)
  • etc.
  • The following lines invoke different versions of
    the println method
  • System.out.println ("The total is")
  • System.out.println (total)

Overloaded Methods
  • Constructors are often overloaded to provide
    multiple ways to set up a new object.
  • public Customer (int account)
  • account_number account
  • balance 0.0
  • // constructor Customer
  • public Customer (int account, double initial)
  • account_number account
  • balance initial
  • // constructor Customer

Data Scope
  • The scope of data is the area in a program in
    which that data can be used (referenced). That
    is the area where it has a legal value.
  • Variables declared at the class level can be used
    by all methods in that class.
  • Data declared within a method can only be used in
    that method. It is considered local to that
  • Data declared within a method is called local

Accessors and Mutators
  • Because instance data is private, a class usually
    provides services to access and modify data
  • An accessor method returns the current value of a
  • A mutator method changes the value of a variable
  • The names of accessor and mutator methods take
    the form getX and setX, respectively, where X is
    the name of the value
  • They are sometimes called getters and setters

Mutator Restrictions
  • The use of mutators gives the class designer the
    ability to restrict a clients options to modify
    an objects state
  • A mutator is often designed so that the values of
    variables can be set only within particular
  • For example, the setFaceValue mutator of the Die
    class should have restricted the value to the
    valid range (1 to MAX)
  • Well see in Chapter 5 how such restrictions can
    be implemented

  • A method can be defined to accept zero or more
  • When you write the method, you declare the number
    and type of parameters. Each parameter in the
    parameter list is specified by its type and name.
  • You can pass a parameter of any valid Java data
    type, including double, float, and integer, and
    reference types like arrays and classes.
  • You cannot pass methods.(except as part of an

  • The parameters in the method definition are
    called formal parameters.
  • They receive their values from the actual
    parameters in the calling method.
  • The values passed to a method when it is invoked
    are called actual parameters.
  • If the main method calls a print method, main is
    the calling method. The method it calls is sent
    the actual parameters.

  • Each time a method is called, the actual
    arguments in the invocation are copied into the
    formal arguments

public static void main(String args) int
num 7 MathMethods obj new
MathMethods() char ch obj.calc (num,
count, "Hello")
  • They receive their values from the actual
    parameters in the calling method.
  • The values passed to a method when it is invoked
    are called actual parameters.
  • When a parameter is passed, a copy of the value
    is made and assigned to the formal parameter.
    Arguments are Passed by Value.
  • When the method is invoked, it receives a copy of
    value of the variable passed in, not the original

  • Both primitive types and object references can be
    passed as parameters.
  • When a primitive type is passed, pass by value
    means the method cannot change its value.
  • When the argument is an object reference , the
    formal parameter becomes an alias of the actual
  • It cannot change the reference of the object, but
    it can access the objects methods and modify the
    accessible variables within the object.

  • You often do want a method to modify the value of
    variable you are sending it.
  • For a method to modify a variable, it must be a
    reference type, such as a class or an array.
    Objects and arrays are passed by value, but their
    value is an address in memory.
  • When an object is passed as an actual parameter,
    the formal parameter in the called method refers
    to same location in memory as the calling method.
  • The formal parameter is an alias of the actual

Main Method
  • No value is returned after the main is executed
    because at the end of the main method the program
    is finished.
  • The data type of the return value must match the
    methods return type.
  • You cant return a float if the return type is
    integer. Methods can also return objects.
  • The class of the returned object must be of the
    same class or a subclass of the return type.

The Coin Class
  • In our Coin class we could define the following
  • face, an integer that represents the current face
  • HEADS and TAILS, integer constants that represent
    the two possible states
  • We might also define the following methods
  • a Coin constructor, to set up the object
  • a flip method, to flip the coin
  • a getFace method, to return the current face
  • a toString method, to return a string description
    for printing

The Coin Class
  • See CountFlips.java (page 179)
  • See Coin.java (page 180)
  • Once the Coin class has been defined, we can use
    it again in other programs as needed.
  • Note that the CountFlips program did not use the
    toString method.
  • A program will not necessarily use every service
    provided by an object

Instance Data
  • The face variable in the Coin class is called
    instance data because each instance (object) of
    the Coin class has its own.
  • A class declares the type of the data, but it
    does not reserve any memory space for it
  • Every time a Coin object is created, a new face
    variable is created as well.
  • The objects of a class share the method
    definitions, but they have unique data space.
  • That's the only way two objects can have
    different states.

Instance Data
  • See FlipRace.java (page 182)

Writing Classes
  • See BankAccounts.java (page 188)
  • See Account.java (page 189)
  • An aggregate object is an object that contains
    references to other objects.
  • An Account object is an aggregate object because
    it contains a reference to a String object (that
    holds the owner's name).
  • An aggregate object represents a has-a
  • A bank account has a name

Bank Account Example
  • Lets look at another example that demonstrates
    the implementation details of classes and methods
  • Well represent a bank account by a class named
  • Its state can include the account number, the
    current balance, and the name of the owner
  • An accounts behaviors (or services) include
    deposits and withdrawals, and adding interest

Driver Programs
  • A driver program drives the use of other, more
    interesting parts of a program
  • Driver programs are often used to test other
    parts of the software
  • The Transactions class contains a main method
    that drives the use of the Account class,
    exercising its services
  • See Transactions.java (page 172)
  • See Account.java (page 173)

Bank Account Example
Bank Account Example
  • There are some improvements that can be made to
    the Account class
  • Formal getters and setters could have been
    defined for all data
  • The design of some methods could also be more
    robust, such as verifying that the amount
    parameter to the withdraw method is positive

  • You can take one of two views of an object
  • internal - the structure of its data, the
    algorithms used by its methods.
  • external - the interaction of the object with
    other objects in the program
  • From the external view, an object is an
    encapsulated entity, providing a set of specific
    services. You dont have to know the details of
    how these services are implemented.

  • These services define the interface to the
  • They are provided by the programmer to offer
    other objects specific services.
  • In a Bank object, these services might include a
    withdraw method or deposit method.
  • Everything that an object knows (its state) and
    can do (its behavior) is expressed by the
    variables and methods within that object.

  • A software object that models your bike has
    variables that indicate the bikes current state
  • Its speed is 10 mph,
  • its pedal cadence is 90 rpm,
  • its current gear is fifth.
  • The nucleus of an object is comprised of private
    variables and public methods.
  • Methods surround and hide the object's nucleus
    from other objects in the program.

  • Packaging an object's variables within the
    protective custody of its methods is called
  • Encapsulation is used to hide unimportant
    implementation details from other objects.
  • When you want to drive a car, you don't need to
    know how the motor works.

  • Similarly in software programs, you don't need to
    know how a class is implemented, you just need
    to know which methods to invoke.
  • Thus, the implementation details can change at
    any time without affecting other parts of the

  • Encapsulation is a powerful abstraction
  • An abstraction hides the right details at the
    right time
  • We use abstractions every day
  • driving a car
  • using a computer
  • Encapsulation makes an object easy to manage
    mentally because its interaction with clients is
    limited to a set of well-defined services

  • Encapsulating related variables and methods into
    an object bundle provides 2 major benefits
  • Modularity --
  • The source code for an object can be written and
    maintained independently of the source code for
    other objects.
  • Also, an object can be easily passed around in
    the system.

  • Information hiding ---
  • public interface that other objects can use to
    communicate with it.
  • But the object can maintain private information
    and methods that can be changed at any time
    without affecting the other objects that depend
    on it.

  • An encapsulated object can be thought of as a
    black box
  • Its inner workings are hidden to the client,
    which only invokes the interface methods

Classes and Objects
Two Objects
Class Customer
int account_number double balance
  • An object should be
  • self-governing any changes to the object's
    state (its variables) should be accomplished by
    that object's methods.
  • We should make it difficult, if not impossible,
    for another object to "reach in" and alter an
    object's state.

  • The user, or client, of an object can request its
    services, but not be aware of how those services
    are accomplished.
  • An object has complete control over whether other
    objects can access its variables and methods and
    in fact, can specify which other objects have

  • An encapsulated object can be thought of as a
    black box its inner workings are hidden to the

deposit withdraw add_interest produce_statement
UML Diagrams
  • UML stands for the Unified Modeling Language
  • UML diagrams show relationships among classes and
  • A UML class diagram consists of one or more
    classes, each with sections for the class name,
    attributes (data), and operations (methods)
  • Lines between classes represent associations
  • A dotted arrow shows that one class uses the
    other (calls its methods)

UML Class Diagrams
  • A UML class diagram for the RollingDice program

  • Some class declarations and definitions

public By default, a class can be used
only by other classes in the
package. The public modifier
declares it usable by all packages. final
Declares that the class cannot be
subclassed extends Super The extends clause
identifies Super as the superclass of
the class and inserts the class into the
superclasses hierarchy.
Anatomy of a Class Encapsulation Anatomy of a
Method Graphical Objects Graphical User
Interfaces Buttons and Text Fields
Applet Methods
  • In previous examples we've used the paint method
    of the Applet class to draw on an applet
  • The Applet class has several methods that are
    invoked automatically at certain points in an
    applet's life
  • The init method, for instance, is executed only
    once when the applet is initially loaded
  • The Applet class also contains other methods that
    generally assist in applet processing

Graphical Objects
  • Any object we define by writing a class can have
    graphical elements
  • The object must simply obtain a graphics context
    (a Graphics object) in which to draw
  • An applet can pass its graphics context to
    another object just as it can any other parameter
  • See LineUp.java (page 212)
  • See StickFigure.java (page 215)

Graphical Objects
  • Some objects contain information that determines
    how the object should be represented visually
  • Most GUI components are graphical objects
  • We can have some effect on how components get
  • We did this in Chapter 2 when we defined the
    paint method of an applet
  • Let's look at some other examples of graphical

Smiling Face Example
  • The SmilingFace program draws a face by defining
    the paintComponent method of a panel
  • See SmilingFace.java (page 177)
  • See SmilingFacePanel.java (page 178)
  • The main method of the SmilingFace class
    instantiates a SmilingFacePanel and displays it
  • The SmilingFacePanel class is derived from the
    JPanel class using inheritance

Smiling Face Example
  • Every Swing component has a paintComponent method
  • The paintComponent method accepts a Graphics
    object that represents the graphics context for
    the panel
  • We define the paintComponent method to draw the
    face with appropriate calls to the Graphics
  • Note the difference between drawing on a panel
    and adding other GUI components to a panel

Splat Example
  • The Splat example is structured a bit differently
  • It draws a set of colored circles on a panel, but
    each circle is represented as a separate object
    that maintains its own graphical information
  • The paintComponent method of the panel "asks"
    each circle to draw itself
  • See Splat.java (page 180)
  • See SplatPanel.java (page 181)
  • See Circle.java (page 182)

Anatomy of a Class Encapsulation Anatomy of a
Method Graphical Objects Graphical User
Interfaces Buttons and Text Fields
Graphical User Interfaces
  • A Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Java is
    created with at least three kinds of objects
  • components
  • events
  • listeners
  • We've previously discussed components, which are
    objects that represent screen elements
  • labels, buttons, text fields, menus, etc.
  • Some components are containers that hold and
    organize other components
  • frames, panels, applets, dialog boxes

  • An event is an object that represents some
    activity to which we may want to respond
  • For example, we may want our program to perform
    some action when the following occurs
  • the mouse is moved
  • the mouse is dragged
  • a mouse button is clicked
  • a graphical button is clicked
  • a keyboard key is pressed
  • a timer expires
  • Events often correspond to user actions, but not

Events and Listeners
  • The Java standard class library contains several
    classes that represent typical events
  • Components, such as a graphical button, generate
    (or fire) an event when it occurs
  • A listener object "waits" for an event to occur
    and responds accordingly
  • We can design listener objects to take whatever
    actions are appropriate when an event occurs

Events and Listeners
When the event occurs, the component calls the
appropriate method of the listener, passing an
object that describes the event
GUI Development
  • Generally we use components and events that are
    predefined by classes in the Java class library
  • Therefore, to create a Java program that uses a
    GUI we must
  • instantiate and set up the necessary components
  • implement listener classes for any events we care
  • establish the relationship between listeners and
    components that generate the corresponding events
  • Let's now explore some new components and see how
    this all comes together

Anatomy of a Class Encapsulation Anatomy of a
Method Graphical Objects Graphical User
Interfaces Buttons and Text Fields
  • A push button is a component that allows the user
    to initiate an action by pressing a graphical
    button using the mouse
  • A push button is defined by the JButton class
  • It generates an action event
  • The PushCounter example displays a push button
    that increments a counter each time it is pushed
  • See PushCounter.java (page 186)
  • See PushCounterPanel.java (page 187)

Push Counter Example
  • The components of the GUI are the button, a label
    to display the counter, a panel to organize the
    components, and the main frame
  • The PushCounterPanel class is represents the
    panel used to display the button and label
  • The PushCounterPanel class is derived from JPanel
    using inheritance
  • The constructor of PushCounterPanel sets up the
    elements of the GUI and initializes the counter
    to zero

Push Counter Example
  • The ButtonListener class is the listener for the
    action event generated by the button
  • It is implemented as an inner class, which means
    it is defined within the body of another class
  • That facilitates the communication between the
    listener and the GUI components
  • Inner classes should only be used in situations
    where there is an intimate relationship between
    the two classes and the inner class is not needed
    in any other context

Push Counter Example
  • Listener classes are written by implementing a
    listener interface
  • The ButtonListener class implements the
    ActionListener interface
  • An interface is a list of methods that the
    implementing class must define
  • The only method in the ActionListener interface
    is the actionPerformed method
  • The Java class library contains interfaces for
    many types of events
  • We discuss interfaces in more detail in Chapter 6

Push Counter Example
  • The PushCounterPanel constructor
  • instantiates the ButtonListener object
  • establishes the relationship between the button
    and the listener by the call to addActionListener
  • When the user presses the button, the button
    component creates an ActionEvent object and calls
    the actionPerformed method of the listener
  • The actionPerformed method increments the counter
    and resets the text of the label

Text Fields
  • Let's look at another GUI example that uses
    another type of component
  • A text field allows the user to enter one line of
  • If the cursor is in the text field, the text
    field component generates an action event when
    the enter key is pressed
  • See Fahrenheit.java (page 190)
  • See FahrenheitPanel.java (page 191)

Fahrenheit Example
  • Like the PushCounter example, the GUI is set up
    in a separate panel class
  • The TempListener inner class defines the listener
    for the action event generated by the text field
  • The FahrenheitPanel constructor instantiates the
    listener and adds it to the text field
  • When the user types a temperature and presses
    enter, the text field generates the action event
    and calls the actionPerformed method of the
  • The actionPerformed method computes the
    conversion and updates the result label
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