The atom laser and BE condensates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The atom laser and BE condensates


the only occupation which will then be left to the men of science will be to ... One can describe laser-like atoms as atoms 'marching in lockstep' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The atom laser and BE condensates

The atom laser and BE condensates
  • Vorlesung 3.2.03
  • K. Kohse-Höinghaus

  • Introduction quantum mysteries, ultralarge atoms
    and frozen light
  • Bose-Einstein condensates in the lab methods and
  • The atom laser
  • What next?
  • Literature

Introduction Quantum mysteries?
  • Maxwell 1871 assumes In a few years, all the
    great physical constants will have been
    approximately estimated and ... the only
    occupation which will then be left to the men of
    science will be to carry these measurements to
    another place of decimal.
  • Rutherfords 1911 theory underpredicts the
    lifetime of hydrogen atoms by 40 orders of
    magnitude (!) - the worst quantitative failure
    in the history of physics.
  • de Broglie 1923 postulates matter wave duality in
    his doctoral thesis Einstein gives a favorable
    review, thesis is accepted.
  • Bose-Einstein condensation Effect predicted
    1924, observed 1995
  • Mysteries superposition and decoherence (how
    quanta get classical)

Sci. Am., Feb. 2001, p. 54
Sci. Am., Feb. 2001, p. 59
Sci. Am., Feb. 2001, p. 59
Introduction Ultralarge atoms?
  • Can atoms behave classically?
  • Formation of wave packets by superposition of
    high-level atomic states is possible with
    short-pulse lasers.
  • These electronic states are not very distant in
    energy and almost equally spaced (high density of
  • Such a superposition of many states is almost
    localized and behaves near the classical limit.
    Atoms swell to orders of magnitude their normal
    size. (20 ps pulses in K atoms -gt spectrally
    broad, overlap many states simultaneously, create
    a wave packet far from the nucleus.
  • Orbiting of this wave packet around the nucleus
    can be followed by second (probe) laser pulse and
    is seen to follow almost planetary rules at
    least as a statistical average.

Sci. Am., June 1994, p. 24
Wave packet
describe a radical wave packet. The packet
consists of a superposition of several energy
levels in effect, an electron moves
simultaneously in many orbits that surround the
nucleus. A more planetlike behavior would have
the orbits lie in one plane. Such a state, called
the elliptical stationary state, has been created
(right). The bump on the left side represents the
most likely location of the electron.
Sci. Am., June 1994, p. 28
Introduction Frozen light
  • Can one travel faster than the speed of light?
  • Yes, in special cases
  • Nothing travels faster than light in a vacuum,
    but even light is slowed down in many media.
    Clouds of atoms can be manipulated with lasers so
    that pulses of light travel through them with
    slower speed than highway traffic.
  • Light can be frozen and be brought to a
    complete stop with ultracold clouds of atoms near
    absolute zero temperature (Bose-Einstein

A benchtop guide to stopping light
Sci. Am., July 2001, p. 59
  • WAYLAYING LIGHT Before the light pulse (yellow)
    reaches the cloud of atoms (blue) that will
    freeze it, all the atoms spins (small arrows)
    are aligned and a coupling laser beam (red)
    renders the cloud transparent to the pulse (1,2).
    The cloud greatly slows and compresses the pulse
    (3), and the atoms states change in a wave that
    accompanies the slow light. When the pulse is
    fully inside the cloud (4), the coupling beam is
    turned off (5), halting the wave and the light
    at zero velocity the light vanishes. Later (6)
    the coupling beam is turned on again,
    regenerating the light pulse and setting the wave
    and the light back in motion.

Sci. Am., July 2001, p. 55
QUANTUM WHIRLPOOLS called vortices are the only
way that a superfluid can rotate. this
theoretical simulation shows four vortices
threading through a condensate and two new
vortices forming at the edge. Colors indicate the
quantum "phase" around each vortex.
Sci. Am., Dec. 2000, p. 68.
Bose-Einstein condensate
  • Cool a gas of bosonic atoms to below a critical
    temperature then a fraction of the atoms
    condenses in the lowest quantum state.
  • Atoms at temperature T and with mass m can be
    regarded as quantum mechanical wave packets that
    have a spatial extent of the order of a thermal
    de Broglie wavelength which increases with
    decreasing temperature.
  • When all atoms are cooled to the point where the
    de Broglie wavelength is comparable to the
    interatomic separation, the atomic wave packets
    overlap and the gas starts to be a Bose-Einstein

Bose-Einstein condensate
Left to right formation of the condensate at
about 2 µK, monitored by absorption imaging Left
TgtTcrit, middle TltTcrit, right TltltTcrit, pure
B-E condensate of about 7?105 atoms
Ketterles homepage
Bose-Einstein condensate
Ketterles homepage
What is an atom laser?
  • An atom laser is analogous to an optical laser,
    but it emits matter waves instead of
    electromagnetic waves.
  • Its output is a coherent matter wave, a beam of
    atoms which can be focused to a pinpoint or can
    be collimated to travel large distances without
    spreading. The beam is coherent, which means, for
    instance, that atom laser beams can interfere
    with each other.
  • Compared to an ordinary beam of atoms, the beam
    of an atom laser is extremely bright. One can
    describe laser-like atoms as atoms "marching in
  • Although there is no rigorous definition for the
    atom laser (or, for that matter, an optical
    laser), all people agree that brightness and
    coherence are the essential features.

Ketterles home page
Atomic trap
  • ATOMIC TRAP cools by means of two different
    mechanisms. First, six laser beams (red) cool
    atoms, initially at room temperature, while
    corralling them toward the cen-ter of an
    evacuated glass box. Next, the laser beams are
    turned off, and the magnetic coils (copper) are
    ener-gized. Current flowing through the coils
    generates a magnetic field that further confines
    most of the atoms while allowing the energetic
    ones to escape. Thus, the average energy of the
    remaining atoms decreases, mak-ing the sample
    colder and even more closely confined to the
    center of the trap. Ultimately, many of the atoms
    attain the lowest possible energy state allowed
    by quan-tum mechanics and become a single entity
    known as a Bose-Einstein condensate.

Sci. Am., March 1998, p. 27.
The parts of an atom laser
  • A laser requires a cavity (resonator), an active
    medium, and an output coupler.
  • In the MIT atom laser, the "resonator" is a
    magnetic trap in which the atoms are confined by
    "magnetic mirrors".
  • The active medium is a thermal cloud of ultracold
    atoms, and the output coupler is an rf pulse
    which controls the "reflectivity" of the magnetic

Ketterles homepage
The gain process in an atom laser
  • The analogy to spontaneous emission in the
    optical laser is elastic scattering of atoms
    (collisions similar to those between billiard
  • In a laser, stimulated emission of photons causes
    the radiation field to build up in a single mode.
  • In an atom laser, the presence of a Bose-Einstein
    condensate (atoms that occupy a "single mode" of
    the system, the lowest energy state) causes
    stimulated scattering by atoms into that mode.
  • More precisely, the presence of a condensate with
    N atoms enhances the probability that an atom
    will be scattered into the condensate by N1.

Ketterles homepage
The gain process in an atom laser
  • In a normal gas, atoms scatter among the many
    modes of the system. But when the critical
    temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation is
    reached, they scatter predominantly into the
    lowest energy state of the system, a single one
    of the myriad of possible quantum states. This
    abrupt process is closely analogous to the
    threshold for operating a laser, when the laser
    suddenly switches on as the supply of radiating
    atoms is increased.
  • In an atom laser, the "excitation" of the "active
    medium" is done by evaporative cooling - the
    evaporation process creates a cloud which is not
    in thermal equilibrium and relaxes towards colder
    temperatures. This results in growth of the
    condensate. After equilibration, the net "gain"
    of the atom laser is zero, i.e., the condensate
    fraction remains constant until further cooling
    is applied.

Ketterles homepage
The gain process in an atom laser
  • Unlike optical lasers, which sometimes radiate
    in several modes (i.e. at several nearby
    frequencies) the matter wave laser always
    operates in a single mode. The formation of the
    Bose condensate actually involves "mode
    competition" the first excited state cannot be
    macroscopically populated because the ground
    state "eats up all the pie".

Ketterles homepage
The output of an atom laser
  • The output of an optical laser is a collimated
    beam of light. For an atom laser, it is a beam of
    atoms. Either laser can be continuous or pulsed -
    but so far, the atom laser has only been realized
    in the pulsed mode.
  • Both light and atoms propagate according to a
    wave equation. Light is governed by Maxwell's
    equations, and matter is described by the
    Schroedinger equation.
  • The diffraction limit in optics corresponds to
    the Heisenberg uncertainty limit for atoms. In an
    ideal case, the atom laser emits a Heisenberg
    uncertainty limited beam.

Ketterles homepage
Optical versus atom laser differences
  • Photons can be created, but not atoms. The number
    of atoms in an atom laser is not amplified. What
    is amplified is the number of atoms in the ground
    state, while the number of atoms in other states
  • Atoms interact with each other - that creates
    additional spreading of the output beam. Unlike
    light, a matter wave cannot travel far through
  • Atoms are massive particles. They are therefore
    accelerated by gravity. A matter wave beam will
    fall like a beam of ordinary atoms.
  • A Bose condensates occupies the lowest mode
    (ground state) of the system, whereas lasers
    usually operate on very high modes of the laser
  • A Bose condensed system is in thermal equilibrium
    and characterized by extremely low temperature.
    In contrast, the optical laser operates in a
    non-equilibrium situation which can be
    characterized by a negative temperature. There is
    never any population inversion in evaporative
    cooling or Bose condensation.

Ketterles homepage
Quantum vortices in a rotating Bose-Einstein
condensate of Na atoms
Ketterle, ChemPhys Chem 2002
Perspectives molecular condensates?
"TRILOBITE MOLECULE" of two rubidium atoms, 1,000
times larger than a typical diatomic molecule,
could be formed within a condensate by
appropriate laser excitation. Gold curves
indicate the density of the calculated electron
cloud forming the bond. The blue ball is one
atom the other is obscured under the "twin
towers". Groups have produced more ordinary
ultracold molecules in condensates by similar
laser techniques but have not yet demonstrated a
condensate of molecules.
Sci. Am., Dec. 2000, p. 75
  • Scientific American June 1994 p.24 The classical
    limit of an atom
  • Scientific American Dec. 2000 p.68 The coolest
    gas in the universe
  • Scientific American Feb. 2001 p.54 100 years of
    quantum mysteries
  • Scientific American July 2001 p.52 Frozen light
  • W. Ketterle, Atom plus atom equals ... vacuum!,
    ChemPhysChem 9/2002, 736
  • Ketterles homepage http//
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