Title: Disruption of BoseEinstein Condensates on Classical and Quantum Reflection
1Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- R.G. Scott1, A.M. Martin2, T.M.Fromhold1, F.W.
Sheard1. - 1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. - 2School of Physics, University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Vic. 3010, Australia.
2Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- R.G. Scott1, A.M. Martin2, S. Bujkiewicz1,
T.M.Fromhold1, F.W. Sheard1, - N. Malossi3, O. Morsch3, M. Cristiani3 and E.
Arimondo3. - 1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Nottingham,Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. - 2School of Physics, University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Vic. 3010, Australia. - 3INFM, Dipartimento di Fisicia, Università di
Pisa, Via Buonarroti 2, I-56127 Pisa, Italy.
3Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Bragg reflection in optical lattices.
4Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Bragg reflection in optical lattices.
- Classical reflection from a hard wall.
5Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Bragg reflection in optical lattices.
- Classical reflection from a hard wall.
- Quantum reflection from an abrupt potential drop.
6Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Bragg reflection in optical lattices.
- Classical reflection from a hard wall.
- Quantum reflection from an abrupt potential drop.
- Quantum reflection from a Si surface.
7Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Bragg reflection in optical lattices.
- Classical reflection from a hard wall.
- Quantum reflection from an abrupt potential drop.
- Quantum reflection from a Si surface.
- Colliding BECs.
8Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
9Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Analysis of experiments.
- Study of BEC excitations.
10Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Analysis of experiments.
- Study of BEC excitations.
- Probe of surfaces.
11Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Analysis of experiments.
- Study of BEC excitations.
- Probe of surfaces.
- Possibility of making atom optical devices.
12Disruption of Bose-Einstein Condensates
onClassical and Quantum Reflection
- Analysis of experiments.
- Study of BEC excitations.
- Probe of surfaces.
- Possibility of making atom optical devices.
- Wider implications for atom lasers,
13Optical lattice
390 nm
The optical lattice is formed by two
counter-propagating laser beams.
36 peV
The atom experiences the optical lattice as a
periodic potential.
14Optical lattice
The motion of an atom in an OL can be understood
in terms of Band theory.
15Morsch et al. drove the BEC through the band by
accelerating the OL, rather than the BEC itself.
- Morsch observed Bloch oscillations of a 87Rb BEC.
PRL 87 140402 (2001).
BEC dynamics modelled using time-dependent
Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
16Morsch et al. drove the BEC through the band by
accelerating the OL, rather than the BEC itself.
- Morsch observed Bloch oscillations of a 87Rb BEC.
PRL 87 140402 (2001).
Condensate motion
Semiclassical trajectory
17Morsch et al. drove the BEC through the band by
accelerating the OL, rather than the BEC itself.
- Morsch observed Bloch oscillations of a 87Rb BEC.
PRL 87 140402 (2001).
- We identify a new regime of condensate behaviour
by accelerating the optical potential more slowly.
18Stills from the movie
19?Solitons form in response to the density nodes
and phase phase shifts imprinted on Bragg
?Solitons form most readily if Bloch oscillations
are slow BEC can respond to standing wave.
20?Solitons form in response to the density nodes
and p phase shifts imprinted on Bragg relfection.
?Solitons form most readily if correlation time
tcltlt Bloch period TB.
21Collaboration with O. Morsch et al.
Fast OL acceleration tcTB
Slow OL acceleration tcltltTB
22Collaboration with O. Morsch et al.
Fast Bloch oscillations
Slow Bloch oscillations
23Collaboration with O. Morsch et al.
Fast Bloch oscillations
Slow Bloch oscillations
24Experiments of S. Burger et al.
PRL 86 4447 (2001)
As before, BEC prepared in 1D optical lattice and
3D magnetic trap
Equipotentials of 3D magnetic trap
25Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Equilibrium destroyed by shifting origin of the
harmonic trap
26Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Burger observed highly damped oscillations, and
distortion and broadening of the condensate
12 ms
27Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Burger observed highly damped oscillations, and
distortion and broadening of the condensate
18 ms
28Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Burger observed highly damped oscillations, and
distortion and broadening of the condensate
29Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Burger observed highly damped oscillations, and
distortion and broadening of the condensate
30Experiments of S. Burger et al.
Burger observed highly damped oscillations, and
distortion and broadening of the condensate
31T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
- At high incident velocities, measured reflection
probability agrees well with single-atom
theory. - Below 2 mm/s, measured reflection probability is
32T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
BEC prepared in 3D magnetic trap
Equipotentials of 3D magnetic trap
33T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Equilibrium destroyed by shifting origin of the
harmonic trap
Silicon wafer
BEC accelerates towards Si surface.
34T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
The interaction of an atom with a Si surface can
be described an attractive potential known as the
Casimir-Polder potential.
Silicon wafer
3 ?m
35T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
36T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
37T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
38T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
39T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
40T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
41T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
In a classical picture, no atoms would be
3 ?m
42T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
43T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
44T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
45T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
46T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
47T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
48T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
49T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
50T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
51T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
52T. Pasquini et al.
Quantum reflection from a Si surface
PRL 93 223201 (2004)
Silicon wafer
Quantum reflection can occur if
3 ?m
We assume that atoms which are not reflected are
either adsorbed by the Si or scatter
53Reflection from a hard wall
High impact velocity 2.1 mm/s
Potential profile
Large displacement
The BEC reflects cleanly no disruption occurs.
54Reflection from a hard wall
Low impact velocity 1.2 mm/s
Potential profile
Small displacement
The BEC becomes disrupted and two vortex rings
55Reflection from a hard wall
t 0 ms
56Reflection from a hard wall
t 90 ms
t 0 ms
Due to the inter-atomic interactions, the high
density in the standing wave causes atoms to be
pushed into side-lobes.
At higher incident velocities, the BEC has
insufficient time to respond to the high density
in the standing wave.
57Reflection from a hard wall
t 90 ms
t 0 ms
For lobes to form lobe formation time lt
reflection time
At higher incident velocities, the BEC has
insufficient time to respond to the high density
in the standing wave.
58Reflection from a hard wall
t 90 ms
t 0 ms
For lobes to form lobe formation time lt
reflection time
Speed of sound ?n½
59Reflection from a hard wall
t 122 ms
t 90 ms
t 0 ms
The side-lobes are pushed back towards the axis
of cylindrical symmetry by the trap, producing a
60Reflection from a hard wall
t 122 ms
t 90 ms
t 143 ms
t 0 ms
The soliton decays into two vortex rings. At the
end of the oscillation the atom cloud has a
fragmented appearance.
61Reflection from a hard wall
t 122 ms
t 90 ms
t 143 ms
t 0 ms
High density in the standing wave leads to
formation of side-lobes.
The Side-lobes are pushed back by the trap,
producing a soliton
which decays into vortex rings.
62Reflection from a hard wall
t 122 ms
t 90 ms
t 143 ms
t 0 ms
The soliton decays into two vortex rings. At the
end of the oscillation the atom cloud has a
fragmented appearance.
63Reflection from an abrupt potential drop
High impact velocity 2.1 mm/s
Potential profile
Large displacement
The BEC reflects cleanly no disruption occurs.
64Reflection from an abrupt potential drop
Low impact velocity 1.2 mm/s
Potential profile
Small displacement
The BEC becomes disrupted and a vortex ring
65Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
High impact velocity 2.1 mm/s
Potential profile
Large displacement
The BEC reflects cleanly no disruption occurs.
66Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
Low impact velocity 1.2 mm/s
Potential profile
Small displacement
The BEC becomes disrupted and a vortex ring
67HIGH impact velocity (vx 2.1 mm/s)
Hard Wall
LOW impact velocity (vx 1.2 mm/s)
68HIGH impact velocity (vx 2.1 mm/s)
Disruption at low
velocities is a
generic feature
of reflection from
regions of rapid
LOW impact velocity (vx 1.2 mm/s)
potential variation.
69The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
The simulation was repeated for a cigar-shaped
BEC of identical density, for an impact velocity
vx 2.1 mm/s, for which no disruption was seen
70The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
71The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
72The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
The simulation was repeated for a cigar-shaped
BEC of identical density, for an impact velocity
vx 2.1 mm/s, for which no disruption was seen
73The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
On quantum reflection side-lobes do indeed form
74The role of the atom cloud aspect ratio
At the end of the oscillation the atom cloud
contains a vortex ring, and has a fragmented
75Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
With inter-atomic interactions
Without inter-atomic interactions
76Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
77Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
78Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
79Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
80Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
81Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
106 atoms
82Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
3105 atoms
106 atoms
83Reflection from a Si wall (Casimir-Polder
a 2.9 nm
a 0
3105 atoms
106 atoms
84(Analogous to reflection problem)
Collisions between two BECs
High impact velocity (large initial separation)
BECs pass through each other without disruption.
85(Analogous to reflection problem)
Collisions between two BECs
Low impact velocity (small initial separation)
BECs become disrupted and vortex rings are formed.
86Collisions between two BECs
t 0 ms
How then can interference patterns be observed?
e.g. M.R. Andrews et al. Science 275 637-641.
87Collisions between two BECs
t 0 ms
t 5 ms
Due to the rapid expansion the inter-atomic
interactions are negligible once the interference
pattern has formed.
88Collisions between two BECs
t 0 ms
t 5 ms
Due to the rapid expansion the inter-atomic
interactions are negligible once the interference
pattern has formed.
89Collisions between two BECs
Could the experiment be modified to observe
different behaviour?
Lets try turning the laser off 10 ms before the
90Collisions between two BECs
91Collisions between two BECs
92Future work
- Strategies for increasing R
- Tailor the BECs initial state to suppress
fragmentation of the atom cloud, e.g.
pancake-shaped BECs - Engineer the surface to optimise the
Casimir-Polder potential for quantum reflection,
e.g. porous Si, near surface 2DEG. - Etched surfaces for atom optics
- Curved surfaces, e.g concave mirror.
- Zone plate
Scott et al. PRL 90 110404 (2003), PRA 69 033605
(2004), cond-mat/0412380.
93Future work
- Strategies for increasing R
- Tailor the BECs initial state to suppress
fragmentation of the atom cloud, e.g.
pancake-shaped BECs - Engineer the surface to optimise the
Casimir-Polder potential for quantum reflection,
e.g. porous Si, near surface 2DEG. - Etched surfaces for atom optics
- Curved surfaces, e.g concave mirror.
- Zone plate
Scott et al. PRL 90 110404 (2003), PRA 69 033605
(2004), cond-mat/0412380.
94Future work
- Strategies for increasing R
- Tailor the BECs initial state to suppress
fragmentation of the atom cloud, e.g.
pancake-shaped BECs - Engineer the surface to optimise the
Casimir-Polder potential for quantum reflection,
e.g. porous Si, near surface 2DEG. - Etched surfaces for atom optics
- Curved surfaces, e.g concave mirror.
- Zone plate
Scott et al. PRL 90 110404 (2003), PRA 69 033605
(2004), cond-mat/0412380.
- We have simulated Bloch oscillations of dilute
gas 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates in optical
lattices. - Bragg reflection can lead to the formation of
solitons. - The solitons decay into vortex rings.
- The formation of solitons and vortex rings cause
disruption the condensate, and damping of the
Bloch oscillations. - Under certain conditions, the formation of
solitons and vortex rings triggers explosive
expansion of the condensate.
Scott et al. PRL 90 110404 (2003), PRA 69 033605