Title: CDA
1- CDA
- Broadening the Base
- Data Management 2007
- 10th 11th December
2CDA Broadening the Base
Well DataStore Seismic DataStore Data Management
Well DataStore Seismic DataStore Data Management
3Broadening the BaseWell DataStore
- Third Cycle
- QC Data (1994 2000)
- Landmark (2000 2006)
- Schlumberger (2006 2010/12)
- Strategic Aim
To fully integrate Well DataStore services into
members normal business workflow such that they
may (if they wish) rely entirely on CDA for UKCS
digital well data storage and services and can
thereby achieve regulatory compliance and
eventual archiving to the NHDA
4Well DataStoreObstacles
- Obstacles, pre-2006
- Must be an expert to use the system
- Not all data owners are CDA members
- The data collection is incomplete
- Not all data types are within scope
- Some members slow to submit data
- Paper-based procedures
- Closed IT architecture
5Well DataStoreObstacles Solutions
- Obstacles, pre-2006
- Must be an expert to use the system
- Not all data owners are CDA members
- The data collection is incomplete
- Not all data types are within scope
- Some members slow to submit data
- Paper-based procedures
- Closed IT architecture
6Well DataStoreDelivering the Solution
- A new contract is the best way to introduce
significant change - A detailed requirements specification derived
from close user engagement - Prescription in key areas
- 4. Align
- the tender specifications,
- the commercial terms, and
- the bid evaluation criteria
- with the requirements specification
7Well DataStoreSelected Solution
- Key Features
- Services-based
- Open-systems
- Web-enabled
- No java downloads
- Self-service support
- Easy enhancement
- Partner scheme
- Service credit scheme
- Successful data transfer
- Uninterrupted services
- Impact gtgtgt
8Well DataStoreIncrease in Membership
Jun-06 28 Nov-07 39 11
9Well DataStoreMore Users
10Well DataStoreIncreased Activity
11Well DataStoreMore Data
12Well DataStoreMore Data Types
- Raw Digital well logs
- Joined digital well logs
- Well report images
- Well log images
- Borehole seismic data
- Digital well deviation data
- Additional data types under review
- Extended well headers
- Stratigraphic tops
- Digital core analysis data
- Production data
- Digital facies interpretations
- Digital geochemical log data
- Digital lithology log
- Digital formation pressure data
- Digital temperature log data
13Well DataStoreFederation Solutions
- Proven Solutions
- Web Services (database tables or snapshots)
- DecisionPoint Data Launch
- SharePoint Portal or WSRP integration
- Data Federation (using DecisionPoint connectors)
- Other Solutions
- Data Exchange formats
- OpenSpirit connectors
14Well DataStoreSummary
- Step change in performance
- More companies and users
- More data content
- Engineered through contract change
- Broader and more solid foundations for
development - More data types
- More data services
- Increased participation
- Increased activity
- Federated solutions
- Stronger strategic position
To fully integrate Well DataStore services into
members normal business workflow such that they
may rely entirely on CDA for UKCS digital well
data storage and services and can thereby achieve
regulatory compliance and eventual archiving to
the NHDA
15CDA Broadening the Base
Well DataStore Seismic DataStore Data Management
Well DataStore Seismic DataStore Data Management
16CDA Seismic DataStoreThe Vision
A step-change in the quality and availability of
UKCS seismic data high-quality data in
hours/days rather than weeks/months
17CDA Seismic DataStore2007 Tasks
Review of earlier work
Seismic Committee Requirements Specification
Business Case
Visit to DISKOS
Lessons learned
18CDA Seismic DataStore2008 Tasks
Develop the Business Case
Funding Model Development
April 2008
Draft the Tender
Membership Promotion
CDA Council Decisions
Legal Commercial Framework
19CDA Broadening the Base
- Well DataStore
- Seismic DataStore
- Data Management Forum
20Broadening the BaseData Management Forum
- Oil Gas UK now includes oil companies and
contractors - Members meet regularly at FORUMS
- CDA has approval from the Oil Gas UK board to
establish a Data Management Forum
Policy Advisory
Health Safety
Economic Fiscal
Oil Gas UK Forums
21Broadening the BaseData Management Forum
- Oil companies and contractors to meet to
- Agree measures to improve the effective
contribution of data management to UKCS
efficiency and safety - Forum for collaboration
- General Areas of Activity
- Best practices and standards
- Regulatory review and revision
- Improved access to data
- Survey (January 2008)
- Gauge interest and support
- Identify scope and set priorities
- Propose forum activities and objectives
- Inaugural meeting (Q1/2008)
- Quarterly meetings must deliver value
email MFLEMING_at_CDAL.COM to receive the survey
22Broadening the BaseSummary
- CDA Well DataStore but more than this
- Regulatory reform
- Best practices
- National Hydrocarbons Data Archive
- CDA Seismic DataStore
- Seismic data release
- Seismic data redundancy
23Contact Details
www.cdal.com mfleming_at_cdal.com
24(No Transcript)