Title: CDA Overview
1CDA is a not-for-profit subsidiary of UKOOA set
up in 1994 to provide data management services to
members and to the UK oil industry in general.
CDA is directed by a Council of members and is
managed by a professional management team. CDA
facilitates effective collaboration between oil
companies, service companies and regulatory
authorities, making a significant contribution to
the goals of UKOOA and PILOT.
2Presentation Outline
- Background
- 1. Stakeholders Organisation
- 2. Strategic Development
- Service Areas
- 3. The CDA DataStore
- 4. The DEAL Data Registry
- 5. Other Service Areas
- CDA Membership
3Stakeholders OrganisationStakeholders
...Licence between...
Fund and Participate in...
Members of...
Part funds and Owns...
Fund and Participate in...
...Deed between...
- Aceca
- Edinburgh Uni.
Service Contract
Service Contract
4Stakeholders Organisation Organisation
Oil Companies (Operators)
UKOOA Council
CDA Council
UKOOA Secretariat
Chief Executive
Chief Executive Commercial Manager Operations
Manager Service Manager
Management Team
DataStore User Group
DEAL User Group
Standards Committee
Formal reporting lines
Ad hoc Workgroups
5Strategic DevelopmentDevelopment History
- Nov 1993 Industry interest group started
- Jan 1994 CIDAI consortium formed
- Mar 1995 CDA Limited incorporated
- Services contract awarded to QC Data Ltd
- Mar 1996 Digital WL phase becomes operational
- Jan 1998 Hardcopy scanning project begins
- Mar 1998 Seismic (navigation) phase starts
- Jun 1998 Management re-organisation
- Jun 2000 CDA shares purchased by UKOOA
- Sep 2000 DEAL website goes live
- Jun 2001 Landmark becomes DataStore service
provider - Sep 2003 DEAL re-launched as the DEAL Data
Registry - Sep 2003 National Hydrocarbons Data Archive
launched - Jan 2004 DEAL funding burden transferred to UKOOA
6Strategic DevelopmentStrategic Model
Users view aggregated data catalogues in DEALor
individual catalogues in a specified repository
Individual data catalogues aggregated at DEAL
Well and seismic headers and other metadata
submitted to DEAL by operators and DTI
DEAL Data Registry
Users can query individual repositories directly
National Archive
Data delivered directly to users from repositories
CDA DataStore
Operators load and entitle data to a repository
of choice
7Strategic DevelopmentStrategic Context 2004
- Strategic fit with Members
- Drive to demonstrate value-for-money
- Regulatory compliance
- Regionalisation of operations
- Improve the way that data issues arising from AD
activity are handled - Strategic Fit with DTI
- PILOT goals (access to data, licences,
infrastructure) - DTI is under-resourced
- Strategic Fit with UKOOA
- PILOT goals (access to data, licences,
infrastructure) - CDA influence and initiative
8CDA DataStore
CDA DataStore Holding more than 6.5 million
curves of UKCS digital well log data, the
DataStore is one of the worlds largest
collections. The collection is available on-line
to CDA members and the DTI to share and use via a
secure entitlements and delivery system.
9CDA DataStore CDA Services
- Service performance standards
- DataStore services
- DTI and the Participant
- Licence data obligations
- Regulatory issues for data
- DTI Release Agents
- Promotion
- User Group
- Workshops
- Presentations
- Web Site
- Service Improvement
- Service Development
- DataStore Services
- Data receipt and loading
- Data storage
- Document scanning
- Cataloguing
- Public (header) data
- Entitlements management
- Database search and query
- Data ordering and delivery
- DEAL/DataStore interface
- Help Desk
10CDA DataStoreData Scope
- Public Data
- Licence data and licence history
- Cultural data
- Well headers
- Well Data
- Raw digital well logs (from participants)
- Joined digital well logs (from participants)
- Scanned well reports (from participants)
- Scanned well logs (from participants)
- Scanned well reports and logs (sub-licensed by
CDA from RRI) - Well deviation data
- Seismic Navigation Data
- 2D seismic navigation data
- 3D seismic navigation data
- Sail line data (P1/90 navigation shot point data)
- Bin grid geometry data (P6/98 headers)
11CDA DataStore Operational Statistics
- UKCS well headers 8,890
- Digital well Logs
- Wells with log data 7,690
- Wells with joined logs (VAD) 3,182
- Wells with joined logs 91
- (1200 in Q1 04)
- Unjoined log curves 6.68 million
- Image Data
- Wells with image data 8,281
- Well log images 131,812
- Well reports as images 35,158
- Seismic Navigation Data
- 2D Surveys 3,706
- 2D Lines 89,775
- 3D Polygons 387
- 3D Sail line (surveys) 29
- 3D Sail line (lines) 2,404
- 3D Bin grids (surveys) 45
- Average receipts per month
- Digital well log files 173 files
- Hardcopy logs (for scanning) 408 logs
- Hardcopy reports (for scanning) 91 reports
- Seismic navigation sets 2 surveys
- Entitlement changes/mth (avg.) 175 changes
- On-line Access
- Users (29 companies) 256 registered
- Users logging on/mth 393 average
- Data transmitted by ftp 6.25 Gb/week
12CDA DataStore Access Options
Virtually all data orders are delivered to a
secure PetroBank ftp server for collection by
2 mbps
OPNet (6)
128 kbps
10 mbps
- Dual architecture
- Daily synchronization
2 mbps
24 mbps
Internet (rest)
Private Network (2)
13CDA DataStore Member Benefits
- Data is stored only once and is shared via
entitlements - Entitlement enables owner to share and
distribute data instantaneously to - licence and trade partners
- the DTI and the DTIs data release agents
- All released data is shared between participants
- Licensees storing data on the DataStore satisfy
their (licence agreement) obligations to the DTI - Data is secure against media degradation and
obsolescence - Storage and access to licensed RRI and IHS
value-added data - Data can be retrieved in wide choice of formats
- Download/upload over OPNet, ISDN, Internet
- AD Asset Swaps
14CDA DataStore Well Headers
- Received from DEAL.
- Stored as live attributes.
- Delivered as ASCII download into EXCEL.
- QC check
- Well Operator attribute maintained by Landmark,
all other attributes maintained in DEAL. - 8,890 wells available
15CDA DataStore Well Report Log Images
- Received as hardcopy or as pre-scanned images
(tiff, PDF, CGM, PDS) - Stored in input format (new scans as tiff)
- Delivered in stored format (or as tiff from PDF,
PDS or CGM on request) or printed to hardcopy on
request (charged at media cost). - QC check for image quality and useable file size.
- 131,000 logs and 35,000 reports (for 8,281 wells)
16CDA DataStore Raw Digital Well Logs
- Received as LIS, DLIS, LAS or SEGY as tapes or
via ftp. - Stored as LIS, DLIS or LAS in RECALL and as
logtif (whole tape image files). - Delivered in the format submitted or (for high
business value curves) transcribed into LIS, DLIS
or LAS on download. Logtif tape images available
as straight TAR copy of original tape. - QC check RECALL loading scripts ensure data
quality and catalogue accuracy. No editing or
splicing done, what goes inwhat comes out. - Available for 7,690 wells (6.68m curves)
17CDA DataStore Joined Digital Well Logs
- Received in LIS or LAS format.
- Stored in same format with audit trail attached
as a separate file. - Delivered in same format.
- QC check effectively contained in the audit trail
document. Joining is done to agreed standard. - 165 logs (for 91 wells) available (increasing by
1,200 through Q1-2004).
18CDA DataStore Well Deviation Data
- Received in P7/2000 and legacy formats.
- Stored in P7/2000 and legacy formats.
- Delivered P7/2000 and legacy formats. Spider
plots also available in GIS view. - QC check P7/2000 format requires good data. QC
done before loading. - 1,355 wells available in P7/2000 format. Small
number in legacy formats (mainly ASCII data or
19CDA DataStore Seismic Navigation Data
- Received mainly as P1/90 files but other formats
such as P1/76, P1/78, P1/84, P6/98 accepted. - Stored in same format.
- Delivered in same format. Polygons and lines also
displayed interactively in GIS view. Catalogue
stores and displays data down to Shot Point
level. - QC check At time of submission. CS-9 name
required. - 4,167 surveys (3,706 x 2D and 461 x 3D)
20CDA DataStore Strategy Workshop
- Strengths
- Single point access to released and proprietary
well data in common formats - A simple, low-cost way of distributing and
trading data - A convenient way of submitting licence data to
the DTI and release agents - Once submitted to CDA well data is en route to
the National Archive - Weakness
- Incompleteness of the data sets
21CDA DataStore Key Strategic Goals for 2004
- Completeness
- Maximise value for participants
- Service improvement
- Geographical extension
- Service development
- Prepare ground and explore options for re-tender
22CDA DataStore Goal 1 Completeness
- Causes of Incompleteness
- Its not easy to identify what is missing
- DTI does not enforce regulations
- Absence of focal points for submission within
member companies - Not all operators are CDA participants
- Incomplete scope (e.g. velocity data)
- Solutions
- DTI to persuade/mandate CDA use
- UKOOA encouragement to join CDA
- Work with Data Release Agents
- Adopt non-member wells
- DTI to submit non-member data
- Audit data submissions and advise operator
- Cataloguing improvements
- Priorities
- New wells
- Wells coming up to release
- Wells in archive features
- Released wells - high business value
- Remaining missing data
23CDA DataStore Goal 2 Maximise Value
- Scope of the Value Study
- Articulate the benefits of participation
- Current value of CDA to individual members
- Gains from changing members business practices
- Increased value from changes to CDA
- Blockers and enablers
- Loss of net value if participation ceases
- Deliverables
- Synthesized analysis of current value
- Opportunities for increased value
- Blockers and cost of not participating
- Recommendations for changes in member behaviour
and business practices - Recommendations for changes in CDA
24CDA DataStore Goal 3 Service Improvement
- Modify CS3 and apply to legacy data
- Modify CS8 and apply to legacy data Associate
reports with their enclosures - Implement generic company naming
- Identify and eliminate duplicate data
- Resolve orphaned data on PetroBank
- Correct legacy well name errors
- Team Workspace
NB CS3 Well log curve names CS8 Hardcopy
25CDA DataStore Goal 4 Geographical Extension
- Federate with Norways DISKOS system
- Compatibility issues
- Technological
- Business processes
- Commercial models
- Strategic goals
- Federate with other regional stores
- Compatibility Issues
- Foreign data in CDAs DataStore
26CDA DataStore Goal 5 Service Development
Summary of Potential Projects and Initiatives for
DataStore Development Programme Project/Initiative
- Well Deviation Data
- Continue loading through 2004
- Category C (out-of-scope) Well Data Loading
- Missing released data
- Replacement of poor quality released data
- Non-member wells?
- Joined Digital Well Log Data
- Load ConocoPhillips, ACECA and Talisman legacy
- Re-start other legacy/new data loading
- Seismic Navigation Data
- Missing data
- Non-member data
- VSP Data
- New service?
27DEALData Registry
- DEAL Data Registry
- DEAL (www.ukdeal.co.uk) is a web-based service,
designed to promote and facilitate access to data
and information relevant to the exploration and
production of hydrocarbons on the United Kingdom
Continental Shelf.
28DEAL Data Registry Stakeholders
29DEAL Data RegistryScope
- Definitive Data
- Well headers
- Seismic surveys
- Infrastructure
- WONS interface
- Licence data
- Licence Rounds
- Fallow assets
- LIFT links
- KIS-UKCS Project
- Fishing safety
- Pipeline alignments
- Infrastructure
- Scout Website
- Data Marketplace
- Well data
- Seismic data
- Value-added products
- Data Repository Links
30DEAL Data Registry KIS-UKCS
Pipelines, Spans, Umbilicals Power Cables
Sub-sea Structures outside Safety Zones
Surface Structures
Other Industry-related Seabed Hazards
Suspended Wells
Safety Zones(S.I.s from HMSO)
31DEAL Data Registry Overview
32DEAL Data Registry Overview
33DEAL Data Registry Overview
34DEAL Data Registry DEAL Objectives 2004
- Well header quality improvements
- Complete the Seismic Atlas
- Explore links to other repositories
- Implement Oracle 9iAS successfully
- Increase value to UKOOA and DTI
- Deliver the agreed Data Registry plan
35Other Services
A range of valuable data management services is
provided to members by CDA. A close working
relationship with the DTI enables CDA to address
collective regulatory data matters for UKCS
licensees. CDA collaborates actively with other
national and international industry bodies to
broaden the base for co-operation on data and its
36CDA Council Meeting 162004 Business Plan
BudgetOther Operational Objectives
- Data Management Services
- PILOT Data Initiative
- NHDA Archiving
- Well Data Release
- Seismic Data Release
- PON9
- DEAL Data Registry
- Exploration Data Disposal
37Other Services Data Management
- Best practices
- Cataloguing and other DM Standards
- Common regulatory reporting
- Data release facilitation
- Pan-industry collaboration
- XML and other data exchange standards
- PILOT Data Initiative
- International co-operation
38Other Services PILOT Licence Data
InitiativeStakeholder Objectives
- Stakeholder Business Driver
- DTI Maximise UKCS economic recovery
- Regulate current licensees
- Attract new licensees
- Facilitate licence turnover
- BGS Preserve key geoscience data as a
national asset - Current Licensees Minimise data management
costs - UKOOA CDA Limit/remove (data) liabilities
- Improve access to data
- Comply with regulations
- New Entrants Inexpensive easy data access
- Service Companies Opportunities for profitable
business - All Knowledge of what data exists
- Data quality improvements
- PILOT 2010 Vision
- Production 3mm boe/d
- Investment 3bn pa
- 100,000 jobs preserved
- Prolong self-sufficiency
39Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
Legal Framework the Challenge
- Legal Framework
- Licensees own the data.
- Licensees have joint and several rights and
obligations. - Licensees must preserve licence data and provide
copies to the DTI on demand in perpetuity. - The DTI has a right to collect data but must keep
it confidential for the prescribed period. - The DTI has a right to publish data (unless
objection upheld), after the confidentiality
period has expired. - Well Cores and Samples must be kept at least 5
years but may then be disposed of (after first
being offered to the DTI). - No legacy data obligations underlie new licenses.
- The Challenge
- Large volumes of complex data
- Wide variety of media and formats
- Cross-ownership and entitlement within and
between licence groups - Extensive duplication and redundancy
- Confusion over data ownership
- Confusion over data obligations and liabilities
- Very difficult to know what data exists
- Difficult for new entrants to get data
- Important data is degrading and is being lost
- Disposal regulations and costs are increasing
- 35 year legacy
40Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
- UKOOA XMRT endorsement in May 03
- Implementation started in July 03
- Organisation
- National Archive
- Announced Sept. 3rd
- Archiving Project
- DEAL Data Registry
- Four-year Data Release
41Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
Archiving Process
Explore Archive Option
Data Selection
Data Categorisation
Cost Evaluation
At Phase 4, the operator can scope out work
against which firm costs can be obtained.
42Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
Archiving Project
- Operator Licence Blocks
- BG Group P869, P870 P943 111/3, 4, 8, 10, 15
112/11 - BP P551 P557 164/25, 204/22 23
- ChevronTexaco P868 110/18
- ConocoPhillips Maureen FDB 16/29
- Shell P987 19/28, 29 30, 26/3, 4, 5 9
- Total P871 111/25, 29 30
- Phased Deliverables
- Phase Status
- 1 Define feature, identify partners, wells,
surveys Done? - 2 Identify all data and estimate baseline
costs Done? - 3 Classify data (to be archived, destroyed
etc) Done? - 4 Get quotes for entire archiving
exercise Almost done - 5 Implement (Archive/Destroy) Year-end target
- Other Deliverables
- Archiving Handbook End Mar 04
- Archive Data Standards End Mar 04
43Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
CDA DataStore and the NHDA
Other Operators
CDA Operators
CDA Members Operational use DTI Regulatory
control Operational use Data Release
Agents Release of BLD
- Achieving inclusiveness
- DTI prescription
- UKOOA endorsement
- CDA members adopt wells in which they have any
licence interest - DTI deposits non-member data
Completeness Check
Completeness Check
- Archiving Well Data from the DataStore
- Well owner must first ensure that well is
complete within the DataStore. - BGS becomes the Well Owner (and therefore gets
entitlement to the data) but pays no fees. - DEAL Data Registry reflects this change.
- Requests for archived well data are satisfied by
the NHDA - BGS downloads data from the DataStore into the
NHDA to satisfy the first request for an archived
well. - Subsequent requests from the public are met from
the data stored in NHDA. - CDA members continue to access data from the
DataStore for as long as they see value.
CDA DataStore
Entitled Users
DEAL Registry
BLD - Basic Licence Data Licence data
received by the DRAs for the purpose of release
and to which no material value is added
44Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
CDA DataStore and the NHDA
- For CDA
- Best chance for completeness
- Minimised duplication with NHDA
- Online access remains available
- No real increased load on Landmark
- Value of DataStore enhanced
- For DTI
- Data preservation
- Data completeness
- Lowest cost/lowest risk start
- For Data Release Agents
- Free access to complete BLD in CDA
- For Licensees
- Once-only data submission
- Low cost released data (BLD)
- For Value-adders
- Low cost released data (BLD)
- Inclusiveness
- Way must be found for the DataStore to hold data
for all wells/operators - Completeness
- Data for all wells in the DataStore should be
complete - Point-forward data set
- Wells not yet released
- Released data set
- Competitive Conflict
- Release Agents and BGS/DTI need to agree when
NHDA can make archived well data available - DataStore data clean-up
- Must improve cataloguing and naming standards
- Must eliminate duplicates
- CDA Commercial Model
- Ensure any commercial consequences for members
are equitably addressed
45Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
DEAL Data Registry
- Launch
- Announced by Minister Sept. 3rd
- Funding
- By UKOOA from 2004
- DTI funding contribution
- Governed by Steering Committee
- Gradual Implementation
- Released well reports logs 2003
- Gilmerton cores (released wells) 2003
- Unreleased well reports logs 2004
- Unreleased well cores and samples 2005
- Released seismic (since 1997) 2004
- Unreleased seismic 2005
46Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
DEAL Data Registry - Catalogues
Availability Proposed of Standard
Compliance Cat. Type Visibility Catalogue
Date (PON9) Scope Well Cores Public Now Now Gil
merton cores Entitled Now Aug 2004 All
cores Well Cuttings Public May 2004 Sep
2004 Gilmerton data Entitled May 2004 Sep
2004 All cuttings Well Logs Public Now Now Releas
ed products Entitled (CDA) Now Jun 2004 CDA
collection Entitled (New) Apr 2004 Aug 2004 All
logs for wells 2004gt Entitled (All) Apr 2004 Apr
2005 Remaining legacy wells Well
Reports Public Now Now Released
products Entitled (CDA) Now Jun 2004 CDA
collection Entitled (New) Apr 2004 Aug 2004 All
well reports for wells 2004gt Entitled (All) Apr
2004 Apr 2005 Remaining legacy data Seismic 2D
Public (pre-93) Now Now Gilmerton
hardcopy Entitled (New) Mar 2004 Jun 2004 New
surveys (2003gt) Entitled (Legacy) Mar 2004 Apr
2005 Legacy surveys (gt1993?) Seismic 3D Entitled
(New) Mar 2004 Jun 2004 New surveys
(2003gt) Entitled (Legacy) Mar 2004 Apr
2005 Legacy surveys (gt1993?)
Public - Catalogue visible to Public Entitled
- Catalogue visible to entitled parties only
47Other Services PILOT Licence Data Initiative
Four-year Data Release
- Consent for Four-year Release
- Majority of current licensees have now consented
- No actual objections received
- Effective January 2004 with new PON9
- Well Release
- Extra wells to be included in quarterly 2004
releases - Incompleteness - process under scrutiny
- Seismic Release
- Also moves to four years
- Posting surveys to DEAL is mandatory
- Posting released data sets to DEAL will be
mandatory - Revised UKOOA/DTI Release Guidelines in Jan 04
- Pricing, turnaround, non-discrimination, IPR,
data quality - Responsibility for Data
- Impact of equity transfers
- Impact of block/licence relinquishment
48Other ServicesExploration Data Disposal Study
- Characterise waste into streams
- Magnetic tapes cartridges
- Cores and samples
- Film documents
- Paper documents
- Review disposal options for each stream
- Summarise regulations
- Confirm the cost components
- Identify reputational issues
- Action plan for implementation
- Contaminated
- Non-contaminated
49CDA Membership
50CDA MembershipProcess
- Execute Participation Agreement
- Execute sub-licence with RRI
- Operated wells
- Confirm ownership
- Confirm well-level entitlements
- Non-operated wells
- Confirm entitlement
- Entitle shared data (gt6,000 wells)
- Establish connection
- Conduct user training
51CDA MembershipParticipation Agreement
- Main Agreement
- Representation on CDA Council
- No catch up payments, no discrimination
- Annual commitment based on Funding Plan approved
by the CDA Council else notice before end of
October - Schedules
- A Services Schedule
- B - Data Scope
- C Participation Fees
- D - Operational Procedures
- E - Service Performance
52CDA MembershipServices Schedule
- Service performance standards
- Data management standards
- Data Repository services
- DTI and the Participant
- Licence data obligations
- Regulatory issues for data
- DTI Release Agents
- Promotion
- User Group
- Workshops
- Presentations
- Web Site
- Service Improvement
- Service Development
- Data Repository Services
- Data receipt and loading
- Data storage
- Document scanning
- Cataloguing
- Public (header) data
- Entitlements management
- Database search and query
- Data ordering and delivery
- DEAL/DataStore interface
- Help Desk
53CDA MembershipData Scope
- Public Data
- Licence data and licence history
- Cultural data
- Well headers
- Well Data
- Raw digital well logs (from participants)
- Joined digital well logs (from participants)
- Scanned well reports (from participants)
- Scanned well logs (from participants)
- Scanned well reports and logs (sub-licensed by
CDA from RRI) - Well Deviation Data
- Seismic Navigation Data
- 2D seismic navigation data
- 3D seismic navigation data
- Sail line data (P1/90 navigation shot point data)
- Bin grid geometry data (P6/98 headers)
54CDA MembershipParticipation Fees
- 2004 Fee
- Annual Membership poa
- DataStore Fee poa
- DEAL (paid via UKOOA)
- The DataStore Fee includes
- Use of the DataStore
- Access to shared well data
- Access to other entitled well data
- Loading of new operated data
- All transactions that are within scope
55Contact Details
- Web site www.ukdeal.co.uk
- CDA Management Team
- mfleming_at_cdal.com
- ggibson_at_cdal.com
- pmccartney_at_cdal.com
- rsalway_at_cdal.com
- Web site www.cdal.com