Title: Welcome to Pod 2
1Welcome to Pod 2
- Mrs. Bealer,
- Mr. Hunsicker,
- Mrs. Maxon,
- and
- Mr. Budinas
26th grade is different
- The desks in the classrooms are to keep items in
during that class period. - Your locker is where your personal belongings
should be kept. - You give lunch money directly to cafeteria.
- Teachers do not walk you from class to class.
This is greatexcept you need to be more
responsible for your behavior in the hallways!
- If you arrive to school late, you need to report
to the office. If you arrive after 830, you
will be given a pass that must be signed by every
teacher that you have for the remainder of the
day. - If you will be leaving school early, you need to
take a note to the OFFICE before homeroom. - If someone will be picking you up immediately
after school, you do not need to notify us.
- If you will be taking a different school bus
home, two notes must be taken to Mrs. Kotch in
the CAFETERIA one from you and one from your
friend. - An activity (late) bus is available on Tuesdays
and Thursdays. If you need to sign up for the
late bus, you need to do so in the CAFETERIA with
Mrs. Kotch.
- Homeroom 750 803
- Period 1/2 803 929 Language Arts
- Period 3 929 1012 Related Arts
- Period 4 1012 1055 Lunch
- 1012 1034 Eat Lunch
- 1034 1055 Activities or Gym at Lunch
- Period 5 1055 1138 Related Arts
- Period 6 1138 1221 Math / SS / Science
- Period 7 1221 104 Math / SS / Science
- Period 8 104 147 Math / SS / Science
- Period 9 147 232 Chorus / Band / Orchestra
/ - Back to Homeroom
6Things to know about getting around the school
- Use the hall passes in your assignment book to go
to the lavatory, nurse, locker, office. - Yellow Pass mostly used for the IMC and if you
are needed to be somewhere.
7Lunch Pass
Lunch Recess Pass Students Name__________________
__________ Date _____________ Time 1012 /
1034 / 1012 w/lunch Pod 2 Teacher
requestingBealer/Hunsicker/Maxon/ Budinas Reason
owed work/papers extra help make-up
work/make-up test detention Other
________________________ -------------------------
------------------------------------- Return to
Lunch / Gym / Activities Time ________ Teachers
Initials __________
Lunch Recess Pass Students Name
_____________________ Date ___________ Gym at
Lunch or Activities Table
_____ Seat ___ Time 1012 / 1034 /
1012 w/lunch Destination Pod
2 Bealer Hunsicker Maxon Budinas
8Pod 2s Class Expectations
- (Everything you need to know to survive 6th
9You will be respectful to everyone in the class.
This includes yourself, your peers, us, and any
other adult in the room.
10You will come to class prepared with the
- Homework
- Pencil
- Binder or Folder
- Covered textbook
- Assignment book
11- Class begins when you enter a classroom. You
should sharpen your pencil before class begins.
Your homework needs to be on your desk and you
need to have all materials ready.
12If you do not have your homework for any reason
(you forgot, you left it at home, you left it in
your locker, you lost it), it will be counted as
a missed assignment.
13You will take notes and participate in class.
14You will ask us for help if you need it. You can
see us during homeroom, during your lunch recess
time, or during 9th period for extra help. That
is why we are here.
15You will take responsibility for the work you
missed due to an absence. Upon returning from an
absence, you will check in with us in the morning
before homeroom. Asking us what you missed at
the beginning of class is unacceptable.
16We expect you to do your best!
- We will do everything we can to make this a
successful year.
17What if I am absent?
- Check our website at home to see what you missed,
and if possible work on any assignments. - Take your excuse to the attendance table in the
cafeteria the day you return. - YOU are responsible for seeing your teachers the
day you return to schedule make-up work and
tests. - Parents may call us for work so you do not get
18Pod 2 Website
- http//www.eastpennsd.org/eyer/teacherpages/Be
19What to Bring to School Tomorrow
- Internet Access/Photo Permission form (green
paper both sides) - Residence/Contact Emergency/Health forms
- Homework form
- Any other forms (Reduced Lunch, Insurance)
- Assignment Book
- Binders and Folders
- Pencils
- Snack
20Pod 2 School Supply List
- 1 2-pocket folder for Science and 1 for S.S.
- 2 1½ 3-ring binders for LA and Math
- 2 sets of 5-tab dividers
- A lot of pencils!
- A pack of erasers
- 1 combination lock (when you have gym)