Title: Part 1: ECONOPHYSICS: History and introduction
1Part 1 ECONOPHYSICS History and introduction
- Zoltán Eisler
- Dept. of Theor. Phys., Budapest Univ. of
Technology and Economics
2PIGGY BANK World leaders in corporate finance
If you understand this, then we are
looking for you!
3Solid facts
- US 50 of fresh US theoretical physics graduates
of major universities went to finance (1999) - Germany no prestigious bank without at least one
small research group of physicists - Founded by physicists d-fine, Science Finance,
Prediction Company, Volterra, Olsen (went
bankrupt), etc.
4Physicists in finance
- Econophysics conferences
- Budapest 1997, Palermo 1998, Dublin 1999, Liege
2000, Tokyo 2000, Prague 2001, London 2001, Bali
2002, Tokyo 2002, Warsaw 2003, Tokyo 2004 - Journals
- International Journal of Theoretical and Applied
Finance - Quantitative Finance
- special issues of Physica A
5The birth of a science
- Louis Bachelier (1870-1937)
- Theorie de la Spéculation (1900)
- PhD supervisor H. Poincaré
- Theory of Brownian motion
- GAUSSIAN distribution
- Great influence
6Nobel prize 1997
- 1973 the revolutionary Black-Scholes formula
- Based on
- geometric Brownian motion
- efficient market hypothesis (no perpetuum
mobile) - Billions of USD invested
Myron Scholes
Robert Merton
- 1998 Long Term Capital Management collapse
- managed by Scholes
- loss 2.5 billion
- 1998 Long Term Capital Management collapse
- loss 2.5 billion
9Nobel prize 1990
Harry Markowitz Merton Miller
William Sharpe
- Portfolio optimization
- measure of risk standard deviation
- Brownian motion
10Non-Gaussian nature
- 1963 Benoit B. Mandelbrot
- non-Gaussian
- many-s events come too often
- LĂ©vy distribution
- Eugene Fama
- random walk theory
- applications
11Monetary politics after WW II
- 1944 Bretton Woods agreement
- fixed exchange rate system for major currencies
- fixed price of gold at 35 per ounce
- enabled central bank intervention in currency
markets - basis for WW II reconstruction
- fast growth, full employment, stability, etc.
- illusion of safety
12Monetary politics after WW II
- Vietnam 68
- Watergate
- Oil crisis, rising oil prices
- 3rd World debt crisis
- 1971 Nixon closes the gold window (103)
13Monetary politics after WW II
- Vietnam 68
- Watergate
- Oil crisis, rising oil prices
- 3rd World debt crisis
- 1971 Nixon closes the gold window (103)
- Dramatic drop in SP 500
- FX volatility increases from 6 to 40(!)
- similar effect in raw material prices
14Mid 70s New Era in Finance
- RISK becomes high priority
- Gold out of monetary interactions
- Derivative markets flourish (decrease risk)
- 1971 Intel presents first microprocessor
15Mid 70s New Era in Finance
- Risk becomes high priority
- Gold out of monetary interactions
- Derivative markets flourish (decrease risk)
- 1971 Intel presents first microprocessor
- Markets opened
- International Money Market Chicago 1972
- London International Future Exchange 1982
- Deutsche Terminbörse 1990
16Mid 70s New Era in Finance
- Risk becomes high priority
- Gold out of monetary interactions
- Derivative markets flourish (decrease risk)
- 1971 Intel presents first microprocessor
- Markets opened
- International Money Market Chicago 1972
- London International Future Exchange 1982
- Deutsche Terminbörse 1990
High benefit possibilities with high risk
17 Technological Revolution
- Unforeseen developments
- new branches emerge (high tech, services)
- information technology, computers
18- Deregulation of markets
- Ever rising speed and dropping cost of
computation and data transfer - Computer networks
- Increasing complexity
19- Financial industry, financial products
- after mid-70s faster than exponential growth
20- Financial industry, financial products
- after mid-70s faster than exponential growth
- note the log-scale
21Why Physics and Why Physicists?
- Beware the facts!
- Interplay between experiments, theory and
simulations - Use of math and computing as flexible tools
- Modeling extracting important features from
complex phenomena - Physicist General Problem Solver
22Why Statistical Physics?
- Renormalization group theory
- strongly interacting many-body systems,
cooperative phenomena, etc. - New paradigms
- non-linear dynamics (chaos theory)
- disorder (percolation, spin glasses)
- fractals, driven systems
- Broad fields of applications
- biology, social systems, networks, and...
23Stock market
24Stock market
Price of GE PGE(t) Logarithmic
price lnPGE(t) Logarithmic
return rGE(t)lnPGE(t) lnPGE(t-?t)
25Stock market
Price of GE PGE(t) Logarithmic
price lnPGE(t) Logarithmic
return rGE(t)lnPGE(t) lnPGE(t-?t)
?t 10 sec...1 min...1 day
26What to notice first basic stylized facts
27What to notice first distribution
- non-Gaussian
- pronounced fat tails
- kurtosis gt 0
28What to notice first distribution
- non-Gaussian
- pronounced fat tails
- kurtosis gt 3
- up-down asymmetry
- skewness lt 0
R. Cont Quantitative Finance 1, 223-236 (2000)
29Convergence to a Gaussian
- finite second moment
- central limit theorem would ensure convergence to
a Gaussian
L. Kullmann, J. Kertész et al. Int. J. Th. App.
Fin. 3, 371-373 (2000)
30Convergence to a Gaussian
- finite second moment
- central limit theorem would ensure convergence to
a Gaussian - surprisingly slow
- returns are not uncorrelated!
- ?t 1 week 1 year
L. Kullmann, J. Kertész et al. Int. J. Th. App.
Fin. 3, 371-373 (2000)
- no serial autocorrelations beyond 10 minutes
- non-linear functions of returns exhibit
R. Cont Quantitative Finance 1, 223-236 (2000)
32Leverage autocorrelations
- volatility often approximated by r(t)
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
33Leverage autocorrelations
- volatility often approximated by r(t)
- past sign and future volatility (tgt0)
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
34Leverage autocorrelations
- volatility often approximated by r(t)
- past sign and future volatility (tgt0)
- volatility nervousness of the
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
35The term structure of returns
- original idea simple Brownian motion
- S(t) independent random variables
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
36The term structure of returns
- extension of the original idea of simple Brownian
motion - A(t) strongly (power-law) correlated amplitude
term (volatility), fat tails - S(t) uncorrelated sign term
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
37The term structure of returns
instantaneous standard deviation
- extension of the original idea of simple Brownian
motion - A(t) strongly (power-law) correlated amplitude
term (volatility), fat tails - S(t) uncorrelated sign term
Z.E., J. Kertész Physica A 343C, 603-622
38Part 1 Summary
- Brief history
- Key words
- returns
- volatility
- distribution of returns
- correlations