Title: Introduction to the Atmosphere
1Introduction to the Atmosphere
- Structure of the Atmosphere
- Radiation Budget
- Incoming Solar Radiation
- 6 Factor Day and 4 Factor Night
- www.wyckoffschools.org/.../earthatmosphere.htm
2What is the Atmosphere?
- The Atmosphere
- The Gasses
- The Liquids
- The Solids
- A layer of gasses, liquids and solids that is
held around the Earth by gravity. - Nitrogen 78, Oxygen 20.95, Water vapour, Argon,
CO2 0.03, other as traces - Water as droplets and polluted versions such as
acid rain - Ice, Dust, Pollen, Soot,
3The Different Layers of the Atmosphere
- Troposphere, 1st layer contains 70 of the air,
including all Greenhouse gasses (Global W - Tropopause has a temperature throughout of -52oC
- Stratophere, 2nd layer is home to Ozone layer and
its holes
- www.wyckoffschools.org/.../earthatmosphere.htm
- Each layer is called a sphere
- The boundary are called pause, due to a pause in
temperature change
4What does the atmosphere do for us?
- Allows us to live
- Provides oxygen for human respiration
- Provide CO2 for plant photosynthesis
- Provides the carbon from which Earths life forms
are made - Protects us (Ozone layer cuts out ultraviolet
rays) - Keeps us warm (The Greenhouse effect is a good
thing) - A place to dump our gas waste and toxic fumes
(resulting in Acid rain)
- Distributes fresh water
- Spreads the suns heat energy away from the
equator - Gives us wind to power transport and electricity
generation - Gives us snow for skiing other leisure
activities - Makes places more suitable for holidays
- Produces destructive but impressive phenomena
like Hurricanes - Gives us something to talk about
5 Source NASA
6What is the Radiation (Energy) Budget
- In theory, all the Earths energy comes from the
Sun. (Geothermal and tidal power makes a
negligible contribution, so is left out of Budget
calculations) - As energy is neither created nor destroyed, all
the energy that arrives in the Atmosphere must
also leave, to maintain an equilibrium ie
Balanced Budget - If the balance is not achieved we experience
Climate Change. Either cooling ie Ice Age or
Global Warming - The energy in the Atmosphere can be looked at as
a system, with Inputs, Output and Processes
7How is the Atmosphere a System?
- Incoming Solar Radiation Insolation Shortwave
radiation that is emitted from the sun and
reaches the Earth as light, the suns rays /
sunshine - Reflected insolation (albedo)
- Terrestrial radiation Longwave radiation
emitted from the Earths surface and particles in
the atmosphere (clouds, dust etc) after the
shortwave insolation has been absorbed
Mean annual Insolation at the top of Atmosphere
Mean annual Insolation at the Earths surface
8What affects how much Insolation reaches the top
of the Atmosphere?
- Solar Constant
- Orbit of the Earth
- Although relatively constant, varies slightly due
to Sunspot activity - The elliptical orbit of the Earth around the Sun
varies. This cause a 6 variation between the
most stretch (least radiation) and the roundest
(most radiation) orbits
9What happens to the Insolation in the Atmosphere?
(The processes)
- Absorption (Input)
- Reflection (Output)
- Emission (Output)
- Scattering (Both)
- Energy is taken in by molecules, causing them to
move more vigorously, resulting in a rise in
temperature and/or expansion - Energy is bounced off surfaces and back out of
the Atmosphere - Absorbed energy is given out as longwave
radiation as particles cool - Insolation is diverted in different directions by
particles in the Atmosphere, some of which
reaches the Earth as Diffuse Radiation
10How does the Energy Budget Balance?
11Is Reflection or Emission more significant?
- The average albedo of the Earth is about 0.3,
which means that 30 of the solar energy is
reflected back to space, while 70 is absorbed by
Earth then emitted later. The planet's albedo
varies spatially ice sheets have a high albedo,
while oceans, rainforest and tarmac are low. - So 30 of the incident energy is reflected,
consisting of - 6 reflected from the atmosphere
- 20 reflected from clouds
- 4 reflected from the ground (including land,
water and ice) - The remaining 70 of the incident energy is
absorbed - 51 absorbed by land and water, then emerging in
the following ways - 23 transferred back into the atmosphere as
latent heat by the evaporation of water 7
transferred back into the atmosphere by heated
rising air sensible heat 6 radiated directly
into space 15 transferred into the atmosphere by
terrestrial radiation, then emitted (reradiated)
into space - 19 absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds,
including - 16 emitted back to space - 3 transferred to
clouds, then emitted back to space - When the Earth is at thermal equilibrium, the
same 70 that is absorbed is emitted 64 by the
clouds and atmosphere and 6 by the ground
12When does the Atmosphere Heat and Cool?
- Only during Daylight hours does the Earth receive
Insolation resulting in heating - Daylight hours varies across the Earth according
to latitude and seasonally due to the Earths
orbit of the Sun - The apparent movement of the sun overhead
occurs during the year due to the tilt of the
Earths axis
- At night time the majority of the energy is
emitted as Terrestrial (Longwave) radiation - This will also vary with latitude and time
throughout the year - To understand these variations we think about
Surpluses and Deficits of (radiation) energy
136 Factor Day Model of Energy Input
- Latent heat transfer during evaporation stores
energy - Sensible heat transfer (air, water vapour and
dust, warm without changing state and move energy
from the Earth to atmosphere) - Incoming Solar Radiation (Insolation) absorbed by
particles in the air (water vapour, CO2, dust)
add energy - Reflected Solar Radiation (Diffuse radiation)
- Absorbed energy into the surface and subsurface
warm atmosphere through conduction and convection
- Terrestrial radiation (Longwave earth radiation)
adds energy to the atmosphere as it travels
through towards space)
- Mnemonic
- Love SITRA
- Remember, energy is being lost to space all day
but not as much as arrives
144 Factor Night Model of Energy Output
- Latent heat given out at dew formation
(condensation) is released back to space or into
Earth - Absorbed energy in the atmosphere is reradiated
to space or returned to Earth as it cools quicker
due to rapid heat loss (heat capacity) in the
form radiation emission - Sensible heat transfer, warm air and vapour, with
out changing state transfer heat towards Earth
cooling the upper atmosphere (convection and
conduction) - Terrestrial radiation (Longwave radiation)
emitted by the Earth as has relatively more than
the atmosphere and Space around it.
- Mnemonic
- Not all energy is lost or we would reach absolute
- Terrestrial radiation intensity, from clouds,
atmosphere and ground
15The Energy (Heat) Budget
- Energy (heat) distribution at Earth
- Energy (heat) Surplus and Deficit
- Vertical and horizontal Heat transfers
- Causes of Temperature Anomalies
16What affects the amount of Energy at different
- Length of Day and Night and Seasonal variation
- Height of the Sun in the Sky (CAT)
- Albedo ( of radiation reflected)
- Due to tilt of axis during orbit different
amounts of insolation are received. - Concentration of the suns rays, Angle of
incident, Thickness of atmosphere - This will compound the effects of CAT increases
at the poles due to angle of incidence
17Where has a Surplus and Deficit on the Energy
- Within the tropics
- North and south of the tropics
- Heat transfers towards space and the poles, this
helps stop a continuous temperature rise within
the tropics and continuous fall outside of them
18Major Global Heat Transfers
- Vertical
- Heat is transferred up through the Atmosphere by
Radiation (Terrestrial Longwave), Convection
(Thermals), Conduction and as Latent heat (water
- Horizontal
- Winds prevailing surface winds, upper atmosphere
winds, Jet streams, Rossby Waves and weather
systems such as Hurricane and Depressions - Ocean currents at the surface and deep in the
oceans eg Thermohaline Conveyor
19What leads to Temperature Anomalies at different
Latitudes? Global Scale Regional Scale
- Prevailing Winds
- Ocean currents
- Altitude
- Land and Sea
- Distance from the sea
- Warm winds from the Equatorial region carry
energy towards the poles - Warm surface currents transfer energy to the air
above them, so influencing climatic conditions - Higher areas eg Himalayan Plateau have cooler
temperatures due to a low density of air so
limited amounts of air particles absorbing
energy. Also there is less land area to heat the
air with Terrestrial radiation. - Sea absorbs heat to a great depth (10m) and has a
higher heat capacity, so takes longer to heat up
but will emitted radiation for long - During the summer coastal areas are cooled and in
winter they are warmed due to the relative
difference in energy between the sea and land.
Continental interiors have great temperature
20Anomalies continued Regional Scale Local Scale
- Frequent Cloud Cover
- Sporadic Cloud Cover
- Aspect
- Urbanisation
- Equatorial cloud belts due to convection and
mid-latitude cloud belts due to fronts,
noticeably reduces the insolation due to
reflection and absorption - Weather systems and air instability will also
result in clouds - In the northern hemisphere the south facing
slopes (ubac) will receive more insolation,
whereas the north facing slope (adret) is in
shadow. - This generates Urban Heat Islands due to use of
fuels and bark surfaces with a lower albedo eg
21What is the role of Ocean Currents in Heat
- Surface currents are the more significant on the
atmosphere - Influence temperature and moisture of maritime
air masses and coastal areas and major component
of horizontal heat transfers - Combined influence with the difference between
land and sea and prevailing winds considerable in
generating temperature anomalies - The North Atlantic Drift, South Westerly winds
and ocean front location combine to give the UK
its warm damp British climate.
22Atmospheric Circulation
- Linking Heat, Pressure and Wind
- Global Surface Wind Patterns
- Upper Atmosphere winds
- Local Wind variations
23How is Heat, Pressure and Wind Linked?
As air rises it cools becoming more dense
Convection Currents
As pressure increases temperature rises
Pressure gradients are the difference in pressure
which cause wind. Steeper the gradient stronger
the wind. Gradient shown by spacing of isobars
(like contours)
Heated air becomes less dense and rises. Low
pressure at ground level
Descending air causes High pressure at ground
24Heat Transfer and Global Winds
- Due to the Surplus heat at the Equator and
Deficit at the poles the air rises at the Equator
and descends at the poles. - Theoretically this should set up one massive
convection current in each hemisphere - However, due to the distance, this is unrealistic
and 3 convection cells are formed. - The Tricellular Model was created to explain the
direction of Prevailing Winds at the surface and
upper Atmospheric winds such as the Jet streams
and the Rossby Waves
25The Tri-Cellular Model
- Explains the theoretical wind and air pressure
distribution pattern
26What forces act on the wind?
- Due to convection currents from high to low
pressure - Due to the spinning of the Earth, is most
significant at the poles weakest at Equator - Roughness of land slows wind causing deflection
most by mountains (Ekmans spiral) - Balance in mid-latitude weather systems so wind
follows isobars (line that join points of equal
pressure) and spins
- Pressure gradient force
- Coriolis force
- Friction
- Centripetal centrifugal force
In upper part of the
picture, the black object moves in a straight
line. However, the observer, red dot who is
rotating shown by the lower part of the picture,
sees the object as following a curved path.
27Why do the Global Winds blow in different
- Polar Easterlies
- South Westerlies are Geostrophic winds
- The Trade Winds are Pressure gradient winds
- Coriolis is stronger at poles so the winds are
deflected further right in Northern hemisphere - Mid-latitude winds that blow along isobars in the
upper atmosphere as Pressure Gradient force
Coriolis. - At the surface friction works against Coriolis so
winds are deflected slightly across isobars.
Therefore filling a depression, anti-clockwise
and leaving an Anti-cyclone, clockwise in the
Northern hemisphere - Pressure gradient gt Coriolis near the Equator so
Trades are North Easterly in the Northern
28Jet stream deflection and Rossby Waves
- Rossby Waves
- Usually 4-6 large-scale meanders of the PFJS
- Meanders draw cool polar air south and warm
tropical air north, transferring heat - When meander cuts off it forms areas of cool air
that descend, Anti-cyclones and areas of warm air
that rise, Depressions
- Jet streams
- Bands of extreme winds, 110 to 370km/h, found in
upper atmosphere - Discovered in war by pilots, used to bomb USA
29Rossby Wave and Mid-Latitude Systems
30Why do Wind Pressure patterns vary?
- Tri-cellular model links the pressure belts and
major winds to latitude to give theoretical
pattern - The difference between Land and Sea, Distance
from the sea, Ocean currents, Orographic barriers
all cause spatial variations - Apparent movement of Sun, seasonal changes in
length of day and night, movement of the ITCZ,
migration of the jet streams and Rossby waves and
weather systems will all cause temporal
31How does the ITCZ cause variations
- Conditions
- Seasonal variations
- Radiation surplus latent heat mean high temps
- Strong convection currents cause rising air which
result in permanent low pressure, Doldrums (areas
of calm) and pull in the strong trade winds over
warm oceans - High moisture content, humidity and instability,
create Cumulonimbus and daily convectional
thunderstorms - Apparent movement of the sun and presence of land
and sea means ITCZ varies in thickness as well as
location - Evidence of movement include shifts in weather
belts. The SE Asian Monsoons, presents of
Savannah grasslands instead of Tropical
Rainforest, El Nino and resulting droughts in the
Sahel (Ethiopia) in early 70s and 80s
32What are the Meso-scale Winds?
- The Chinook (Rookies), Fohn (Alps), Berg (SA),
Samoon (Iran), Zonda (Argentina) are seasonal /
regional winds caused by pressure variations and
the difference between adiabatic lapse rates due
to the presents of mountains and planes. - In the spring planes heat faster as lower albedo,
so area of low pressure develops. Mountains with
the snow and ice stay cool developing a pressure
gradient. - Rising air is saturated and therefore cool at the
SALR (0.5oC/100m). At altitude the moisture is
released as precipitation so the descending air
warms at the DALR (1oC/100m) due to lack of
latent heat. - The warming of the descending air exaggerates the
effect of the rain shadow that melts any
remaining snow and can bring drought in extreme
33Local Winds