Title: Benchmarking Building Energy Performance
1Benchmarking Building Energy Performance
- Ron Shelton/Terry Sharp
- Oak Ridge National Lab
- August 7, 2003
2Value Of Benchmarking
- Identify inefficient buildings
- Identify high performers
- Target buildings
- Estimate energy cost savings potential
- Track progress or degradation
- Marketing
- Establishing performance targets
3Benchmarking Approaches
- Averages
- Medians
- Simple Distributional Ranking
- Normalized Distributional Ranking
4Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Is A Common Way Of
Expressing Building Energy Use
Energy use intensity (EUI)
(building total energy use / gross square feet )
5A Distribution (Histogram) Of Building EUIs Is
6In Skewed Distributions, Averages Exceed Medians
(Hospitals Example)
Median-404 (50)
Average-438 (59)
7Choose Medians Over Averages And Distributional
Ranking Over Both
- If you prefer one sample statistic, choose median
value over an average - A better way is to rank your building relative to
its location in the population
8Distributional Ranking
9Arranging As A Decreasing Cumulative Distribution
Easily Gives Sample Rank
A hospital using 280 kBtu/sqft is efficient and
scores a 70.
A hospital using 600 kBtu/sqft is inefficient and
scores a 20.
10ORNLs Benchmarking Website Has These
Distributions And A Tool For Generating Your Own
- Office
- Health care
- Food service
- Food sales
- Skilled nursing
- K-12 Schools
- Public assembly
- Educational
- Lodging
- Laboratory
- Parking garage
- Mercantile and service
- Warehouse
11The Benchmarking Tool in Use Iowa
12Other Important Drivers Can Strongly Influence
Energy Use And May Need Normalization
- Offices operating hours, occupant density,
number of computers - Schools year-round use, number of students,
swimming pools, climate - Hospitals service type (acute / tertiary),
number of beds, number of floors
13EPAs Energy Star Portfolio Manager Provides
Advanced Benchmarking For
Available Now
Available Soon
- Offices
- Health care
- Hotel/Motel
- Supermarket/Grocery
- K-12 Schools
- Medical Office
- Banks/Financial Centers
- Courthouses
- Dormitory
- Beware averages
- Simple ranking by EUI is a good approximation for
comparisons (ORNLs tools can help) - Limited and simple data needed
- Distributional scoring is excellent for portfolio
management - benchmarking, target setting, targeting
investments - tracking progress, degradation, or persistence
- identifying poor or model performers, etc.
- Ranking where important secondary drivers are
accounted for is best (EPAs tools can help)