WordPress can be a pleasant platform. One weakness that it suffers from, however, is it'll be quite slow. Without taking the right precautions, you’ll end up with a sluggish web site. That’s not only a bother for repeat guests but will cause you to lose subscribers and customers. For more: - https://seositepoint.wordpress.com/2018/05/12/5-easy-ways-to-speed-up-wordpress-sites/
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Title: Introduction to HCI Author: Benjamin Lok Last modified by: lokben Created Date: 5/28/2004 9:45:29 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
A home page is the first document users see when they access a Web site ... Publishing is copying Web pages and other files to a Web server. Web Browsers ...
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Text equivalent for every non-text element [images, image map, animations, ... Funny error messages: http://digilander.libero.it/chiediloapippo/Engineering ...