Bioneuroscientists are in ‘puzzlement’ about identifying an “equallyokedtarian gene” - speculated to be, tenatively, as the “EY-x2” gene, i.e., with a predetermining genetic code for the dyadic ‘coupling up’ of equallyokedtarians - that concerns individuals with the same or a similar civil identity as a valued social mores - by genomic prescription. Now, more than ever, people are interested in their biologic/genetic inherence related to 'life-time' mate selection.
This is a basic show about understanding the characteristics of an 'equally yoked' relationship in the social sciences. Although It is for the Sophomore Social Psychology 222 Class any pre-college class may be able to use it for independent studies. KEY TERMS:Unequally yoked, equally yoked, egalitarianistic, introduction to social-psychology, sociology, violation of social mores, social science, deviancy, deviancies, perversions, equallyoked, equallyokedtarian, equallyokedtariaism, dyadic psychology, marriage, family, and child psychology, sociocultural anthropology, human ecology.
This is a basic 'Equallyoked' Relationships show. KEY TERMS: Unequally yoked, equally yoked, egalitarianistic, introduction to social-psychology, sociology, violation of social mores, social science, deviancy, deviancies, perversions, equallyoked, equallyokedtarian, equallyokedtariaism, dyadic psychology, marriage, family, and child psychology, sociocultural anthropology, human ecology.
Assessment and recording the baseline 'Civil Identity' for Social Scientists. Key Words: Unequally yoked, equally yoked, egalitarianistic, introduction to social-psychology, sociology, violation of social mores, social science, deviancy, deviancies, aberrant, perversions, abnormal psychology, psychopathology, equallyoked, equallyokedtarian, equallyokedtariaism, dyadic psychology, marriage, family, and child psychology, sociocultural anthropology, human ecology.
This is a copy of a note book brief of the Declaration of Equallyokedtarians. KEY WORDS: Civil Identity, unequally yoked, equally yoked, social-psychology, violation of social mores, deviancy, deviancies, abnormal psychology, psychopathogy, equallyoked, equallyokedtarian, equallyokedtariaism, dyadic psychology, sociology 101, marriage, family, and child psychology, sociocultural anthropology, human ecology
Assessment and Recording the BASELINE - Civil Identity for Social Scientists, Social Psychologists, Family Therapists, Marriage, Family, and Child Psychology. Key Words: Unequally yoked, equally yoked, egalitarianistic, introduction to social-psychology, sociology, violation of social mores, social science, deviancy, deviancies, aberrant, perversions, abnormal psychology, psychopathology, equallyoked, equallyokedtarian, equallyokedtariaism, dyadic psychology, marriage, family, and child psychology, sociocultural anthropology, human ecology.
This Sociology 101 presentation has to do with one of the most popular phenomenas of the new millenium civilzation - amongst true intellectuals - perplexing to Globalists - the term can examined within in vast academic disaplines, the term, 'Equallyokedtarianism' (derived from the word, equally yoked) and (not unequally yoked) means a movement of peoples who choose to intra-marry amongst their own 'civil identity' group for good reasons known to theirselves. It is used by Professors of: the Humanities, Human Ecology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Sociology 101, Social Psychology, Psychological Sociology, Marriage, Family, and Child Psychology, Psychiatry, Civil Rights & Public Health, Multiculturalism Studies, etc. ....and at the end of each show contains a very brief - Quiz - optional and is FREE TO DOWNLOAD by any of scientific academia. Dr. Xxx X. Xxxx, PhD, Professor Emeritus
This is a Sociology 101 presentation having to do with one of the most popular phenomenas of the new millenium era - amongst true intellectuals - perplexing to Globalists alike - describing a term that can examined within in various academic disaplines, it is the term, 'Equallyokedtarian' (derived from the word, equally yoked) and (not unequally yoked) means a person who intra-marrys amongst their own 'civil identity' group. It is used by Professors of: the Humanities, Human Ecology, Sociocultural Anthropology, Sociology 101, Social Psychology, Psychological Sociology, Marriage, Family, and Child Psychology, Psychiatry, Civil Rights & Public Health, Multiculturalism Studies, etc. at the end of each show contains a very brief -Quiz-optional and is FREE TO DOWNLOAD by academia. Dr. Xxx X. Xxxx, PhD, Professor Emeritus
Colloquium on Equallyokedtarianism - Dyadic Psychology - Liberal Arts & Humanities is a WEBINAR presentation for social scientists and the general public.
Take My Yoke Upon You Matthew 11:28-30 What Was the Yoke? The yoke was an implement for sharing a work load (Lk. 14:19) The yoke was a symbol of subjection or service ...
As a Christian we know that we should want to find a Christian mate. The Bible clearly tells us that we need to have someone that is on the same accord and is in agreement with the word of God.
Dating as a non married Christian is something that if you let it can be somewhat of a challenge. The Bible is very precise on its instructions of what is and what is not acceptable. If you are not strong in your Christian walk then it will be very easy to get tempted into the wiles of the devil and commit fornication, which is intercourse outside of marriage. God intended intercourse to be strictly for those that are married.
Dating as a non married Christian is something that if you let it can be somewhat of a challenge. The Bible is very precise on its instructions of what is and what is not acceptable. If you are not strong in your Christian walk then it will be very easy to get tempted into the wiles of the devil and commit fornication, which is intercourse outside of marriage. God intended intercourse to be strictly for those that are married.
... .desperately wicked You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor. ... Psalm 101:7 he who tells lies shall not continue in My presence ...
2 Corinthians Lesson 6 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 Introduction Paul warns the Corinthians not to be bound together with ...
It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes understanding to make it strong. Proverbs 24:3 Q & Eh? What are some guidelines parents should establish around ...
Test me in this,' says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the ... call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,' says the LORD Almighty. ...
We Must Be Separated in Our Dating! Why? If You Date an Unbeliever. . . Why? ... 'Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day, we are not of the ...
It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes ... Should we teach our children or let them believe that there is a Santa/Easter Bunny/Tooth-Fairy? ...
Nor obeying her husband even if it means sinning against God. Cp. Acts 5:28-29 ... child relationship coupled with diligent training will prepare their children to ...
Repent of sin (Acts 17:30) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) ... 'Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves' Christian-World Relationship ...
... goblins, vampires and devils; Halloween obviously does not exalt the Lord Jesus ... which Scripture clearly forbids and is an invitation to real demonic activity. ...
1:9, God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son ... (e.g., The New Testament was written in 'Koine Greek' = common Greek) ...
127 The Dr. Rick Griffith, Singapore Bible College 841-732 BC 727 BC 722 BC Fall 711 BC 701 BC 586 BC Babylon Tribute to Assyria ...
... of him who prospereth, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. ... Jesus' 3 temptations in Matt 4 each appealed to the 3 types of lusts ...
This 'evergreen tree' is to be brought into the house and 'decked' or 'decorated' ... 1st Peter 5:8 'Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a ...
Experience debt free liberty! How does it work? For example, a loan of $300,000: ... Own a debt free home. See God's principles in action! We are all stewards ...
It is harder to remove a proton from a negative ion than from a neutral molecule ... What are concentrations of species present in 0.020 M solution of carbonic acid? ...
It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles--that a man has his father's wife!
Intention to marry not necessary, but may have it. No accountability required, but encouraged ... many times they have been married to who their neighbors are. ...
Pope Peter of Alexandria (and before him St. Dionysius) Spoke of how the Early ... Our Egyptian saints very much disliked the taking out of relics because this was ...