Acidity or acid reflux causes gas, stomach aches and many other symptoms. This condition gets triggered when there is high intake of caffeinated beverages, deep-fried food items, spicy or heavy meals. In this video we are going to discuss some practical ways to manage this condition with some easy home remedies.(Having clear decision rules saves heartburn later !!!:-)
Discover home remedies for your mouth's roof bumps. Learn about aloe vera, honey, salt water rinses, and other natural remedies for pain and inflammation.
Piles are categorized among the most embarrassing and disgusting health problems. But certain natural things available in kitchen can be your savoir to overcome this disease.
Fennel seeds help to reduce bloating and indigestion. These have soothing properties which stabilizes the acid formed in the stomach. The soothing and digestive properties are known to reduce free radicals. The reduction of free acid, in turns, also reduces hyperacidity condition.
Don’t choose between Sunburn and beauty again because sunburn fades and sun damage lasts. We believe that for every ailment, nature has everything which can heal it. All we need is to keep finding the properties of natural healing. When it comes to skin, don’t experiment with lot of chemicals as natural always means better and safe
Snoring is a common sleep-related disorder. It can disrupt the sleep of the snorer as well as his/her partner or other family members. Some time tested home remedies can be very effective in controlling snoring. In this video, we're going to discuss about Top 10 most common home remedies for snoring.
The bones face a lot number of friction and degradation all throughout the life. When the bones outgrow, it gives rise to the situation, known as the bone spur. The growth usually takes place along the joints. The major reasons for bone spur are the abrasion, anxiety and invariable pressure. Here in this video, we're discussing about some common home remedies for bone spur.
Vegetables growing on twines like bottle gourds, zucchini, round gourds, sweet ash gourd are excellent home remedies for psoriasis. Aloe Vera juice is equally good in reducing the symptoms of inflamed skin in psoriasis. Aloe Vera gel will immediately reduce the itching and irritation. When consumed, aloe Vera can help in detoxifying the digestive system. Accumulation of toxins affects the skin’s health and lead to the development of conditions like psoriasis. The antioxidants found in aloe Vera eliminate these toxins and cleanse the body.
Skin Pigmentation is a condition characterized by the darkening of certain patches of the skin, particularly the facial skin. This condition is commonly called ‘Hyper-pigmentation.’ It makes the skin look uneven and unhealthy. In Skin Pigmentation, certain patches of the skin become dark because of damage to or over-production of ‘Melanocytes’ --- the cells which produce ‘melanin’, give a unique colour to the skin. This whole information for your good health and wellbeing is being provided by Planet Ayurveda.
Ulcerative colitis treatment in Ayurveda includes use of natural occurring herbs, herbal formulations, some effective home remedies along with diet recommendations. If sufferer opt for all this, for sure he or she can have a very good control over the condition called ulcerative colitis.
Cholesterol is the most common problem nowadays, but every problem has a solution, check out our interesting presentation on home remedies to lower cholesterol to find solutions.
You may have dry eyes if your eyes hurt and burn, appear red, or feel gritty, as if sand is lodged in them. Dry eyes , commonly known as dry eye syndrome, is a common illness that can have a negative influence on your life. When your eyes don't produce the proper sort of tears to clean out particles and maintain the surface well-lubricated, it might cause dry eyes.
Corns and calluses with simple home remedies can lead to effective results, promoting healthier and more comfortable skin.Use of comfortable footwear, using corn pads, and keeping your feet clean that contribute to friction and pressure, individuals can minimize the risk of corn.
Here are some super ingredients that are stolen to cure mouth ulcers and canker sores. Look at simple and effective home remedies to get rid of mouth ulcers.
Hair transplant in India is a perfect treatment that helps to remove baldness and get hair back on your head again. If you’ve been witnessing hair loss problem then you can also go for various natural remedies that will reduce the speed of hair loss.
Acidity is said to have occurred when a person suffers from heartburn, and also when formation of gas takes place in the stomach. It is a common problem which many suffer from, and occurs mainly due to excess secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. To know more about Acidity visit here:
4 Simple Teeth Whitening Home Remedies Using Household Things. Contact us at Mirage Aesthetic for teeth whitening & skin booster treatment in Singapore.
Acne is one of the most common problems one comes across during puberty, but in many cases, acne may come even after puberty and leave unwanted scars, which are called the acne scars.
There are numerous easy canker sore remedies you can try at home to help relieve the pain and inflammation and speed the healing process. Here are some of the most popular treatments.
Hair plays an important job in establishing the character of each individual. And you should always look for different and top natural remedies for premature greying and hairfall.
This powerpoint presentation describes about top rated herbal remedies for acidity relief. You can find more detail about Arozyme capsules at
This powerpoint presentation describes about top 10 herbal pain relief kidney stone remedies without surgery at home. You can find more detail about Kid Clear Capsules at
Gastric acids are chemicals provided by your stomach to aid digestion. But the corrosive effects they induce are counteracted by the secretion of other chemicals. Visit us
Read latest tips and tricks for weight loss, lifestyle, fashion and Home remedies. Every little things is a top blogger site which provides latest articles, tips and tricks about home remedy, weight loss, fashion and more.
Pomegranate juice is very delicious and is packed with goodness as well. It contains a liberal dose of antioxidant and is an excellent antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent as well. It is an excellent source of Vitamins and contains Vitamin A, C, and E as well as folic acid. It is one of the best home remedies for IBS.
Keeping aside all the gender-biased stereotypical hype, acne-free flawless skin is a dream for every young teenager. Well, there is no harm in making your skin feel cared for and pampered, as everyone loves to receive compliments and appreciation. But it all creates fuzz in our minds regarding which product to trust. Today’s market is flushed with enormous amounts of beauty products, and none of them are 100% biological. Using a high content chemical product on already sick skin is more like a planned murder of your skin as these chemical products are even capable of shedding the smooth, glowing skin. It is considered far better if some home remedies or kitchen recipes work on your skin and help them rejuvenate.
Living with obesity is not an easy task, and no one wants to live with this in today's era. Nothing has been easy in today's time and living with obesity is not common.Obesity has become a curse to human beings. That's why people try to lose weight in different ways.One of the ways is by using healthy drinks. Some drinks are very helpful in losing weight and some are used for gaining weight. Healthy drinks can help in maintaining health and help in boosting the immune system. Such drinks are helpful for heart health also. These drinks are a good source of vitamins and minerals. So today we are here to discuss healthy drinks which are helpful to reduce weight. There are many drinks which are definitely beneficial to our health. let's study about some weight loss drinks at home.
Your general health will improve if you try to consume eight glasses of water every day. If not, you should see an gastroenterologist in Agra. Boil some mint leaves in water and drink it after meals. Another helpful cure is to chew on a clove. Acidity can be relieved quickly with jaggery, lemon, banana, almonds, and yoghurt.
The Source of natural Vitamin D is sun or Cod Liver oil. Try to expose yourself to sun everyday for at least 15 minutes to 1/2 an hour. This is the minimum time. If you can expose for Longer period of time, that's much better. Massage yourself or from a masseuse and relax down in sun. This will improve your vitamin D levels.
A great health can make lots of differences in your life. Here, we will discuss the right kind of nutrition that one can follow easily in his or her daily routine.
Oily skin is very painful and irritating to deal. Skin becomes oily due to excessive accumulation of oil on the outer layer of skin which often leads to blackheads, whiteheads, blind pimples and other skin irritations. In case of oily skin aging occurs slowly as compared to dry skin or normal skin.
When a man begins to lose manhood sensitivity, he might wonder what in the world is causing it. Fortunately, most of the reasons can be handled with home care or a doctor’s help.
Capsaicin is the ingredient in cayenne that causes weight loss. This is due to its ability to help your body break down fat. Not only does cayenne help break down fat, it also helps prevent the development of fat cells in your body. Add a little cayenne pepper to your favorite dish to turn up your boy's furnace. Read more here :
Aloe vera is effective home remedy for you all beauty and health Related Issues. You can check out the best Benefits of Aloe Vera for skin, Hair and Health.
The growing stress, pollution, lifestyle and eating disorders have escalated hair and scalp problems to such a severity that taking utmost care of our hair has become a necessity. Hair fall, dandruff, breakage and scalp infections are just a few to name hair and scalp problems that require urgent treatment to avoid hair loss. With the growing awareness about Hair Care, the cosmetic industry making such products has also grown leaps and bounds.
In People who are thin, slow metabolism will help them to gain weight naturally. We are discussing different natural ways which are beneficial to slow down your metabolism.
They say bitter gourd is something that neutralizes blood glucose. Bitter Gourd is called karela in hindi for a start. We can use bitter gourd for diabetes along with consuming it for its deliciousness because there are a lot of benefits of bitter gourd. Karela in english is called bitter gourd and there are a lot of benefits of karela juice.
Turmeric is the most common spice used in the kitchen which is packed with various medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. It contains a compound called Curcumin that helps reduce nerve pain and inflammation.
Yoga4uhealth guide includes yoga poses, meditation techniques, beauty tips, weight loss tips, weight gain tips, home remedies, healthy diet recipes and many more.
Survival of the fittest in the concentration camps. The weak ... skin, vaginal; flu common cold, influenza, stomach, swine; diarrhea, vomiting, and so on. ...
DIY masks and home remedies are easy to make, safe, and affordable. Try out these very easy DIY hair masks to get rid of damaged hair, as well as maintain your shiny and soft tresses.
Read our complete blog and know all about Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy, people have used it for centuries in cooking and also medicine. Get the top 10 best apple cider vinegar brands, It has so many healthful properties include weight loss, better cholesterol levels, lower blood sugar, and all.
Sometimes, a little bit of raw, red manhood skin might seem inevitable. Though a man might not always be able to avoid the irritation, he can certainly use a plethora of home remedies to help cure the problem.
"Babies' skin is extremely delicate and sensitive, making it susceptible to irritation from a variety of sources, including heat, wetness, chemicals, allergies, infections, etc. Any portion of your baby's body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, legs, and diaper area, may develop rashes. You might need to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and infant rash treatment, depending on the kind and cause of the rash. To calm your baby's skin and lessen the irritation, you may also try these natural home remedies for newborn skin rashes."