Title: SUSY2001
1Squark Gluino searches at D0
SUSY2001 - Andrei Nomerotski
Fermilab/D0 -
- Squarks Gluinos in SUSY
- Run I results
- - jets MET
- - dileptons
- - stop sector
- New results
- Run 2 prospects
2Squaks and Gluinos in SUSY
- Squarks are are scalar partners of quarks
- Gluinos are fermionic partners of gluons
3Squaks and Gluinos in SUSY
- Squarks gluinos will be copiously
- produced at Tevatron if they are light
- Production x-sections does not depend
- on SUSY parameters
- Decays are strong function of SUSY
- parameter space
- Assume R parity conservation
4Stop and sbottom quarks in SUSY
- Stop can be light because top is so heavy
- gt large and negative radiation
corrections - gt large splitting between
- Sbottom can be light if is large
consider decays
Goes via loop if
Is closed.
Or 4 body decay
5Experimental signatures
- squarks gluinos
- classic MET 3 or more jets
- MET dileptons
- MET single lepton jets
- for Gauge Mediated SUSY
- MET photon jets
- MET photon bottom
- 3rd generation squarks
- MET 2 charm jets
- MET 2 bottom
- MET dileptons
- MET lepton bottom
6D0 stop search
3 body decay
Signature electron muon MET Low
background, good sensitivity
7Data Selection
- Preselection
- Electron Candidate Muon Candidate
- ETEM gt10 GeV, ?lt 3.3, Isolt0.3, pTgt7 GeV, ?lt
2 ?2 lt 300 - Triggers
- Run 1 mu_ele_XXX, ele_jet_XXX, mu_jet_XXX
- Luminosity
- Run 1A 13.9 pb-1, Run 1B 94.4pb-1
- Total Luminosity for this run/triggers
combination 108.3?5.7 pb-1
- Standard Processes
- tt? e? X 0.40 pb
- Z0? ??- ? e? X 26.6 pb
- WW ? e? X 0.69 pb
- D-Y ? ?? - ? e? X 5.5 pb
- Fakes (jets passing the electron or muon ID cuts)
- f(jet ? ?) lt 10Â -4 (neglected)
- Fake rate for electrons 2-3 10Â -4
- estimated from Data (92-93 Top paper)
9 Data/Background/Signal
For signal simulated at mstop 120 GeV m n
60 GeV
With E_Te gt 15 GeV E_Tmu
gt 15 GeV E_Tmiss gt 15 GeV
- Expected sTop 18.5 evts
- SM background 28.5 evts
- Data 30 evts
- for 108 pb-1
- Good agreement data/MC
- No signal
- S/B 1/2 gt more cuts
10Event Selection
- 1 electron (ET(e)gt15 GeV with ?lt2.5 (1.1-1.5
excluded) ) - 1 muon (pT(?)gt15 GeV avec ?lt1.7)
- ET gt15 GeV
11 Data/Bckgd/Signal after All Cuts
mstop 120 GeV m snu 60 GeV
E_Te, mu gt 15 GeV E_Te, mu gt 15 GeV E_Tmiss gt
15 GeV he hm lt 2 15lt Dfem lt 165
- sTop 13.9 evt
- bkg 13.4 evt
- data 11 evt
- S/B 1
12Signal Efficiency
- 1) Number of expected Signal events
- 2) Signal Efficiency
- Ex at 120,60 Gev for m_stop,m_snu
- N_gene e-mu
e-mu-Etmiss cuts BR(2/9) MC corr. - of events 18956 5309
4842 3585 - partial eff. 100 28
91.2 74 22.2 66 - total eff. 100 28
25.5 19 4.2 2.8 - 1)
- 2)
13 Systematic Errors
Production cross-section renormalisation /
factorisation scale
PDFs uncertainties
Gluon radiation
(ISR,FSR) 3, 3 MC
11.5 Event Selection
Error on the inclusive e - mu E_Tmiss
7.4 From acceptance
corrections, multiple interaction, trigger/id
errors, uncertainties on the production
Event Selection
6 Total
14 CDF/D0 Results Comparison
- CDF analysis
- 1 electron or 1 muon
- (E_T gt 10 GeV)
- 2 jets (gt12 and 8 GeV)
- E_Tmiss (gt 25 GeV)
- Eff 5.7 81 evts seen,
- 87.3 /-8.8 expected
- DO analysis
- 1 electron 1 muon
- (E_T gt 15 GeV)
- No Jet requirements
- E_Tmiss (gt 15 GeV)
- Eff 3.4 11 evts seen,
- 13.4 /-1.5 expected
- Signal eff. given at m_stop, m_snu 120, 40
153 Body Cross-Section Limits
16 Exclusion Contour (3 Body)
Excluded Region, for m-sTop Up to 140 GeV
for m-snu 43 GeV Up to 130 GeV for m-snu 85 GeV
17Scalar top quark
Mass reach in various stop search channels
for Run II
- Excellent Run I results continue to come
- Impressive reach in SUSY in Run II