Title: SUSY or UED
Tom Byatt
(Alan Barr)
- What if there was confirmation of something?
What is it? SUSY? or Universal Extra - Dimensions (UED)?
- UED appears to have very similar collider
signatures to those of SUSY. - (Bosonic Supersymmetry).
- A way to distinguish between the two
physically-motivated models is therefore needed.
- Exploit the difference in their spins. SUSY
differ by 1/2 a unit, UED identical spin - quantum numbers to their SM counterparts.
- A novel such method (Barr,A.J., hep-ph/0511115)
was proposed recently whereby a - measurement of the spins of sleptons in the
direct di-slepton pair production process
would offer a way to differentiate between the
two models, namely SUSY UED.
3- Both give signature
- - 2 Opposite Sign Same Flavour (OSSF) leptons
(ee- or ยตยต- only), - - ,
- - little/no jets (ISR).
gt So need a variable which is sensitive to the
slepton production angle.
- Cosine ll - cosine of the polar angle between
each lepton and the beam, - in the longitudinally boosted frame in which the
pseudo-rapidities of the - leptons are equal and opposite.
- 1-D function of , better because
- All benefits of
- Interpretation as angle in long. boosted frame
(simpler geometrically) - Easier to compare with theory
4In the Summertime, When the Weather Is Wet
- Copied over remaining datasets from the Grid.
(Thanks Catrin? )
- rel 11 and rel 12 correctly normalised when
5Optimisation of cuts
- Looked at migrations at cut boundaries of 6
Mt2-Primarily to remove WW bgd. Used for cases
when same mass particles are pair produced and
decay semi-invisibly.
- Vary 3 of them, MT2, Mll and MET .
(hep-ph/9906349 and hep-ph/0304226)
- In doing this, maximise the quantity
(Neymann-Pearson Lemma)
-gtto test to what extent which model/hypothesis
is true (ability to distinguish between
the 2 models,
6- Scanned 100 points in 3D parameter space.
Default cuts Jet PT(1)lt100GeV LeptonPT(1,2)40GeV
, 30GeV Transverse Recoil lt100GeV
MT2gt 77GeV, Mll gt 116GeV, METgt 101GeV
7Plans Present Foreseeable Future
- Determination of the SM backgrounds. Various
methods to employ.
- (i) Use idea of control sample or control
region-gt regions of PS in which - a particular background dominates.
- Using these enriched bgd samples -gtcan measure
bgd well and precisely - and importantly extrapolate to another
kinematical region. - Caveat to ensure no biasing introduced.