Title: Methode Author: thomas Last modified by: chalupsky Created Date: 12/1/2003 9:03:39 PM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation Company
Paul Martini and the development of clinical epidemiology in Germany Susanne Stoll, Heiner Raspe Institute of Social Medicine, University of L beck, Germany
Prospective cohort study with data from the Nurse's Health Study: ... The Strategy of Preventive Medicine, 1992. It is better to be healthy than ill or dead. ...
Gliederung Einleitung Indikatoren und Kennzahlen Typen von Kennzahlen Schritte zum erfolgreichen BGM Beispiel Fazit Das Modell der organisationalen Bew ltigung: ...
... curves, combined cardiac death and non-fatal acute myocardial infarction (AMI) ... Population attributable fraction of non-fatal and fatal MI by the risk factors ...
Title: R ckenschmerzen in OWL epidemiologische bersicht Author: hzeeb Last modified by: The Hacker Created Date: 11/3/2004 4:14:20 PM Document presentation format