Title: Slaid 1 Author: Reeda Last modified by: admin Created Date: 6/15/2005 8:29:21 AM Document presentation format: Ekraaniseanss Other titles: Arial Times New ...
PENGKAJIAN POSTPARTUM Oleh: Tutik Rahayu Setelah melahirkan ibu perlu dikaji dan diobservasi terhadap kemungkinan adanya perdarahan atau infeksi postpartum.Keamanan ...
Puerperium-6 wks.-from childbirth to return of uterus and other organs to pre-pregnant state. ... SHOULD BE AFEBRILE- IF NOT, MAY BE INFECTION REPORT TO M.D. ...
Post Partum Period Mary L. Dunlap MSN, APRN Fall 10 Retained placental fragments- check placenta after delivery- if lobes are missing the uterus will need to be ...
Title: Wyk ad 1: Technika DSP Wst p Author: Wronski Last modified by: Wronski Created Date: 10/12/2005 4:58:33 PM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie
Aligeramiento (Encajamiento) Ocurre de 2 a 3 semanas antes del parto. El feto comienza a acomodarse en la pelvis materna y desciende hacia la salida p lvica.
N106 Nursing Care of Post Partum Mother Physical Changes cardiac & respiratory Cardiac Heart position output Fluid volume VS Respiratory Pulmonary function BMR ...
Oleh : Tutik Rahayu Periode post partum dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu: 1.Immediately PP: berlangsung sampai 24 jam pertama PP 2. Early PP : berlangsung sampai minggu ...
WHAT STATE LEADERS CAN DO TO SUPPORT MIDDLE GRADES LITERACY ACHIEVEMENT ... support for coaches and principals that are the heart and soul of the initiative. ...