Title: P1254503533NwuXg
1Cultural Diversity at Work
2In this session
Cultural Diversity at Work
3What is Australian Multiculturalism?
Cultural Diversity at Work
- all Australians commitment and loyalty
- common commitment to freedom
4Principles of the Multicultural Australia policy
Cultural Diversity at Work
5How Multiculturalism has developed
Cultural Diversity at Work
Multiculturalism seeks to embrace and be embraced
by all Australians our original inhabitants,
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
and everyone else whether born here or overseas
and whether of English or non-English speaking
6How Multiculturalism has developed
Cultural Diversity at Work
- growing prominence in Asia
7Australias diversity
Cultural Diversity at Work
Diversity means difference
8About Indigenous Australians
Cultural Diversity at Work
9About Indigenous Australians
Cultural Diversity at Work
10About Indigenous Australians
Cultural Diversity at Work
- 20 of Australias total population is under the
age of 15. This figure is doubled at 40 for the
Indigenous population.
- 1.25 million Indigenous people in 1770 250 000
11About Indigenous Australians
Cultural Diversity at Work
What Act were Indigenous people protected under
prior to 1967?
- Land Rights Act
- Racial Discrimination Act
- Flora and Fauna Act
12About Australian Migrants
Cultural Diversity at Work
13About Australian Migrants
Cultural Diversity at Work
- 23 of Australians were born overseas
- 5.7 million people migrated since WWII
- 1.25 million people speak languages other than
English at home - Top three languages Cantonese, Italian, Greek
14Diversity in Defence
Cultural Diversity at Work
- Defence is committed to Diversity and Equity in
the workplace. - This is dealing with Australia AS IT IS!
15Challenges facing Defence
Cultural Diversity at Work
- large, complex, diverse, dispersed
- not reflective
- shrinking recruitment pool
- separations
16Addressing the challenges
Cultural Diversity at Work
17The benefits
Cultural Diversity at Work
Cultural Diversity at Work
Cultural Diversity at Work
It is personality that makes every individual
20Intercultural communication
Customs are unwritten laws for the behaviour of a
21Communication can be interpreted differently
across cultures
Intercultural communication
- tone of voice
- body language
- ways of expressing courtesy
- direct vs indirect speech
- idioms/expressions
- jargon
- time tolerance
- turn taken in conversations
- accent
22Body language
Intercultural communication
Body language is a powerful communicator in
every culture
- can add to cultural misunderstandings
23Body language
Intercultural communication
24Body language
Intercultural communication
Intercultural communication
- rising and falling intonation
- direct and indirect speech
- formal and informal
26What to do?
Intercultural communication
To suit the situation
- be prepared to adjust your style
- vary questioning styles and active listening
27Everybody judges on first impressions
Intercultural communication
Intercultural communication
- stereotypes may cause you to behave unfairly
with people
- discriminatory behaviours based on stereotypes
are unacceptable and in some cases unlawful
Intercultural communication
30Whos not smiling anymore?
Intercultural communication
People wont say they are offended because they
- dont want to be labelled humourless
- feel less powerful than the group laughing at
the joke
- are more polite than the joke teller
31Active listening
Intercultural communication
Listen for two things
32Barriers to active listening
Intercultural communication
- listening to words / not noticing body language
- more interested in what you are going to say next
- disagreement with the person
- not checking understanding
33The right question for the situation
Intercultural communication
34Use plain English but how?
Intercultural communication
- one word, not half a dozen
- short, uncomplicated sentences
- avoid jargon, slang and acronyms
- get the other person to talk
- be aware of what you say and change it, if you
need to
Intercultural communication
36Meeting strategies
Intercultural communication
- encourage all to participate in agenda setting,
then to take responsibility for their item
- participants indicate to the chairperson when
they want to speak
- everyone can speak or pass
- write brainstorming ideas on stick-on notes and
collate on whiteboard
- change meeting ground rules from time to time,
to suit
37Cross cultural training
38Interpreters and naming
39Looking back
Cultural Diversity at Work