Pluto, Comets, and Space Debris - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pluto, Comets, and Space Debris


Pluto, Comets, and Space Debris – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pluto, Comets, and Space Debris

Chapter 8
  • Pluto, Comets, and Space Debris

  • We have learned about the Solar Systems giant
    planets, which range in size from about 4 to
    about 11 times the diameter of the Earth.
  • We have seen that our Solar System has a set of
    terrestrial planets, which range in size from the
    Earth down to 40 per cent the diameter of the
  • This size range includes the four inner planets
    as well as seven planetary satellites.

  • The remaining object that has long had the name
    planet, Pluto, is only 20 per cent the diameter
    of Earth but is still over 2300 km across, so
    there is much room on it for interesting surface
  • Recently, additional objects like it, but
    smaller, have been found in the outer reaches of
    the Solar System.
  • We shall see how we determined Plutos odd
    properties, and what the other, similar objects

  • Besides the planets and their moons, many other
    objects are in the family of the Sun.
  • The most spectacular, as seen from Earth, are
    comets (see figure).
  • Bright comets have been noted throughout history,
    instilling great awe of the heavens.
  • Comets have long been seen as omens, usually bad
  • As Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar, When
    beggars die, there are no comets seen The
    heavens themselves blaze forth the death of

  • Asteroids, which are minor planets, and chunks of
    rock known as meteoroids, are other residents of
    our Solar System.
  • We shall see how they and the comets are
    storehouses of information about the Solar
    Systems origin.
  • Asteroids, meteoroids, and comets are suddenly in
    the news as astronomers are finding out that some
    come relatively close to the Earth.
  • We are realizing more and more that collisions of
    these objects with the Earth can be devastating
    for life on Earth.
  • Every few hundred thousand years, one large
    enough to do very serious damage should hit, and
    every few tens of millions of years, an enormous
    collision can produce a mass extinction of life
    on Earth.
  • Apparently, a comet or an asteroid caused the
    dinosaurs to become extinct some 65 million years

  • Should we be worrying about asteroid, meteoroid,
    or comet collisions?
  • Should we be monitoring the sky around us better?
  • Should we be planning ways of diverting an
    oncoming object if we were to find one?

8.1 Pluto
  • Pluto, the outermost known planet, is a deviant.
    Its elliptical orbit is the most out of round
    (eccentric) and is inclined by the greatest angle
    with respect to the Earths orbital plane (the
    ecliptic plane, defined in Chapter 4), near
    which the other planets revolve.
  • Plutos elliptical orbit is so eccentric that
    part lies inside the orbit of Neptune.
  • Pluto was closest to the Sun in 1989 and moved
    farther away from the Sun than Neptune in 1999.
  • So Pluto is still relatively near its closest
    approach to the Sun out of its 248-year period,
    and it appears about as bright as it ever does to
    viewers on Earth.
  • It hasnt been as bright for over 200 years.
  • It is barely visible through a medium-sized
    telescope under dark-sky conditions.

8.1 Pluto
  • The discovery of Pluto was the result of a long
    search for an additional planet that, together
    with Neptune, was believed to be slightly
    distorting the orbit of Uranus.
  • Finally, in 1930, Clyde Tombaugh, hired at age 23
    to search for a new planet because of his
    experience as an amateur astronomer, found the
    dot of light that is Pluto (see figure).
  • It took him a year of diligent study of the
    photographic plates he obtained at the Lowell
    Observatory in Arizona.
  • From its slow motion with respect to the stars
    over the course of many nights, he identified
    Pluto as a new planet.

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • Even such basics as the mass and diameter of
    Pluto are very difficult to determine.
  • It had been hard to deduce the mass of Pluto
    because to do so was, at first, thought to
    require measuring Plutos effect on Uranus, a far
    more massive body. (The orbit of Neptune, known
    for less than a hundred years at the time Pluto
    was discovered, was too poorly known to be of
    much use.)
  • Moreover, Pluto has made less than one revolution
    around the Sun since its discovery, thus
    providing little of its path for detailed study.
  • As recently as 1968, it was mistakenly concluded
    that Pluto had 91 per cent the mass of the Earth,
    instead of the correct value of 0.2 per cent.

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • The situation changed drastically in 1978 with
    the surprise discovery (see figure) that Pluto
    has a satellite.
  • The moon was named Charon, after the boatman who
    rowed passengers across the River Styx to the
    realm of Pluto, god of the underworld in Greek
    mythology. (Its name is informally pronounced
    Sharon, similarly to the name of the
    discoverers wife, Charlene, by astronomers
    working in the field.)
  • The presence of a satellite allows us to deduce
    the mass of the planet by applying Newtons form
    of Keplers third law (Chapter 5).
  • Charon is 5 to 10 per cent of Plutos mass, and
    Pluto is only 1/500 the mass of the Earth, ten
    times less than had been suspected just before
    the discovery of Charon.

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • Plutos rotation axis is nearly in the ecliptic,
    like that of Uranus.
  • This is also the axis about which Charon orbits
    Pluto every 6.4 days.
  • Consequently, there are two five year intervals
    during Plutos 248-year orbit when the two
    objects pass in front of (that is, occult) each
    other every 3.2 days, as seen from Earth.
  • Such mutual occultations were the case from 1985
    through 1990.
  • When we measured their apparent brightness, we
    received light from both Pluto and Charon
    together (they are so close together that they
    appeared as a single point in the sky).
  • Their blocking each other led to dips in the
    total brightness we received.

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • From the duration of fading, we deduced how large
    they are.
  • Pluto is 2300 km in diameter, smaller than
    expected, and Charon is 1200 km in diameter.
  • Charon is thus half the size of Pluto.
  • Further, it is separated from Pluto by only about
    8 Pluto diameters, compared with the 30 Earth
    diameters that separate the Earth and the Moon.
  • So Pluto/Charon is almost a double-planet

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • The rate at which the light from Pluto/Charon
    faded also gave us information that revealed the
    reflectivities (albedoes) of their surfaces,
    since part of the surface of the blocked object
    remained visible most of the time.
  • The surfaces of both vary in brightness (see
  • Pluto seems to have a dark band near its equator,
    some markings on that band, and bright polar caps.

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope took an image
    that showed Pluto and Charon as distinct and
    separated objects for the first time, and they
    can now be viewed individually by telescopes on
    Mauna Kea in Hawaii (see figure, top) and
    elsewhere where the seeing is exceptional.
  • The latest Hubble views show that Pluto has a
    dozen areas of bright and dark, the finest detail
    ever seen on Pluto, whose diameter is smaller
    than that of the United States (see figure,

8.1a Plutos Mass and Size
  • But we dont know whether the bright areas are
    bright because they are high clouds near
    mountains or low haze and frost.
  • We merely know that there are extreme contrasts
    on Plutos surface.
  • If we were standing on Pluto, the Sun would
    appear over a thousand times fainter than it does
    to us on Earth.
  • Consequently, Pluto is very cold infrared
    measurements show that its temperature is less
    than 60 K. From Pluto, we would need a telescope
    to see the solar disk, which would be about the
    same size that Jupiter appears from Earth.

8.1b Plutos Atmosphere
  • Pluto occultedpassed in front of and hida star
    on one night in 1988.
  • Astronomers observed this occultation to learn
    about Plutos atmosphere.
  • If Pluto had no atmosphere, the starlight would
    wink out abruptly.
  • Any atmosphere would make the starlight diminish
    more gradually.
  • The observations showed that the starlight
    diminished gradually and unevenly.
  • Thus Plutos atmosphere has layers in it.
  • Another such occultation wasnt observed until
    2002, when (again) Pluto was seen to make the
    star wink out for a minute or so on two separate

8.1b Plutos Atmosphere
  • From the 1988 occultation, astronomers were also
    able to conclude that the bulk of Plutos
    atmosphere is nitrogen.
  • A trace of methane must also be present, since
    the methane ice on Plutos surface, detected from
    its spectrum, must be evaporating.
  • Still, Plutos atmospheric pressure is very low,
    only 1/100,000 of Earths.
  • The data from the first occultation seemed to
    show a change at a certain height in Plutos
    atmosphere, leading to the deduction that either
    the atmosphere had a temperature inversion or
    that the lower atmosphere contained a lot of
  • The lone high-quality scan obtained in July 2002
    showed no such change at a certain height in the
    rate at which the stars light was dimming as it
    passed through Plutos atmosphere.

8.1b Plutos Atmosphere
  • Then, in August 2002, a group of scientists, of
    which one of the authors (J.M.P.) was a member,
    succeeded in observing an occultation of a star
    by Pluto on ten different telescopes, several of
    them on Mauna Kea (see figures).
  • J.M.P.s team from Williams College obtained a
    thousand data points in a 5-minute interval of
    the occultation, part of a 20-minute data run.
  • Further work in 2005 on a similar occultation of
    a star but this time by Plutos moon, Charon,
    gave the MIT-Williams College consortium success
    on all but one of the five telescopes in South
    America they used.

8.1b Plutos Atmosphere
  • Our Pluto results showed an expansion of its
    atmosphere, which would result from a global
    warming since 1988.
  • Perhaps some contribution to that warming comes
    from the changing orientation of Plutos darker
    spots with respect to incoming solar radiation.
  • We also saw some bright spikes in the light
    curve, which could be signs of waves or
    turbulence in Plutos atmosphere.
  • Further, observations from several telescopes
    showed that Plutos atmosphere is not quite
    round, undoubtedly resulting from strong winds.
  • Our Charon results pinned down its size, and
    therefore density, better than ever before, but
    even the high-time-resolution observations did
    not show an atmosphere.

8.1b Plutos Atmosphere
  • As Pluto goes farther from the Sun, as it is now
    doing, its atmosphere is generally predicted to
    freeze out and snow onto the surface.
  • Though some calculations indicate that this might
    not be so, it is still possible that if we want
    to find out about the atmosphere, we had better
    get a spacecraft there within a decade or two, or
    well have to wait another 200 years for the
    atmosphere to form again.
  • NASAs New Horizons mission, after a period of
    on-again, off-again for funding reasons, is a
    small satellite that at the time of this writing
    is scheduled to be launched in 2006 and to reach
    Pluto a decade later.
  • Its investigators used Hubble to find two
    additional, small (under 100-km) moons of Pluto.

8.1c What Is Pluto?
  • From Plutos mass and radius, we calculate its
  • It turns out to be about 2 g/cm3, twice the
    density of water and less than half the density
    of Earth.
  • Since ices have even lower densities than Pluto,
    Pluto must be made of a mixture of ices and rock.
  • Its composition is more similar to that of the
    satellites of the giant planets, especially
    Neptunes large moon Triton, than to that of
    Earth or the other inner planets.
  • Ironically, now that we know Plutos mass, we
    calculate that it is far too small to cause the
    deviations in Uranuss orbit that originally led
    to Plutos discovery.
  • The discrepancy probably wasnt real
  • The wrong mass had been assumed for Neptune when
    predicting the orbit of Uranus.
  • The discovery of Pluto was purely the reward of
    Clyde Tombaughs hard work in conducting a
    thorough search in a zone of the sky near the

8.1c What Is Pluto?
  • Pluto, with its moon and its atmosphere, has some
    similarities to the more familiar planets.
  • Pluto remains strange in that it is so small next
    to the giants, and that its orbit is so eccentric
    and so highly inclined to the ecliptic.
  • Increasingly, Pluto is being identified with a
    newly discovered set of objects in the outer
    Solar System, which we will now study.
  • Is Pluto even a planet?
  • It is so small, so low in mass, and in such an
    inclined orbit with respect to the eight inner
    planets that perhaps it should only be called an
    asteroid, a Kuiper-belt object, or a
    Trans-Neptunian Object.
  • As we will see in the next section, another such
    object even bigger than Pluto turned up in 2005.
  • Should both be called planets, leaving the
    possibility that we may soon know of even more?
  • Or should Pluto be demoted to asteroid or the
    mere status of a Trans-Neptunian Object?
  • As of this writing, the matter is undecided.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • Beyond the orbit of Neptune, a population of icy
    objects with diameters of a few tens or hundreds
    of kilometers is increasingly being found.
  • The planetary astronomer Gerard Kuiper
    (pronounced koyper) suggested a few decades ago
    that these objects would exist and should be the
    source of many of the comets that we see.
  • As a result, these objects are now known as the
    Kuiper-belt objects, or, less often,
    Trans-Neptunian Objects.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • The Kuiper belt is probably about 10 A.U. thick
    and extends from the orbit of Neptune about twice
    as far out (see figure).
  • About 1000 Kuiper-belt objects have been found so
    far, and tens of thousands larger than 100 km
    across are thought to exist.
  • The objects may be left over from the formation
    of the Solar System.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • They are generally very dark, with albedoes of
    only about 4 per cent.
  • Pluto, by contrast, has an albedo of about 60 per
  • Still, Pluto is one of the largest of the Kuiper
    belt objects, so much larger than most of the
    others that it is covered with frost.
  • Triton may have initially been a similar object,
    subsequently captured by Neptune.
  • A Kuiper-belt object larger than Plutos moon
    Charon was found in 2001, about half of Plutos
  • One that may be even somewhat larger was found in
    2002, though the uncertainty limits of these two
    Kuiper-belt objects overlap.
  • The newer one, tentatively and unofficially named
    Quaoar (pronounced kwa-whar) after the Indian
    tribe that inhabited todays Los Angeles, was
    even imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope, so
    we have a firmer grasp of its diameter, 1300 km,
    slightly over half that of Pluto.
  • The size, in turn, gives us the albedo (12 per
    cent), which is larger than had been assumed for
    Kuiper-belt objects.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • David Jewitt of the University of Hawaii and Jane
    Luu, now at MITs Lincoln Lab, have been the
    discoverers of most of the known Kuiper-belt
  • They found the first one in 1992 and they and
    several other astronomers are looking for more.
  • Michael Brown of Caltech and his colleagues
    stunned the world in July 2005, as this book was
    going to press, with their discovery of an
    outer-solar-system object even larger than Pluto
    (see figures).
  • Initially named 2003 UB313, it was first sighted
    in 2003 but not confirmed until 2005.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • The object is now 97 A.U. out from the Sun, more
    than twice as far out as Pluto.
  • It takes over 500 years to orbit the Sun.
  • Its orbit is tilted an incredible 44, taking it
    so high out of the ecliptic that no previous
    planet hunter found it.
  • Undoubtedly, it was thrown into that highly
    inclined orbit after a close gravitational
    encounter with Neptune.
  • Is it a 10th planet?
  • That is really a matter of semantics, but words
    can count.
  • Keep in touch with this books website or with
    other sources to find out the latest on it.

8.2 Kuiper-belt Objects
  • A few objects may once have been Kuiper-belt
    objects but now come somewhat closer to the Sun,
    crossing the orbits of the outer planets.
  • About 100 of these centaur objects a few
    hundred kilometers across may exist.
  • Since they are larger and come closer to the
    Earth and Sun than most Kuiper-belt objects, we
    can study them better.
  • On at least one, a coma (typical of comets, as we
    will soon see) was seen, so these centaurs are
    intermediate between comets and asteroids.
  • NASAs New Horizons mission is to go to some
    Kuiper-belt objects after it visits Pluto.
  • Our MIT-Williams consortium certainly hopes to
    pick up an occultation of a star by one or more
    of these Kuiper-belt objects, which would
    accurately determine its diameter and albedo.

8.3 Comets
  • Nearly every decade, a bright comet appears in
    our sky.
  • From a small, bright area called the head, a tail
    may extend gracefully over one-sixth (30) or
    more of the sky.
  • The tail of a comet is always directed roughly
    away from the Sun, even when the comet is moving
    outward through the Solar System.
  • Although the tail may give an impression of
    motion because it extends out only to one side,
    the comet does not move noticeably with respect
    to the stars as we casually watch during the
    course of a night.
  • With binoculars or a telescope, however, an
    observer can accurately note the position of the
    comets head and after a few hours can detect
    that the comet is moving at a slightly different
    rate from the stars.

8.3 Comets
  • Still, both comets and stars rise and set more or
    less together (see figure).
  • Within days, weeks, or (even less often) months,
    a bright comet will have become too faint to be
    seen with the naked eye, although it can often be
    followed for additional months with binoculars
    and then for additional months with telescopes.

8.3 Comets
  • Most comets are much fainter than the one we have
    just described.
  • About two dozen new comets are discovered each
    year, and most become known only to astronomers.
  • If you should ever discover a comet, and are
    among the first three people to report it to the
    International Astronomical Union Central Bureau
    for Astronomical Telegrams at the Smithsonian
    Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge,
    Massachusetts, it will be named after you.
  • Hundreds of comets that go very close to the Sun
    or even hit it, destroying themselves, have been
    discovered by (and named after) the Solar and
    Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, since
    it can uniquely monitor a region of space too
    close to the Sun to be seen from Earth given our
    daytime blue skies.

8.3a The Composition of Comets
  • At the center of a comets head is its nucleus,
    which is composed of chunks of matter.
  • The most widely accepted theory of the
    composition of comets, advanced in 1950 by Fred
    L. Whipple of the Harvard and Smithsonian
    Observatories, is that the nucleus is like a
    dirty snowball.
  • It may be made of ices of such molecules as water
    (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), and
    methane (CH4), with dust mixed in.

8.3a The Composition of Comets
  • The nucleus itself is so small that we cannot
    observe it directly from Earth.
  • Radar observations have verified in several cases
    that it is a few kilometers across.
  • The rest of the head is the coma (pronounced
    cohma), which may grow to be as large as 100,000
    km or so across (see figure).
  • The coma shines partly because its gas and dust
    are reflecting sunlight toward us and partly
    because gases liberated from the nucleus get
    enough energy from sunlight to radiate.

8.3a The Composition of Comets
  • The tail can extend 1 A.U. (150,000,000 km), so
    comets can be the largest objects in the Solar
  • But the amount of matter in the tail is very
    smallthe tail is a much better vacuum than we
    can make in laboratories on Earth.
  • Many comets actually have two tails ( Fig. 8
  • The dust tail is caused by dust particles
    released from the ices of the nucleus when they
    are vaporized.
  • The dust particles are left behind in the comets
    orbit, blown slightly away from the Sun by the
    pressure of sunlight hitting the particles.
  • As a result of the comets orbital motion, the
    dust tail usually curves smoothly behind the

8.3a The Composition of Comets
  • The gas tail is composed of gas blown outward
    from the comet, at high speed, by the solar
    wind of particles emitted by the Sun (see our
    discussion in Chapter 10).
  • It follows the interplanetary magnetic field.
  • As puffs of gas are blown out and as the solar
    wind varies, the gas tail takes on a structured
  • Each puff of matter can be seen.
  • A comethead and tail togethercontains less than
    a billionth of the mass of the Earth.
  • It has jokingly been said that comets are as
    close as something can come to being nothing.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • It is now generally accepted that trillions of
    tail-less comets surround the Solar System in a
    sphere perhaps 50,000 A.U. (that is, 50,000 times
    the distance from the Sun to the Earth, or almost
    1 light-year) in radius.
  • This sphere, far outside Plutos orbit, is the
    Oort comet cloud (named after the Dutch scientist
    Jan Oort).
  • The total mass of matter in the cloud may be only
    1 to 10 times the mass of the Earth.
  • In current models, most of the Oort clouds mass
    is in the inner 1000 to 10,000 A.U.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • Occasionally one of these comets leaves the comet
  • In the early years of the Oort model, it was
    thought that sometimes the gravity of a nearby
    star tugged an incipient comet out of place.
  • Currently, astronomers tend to think that gravity
    from the disk of our Milky Way Galaxy does most
    of the tugging.
  • In any case, the comet generally gets directly
    ejected from the Solar System, but in some cases
    the comet can approach the Sun.
  • The comets orbit may be altered, sometimes into
    an elliptical orbit, if it passes near a giant
    planet, most frequently Jupiter.
  • Because the comet cloud is spherical, comets are
    not limited to the plane of the ecliptic, which
    explains why one major class of comets comes in
    randomly from all directions.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • Another group of comets has orbits that are much
    more limited to the plane of the Solar System
    (Earths orbital plane).
  • They probably come from the Kuiper belt beyond
    the orbit of Neptune, a flatter distribution of
    objects ranging from about 25 to 50 A.U.
  • We seem to discover more of these
    Kuiper-belt-origin comets than we expect compared
    with Oort-cloud-origin comets.
  • Perhaps the discrepancy has to do with the way
    comets die.
  • New calculations show that since so few dormant
    comets are found, the comets must mainly break up
    and disappear.
  • Maybe Oort-cloud comets, coming from so far out
    in the Solar System, change temperature regimes
    so much more quickly than Kuiper-belt comets that
    they are preferentially disrupted.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • Until recently, astronomers tended to say that
    the long-period comets, those with orbital
    periods longer than 200 years, came from the Oort
    cloud while comets with periods shorter than 200
    years came from the Kuiper belt (see figure).
  • Part of the reason for this division was merely
    that we had observed comet orbits reliably for
    only about 200 years.
  • Most of the long-period comets have semimajor
    axes close to 20,000 A.U., 5000 times the 40 A.U.
    semimajor axis of Plutos orbit.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • This radius corresponds to the peak of the Oort
    cloud, and comets from there are considered
  • However, once comets are dislodged from the Oort
    cloud and come into the inner Solar System, the
    semimajor axes of the orbits of these returning
    comets are reduced.
  • The short-period comets, those with periods less
    than 200 years, were divided into
    Jupiter-family comets, whose orbits were made
    so small by encounters with Jupiter that their
    periods were less than 20 years, and
    Halley-type comets, which suffered less
    influence by Jupiter.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • A new comet classification basically depends on
    the influence of Jupiter.
  • One of the two major classes consists of those
    that come from all directions.
  • Almost all of these come from the Oort cloud.
  • Comets in the other major class are called
    ecliptic, since the comet orbits are aligned
    close to the plane of the Solar System, the
    ecliptic plane (see figure), rather than being
    highly tilted.
  • Almost all of these ecliptic comets come from the
    Kuiper belt.
  • In the new scheme, fewer comets change their
    classifications over time.
  • Notice that comets on highly eccentric orbits
    spend most of their time far away from the Sun,
    an excellent example of Keplers second law
    (Chapter 5).

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • As a comet gets closer to the Sun than those
    distant regions, the solar radiation begins to
    vaporize the ice in the nucleus.
  • The tail forms, and grows longer as more of the
    nucleus is vaporized.
  • Even though the tail can be millions of
    kilometers long, it is still so tenuous that only
    1/500 of the mass of the nucleus may be lost each
    time it visits the solar neighborhood.
  • Thus a comet may last for many passages around
    the Sun.
  • But some comets hit the Sun and are destroyed
    (see figure).

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • We shall see in the following section that
    meteoroids can be left in the orbit of a
    disintegrated comet.
  • Some of the asteroids, particularly those that
    cross the Earths orbit, may be dead comet
  • In recent years, a handful of asteroidsnotably
    Chiron in the outer Solar Systemhave shown comas
    or tails, making them comets conversely, a few
    comets have died out and seem like asteroids.
  • So we may have misidentified some of each in the

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • How did comets get where they are?
  • We will say more about the formation of the Solar
    System in Chapter 9.
  • There, we will see that there were many small
    particles that clumped together in the early
  • Some of these clumps interacted gravitationally
    with other clumps and even with Jupiter and other
    planets as they were formed.
  • Many of these clumps were ejected from the region
    of their formation, often where the asteroid belt
    now is between Mars and Jupiter, and wound up
    forming the Oort comet cloud.
  • Other clumps were already beyond the orbit of
    Neptune, where fewer interactions took place.
  • Those clumps formed the Kuiper belt.

8.3b The Origin and Evolution of Comets
  • Because new comets come from the places in the
    Solar System that are farthest from the Sun and
    thus coldest, they probably contain matter that
    is unchanged since the formation of the Solar
  • So the study of comets is important for
    understanding the birth of the Solar System.
  • Moreover, some astronomers have concluded that
    early in Earths history, the oceans formed when
    an onslaught of water-bearing comets collided
    with Earth, although this view is still

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • In 1705, the English astronomer Edmond Halley
    (Halley is pronounced to rhyme with Sally, and
    not with saylee) (see figure) applied a new
    method developed by his friend Isaac Newton to
    determine the orbits of comets from observations
    of their positions in the sky.
  • He reported that the orbits of the bright comets
    that had appeared in 1531, 1607, and 1682 were
    about the same.
  • Moreover, the intervals between appearances were
    approximately equal, so Halley suggested that we
    were observing a single comet orbiting the Sun,
    and he accounted for the slightly different
    periods with Newtons law of gravity from
    interactions with planets.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • Halley predicted that this bright comet would
    again return in 1758.
  • Its reappearance on Christmas night of that year,
    16 years after Halleys death, was the proof of
    Halleys hypothesis (and Newtons method).
  • The comet has thereafter been known as Halleys
    Comet (see figure).
  • Since it was the first known periodic comet
    (i.e., the first comet found to repeatedly visit
    the inner parts of the Solar System), it is
    officially called 1P, number 1 in the list of
    periodic (P) comets.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • It seems probable that the bright comets reported
    every 74 to 79 years since 240 b.c. were earlier
    appearances of Halleys Comet.
  • The fact that it has been observed dozens of
    times endorses the calculations that show that
    less than 1 per cent of a cometary nucleuss mass
    is lost at each passage near the Sun.
  • Halleys Comet came especially close to the Earth
    during its 1910 return, and the Earth actually
    passed through its tail.
  • Many people had been frightened that the tail
    would somehow damage the Earth or its atmosphere,
    but the tail had no noticeable effect.
  • Even then, most scientists knew that the gas and
    dust in the tail were too tenuous to harm our

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • The most recent close approach of Halleys Comet
    was in 1986.
  • It was not as spectacular from the ground in 1986
    as it was in 1910, for this time the Earth and
    comet were on opposite sides of the Sun when the
    comet was brightest.
  • Since we knew long in advance that the comet
    would be available for viewing, special
    observations were planned for optical, infrared,
    and radio telescopes.
  • For example, spectroscopy showed many previously
    undetected ions in the coma and tail.
  • When Halleys Comet passed through the plane of
    the Earths orbit, it was met by an armada of
  • The best was the European Space Agencys
    spacecraft Giotto (named after the 14th-century
    Italian artist who included Halleys Comet in a
    painting), which went right up close to Halley.
  • Giottos several instruments also studied
    Halleys gas, dust, and magnetic field from as
    close as 600 km from the nucleus.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • The most astounding observations were undoubtedly
    the photographs showing the nucleus itself (see
    figure, bottom left), which turns out to be
    potato-shaped (see figure, bottom right).
  • It is about 16 km in its longest dimension, half
    the size of Manhattan Island.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • The dirty snowball theory of comets was
    confirmed in general, but the snowball is darker
    than expected.
  • It is as black as velvet, with an albedo of only
    about 3 per cent.
  • Further, the evaporating gas and dust is
    localized into jets that are stronger than
  • They come out of fissures in the dark crust.
  • We now realize that comets may shut off not when
    they have lost all their material but rather when
    the fissures in their crusts close.
  • Giotto carried 10 instruments in addition to its
  • Among them were mass spectrometers to measure the
    types of particles present, detectors for dust,
    equipment to listen for radio signals that
    revealed the densities of gas and dust in the
    coma, detectors for ions, and a magnetometer to
    measure the magnetic field.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • About 30 per cent of Halleys dust particles are
    made only of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and
    oxygen (see figure).
  • This simple composition resembles that of the
    oldest type of meteorite.
  • It thus indicates that these particles may be
    from the earliest years of the Solar System.

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • Many valuable observations were also obtained
    from the Earth.
  • For example, radio telescopes were used to study
  • Water vapor is the most prevalent gas, but carbon
    monoxide and carbon dioxide were also detected.
  • The comet was bright enough that many telescopes
    obtained spectra (see figure).

8.3c Halleys Comet
  • The next appearance of Halleys Comet, in 2061,
    again wont be spectacular.
  • Not until the one after that, in 2134, will the
    comet show a long tail to earthbound observers.
  • Fortunately, though Halleys Comet is predictably
    interesting, a more spectacular comet appears
    every 10 years or so.
  • When you read in the newspaper that a bright
    comet is here, dont wait to see it another time.
  • Some bright comets are at their best for only a
    few days or a week.

8.3d Comet Shoemaker-Shoemaker-Levy 9
  • A very unusual comet gave thrills to people
    around the world.
  • In 1993, Eugene Shoemaker, Carolyn Shoemaker, and
    David Levy discovered their ninth comet in a
    search with a wide-field telescope at the Palomar
    Observatory. (The authors of this book like to
    give each Shoemaker individual credit for the
    discovery, as in the chapter subheading, though
    the comet is generally and formally called
    Shoemaker-Levy 9.)
  • This comet looked weirdit seemed squashed.

8.3d Comet Shoemaker-Shoemaker-Levy 9
  • Higher-resolution images taken with other
    telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope
    (see figure), showed that the comet had broken
    into bits, forming a chain that resembled beads
    on a string.
  • Even stranger, the comet was in orbit not around
    the Sun but around Jupiter, and would hit Jupiter
    a year later.
  • Apparently, several decades earlier the comet was
    captured in a highly eccentric orbit around
    Jupiter, and in 1992, during its previous close
    approach, it was torn apart into more than 20
    pieces by Jupiters tidal forces.

8.3d Comet Shoemaker-Shoemaker-Levy 9
  • Telescopes all around the world and in space were
    trained on Jupiter when the first bit of comet
  • The site was slightly around the back side of
    Jupiter, but rotated to where we could see it
    from Earth after about 15 minutes.
  • Even before then, scientists were enthralled by a
    plume rising above Jupiters edge.
  • When they could view Jupiters surface, they saw
    a dark ring (see figure on next slide).
  • Infrared telescopes detected a tremendous amount
    of radiation from the heated gas.
  • Over a period of almost a week, one bit of the
    comet after another hit Jupiter, leaving a series
    of Earth-sized rings and spots as Jupiter
  • The largest dark spots could be seen for a few
    months even with small backyard telescopes. (On
    one of the April 2005 solar eclipse cruises,
    David Levy sometimes wore a T-shirt that said My
    comet crashed.)

8.3d Comet Shoemaker-Shoemaker-Levy 9
8.3d Comet Shoemaker-Shoemaker-Levy 9
  • The dark material showed us the hydrocarbons and
    other constituents of the comet.
  • Spectra showed sulfur and other elements,
    presumably dredged up from lower levels of
    Jupiters atmosphere than we normally see.
  • The biggest comet chunk released the equivalent
    of 6 million megatons of TNT100,000 times more
    than the largest hydrogen bomb.
  • Had any of the fragments hit Earth, they would
    have made a crater as large as Rhode Island, with
    dust thrown up to much greater distances.
  • Had the entire comet (whose nucleus was 10 km
    across) hit Earth at one time, much of life could
    have been destroyed.
  • So Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 made us even more wary
    about what may be coming at us from space.

8.3e Recently Observed Comets
  • In 1995, Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp independently
    found a faint comet, which was soon discovered to
    be quite far out in the Solar System.
  • Its orbit was to bring it into the inner Solar
    System, and it was already bright enough that it
    was likely to be spectacular when it came close
    to Earth in 1997.
  • It lived up to its advance billing (see figure).

8.3e Recently Observed Comets
  • Telescopes of all kinds were trained on Comet
    Hale-Bopp, and hundreds of millions of people
    were thrilled to step outside at night and see a
    comet just by looking up.
  • Modern powerful radio telescopes were able to
    detect many kinds of molecules that had not
    previously been recorded in a comet.
  • Occasionally, other bright comets, such as C
    /2002 C1, Comet Ikeya-Zhang (see figure), turn up
    and are fun to watch.

8.3f Spacecraft to Comets
  • NASAs Deep Space 1 mission flew close to Comet
    19P/Borrelly in 2001.
  • It obtained more detailed images of the
    bowling-pin-shaped nucleus (see figure) than even
    Giottos views of Halleys nucleus.
  • This comets surface, and therefore probably the
    surfaces of comet nuclei in general, was rougher
    and more dramatic than expected.
  • Deep Space 1 found smooth, rolling plains that
    seem to be the source of the dust jets, which are
    more concentrated than Halleys.
  • Darkened material, perhaps extruded from
    underneath, covers some regions and accentuates
    grooves and faults.
  • Borrellys albedo in these places is less than 1
    per cent, while Borrellys overall albedo is only
    4 per cent.

8.3f Spacecraft to Comets
  • Borrelly is thought to have originated in the
    Kuiper belt, in contrast to Halleys Comets
    origin in the Oort cloud.
  • This difference would explain why Halleys Comet
    gives off many carbon compounds while Borrelly
    gives off more water and ammonia than carbon.
  • Still, compared with Halley, Borrelly gives off
    relatively little water, perhaps because so much
    of its surface is inactive.
  • Scientists have yet to explain why the solar wind
    is deflected around Borrellys nucleus in an
    asymmetric fashion.
  • The center of the plasma in Borrellys coma is
    some 2000 km off to the side, as strange as if a
    supersonic jets shock wave were displaced far to
    the airplanes side.

8.3f Spacecraft to Comets
  • NASAs Stardust mission, launched in 1999, went
    to Comet Wild 2 (pronounced Vilt-too), a periodic
    comet with a six-year orbit.
  • When it got there in 2004, it not only
    photographed the comet but also gathered some of
    its dust.
  • It carries an extremely lightweight material
    called aerogel (see figure), and flew through the
    comet with the aerogel exposed so that the comet
    dust could stick in it.
  • Stardusts orbit will bring it back near Earth in
    January 2006, when it will parachute the aerogel
    down to the Utah desert. (A parachute that didnt
    open in a 2004 mission to gather solar wind
    particles, Genesis, makes everybody worried.)

8.3f Spacecraft to Comets
  • A major European Space Agency spacecraft,
    Rosetta, was launched in 2004 to orbit with a
    comet for some years and to land a probe on the
    comets nucleus in 2014.
  • It is heading for Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
  • It will use three gravity assists from Earth and
    one from Mars to reach the comet, passing
    asteroids (2867) Steins in 2008 and (21) Lutetia
    in 2010, both in the asteroid belt, on the way.
    (Asteroids are discussed in Section 8.5.)
  • Rosetta will drop a lander, Philae, onto the
    comets nucleus.
  • Just as the Rosetta Stone, now in the British
    Museum, enabled Egyptian hieroglyphics to be
    deciphered by having the same text in three
    scripts (hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek),
    scientists hope that the Rosetta spacecraft will
    prove to be the key to deciphering comets.
    (Philae was an island in the Nile on which an
    obelisk was found that helped to decipher the
    hieroglyphics of the Rosetta Stone.)

8.3f Spacecraft to Comets
  • Rosetta is to orbit the comet at an altitude of
    only a few kilometers, mapping its surface and
    making other measurements, for 18 months,
    including the comets closest approach to the Sun
    and therefore, it is hoped, its increasing
  • The lander is to work for some weeks, taking
    photographs and drilling into the surface.
  • NASAs Deep Impact spacecraft crashed a 370-kg
    projectile into Comet Tempel 1 in 2005.
  • The remainder of the spacecraft studied the
    impact, which should have formed a
    football-field-sized crater some 7 stories deep.
  • Astronomers were at telescopes all around the
    Earth, and were using telescopes in space like
    Hubble, to record the impact (see figure).

8.4 Meteoroids
  • There are many small chunks of matter orbiting in
    the Solar System, ranging up to tens of meters
    across and sometimes even larger.
  • When these chunks are in space, they are called
  • When one hits the Earths atmosphere, friction
    and the compression of air in front of it heat it
    upusually at a height of about 100 kmuntil all
    or most of it is vaporized.
  • Such events result in streaks of light in the sky
    (see figure), which we call meteors (popularly,
    and incorrectly, known as shooting stars or
    falling stars).
  • When a fragment of a meteoroid survives its
    passage through the Earths atmosphere, the
    remnant that we find on Earth is called a
  • Counting even tiny meteorites, whose masses are
    typically a milligram, some 10,000 tons of this
    interplanetary matter land on Earths surface
    each year.

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • Space is full of meteoroids of all sizes, with
    the smallest being most abundant.
  • Most of the small particles, less than 1 mm
    across, may come from comets.
  • The large particles, more than 1 cm across, may
    generally come from collisions of asteroids in
    the asteroid belt (see Section 8.5).
  • Tiny meteorites less than a millimeter across,
    micrometeorites, are the major cause of erosion
    (what little there is) on the Moon.
  • Micrometeorites also hit the Earths upper
    atmosphere all the time, and remnants can be
    collected for analysis from balloons or airplanes
    or from deep-sea sediments.
  • They are often sufficiently slowed down by
    Earths atmosphere to avoid being vaporized
    before they reach the ground.

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • Some of the meteorites that are found have a very
    high iron content (about 90 per cent) the rest
    is nickel.
  • These iron meteorites are thus very densethat
    is, they weigh quite a lot for their volume (see

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • Most meteorites that hit the Earth are stony in
    nature. Because they resemble ordinary rocks (see
    figure) and disintegrate with weathering, they
    are not easily discovered unless their fall is
  • That difference explains why most meteorites
    discovered at random are made of iron.
  • But when a fall is observed, most meteorites
    recovered are made of stone.
  • Some meteorites are rich in carbon, and some of
    these even have complex molecules like amino

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • A large terrestrial crater that is obviously
    meteoritic in origin is the Barringer Meteor
    Crater in Arizona (see figure, left).
  • It resulted from what was perhaps the most recent
    large meteoroid to hit the Earth, for it was
    formed only about 50,000 years ago.
  • Every few years a meteorite is discovered on
    Earth immediately after its fall.
  • The chance of a meteorite landing on someones
    house or car is very small, but it has happened
    (see figure, below)!

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • Often the positions in the sky of extremely
    bright meteors are tracked in the hope of finding
    fresh meteorite falls.
  • The newly discovered meteorites are rushed to
    laboratories in order to find out how long they
    have been in space by studying their radioactive
  • Over 10,000 meteorites have been found in the
    Antarctic, where they have been well preserved as
    they accumulated over the years.
  • Though the Antarctic ice sheets flow, the ice
    becomes stagnant in some places and disappears,
    revealing meteorites that had been trapped for
    over 10,000 years.

8.4a Types and Sizes of Meteorites
  • Some odd Antarctic meteorites are now known to
    have come from the Moon or even from Mars.
  • Recall that in Chapter 6 we even discussed
    controversial evidence for ancient primitive
    life-forms on Mars, found in one such meteorite.
  • As of mid-2005, the conclusion hasnt been
    entirely ruled out, but few scientists accept it.
  • As the late Carl Sagan said, Extraordinary
    claims require extraordinary evidence, and the
    evidence from this meteorite is not convincing,
    at least not yet.
  • Meteorites that have been examined were formed up
    to 4.6 billion years ago, the beginning of the
    Solar System.
  • The relative abundances of the elements in
    meteorites thus tell us about the solar nebula
    from which the Solar System formed.
  • In fact, up to the time of the Moon landings,
    meteorites and cosmic rays (charged particles
    from outer space) were the only extraterrestrial
    material we could get our hands on.

8.4b Meteor Showers
  • Meteors sometimes occur in showers, when meteors
    are seen at a rate far above average.
  • Meteor showers are named after the constellation
    in which the radiant, the point from which the
    meteors appear to come, is located.
  • The most widely observedthe Perseids, whose
    radiant is in Perseustakes place each summer
    around August 12 and the nights on either side of
    that date.
  • The best winter show is the Geminids, which takes
    place around December 14 and whose radiant is in

8.4b Meteor Showers
  • On any clear night a naked-eye observer with a
    dark sky may see a few sporadic meteors an
    hourthat is, meteors that are not part of a
    shower. (Just try going out to a field in the
    country and watching the sky for an hour.)
  • During a shower, on the other hand, you may
    typically see one every few minutes.
  • Meteor showers generally result from the Earths
    passing through the orbits of defunct or
    disintegrating comets and hitting the meteoroids
    left behind. (One meteor shower comes from an
    asteroid orbit.)

8.4b Meteor Showers
  • Though the Perseids and Geminids can be counted
    on each year, the Leonid meteor shower (whose
    radiant is in Leo) peaks every 33 years, when the
    Earth crosses the main clump of debris from Comet
  • On November 17/18, 1998, one fireball (a meteor
    brighter than Venus) was visible each minute for
    a while (see figure), and on November 17/18, 1999
    through 2001, thousands of meteors were seen in
    the peak hour.
  • We will now have to wait until about 2031 for the
    next Leonid peak.
  • The visibility of meteors in a shower depends in
    large part on how bright the Moon is you want as
    dark a sky as possible.
  • Meteors are best seen with the naked eye using a
    telescope or binoculars merely restricts your
    field of view.

8.5 Asteroids
  • The nine known planets were not the only bodies
    to result from the gas and dust cloud that
    collapsed to form the Solar System 4.6 billion
    years ago.
  • Thousands of minor planets, called asteroids,
    also resulted.
  • We detect them by their small motions in the sky
    relative to the stars (see figure).
  • Most of the asteroids have elliptical orbits
    between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, in a zone
    called the asteroid belt.
  • It is thought that Jupiters gravitational tugs
    perturbed the orbits of asteroids, leading to
    collisions among them that were too violent to
    form a planet.

8.5 Asteroids
  • Asteroids are assigned a number in order of
    discovery and then a name (1) Ceres, (16)
    Psyche, and (433) Eros, for example.
  • Often the number is omitted when discussing
    well-known asteroids.
  • Though the concept of the asteroid belt may seem
    to imply a lot of asteroids close together,
    asteroids rarely come within a million kilometers
    of each other.
  • Occasionally, collisions do occur, producing the
    small chips that make meteoroids.

8.5a General Properties of Asteroids
  • Only about 6 asteroids are larger than 300 km in
    diameter. Hundreds are over 100 km across (see
    figure), roughly the size of some of the moons of
    the planets, but most are small, less than 10 km
    in diameter.
  • Perhaps 100,000 asteroids could be detected with
    Earth-based telescopes automated searches are
    now discovering asteroids at a prodigious rate.
  • Yet all the asteroids together contain less mass
    than the Moon.

8.5a General Properties of Asteroids
  • Spacecraft en route to Jupiter and beyond
    travelled through the asteroid belt for many
    months and showed that the amount of dust among
    the asteroids is not much greater than the amount
    of interplanetary dust in the vicinity of the
  • So the asteroid belt is not a significant hazard
    for space travel to the outer parts of the Solar
  • Asteroids are made of different materials from
    each other, and represent the chemical
    compositions of different regions of space.
  • The asteroids at the inner edge of the asteroid
    belt are mostly stony in nature, while the ones
    at the outer edge are darker (because they
    contain more carbon).
  • Most of the small asteroids that pass near the
    Earth belong to the stony group.
  • Three of the largest asteroids belong to the
    high-carbon group.
  • A third group is mostly composed of iron and

8.5a General Properties of Asteroids
  • The differences may be telling us about
    conditions in the early Solar System as it was
    forming and how the conditions varied with
    distance from the young Sun.
  • Many of the asteroids must have broken off from
    larger, partly differentiated bodies in which
    dense material sank to the center (as in the case
    of the terrestrial planets see our discussion in
    Chapter 6).
  • The path of the Galileo spacecraft to Jupiter
    sent it near the asteroid (951) Gaspra in 1991
    (see figure).
  • It detected a magnetic field from Gaspra, which
    means that the asteroid is probably made of metal
    and is magnetized.

8.5a General Properties of Asteroids
  • Galileo passed the asteroid (243) Ida in 1993,
    and discovered that the asteroid has an even
    smaller satellite (see figure), which was then
    named Dactyl.
  • Other double asteroids have since been
    discovered, and astronomers newly recognize the
    frequency of such pairs.
  • For example, ground-based astronomers found a
    13-km satellite orbiting 200-km-diameter (45)
    Eugenia every five days. (Note that Eugenias low
    number shows that it was one of the first
    asteroids discovered.)

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • Some asteroids are far from the asteroid belt
    their orbits approach or cross that of Earth.
  • We have observed only a small fraction of these
    types of Near-Earth Objects, bodies that come
    within 1.3 A.U. of Earth.
  • The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission
    passed and photographed the main-belt asteroid
    (253) Mathilde in 1997.
  • The existence of big craters that would have torn
    a solid rock apart, and the asteroids low
    density, lead scientists to conclude that
    Mathilde is a giant rubble pile, rocks held
    together by mutual gravity.

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • NEAR went into orbit around (433) Eros on
    Valentines Day, 2000 (see figures), when it was
    renamed NEAR Shoemaker after the planetary
    geologist Eugene Shoemaker.
  • Eros was the first near-Earth asteroid that had
    been discovered.
  • It is 33 km by 13 km by 13 km in size.
  • NEAR Shoemaker photographed craters, grooves,
    layers, house-sized boulders, and a 20-km-long
    surface ridge.

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • The existence of the craters and ridge, which
    indicates that Eros must be a solid body,
    disagrees with the previous suggestions of some
    scientists that most asteroids are mere rubble
    piles as Mathilde seems to be.
  • The impact that formed the largest crater, 8 km
    across and now named Shoemaker, is thought to
    have formed most of the large boulders found
    across Eross surface.
  • Eross density, 2.4 g /cm3, is comparable to that
    of the Earths crust, about the same as Idas,
    and twice Mathildes.
  • From orbit, NEAR Shoemakers infrared, x-ray, and
    gamma-ray spectrometers measured how the minerals
    vary from place to place on Eross surface.
  • The last of these even survived the spacecrafts
    landing on Eros (see figures), and radioed back
    information about the composition of surface

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • Scientists analyzing the data have found
    abundances of elements similar to that of the Sun
    and of a type of primitive meteorite known as
    chondrites that are the most common type of
    meteorite found on Earth.
  • They have concluded that Eros is made of
    primitive material, unchanged for 4.5 billion
    years, so we are studying the early eras of the
    Solar System with it.
  • NEAR Shoemakers observations show that Eros was
    probably broken off billions of years ago from a
    larger asteroid as a uniformly dense fragment.
  • This solidity contrasts with Mathildes
    rubble-pile nature.
  • Besides providing much detailed information, the
    close-up studies of these objects are allowing us
    to verify whether the lines of reasoning we use
    with ground-based asteroid observations give
    correct results.

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • Near-Earth asteroids (see figure) may well be the
    source of most meteorites, which could be debris
    of collisions that occurred when these asteroids
    visit the asteroid belt.
  • Eventually, most Earth-crossing asteroids will
    probably collide with the Earth.
  • Over 1000 of them are greater than 1 km in
    diameter, and none are known to be larger than 10
    km across.
  • Statistics show that there is a 1 per cent chance
    of a collision of this tremendous magnitude per
  • This rate is pretty high on a cosmic scale.
  • Such collisions would have drastic consequences
    for life on Earth.

8.5b Near-Earth Objects
  • Smaller objects are a hundred times more common,
    with a 1 per cent chance that an asteroid greater
    than 300 m in diameter would hit the Earth in the
    next century.
  • Such a collision could kill thousands or millions
    of people, depending on where it lands.
  • The ques
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