Title: P1253814649GaZAp
1source Alex Szalay
2Example Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- The SDSS telescope array is systematically
mapping ¼ of the entire sky - Discoveries are made by querying the database,
not through a zero-sum wrestling match for
telescope time - Managed by an RDBMS
- (MS SQL Server), equipped with a hierarchical
triangular mesh index, among other customizations - 15 TB in the final release in 2007
- 818 GB in the RDBMS (13.6B tuples)
3source Alex Szalay
4Drowning in data starving for information
Empirical X ? Analytical X ? Computational X
? X-informatics
- Acquisition eventually outpaces analysis
- Medicine Online publishing, digital charts
- Astronomy Big telescopes (more in a bit)
- Genetics PCR, Shotgun Sequencing
- Oceanography ??
- Marine Microbiology ??
Increase Data Collection Exponentially in Less
Time, with FlowCAM
- Arctic Observing Network (AON)
- Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI)
- National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- The Waters Network
- The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) network
- The Geosciences Network (GEON)
- Earthscope/Incorporated Research Institutions for
Seismology (IRIS) - Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO)
- Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery
6source Alex Szalay
7source Jim Gray
8Relational Databases (In Codd we Trust)
At IBM Almaden in 60s and 70s, Ted Codd worked
out a formal basis for tabular data
representation, organization, and access1. The
early systems were buggy and slow (and sometimes
reviled), but programmers only had to write 5 of
the code the previously did. Key Idea Programs
that manipulate tabular data exhibit an algebraic
structure proposed a relational algebra to
manipulate these data sets in their logical form,
indpendently of their physical representation
phsyical data independence
logical data independence
1 E. F. Codd, A Relational Model of Data for
Large Shared Data Banks, Communications of the
ACM 13(6), pp 377-387, 1970
9source Raghu Ramakrishnan
10Characteristicsof Cloud Computing
- Virtual Physical location and underlying
infrastructure details are transparent to users - Scalable Able to break complex workloads into
pieces to be served across an incrementally
expandable infrastructure - Efficient Services Oriented Architecture for
dynamic provisioning of shared compute resources - Flexible Can serve a variety of workload types
both consumer and commercial
11Cloud Computing as Hosted Data Management Services
- Yahoo
- Yahoo Distributed Hash Tables Key/value pairs
- Yahoo Distributed Ordered Tables Ordered ranges
- PNUTS Relational-style storage, indexing and
query - Amazon
- S3 Simple Storage
- SimpleDB Quasi-Relational features
- Google
- APIs for Storage, Visualization, Document
processing, Images, Mail - Microsoft
- CloudDB Relational-style features
12Workflow at CMOP
Washington University
Cloning/ cDNA/
FASTA files
FASTA files
e.g., trim bad reads at the end
Post processing
Hit tables
Hit tables metadata
Shared Knowledge